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Candy Corn Pumpkin Dissolving Lab Worksheet

Name ____________________________________
Date __________________________
Candy Corn Pumpkin Lab
Objective: How well will candy corn pumpkins dissolve in room temperature water, vinegar, oil, and isopropanol?
Hypothesis: (5 points, 1 for each part)
Will or won’t dissolve, yes / no acceptable
Independent variable (include levels!): (2 points)
2 points: Explains that the independent variable is which liquid is used and lists all 4 levels: water, vinegar, oil,
1 point: which liquid is used but doesn’t list the liquids (levels)
Dependent variable: 2 points
How well the candy corn pumpkin dissolves
Constants (at least 3!): (3 points, 1 point for each correct constant):
Acceptable answers: liquids are the same temperature, candy pumpkins from the same container, weigh trays
are the same type / from the same bag, same length of time, same triple beam balance, amount of pumpkins
in each liquid
Control setup: 2 points
The pumpkin on the table / the pumpkin you don’t do anything to
● 4 clear cups
● 4 graduated cylinders
● Triple beam balance
● 4 Weigh trays
● 5 candy pumpkins (DO NOT eat!)
● Paper towels
● Timer
● Calculator
● Solutions (all room temperature):
○ 75 mL water
○ 75 mL isopropanol
○ 75 mL white vinegar
○ 75 mL soybean Oil
Gather 4 clear cups and 4 weigh trays
Label the cups and trays Water, Vinegar, Oil, and Isopropanol
Pour 75 mL of each solution into its appropriately labeled cup (1 cup per solution)
Record qualitative and quantitative observations of each pumpkin
a. Mass: weigh 1 tray, record it in the table, weigh the candy pumpkin in its tray, then subtract the weight of
the tray to know the weight of the candy pumpkin
Put 1 candy pumpkin in each solution and leave 1 on your table
Record observations every 5 minutes (use a timer!)
After 10 minutes, remove each partially dissolved candy pumpkin from its cup, dry it with a paper towel,
and put it on its corresponding tray
Record new qualitative and quantitative observations (new mass, volume, density) of the pumpkins and
the solutions
Answer the questions in complete sentences using your data
Clean up your table: put materials away, dry tables, throw away trash
Write a conclusion that restates your hypothesis and explains why each part was or wasn’t correct
Data Table: (21 or 30 points with up to 5 extra credit points)
Qualitative and Quantitative Observations at Each Time Point
0 Minutes
Describe 1 pumpkin and
weigh it before you put it in
the cup
5 Minutes
Qualitative observations of
pumpkin and liquid
Column (9 points)
10 Minutes (or however long
24 Hours
the candy pumpkin was in 1+ qualitative observation
the liquid)
1+ quantitative observation
Column (9 points)
Column 9 points if
1 point: same / no
1 point: same / no
1 point: same / no
1 point: 1+
observations of
1 point: 1+ observation
of liquid
Final mass (g): 1 pt
extra credit
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
Column (3 points)
None (leave 1 point: mass between
pumpkin on 5.2-5.7g
the table)
1 point: 1+ qualitative
Same as above
Same as above
1 point: 1+ observation
of pumpkin
1 point: 1+ observation
of liquid
Final mass (g): 1 pt
extra credit
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
Same as above
1 point: 1+ observation
of pumpkin
1 point: 1+ observation
of liquid
Final mass (g): 1 pt
extra credit
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: at least 1
qualitative liquid
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
Isopropanol Same as above
1 point: 1+ observation
of pumpkin
1 point: observation of
Final mass (g): 1 pt
extra credit
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: at least 1
qualitative liquid
1 point: 1+ qualitative
candy pumpkin
1 point: 1+ qualitative
liquid observation
Total for class part of the lab: 34 or 43 points
Questions (Answer in complete sentences!):
1. How has each pumpkin changed (appearance and mass if you have it)? (5 points)
1 point: The pumpkin on table didn’t change.
1 point: The pumpkin in water dissolved or mostly dissolved or stated starting and final mass.
1 point: The pumpkin in the vinegar dissolved or mostly dissolved.
1 point: The pumpkin in the oil didn’t dissolve.
1 Point: The pumpkin in the isopropyl dissolved a little or dissolved (if they used the 24h time point)
2. How has each solution changed? (4 points)
a. If there is orange dye in the solution, where is it located? (2 points)
There is orange dye is located at the bottom of the water, vinegar, and isopropanol. There is no orange
dye is in the oil.
b. If there is anything else is in the liquid, where is it located? (2 points)
If the time point is 10-15 minutes: There are white flakes (stuff and wax OK) floating in the water and
vinegar cups and at the the bottom of the isopropanol cup.
If the time point is 24: There are white flakes (stuff and wax OK) floating in the water and at the bottom
of the water, vinegar, and isopropanol cups. There are a few white flakes at the bottom of the oil cup.
3. What can you infer about the density of the orange dye and sugar mixture based on the location of the dye in
each cup? (3 points, 1 for each liquid mentioned)
The orange dye and sugar mixture has a higher density than the water, vinegar, and isopropanol.
Conclusion: (10 points)
On a separate sheet of paper restate your hypothesis, explain 1) whether it was right or wrong for each solution, 2)
use your data to support your inferences, 3) explain any experimenter error that could have affected the results
5 points: Addresses each part of the hypothesis and stating whether or not it was correct
3 points: Refers to their data
2 points: States at least one experimenter error
26 Total points for questions and conclusion
Candy Pumpkin Lab:
Quantitative and qualitative observations to be written in your data table
1. Mass (g):
2. Starting volume: 1.8 cm3
3. Density = mass (g) / volume (cm3)
4. Write a description of each pumpkin before you put it in the liquid
5. At 5, 10, and 15 minutes, write down observations in your data table
a. Describe any changes to the pumpkin
b. Describe any changes to the liquid
Is there orange dye in any of the liquids?
Is there anything else in the liquids?
6. At 20 minutes remove the pumpkin
a. Describe any qualitative changes in the pumpkin
b. Measure a new:
Density (g/cm3):
c. Describe any changes to the liquid
Is there orange dye in any of the liquids?
Is there anything else in the liquid?