In How We Express Ourselves, pupils were exposed to a variety of different types of poems and stories. The pupils inquired into a range of poetry frames, devices and patterns such as rhyme and rhythm. They used these elements of poetry to create their poems. Pupils analyzed texts to identify the feelings, ideas and experiences that were being portrayed. They also looked at their own writing and identified goals to help them grow as writers. Beginning Developing Secure Exceeding Different types of stories and poems (Form) X is beginning to understand the different purposes of writing, and with assistance for descriptive vocabulary can use writing frames to create poems. X understands that we write for different purposes and in different ways. X can use a variety of writing frames to create poems on different themes independently. X understands that we write for different purposes and in different ways. X can use a variety of poetic devices to create poems on different themes independently. How writers use stories and poems to express feelings, ideas and experiences (Function/Perspective) With prompts, X can identify familiar experiences, ideas and feelings which are expressed in a simplistic style. When reading, X understands how adjectives can be used for a more creative description. X can identify the experiences, ideas and feelings which are expressed by the author. With guidance, X is beginning to demonstrate a deeper understanding of a text when making inferences. X can identify the experiences, ideas and feelings which are expressed by the author. She/he can demonstrate a deeper understanding of the text when making inferences. How we can grow as writers (Reflection) With guidance, X can identify aspects of their writing which need improvement. X is learning how to construct personal writing goals and use teacher and/or peer feedback to improve X can identify the features in his/her writing which need improvement. From this, X can construct personal writing goals by using teacher and/or peer feedback to improve his/her written expression. Through ongoing reflection X can identify the features in his/her writing which need improvement. When constructing personal writing goals X uses teacher and/or peer feedback to improve his/her written expression. his/her written expression. As outlined in their writing goals, X would like to continue to work on … (take directly from writing goals) Beginning Form: Forms of written language Developing Secure Exceeding X can differentiate between X can name the forms of the different forms of written language we have written language learned about X understands that we write for different purposes, and can name the forms and give examples for when we would use them X can compare and contrast the language features and organizational structures of the different genres/purposes we write for X can express basic feelings such as sadness through colours and drawings/emojis X can express feelings and/or ideas through more than one art form/painting and dancing and describe the reasons for his/her artistic choices, for example. X creates art through various art forms about complex ideas or experiences reflecting unique feelings and perspectives (forms of expression) (written language as a form of expression) Perspective: How we express our feelings (and ideas) Interpret, analyse, describe, X can express basic feelings and/or ideas through more than one art form/painting and dancing and describe the reasons for his/her artistic choices, for example, X attempts to identify the feeling or idea represented in a piece or art/dance etc X can analyse the main components a piece of art/dance and synthesize the feelings and ideas represented by saying _____ about a ______ X analyses artistic choices across various art forms to synthesize the issues, stories, and experiences an artist is expressing commenting on colour choice, medium, pitch, speed, … Reflection: How we use language to express our feelings (and ideas ) Self-evaluation; revising their work and incorporating teacher-peer feedback /output(voice/style) X can identify different feelings and recount/retell experiences when they have experienced them. X can express experiences which are significant to him/her through list poems and simple stories based on realistic fiction. X is learning to use given criteria to evaluate his/own X can identify a goal to writing and choosing a goal improve on in writing, and to improve on. is learning to use teacher/peer feedback to improve his/her writing. X can express experiences, ideas and feelings which are significant to him/her using different devices such as through dialogue in stories ‘show not tell’ in poems, and identify the feelings expressed/implied in others’ writing and readings. X considers the audience for his/her writing and uses imagery through devices such as metaphors and similes to evoke intended feelings. X actively seeks feedback on his/her writing, and Unit Plans Week 1 Nov 26-30 -Grouping/Sorting poems -Making music to poems, exploring feeling words through photographs -Introducing list poems Using their chosen feeling and their CSI as a plan, we explore the arts (dance, VA watercolours/playdough) music) -focus on introducing/using the writing process markers again. Green pen revising, red pen editing Week 2 Nov 3-7 -Acrostic poem as a lead in to the Important Book -The Important Book- in partners composing the important thing about ____ of their choice -More devices for list poems -Nature walk with a focus: listening, looking, smelling/sensing -Reading with expression -Reading with phrasing -Differences between narratives and poetry Week 3 Nov 10-14 -More devices for list poems - deletion, show not tell -Composing the Important thing about me typed/mounted/displayed -Greeting Cards Week 4 Nov 7-11 Leonardo the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems- deconstructing a story Piggy and Elephant Series/Pigeon series as a study Week 5 Nov 14-18 Realistic vs unrealistic fiction?