Uploaded by Joann Thomas

Ocean Choice Projects

Global Warming Warning Poster
You will research what global warming is and how it affects our ocean. You will also research ways that we
can reduce global warming and organize your research into an informative poster
Your poster can be a physical poster or it can be a digital one (you can create one on Google Slides,
Venngage.com, etc.)
Your poster should be neat, colorful, informative, and easy to read. It should include the following:
What is global warming?
In what ways does it affect the ocean? (3 facts)
How do humans contribute to global warming? (3 facts)
How can be help reduce global warming? (3 facts)
At least three pictures either printed in color or hands-drawn in color (if not a digital poster)
A list of ALL of your sources from your research and any pictures you use.
If you need any supplies, please let me know!
Create a dating profile of the Ocean or an Estuary
You will create an informative profile of the ocean or an estuary that includes the following:
“All about me” section: 5 general facts about the ocean or estuary
“Things I am good at” section: Why it is important (3 facts)
“Who I am looking for” section that promotes things that help the ocean or estuary (3 facts)
“I try to avoid” things that are harmful to the ocean or estuary (3 facts)
An interesting profile picture IN COLOR
All sources listed either on back or a separate sheet of paper
Your dating profile can be physical or digital (Google slide, Venngage.com, etc). Either way, it must be neat,
factual, and in color--not on notebook paper!
See me if you need supplies.
Plastic Bag Journal Entries
Create a detailed log about the possible path a plastic bag could take if it was dropped into the ocean. Your
journal must be typed or neatly written (not on notebook paper) and have an interesting cover page.
Details to include in your journal:
At least 5 different and detailed entries
Incorporate facts about ocean currents, winds, gyers, and other forces that may affect the bag on its
Where did your bag enter the ocean at? Where did it end up at?
Typed from the viewpoint of the plastic bag
Don’t forget your cover page!
The back of the booklet should list all of your sources.
I recommend using this ​template​ to type your booklet so it can be folded easily. If you need anything printed,
please let me know.
Save the Producers Poster
You will research the importance of ocean producers and create a promotional poster that shows why they are
important and how we can help keep them alive.
Your poster can be a physical poster or it can be a digital one (you can create one on Google Slides,
Venngage.com, etc.)
Your poster should be neat, colorful, informative, and easy to read. It should include the following:
What are ocean producers? (definition and several examples)
Why are the producers important to the ocean and to us? (at least 3 facts)
What dangers do producers face? (at least 3 facts)
At least 3 ways on how we can help the producers.
At least three pictures either printed in color or hands-drawn in color (if not a digital poster)
A list of ALL of your sources from your research and any pictures you use.
If you need any supplies, please let me know!
Create a Virtual Field Trip
Use the following website to help you record your field trip: ​www.screencastomatic.com
Gather a collection of video clips, pictures, and other digital media and create a walk-through of a part of the
ocean. You can choose one of the ocean zones or an estuary.
In your field trip, you need to include the following:
At least 7 facts about the area you are exploring on your field trip
At least 7 pictures or videos
An audio commentary (your voice recording) giving the tour of the area
All your video, picture, and research sources listed on a sheet of paper
You will create your field trip, turn in your sources paper, and then email me the link to your screencast.
I advise you to write down what you want to say about your field trip before you try to record it on
Be sure to act like a tour guide! You are showing people around a new area and you need to make it exciting!
Travel Brochure
Create a colorful and informative brochure about an ocean zone or estuary.
Your travel brochure must be a tri-fold pattern. You can do a digital one and print it (in color) or create one by
If you would like to create a digital one, your can try this website: ​https://www.lucidpress.com​.
You can also use this ​template​ in Google Slides (Make a copy to edit and save on your own drive):
However you choose to create one, it will need to be IN COLOR. I recommend typing the information to make
it as neat as possible. Choose an ocean zone or estuary and include the following:
At least 7 facts about your zone or estuary
At least one picture or graph per page except the back middle portion (6 total pictures)
Every page must have information on it
The back middle page should be used for listing all sources for pictures and research
The brochure must be neat and NOT on notebook paper
Email me if you need text printed. Remember, all pictures must be in color whether printed or hands-drawn.