MSc Astrophysics Course Description at Queen Mary University

MSc Astrophysics
The MSc in Astrophysics at Queen Mary is unique in the UK in the scope of material covered. It gives
students a detailed overview of the fundamentals of the subject as well as an up-to-date account of
recent developments in research.
About the Astronomy Unit
The Astronomy Unit at Queen Mary is one of the largest astronomy and astrophysics research
groups in the UK, with 17 full-time permanent members, as well as many postdocs and PhD
students, and a vibrant visitors' programme.
In addition to research, we run buoyant undergraduate and masters taught programmes in
Astrophysics, maintain a successful PhD research training programme, and undertake an
extensive range of outreach activities within the local area and nationally.
Queen Mary is a member of SEPnet (the South East Physics Network), a consortium of nine
partner universities working together to advance and sustain Physics as a strategically
important subject for the UK economy and its science base in the South East Region of
England, and is also part of SEPnet-Astro, the DISCnet data-intensive science centre, and
the Alan Turing Institute for data science and artificial intelligence.
What do we do?
Our research encompasses a broad sweep of astrophysical phenomena, from the fantastical to
the barely imaginable. We host internationally leading groups in early universe physics,
relativistic and survey cosmology, extrasolar planets, planet formation and dynamics, and
space and solar plasma physics, and regularly welcome research visitors from a range of
other sub-fields.
Our Planetary Formation and Dynamics group studies our neighbours in the Solar System, for
example using NASA satellites to probe the mysteries of the rings of Saturn and turning up
surprising results about even this nearby planet; hunts for planets around nearby stars, using
some of the world’s most sophisticated telescopes to detect the tiny telltale signs of distant
worlds, some of which are expected to resemble the Earth itself (though most are very
different); and develops theoretical models of how planets form and evolve, complementing
the observational studies.
Our Cosmology and Relativity group studies the full evolution of the Universe, from the
stages of rapid expansion immediately after the Big Bang, to the complex structures we see
around us today. This research is, in many cases, conducted within international
collaborations, where we explore the vast reaches of the Universe using the biggest
telescopes to study distant galaxies in an effort to understand how they formed and how they
evolve. Our members play leading roles in the Square Kilometre Array, Large Synoptic
Survey Telescope, Euclid, VISTA, HERA, and MeerKAT experiments, amongst others.
Where do we come from?
The AU was established as a research centre in 1984, and has built a focussed and successful
programme of research that covers topics across the spectrum of modern astronomy and
astrophysics. Historically the Astronomy Unit was located within the School of Mathematical
Sciences, but in 2011 it merged with the School of Physics to form the new School of Physics
and Astronomy, significantly raising the profile of astronomy-related activities within Queen
Mary, and leading to substantial institutional investment in the Unit's research environment
and infrastructure.
Our members come from all over the world. We have close collaborative ties to institutions in
South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and the US, amongst others, as well as closer to home through
our membership of SEPnet.
Postgraduate Taught Astrophysics Modules
Modules given in 2017-18
Lectures are given by Astronomy Unit staff and cover most areas of modern astrophysics
Semester1 (Teaching Tue 3 Oct 2017 - Thu 15 Dec 2017 - 11 weeks):
Daytime: (14.00-16.00 lectures + 16.00-17.00 tutorial):
Tuesdays SPA7022P: Solar System
Thursdays SPA7023P: Stellar Structure and Evolution
Evening: (18:00-18.30 tutorial, 18.30-19.25 lecture, 19.35-20.30 lecture, 20.30-21:00
Tuesdays SPA7005P: Cosmology
Thursdays SPA7020P: Research Methods for Astrophysics
Semester 2 (Teaching Tue 9 Jan 2018 - Thu 22 March 2018 - 11 weeks)
Daytime: (14.00-16.00 lectures + 16.00-17.00 tutorial):
Tuesdays SPA7006P: Electromagnetic Radiation in Astrophysics
Thursdays SPA7010P: The Galaxy
Evening: (18:00-18.30 tutorial, 18.30-19.25 lecture, 19.35-20.30 lecture, 20.30--21:00
Tuesdays SPA7004P: Astrophysical Plasmas
Thursdays SPA7009P: Extrasolar Planets and Astrophysical Discs
A map showing location of the buildings in which the various lectures theatres are is at
Other modules offered in past years included:
ASTM112: Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
ASTM115: Astrophysical Computing
Astrophysical Plasmas (SPA7004P)
Semester 2
Tuesday 18.00-21.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate centre 2.22
Module Organiser: Prof David Burgess
Deputy Module Organiser: Dr. David Tsiklauri
Astrophysical Plasmas QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate MSci Programme as SPA7004U
A plasma is an ionized gas where the magnetic and electric field play a key role in binding
the material together. Plasmas are present in almost every astrophysical environment, from
the surface of pulsars to the Earth's ionosphere. This module explores the unique properties of
plasmas, such as particle gyration and magnetic reconnection. The emphasis is on the
plasmas found in the Solar System, from the solar corona and solar wind to the outer reaches
of the heliosphere and the interstellar medium. Fundamental astrophysical processes are
explored, such as the formation of supersonic winds, magnetic energy release, shock waves
and particle acceleration. The module highlights the links between the plasmas we can
observe with spacecraft and the plasmas in more distant and extreme astrophysical objects.
