Uploaded by Cassandra Sommervold

Skittles Fractions Worksheet

Skittles Fractions
___ This is “part of a whole”
A. Numerator
___ This is the “part” of a fraction and
this number goes on top.
B. Denominator
___ This is the “whole” of a fraction it
goes on the bottom.
C. Fraction
Skittles Activity
How many Skittles are in your “whole” bag? _____
Does this number represent the numerator or the denominator?
How many of your skittles are red?_____
How many of your skittles are green?_____
How many of your skittles are yellow?_____
How many of your skittles are orange?_____
How many of your skittles are purple?_____
Do these numbers represent the numerator or the denominator?
What fraction of your Skittles are red?
What fraction of your Skittles are green?
What fraction of your Skittles are yellow?
What fraction of your Skittles are orange?
What fraction of your Skittles are purple?
What fraction of your Skittles are NOT orange?
What fraction of your Skittles are brown?
Rate Yourself
How well do you understand these skills about fractions?
(1 being I don’t understand and of this and 5 being I understand all of this)
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