6/23/2019 DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A WIND POWERED ELECTRICITY GENERATING DEVICE FOR ELECTRIC AND HYBRID VEHICLES ABOKI: EN291-0656/2015 & SITWETI: EN2910664/2015 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 0 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECNOLOGY Contents DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 5 LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................ 6 LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. 7 ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... 8 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 9 PROBLEM STATEMENT.............................................................................................................................. 9 ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES................................................................................................. 11 CHALLENGES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES. ................................................................................................. 11 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 11 OTHER OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................. 12 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 12 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 14 DESIGN. ................................................................................................................................................... 14 WIND TURBINE DESIGN ...................................................................................................................... 16 3D COMPUTER DESIGN. .......................................................................................................................... 19 TRIZ AIDED PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE .......................................................................................... 19 WIND TURBINE AERODYNAMICS ................................................................................................................ 20 BLADE DESIGN AND FABRICATION ......................................................................................................... 21 SHAPE OF WIND TURBINE BLADE. ...................................................................................................... 21 SIMULATION........................................................................................................................................ 21 DATA COLLECTION. ..................................................................................................................................... 22 DATA ANALYSIS. .......................................................................................................................................... 22 EXPECTED RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 23 BUDGET ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 WORK PLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 25 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 26 1 2 TITLE: DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A WIND POWERED ELECTRICITY GENERATING DEVICE FOR ELECTRIC AND HYBRID VEHICLES. PRINCIPAL RESEARCHERS NAME SIGNATURE 1. 2. SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE 1. 2. “Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering” DECLARATION We………………………………………………………..and…………………………………… ………………………..hereby do solemnly swear that the work presented in this document is original and authentic and has never been presented before; to the best of our knowledge. Researchers: 1……………………………………………………………………………….sign………….. 3 2………………………………………………………………………………..sign……… 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would wish to extend our sincerest gratitude to all our lecturers and fellow students for their invaluable input and overwhelming support without which research presented in this proposal would not have been possible. Notably, we would like to thank ……………………………………………..for the immense role he played in the supervision of this project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 LIST OF FIGURES Fig 1.0…………. Fig 2.0…………. Fig 3.0………… Fig 4.0………… 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.0.……… Table 1.1……….. Table 1.2………. 7 ABSTRACT In most electric power generation applications mechanical energy is usually converted into electric energy by use of generators. For wind powered systems, the kinetic energy of the wind is harnessed by use of a turbine which rotates upon coming in contact with the wind; thus providing mechanical energy. This energy according to the law of electromagnetic induction is then converted into electric energy with aid of an electric generator. Rectifiers then convert the resulting AC current into DC current which is then stored in batteries. When solid bodies move through space they force the surrounding air currents to move at very high velocities. A wind energy capturing device which includes a wind turbine is hereby designed to harness kinetic energy from these high velocity air currents of the wind. It is then mounted on top of vehicles such as trucks, vans and trains. This otherwise wasted wind energy is captured and directed to the face area of the rotor blade thus rotating the turbine, which in turn, drives the generator to generate electricity. The electrical energy may be stored in battery pack and used to drive the motors of an electric vehicle or hybrid-electric vehicle. Most of electric vehicles today use a combination of battery pack mounted on the chassis of the vehicle, an inverter and an electric motor that powers the rear wheels. Although this is a cheaper way to power automobile vehicles, most vehicles can only manage a limited range after which they will have to recharge. This is costly in terms of time and money in case the vehicle was moving supplies. Our research aims to solve this problem of recharging after every few miles by introducing this extra harnessed energy to charge the batteries when the vehicle is moving. This will reduce the need to charge batteries frequently. 