Plasmas and plasma phenomena in astrophysical environments. Introduction to basic plasma
behaviour: quasi-neutrality, plasma oscillations, scale lengths etc. Particle motion in
electromagnetic fields: gyration and conservation of magnetic moment, magnetic mirroring.
Applications, e.g. radiation belts, particle acceleration. Introduction to MHD: Magnetic
Reynolds number, flux freezing, field line draping. The solar wind: observational description,
Parker model of supersonic expansion and interplanetary magnetic field. Magnetic
reconnection: process and consequences; solar flares and magnetospheric activity (“space
weather”). Simple models of reconnection.
Image credit: SOHO/EIT consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA.
Cosmology (SPA7005P)
Semester 1
Tuesday 18:00 - 21:00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 6.01
Module Organiser: Dr David Mulryne
Deputy Module Organiser: Dr Karim Malik
Cosmology QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate MSci programmes as SPA7005U
Cosmology is a rapidly developing subject that is the focus of a considerable research effort
worldwide. It is the attempt to understand the present state of the universe as a whole and
thereby shed light on its origin and ultimate fate. Why is the universe structured today in the
way that it is, how did it develop into its current form and what will happen to it in the
future? The aim of this course is to address these and related questions from both the
observational and theoretical perspectives. The course does not require specialist
astronomical knowledge and does not assume any prior understanding of general relativity.
The material presented in this module consists of the following:
Observational basis for cosmological theories.
Derivation of the Friedmann models and their properties.
Cosmological tests; the Hubble constant; the age of the universe; the density
parameter; luminosity distance and redshift.
The cosmological constant.
Physics of the early universe; primordial nucleosynthesis; the cosmic microwave
background (CMB); the decoupling era; problems of the Big Bang model.
Inflationary cosmology.
Galaxy formation and the growth of fluctuations
Evidence for dark matter.
Large and small scale anisotropy in the CMB.
Image credit: NASA, ESA, J. Blakeslee and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University)
Electromagnetic Radiation in Astrophysics (SPA7006P)
Semester 2
Tuesday 14.00-17.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: PP: PP2
Module Organiser: Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude
Deputy Module Organiser: Prof David Burgess
EM Radiation in Astrophysics QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate MSci Programme as SPA7006U
This module is an introduction to understanding the origin, propagation, detection and
interpretation of electromagnetic (EM) radiation from astronomical objects. In this module
students will learn: how to describe EM radiation and its propagation through a medium to an
observer; the main processes responsible for line and continuum emission and how they
depend on the nature and state the emitting material; the effects of the earth's atmosphere and
the operation of the detection process at various wavelengths. The material will be illustrated
by examples from optical, infrared and radio portions of the EM spectrum.
Provide an introduction to the various mechanisms applicable to the creation,
propagation and detection of radiation from astronomical objects.
Provide an understanding of how EM radiation is generated in astrophysical
environments, and how it propagates to the "observer" on earth, or satellite.
Provide an ability to understand astronomical observations and how they can be used
to infer the physical and chemical state, and motions of astronomical objects.
Provide an understanding of how spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics of the
detection process produce limitations in the interpretation of the properties of
astrophysical objects.
Provide an understanding of the uncertainties involved in the interpretation of
properties of astrophysical objects, including limitations imposed by absorption and
noise, both instrumental and celestial, and by other factors.
Enable students to be capable of solving intermediate-level problems in astronomical
spectra, using analytical techniques encountered or introduced in the course.
Image credit: J.P. Emerson
Extrasolar Planets and Astrophysical Discs (SPA7009P)
Semester 2
Thursday 18.00-21.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 1.14
Module Organiser: Dr. S.-J, Paardekooper
Deputy Module Organiser: Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude
Extrasolar Planets etc QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate MSci programme as SPA7009U
Ever since the dawn of civilization human beings have speculated about the existence of
planets outside of the Solar System orbiting other stars. The first bona fide extrasolar planet
orbiting an ordinary main sequence star was discovered in 1995, and subsequent planet
searches have uncovered the existence of more than one hundred planetary systems in the
Solar neighbourhood of our galaxy. These discoveries have reignited speculation and
scientific study concerning the possibility of life existing outside of the Solar System. This
course provides an in depth description of our current knowledge and understanding of these
extrasolar planets. Their statistical and physical properties are described and contrasted with
the planets in our Solar System. Our understanding of how planetary systems form in the
discs of gas and dust observed to exist around young stars will be explored, and current
scientific ideas about the origin of life will be discussed. Rotationally supported discs of gas
(and dust) are not only important for explaining the formation of planetary systems, but also
play an important role in a large number of astrophysical phenomena such as Cataclysmic
Variables, X-ray binary systems, and active galactic nuclei. These so-called accretion discs
provide the engine for some of the most energetic phenomena in the universe. The second
half of this course will describe the observational evidence for accretion discs and current
theories for accretion disc evolution.
