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US Govt Review

GOV 2013.001: U.S. National Government
Chapter 8: The Bureaucracy
Presidential Cabinet Members
 Departments of Federal Bureaucracy
Executive Office of the President
 Hatch Act
Characteristics of the Bureaucracy
 Government Corporations
Functions of the Bureaucracy
 Iron Triangles
The Spoils System
 Implementation
 Issue Networks
Pendleton Act
 Policy Coordinating Committees
Merit System
 Administrative Discretion
Civil Service System
 Rule Making
Independent Executive Agencies
 The Rule Making Process
Independent Regulatory Agencies
 Regulations
Chapter 9: The Judiciary
Original Jurisdiction
 Writ of Certiorari
o What courts have it?
 Rule of Four
Appellate jurisdiction
 Solicitor General
o What courts have it?
 Amicus Curiae
Judiciary Act of 1789
 Process of the Supreme Court hearing a
District Court
Circuit Court
 Brief
Court of Last Resort
 Precedent
Trial vs. Appellate Courts
 Stare Decisis
Process of case working through
 Marbury v. Madison (1803)
different courts and jurisdictions
 Judicial Review
Supreme Court
 Judicial Restraint
Qualifications for SCOTUS Nominees
 Strict Constructionist
Nomination Process
 Judicial Activism
Term-Length (Article III)
 Judicial Implementation
Chief Justice (who is he?)
Chapters 4 & 5: Civil Liberties and Rights
Civil Liberties
 Libel
Bill of Rights
 Slander
Due Process
 New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964)
14 Amendment
 Prior Restraint
o Due Process Clause and
 Establishment Clause
 Free Exercise Clause
Selective Incorporation
 2nd Amendment
1 Amendment
 4th Amendment
Freedom of Speech
 Exclusionary Rule
o Types of Protected Speech
 Warrants
o Types of Unprotected Speech
 Probable Cause
Symbolic Speech
 5th Amendment
Hate Speech
 Miranda v. Arizona (1969)
Fighting Words
Miranda Rights
Double Jeopardy Clause
6th Amendment
Right to Counsel
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
8th Amendment
Right to Privacy
o Penumbras
o Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)
o Roe v. Wade (1973)
Civil Rights
Negative vs. Positive Liberty
13th Amendment
Black Codes
14th Amendment
o Equal Protection Clause
15th Amendment
19th Amendment
24th Amendment
26th Amendment
De Jure Segregation
De Facto Segregation
Jim Crow Laws
Poll Tax
Grandfather Clause
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Affirmative Action
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Suspect Classification
Strict Scrutiny
Title IX
Americans with Disability Acts (1990)
The role of the Federal Government for
Civil Liberties vs. Civil Rights
Chapter 10: Public Opinion & Political Socialization
o Miracle of the Aggregation
Public Opinion
 Political Ideology & Socialization
Public Opinion Polls
 Basic Tenants of American Political
Who uses Public Opinion Polls
Socialization, which almost all agree
Why have Public Opinion Polls
Sample Frames
o In-Person
o Telephone
o Mail
o Internet
Straw Poll
o Literary Digest
Push Poll
Random Sampling
o Gallup Polling
Stratified Sampling
Tracking Polls
Exit Polls
Margin of Error
Shortcomings of Polls
Political Socialization
o Role of Family/School/Mass
Media/Political Leaders
Lincoln & Political Socialization
Political Knowledge & Socialization