8 INTRODUCTION PROBLEM STATEMENT Since the invention of the IC engine vehicles, there has been rising concerns about the alarming rates of air pollution and a global warming that culminates from combustion of fossil fuels e.g petroleum. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil are being depleted as the years go. Table 1.0 Therefore, there is need to come up with innovative green energy solutions to power modern vehicles, buildings and machinery. The rising demand for more energy around the world compels us to seek additional sources of energy. 9 Wind turbines are typically mounted on structural towers in areas known to have high wind velocity. Various configurations of wind turbines are designed to convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical power for use in homes and industries. The greatest challenge with wind turbine as a reliable source of energy is that they depend on the quantity and quality of the wind. Depending on the design, wind speed must maintain a certain minimum velocity to overcome friction of moving parts. Even in the best geographical areas, average wind speeds is only in the range of 18 to 45km/h. typical rotor speed is between 20 and 50 rpm. To generate adequate power to return the investment, sizes of wind turbines are very large, with rotor diameter range between 40 to 50m. Fig. 1.0 10 The rotor revolutions have to be stepped up though a gearbox to 1000 and 1500rpm which is required for most types of electric generators. Transport vehicles such as automobiles, trucks and trains are usually moving at moderate to high speed on an open road. This movement generates an approximately opposite and equal head wind speed relative to the vehicle. This wind causes “wind drag” and usually lowers the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Due to air pollution and noise concerns, electric and/or hybrid electric vehicles are gaining popularity around the world. ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES. Low cost per kilometer of driving distance. Reduced engine noise Recovery of some energy through regenerative braking. CHALLENGES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES. Battery packs must be recharged when exhausted which takes some time. Limited driving range due to limited storage capacity of the battery pack. OBJECTIVE To increase mileage in electric and hybrid vehicles through conversion of wind drag into electric energy by use of wind turbines. Wind powered electric and hybrid-electric vehicles will reduce pollution levels and also reduce disease that are associated with air pollution such as cancer. Since electricity is cheaper than gasoline or diesel, the driving experience will come at a cheaper cost to citizens of most countries especially the developing ones such as Kenya. 11 OTHER OBJECTIVES Environmentally, this project provides a clean alternative source of energy to the vehicles to fossil fuel based sources, which will reduce our environmental footprint. By making use of a renewable and inexhaustible energy source, we will be decreasing the energy related emissions. Economically, designing and installing this device in electric vehicles, will be able to subsidize the additional charging costs from the grid since it will reduce the number of times needed to charge the vehicle from the main grid. Politically, we are hoping that this can be a challenge to our country to use alternative sources of energy that are cleaner and cheaper. This will go far into making policies to support the same. Ethically, this project aims to reduce and undo the vast damage we cause to our environmental systems, by proving that renewable sources can be sustainable and can serve us better that fossil fuel based sources. LITERATURE REVIEW For long time massive wind turbines have taken center stage as pertains to wind energy power systems. Although wind energy is cheaper, inexhaustible and cleaner source of energy it has the inherent problem of being unevenly distributed wind speed is also quite low even in areas regarded as having high wind speeds. This has necessitated the use of huge turbines so as to provide a significant amount of electricity. Consequently, initial installation costs of wind power plants are quite high. This reason has discouraged the adoption of wind energy as a mainstream source of energy. 12 Currently electric cars have helped reduce the cost of road transportation but are limited in terms of range owing to the low energy density of the battery pack when compared to gasoline or diesel used in internal combustion engines. Most modern electric cars can only manage a limited range of road travel before stopping and being recharged and thus wasting time. Various wind turbine designs have been developed to aid in generating electricity for electric and hybridelectric vehicles. Most are bulky and contribute low efficiency of these vehicles. They may also increase overall drag on the vehicle if not mounted properly. Our project involves designing a compact device that overcomes, to a certain extent, some of the aforementioned limitations. Wind turbines are majorly classified into two main types: 1. Horizontal axis wind turbines. (HAWTs) 2. Vertical axis wind turbines. (VAWTs) The two configurations have instantly distinguishable rotor designs, each with its own favorable characteristics. The vertical axis wind turbines can be classified into two major groups: those that use aerodynamic drag to extract power from the wind and those that use lift. The advantage of the VAWTs is that they can accept wind from any direction. This simplifies the design and eliminates the problem imposed by gyroscopic forces on the rotor of a conventional machine as the turbine tracks the wind. High rotor efficiency is desirable for increased wind energy and should be maximized within the limits of affordable production. Energy carried by moving air is expressed as sum of its kinetic energy. 