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Million Dollar Scrapbook Project: Personal Finance Activity

Million Dollar Scrapbook Personal Finance Project
“How Much is One Million Dollars?”
The Million Dollar Scrapbook project will help you understand that question.
For this activity, you will pretend that you have been given $1,000,000 to spend. You choose your own 20
tangible items!
You will complete this project individually.
Use your time wisely to complete this project – one million dollars is a great deal of money!
Time will be given in class to work on this project, but you will still need to work on it at home as well.
Due: November 25, 2019
To successfully spend your million, you must follow these guidelines:
1) You may put UP TO $50,000 away for college
2) Your home CANNOT cost over $250,000
3) You may give no more than $50,000 to a charity of your choice (specify the charity by name)
4) Your car CANNOT cost more than $50,000
5) The following is a list of items that you can purchase but in limited quantities:
a) house (1)
b) car (1)
c) bedroom furniture (1 set)
d) living room furniture (1 set)
e) family vacation (1)
f) iPad (1)
g) iPod (1)
h) iPhone (1)
i) computer (1)
j) luxury items like an RV, quads and other such items (1)
k) game systems like Xbox or PS3 (1)
l) entertainment centers/system (1)
m) sporting event tickets (2)
n) jewelry (4)
6) After each purchase, you must write a paragraph explaining why you chose this item and how it will
enhance your life
E d i t e d f r o m s o u r c e : https://studylib.net/doc/8601773/million-dollar-scrapbook-you-will-complete-this-project-i...#
M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 - a s w P a g e 1 of 4
Million Dollar Scrapbook Personal Finance Project
7) You MUST buy 20 items - No more! No less!
8) You may ignore sales tax and consider only the purchase price in your running total. DO NOT
ROUND PRICES!! You are documenting the actual price of the item(s).
9) You MUST spend exactly $1,000,000 (within $100 and not going over!) DO NOT ROUND
Additional Requirements & Guidelines for the Scrapbook
Page 1-Rubric, Page 2-Title Page, Page 3- Tally (Ledger) Sheet, Next 20 pages are your Purchases,
Last Page(s) - Your Honest Reflection.
The scrapbook must be bound at the far-left edge (just like a book). You may bind your scrapbook
with yarn or brass fasteners or use a three-ring binder or folder.
Your million-dollar scrapbook must be neatly and accurately completed. It should have a professional
appearance, quality writing, correct spelling, quality grammar, and organization.
Use only one side of the paper!
Each page MUST be numbered in the same order that you listed it on the tally sheet and should
include the following:
o a picture of the item (closely resembling the item you want)
o the amount the item cost
o a paragraph about each item
(**** One Page Per Item, do NOT put two or more items on a page)
The last page in your “Million Dollar Scrapbook” is to be a reflection page. The reflection MUST be
three to five (3-5) paragraphs and include answers to these two questions:
o 1. Reflection- How did doing this project make you feel? (BE HONEST!!!).
o 2. If someone asked – “How much is a million dollars?”, what would you tell them and why.
You may use MS Word to create your pages. SAVE YOUR WORK!!!!!
You may handwrite and paste pictures to your scrapbook page.
You may do your own artwork on each page. (No one else may do your work!).
I will provide some materials for you to create your book. If you have a supply request, submit it in
writing with your name on the page. I will see what I can do to get you what you need by the next class.
E d i t e d f r o m s o u r c e : https://studylib.net/doc/8601773/million-dollar-scrapbook-you-will-complete-this-project-i...#
M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 - a s w P a g e 2 of 4
Million Dollar Scrapbook Personal Finance Project
Million Dollar Scrapbook Tally (Ledger) Sheet
Running Total
Total ________________________
E d i t e d f r o m s o u r c e : https://studylib.net/doc/8601773/million-dollar-scrapbook-you-will-complete-this-project-i...#
M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 - a s w P a g e 3 of 4
Million Dollar Scrapbook Personal Finance Project
Million Dollar Scrapbook Rubric
Name: ______________________________
*Points will be removed for missing any of the required elements in each category as listed below.
Number of items – 20 items purchased
20 pts
Pictures – accurately represents each of the 20 items
20 pts
Paragraph – 20 complete, power paragraph (one per item)
20 pts
Purchase Price – Do Not Round Prices of the 20 items
20 pts
Page format – item, price, picture, paragraph, uses only one side, neat
10 pts
Conventions – accurate spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
10 pts
Tally Sheet – neat, accurate, totals $1,000,000 (don’t go over!)
20 pts
Exact Amount Spent – can have less than $100 left over
20 pts
Page Order – matches the tally (ledger) sheet
20 pts
Binding – neat, will not fall apart, has professional quality
20 pts
Reflection – 3-5 paragraphs, honest
20 pts
200 pts
E d i t e d f r o m s o u r c e : https://studylib.net/doc/8601773/million-dollar-scrapbook-you-will-complete-this-project-i...#
M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 9 - a s w P a g e 4 of 4