Miss Julie’s Class Look what we did today! The Little Old

Miss Julie’s Class
Look what we did today!
Date: Friday, 10/23
Story: The Little Old
Lady Who Was Not
Afraid of Anything
At circle time we looked at a
non-fiction book, Pumpkin
Harvest, to review the life
cycle of a pumpkin. At the
art table we sequenced the
pumpkin life cycle. The
children learned motions to
go along with our story today.
Important Dates
Letter of the week-E
Color of the week-Brown
The children were also
able to decorate a
pumpkin gourd with
stickers today.
-Friday, 10/30-Halloween Party &
-Friday, 11/06
NO SCHOOL, Institute Day
-Wednesday, 11/11
NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day
-Monday, 11/23
NO School for Little Leaders
(Early Release)
-Wednesday 11/25-Friday 11/27