Title: Structure of the Heart Read the Information and answer questions. All the cells in the body need OXYGEN and FOOD to produce Energy for the body to stay alive and it is the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM which transports them, along with many other things, around the body. Ques 1. Oxygen + Food __________ + carbon dioxide + water a) Complete the equation. b) What does Food refer to? __________________________________ c) What is the name of the above LIFE PROCESS? _________________ The parts of the Circulatory System: o o o o o o o The The The The The The The HEART ARTERIES VEINS CAPILLARIES RED and WHITE BLOOD CELLS PLATELETS PLASMA Ques 2: There are 3 main parts of the Circulatory System: a) The Pumping organ = _____________ b) The Blood = ____________ (liquid) 55% + 45% Blood cells: __________________ + ____________________ + _______________ c) The Blood Vessels: ___________________ + __________________ + ___________________ The functions of the Circulatory System: To carry OXYGEN to all the cells in the body ________________ To carry FOOD to all the cells in the body ________________ To remove WASTE from the cells of the body ________________ To distribute HEAT around the body ________________ To form a part of the DEFENCE the body has against microbes ________________ To REPAIR itself and prevent blood loss by clotting ________________ Ques 3: The above information is about the functions of the Circulatory System: write down the parts of blood which is responsible for the individual function. ie. Choose from PLASMA, WBC, RBC, PLATELETS Ques 4: Draw the diagrams of white blood cell, red blood cell and platelet. The 'DOUBLE' pump of the Human Heart RIGHT Side LEFT Side 1. Deoxygenated blood FROM THE BODY entering the heart 2. The RIGHT ATRIUM 3. The VALVES prevent blood flowing the wrong way when the atria and ventricles contract 4. The RIGHT VENTRICLE 5. The thicker walled LEFT VENTRICLE 6. The LEFT ATRIUM 7. Oxygenated blood FROM THE LUNGS entering the heart 8. Oxygenated blood leaving the heart and flowing TO THE BODY 9. Deoxygenated blood leaving the heart and flowing TO THE LUNGS Ques 5: Label the above diagram with the following words: Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Right Auricle, Left Auricle (4 chambers of the heart), Valves Pulmonary (Lung) Artery, Pulmonary Vein, Vena Cava, Aorta (4 blood vessels in the heart) Ques 6: Why is the Left Ventricle THICKER than the Right Ventricle? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Ques 7: What is the function of Valves in the heart? ______________________________________________________________________________ How blood moves through the heart. A Vein takes blood to the heart where it enters an Atrium. This contracts and forces the blood into a Ventricle. This then contracts and forces the blood out of the heart and into an Artery Remember: Vein -> Atrium -> Ventricle -> Artery i.e. V A V A Ques 8: Briefly describe the internal structures of the heart: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The following information is about the 3 different types of blood vessels our body: Arteries always carry blood away from the heart. (Remember: AAA) All arteries carry OXYGENATED blood except the one carrying blood from the heart TO THE LUNGS. Arteries have: o o o o Veins always carry blood towards the heart. (VAT). All veins carry DEOXYGENATED blood except the one carrying blood FROM THE LUNGS to the heart. Veins have: o o o o THICKER WALLS SMALLER LUMEN MORE ELASTIC and MORE MUSCLE FIBRES NO VALVES THINNER WALLS LARGER LUMEN LESS ELASTIC and LESS MUSCLE FIBRES VALVES to help blood return to the heart Capillaries are microscopic and their walls are only ONE CELL THICK. They have NO VALVES and they LINK ARTERIES to VEINS. FOOD and OXYGEN pass out through the thin walls into the cells and WASTE and CARBON DIOXIDE enter the blood and are carried away. Ques 9: What is an artery? - AAA ______________________________________________________________________________ Ques 10: What is a vein? - VAT ______________________________________________________________________________ Ques 11: Give 2 differences between a vein and an artery. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Ques 12: Why capillaries are very thin? ______________________________________________________________________________ Ques 13: What types of substances are carried away from cells into the capillaries? ______________________________________________________________________________