1 𝐾𝐸 = 2 ⍴𝐴𝑉³ ………………………………………………………………………………………………(1) 13 Where V = air velocity. A = turbine swept area. ⍴ = air density. METHODOLOGY DESIGN. According to international regulations, there are no specific traffic law to regulate the installation of wind power generation device for a vehicle. Therefore, the suggested design will be restricted to the universal vehicle dimensions that are accepted by vehicle manufacturers. This is to ensure that the design is compatible with the current electric vehicles in used i.e. trucks. The limitations of the dimension of vehicles on the road is as listed below. Table 1.1 RESTRICTION Length Not exceeding the length of overall vehicle by 30% Width Not exceed the width of the vehicle Height The maximum height of the overall vehicle is 4m Others Should be connected with the main construction of vehicle. 14 Fig 2.0 roof of vehicle rear of the vehicle front of vehicle head others Fig 3.0 vertical axis type horizontal axis type This is after analyzing 24 patents filed on the wind power equipment for trucks or vehicles. The analysis of installation location and type of wind power is shown above. Therefore, we are going 15 to utilize the most effective location and type of wind turbine to be installed in a vehicle. That’s installation at the roof and using a vertical axis wind turbine. The installation on the roof is such that the device can directly get access to the speedy wind that is usually available at the roof of the vehicle and reduce the energy lost by the car interior and airflow variation. The use of the vertical axis wind turbine although it has a less efficiency as compared to the horizontal axis wind turbine is stability of the turbine on the vehicle while in motion. Horizontal axis wind turbine will also not be able to utilize the wind energy efficiently in this case. WIND TURBINE DESIGN We are going to design a wind turbine that will utilize drag to push the curved blades to generate torque that will make the rotor turn. The Savonius wind turbine will be the best suited for this case. Aerodynamically it’s the simplest wind turbine to design and build which reduces the its cost drastically compared to the aero foil blade design of other VAWTs and HAWTs. The working principles is very simple. The turbine rotates because of the difference of the drag force acting on the concave and the convex parts of its blades. fig 4.0 16 The air is trapped in the concave part and pushes the turbine. The flow that hits the convex part does produce a drag that is lower than the one on the concave part. It is the differential of the drag force that causes this turbine to rotate. This lowers the efficiency of the turbine as some of the wind’s power is used in pushing the convex part and hence “wasted”. Our designed is going to be modified in a way such that only one part will be exposed to the incoming air. This will increase the efficiency since there will be no opposing drag on the other side. More blades will be added since will be dealing with wind flowing at very high speeds as compared to a normal stationary wind turbine. Fig 5.0 CHARACTERIZATION OF SAVONIUS WIND TURBINES Every savonius wind turbine is characterized by the swept area As. this area influences the energy output of the turbine, and the larger it is, the more energy the turbine collects. 𝐴 = 𝐻 ∗ 𝐷………………………………………………………………………(2) Where H is height of the turbine. 17 D is the diameter of the turbine. The tip speed ratio of the rotor is defined by the equation 𝛾= 𝑉𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑉 = 𝜔∗𝑑 𝑣 …………………………………………………………………………(3) Where V is wind speed, ω is the angular velocity of the turbine, and d is the diameter of the semi cylindrical blade. The torque efficiency Ct is the ratio between the torque in the rotor and the theoretical torque that the wind can cause. 𝑇 Ct =𝑇𝑤 = 1 4 𝑇 𝜌∗𝐴𝑠∗𝑑∗𝑉 2 ………………………………………………………………………(4) Where T is the torque in the rotor and 𝜌 is the air density. The static torque coefficient Cts expresses the turbine ability to self-start. Its ratio of the maximum static torque in the turbine and the theoretical wind torque 𝑇𝑠 Cts = 𝑇𝑤 = 1 4 𝑇𝑠 𝜌∗𝐻∗𝐷∗𝑉 2 ………………………………………………………………………(5) Where Ts is the maximum static torque. The torque in the rotor can be calculated using the following equation T= I*α, where I is the rotor’s moment of inertia and α is the rotor’s angular acceleration. The power coefficient is the ratio of the extracted power from the wind to the available power in 𝑃𝑤 the wind: CP = 𝑃𝛼 = 1 2 𝑇∗𝜔 𝜌∗𝐻∗𝐷∗𝑉 3 ……………………………………………………………(6) Using these factors, we can learn the turbine’s characteristics and analyze its performance. 18 3D COMPUTER DESIGN. We are going to reverse engineer and borrow from the design knowledge of the existing Savonius wind turbines using Autodesk Inventor software. Our design will be modified to maximize on the efficiency and also a turbine that will provide minimum drag to the vehicle while it is moving. TRIZ AIDED PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE Although a wind device on vehicle is able to utilize the renewable wind energy, it will cause the vehicle air resistance increase, too. In order to solve the dilemma of air resistance rising and pressure drag while the vehicle is moving, the TRIZ aided problem solving technique is employed in this study. TRIZ theory is a theory that considers engineering problems suggested solutions based on overcoming contradictions. The TRIZ matrix is a database of known solutions able to overcome contradictions to solve contradictions. Using the known solutions in new problems can bring innovative solutions. The procedure of the 40 TRIZ principle is shown below. In this study, we adopt the TRIZ theory to assist identify the cause and effects of the wind turbine blade design. When the problem occurs, the first step is to judge the problems which belong to physical contradictions or technical contradictions. If there is no appropriate parameter in the 39 characteristic parameter of contradiction matrix or 40 creative invention principles, the technical contradiction can be changed into physical contradiction. Using the separation principle to find out the essential components and features, and then seek for the method of problem solving by analogy thinking. 19 problems contradiction technical contradiction physical contradiction contradiction matrix separation conflicts (39*39 parameters) 40 principle solution WIND TURBINE AERODYNAMICS The wind power system utilizes wind energy acting on the turbine to drive blades to drive the generator for producing electricity. By Betz’s law, the maximum efficiency of wind power converting of an ideal wind turbine is about 59.3% under the situation of no energy losing. This is known as the “Betz’s limit”. However, in practical applications, the process of wind power generation system from wind capturing to electricity converting needs to take the factor of the loss of energy transfer of the component and devices into account. It includes many factors such as mechanical transmission efficiency, generator efficiency and energy conversion efficiency. The generated electricity is as in the equation below. 1 𝑃𝑤𝑝𝑠 = 2 𝜌𝐴𝑉 3 𝐶𝑃 ∗ 𝜂𝑇 𝜂𝐺 𝜂𝐸 …………………………………………………………………….(7) 20 Where 𝑃𝑊𝑃𝑆 is the generating capacity of wind power generation system, 𝜌 is air density, A is windward area, V is relative velocity of wind, CP is the power conversion coefficient, 𝜂𝑇 𝜂𝐺 𝜂𝐸 is the efficiency of mechanical transmission, generator efficiency and power conversion efficiency. BLADE DESIGN AND FABRICATION SHAPE OF WIND TURBINE BLADE. In the wind turbine blade could increase air resistance and pressure drag problems. The turbine blade design needs to balance this cause and effect. In other word, is should overcome the contradictions carefully. Thus after we find out the 40 inventions principles in contradiction matrix of TRIZ theory, we adopt the most appropriate solution method to set the shape of the blades. SIMULATION. The goal of this project is to check the amount of power the device can be able to generate in the moving vehicle and by how much it can assist to increase the range of the vehicle. To test the performance of this device we are going to import the CAD geometry to a computational fluid dynamic software (ANSYS) which is going to solve the fluid dynamic equations around the geometry following constraints we specify. In order to determine the point at which these equations will be solved a mesh is generated. The mesh discretizes the physical space into finite number of points. The higher the quality of the mesh, the accurate the solution and the more time and power it will take to solve. After we get a quality mesh we are going to specify our set up in fluent. From this stage we will be able to collect the data that we require after making the required boundary conditions for the set up. 21 DATA COLLECTION. The data that will are going to collect will come from the simulation of the design in the computational fluid dynamics software. We are also going to perform experimental tests of the fabricated device and record its performance parameters. DATA ANALYSIS. The data collected will be analyzed to check whether the amount of power the device can generate is substantial to give the vehicle additional mileage. 22 EXPECTED RESULTS It is expected that this wind powered generating device will generate sufficient additional electrical power for trucks. Consequently, this will reduce over reliance on fossil fuels such as diesel which is commonly used to power the internal combustion engines of such trucks. As the batteries used in these trucks will self-charge while the truck is in motion we do hope that over reliance on the grid, when battery packs are recharged at designated charging stations, will also reduce; should this device be adopted by industry as a mainstream source of power. On overall, the cost of transporting goods from point A to point B is also expected to drop drastically thus making it cheaper for most companies to do business. From an environmental conservation standpoint, reducing consumption of fossil fuels will go a long way in helping the environment recover from years of pollution. 23 BUDGET Table 1.2 ITEM NO QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1.Turbine blades 2.Generator 3.Battery pack 4.Casing GRAND TOTAL Kshs. 10,000 24 WORK PLAN Table 1.3 The proposed work is approximated to last a period of eight months. The figure below is an overview of how the planned activities will take place. MONTHS NO. DESCRIPTION JUN JUL AUG 1 2 3 SEPT OCT Preparation of the project proposal First presentation of the proposal Design and simulation Second presentation 4 5 6 Testing of experimental model Final presentation 25 NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN REFERENCES 1. G. J. Herbert, S Iniyan, E. Sreevalsan, and S. Rajapandian, “A review of wind energy technologies,” Renewable and sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1117-1145, 2007. 2. M. Ragheb, “wind turbines theory – the Betz Equation and Optimal Rotor Tip Speed Ratio”. [online]. Available: http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs-wm/16242.pdf. [Accessed: 29-Jan-2017]. 3. U.K Saha, and M Jaya Rajkumar,2006, “On the Performance Analysis of Savonius Rotor with Twisted Blades,” Renewable Energy vol. 31,1776-1788. 4. Auto Energy website, The wind Deflector on Truck Toward the Effect of Drag and Fuel consumption” http://auto.itri.org.tw/research/DOC/mem5_2_3.pdf. 26