Extrasolar Planets
Detection techniques: Doppler method, transit method, direct detection, microlensing
Statistical description of data: mass distribution, orbital properties, correlation with
stellar metalliciity, physical properties
Properties of individual exoplanets and exoplanet systems
Comparison with Solar System planets
Planetary System Formation model
Formation of protoplanetary discs during star formation
Protoplanetary disc properties
Dust coagulation, runaway growth, oligarchic growth
Terrestrial planet formation via giant planets
Giant planet formation: core accretion model versus gravitational instability model
Planet Migration
Origin of Life
Definition of life
Conditions required for emergence of life - the habitable zone
Basic ideas about emergence of self-replicating molecules (RNA, DNA)
Accretion Discs
Basic accretion disc theory: angular momentum transport mechanisms; diffusion
equation for evoution; origin of disc turbulence through magneto-rotational instability
Close binary systems: classification; the Roche potential; Cataclysmic Variables; low
and high mass X-ray binaries; outburst phenomena
Accretion discs in active galactic nuclei - observations and modesl
Reading List
Planetary Sciences, I de Pater and J.J. Lissauer
Accretion power in Astrophysics, J. frank, A.King and D. Raine
Image credit: NASA, J. English (U. Manitoba), S. Hunsberger, S. Zonak, J. Charlton, S.
Gallagher (PSU), and L. Frattare (STScI)
The Galaxy (SPA7010P)
Semester 2
Thursday 14.00 - 17.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 2.04
Module Organiser: Dr. N. Cooper
Deputy Module Organiser: Prof. R.P. Nelson
The Galaxy QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate MSci programme as SPA7010U
The module considers in detail the basic physical processes that operate in galaxies, using our
own Galaxy as a detailed example. This includes the dynamics and interactions of stars, and
how their motions can be described mathematically. The interstellar medium is described and
models are used to represent how the abundances of chemical elements have changed during
the lifetime of the Galaxy. Dark matter can be studied using rotation curves of galaxies, and
through the way that gravitational lensing by dark matter affects light. The various topics are
then put together to provide an understanding of how the galaxies formed.
Introduction: galaxy types, descriptive formation and dynamics.
Stellar dynamics: virial theorem, dynamical and relaxation times, collisionless
Boltzmann equation, orbits, simple distribution functions, Jeans equations.
The interstellar medium: emission processes from gas and dust (qualitative only),
models for chemical enrichment.
Dark matter - rotation curves: bulge, disk, and halo contributions.
Dark matter - gravitational lensing: basic lensing theory, microlensing optical depth.
The Milky Way: mass via the timing argument, solar neighbourhood kinematics, the
bulge, the Sgr dwarf.
Image credit: NASA, ESA and the GMOS Commissioning Team (Gemini Observatory)
Research Methods for Astrophysics (SPA7020P)
Semester 1
Thursday 18.00-21.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 6.01
Module Organiser: Professor David Burgess
Deputy Module Organiser: Dr. Chris Clarkson
Research Methods QMPlus page
The module describes the techniques used in scientific research, with emphasis on how
researchers access scientific information. The lectures show how information can be found
and evaluated, at a general level and at research level. The techniques used in scientific
writing are discussed, including the style required for research papers. Data archives are
introduced. The course provides an essential foundation for the skills needed for MSc project
Research in astronomy builds on a vast body of literature and archived data. This course is an
introduction to research methods which exploit existing information, and thus serves as an
introduction to the MSc project.
The material presented in this module includes the following:
Finding and evaluating information.
Using data archives.
Critical analysis of scientific articles.
Scientific writing including appropriate style and presentation.
The context of astronomy research in society.
Image credit: Space Telescope Science Institute
Solar System (SPA7022P)
Semester 1
Tuesday 14.00-17.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 2.04
Module Organiser: Prof Carl Murray
Deputy Module Organiser: Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escude
Solar System QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate programmes as SPA7022U
As the planetary system most familiar to us, the Solar System presents the best opportunity to
study questions about the origin of life and how enormous complexity arises from simple
physical systems in general. This course surveys the physical and dynamical properties of
the Solar System. It focuses on the formation, evolution, structure and interaction of the Sun,
planets, satellites, rings, asteroids and comets. The course applies basic physical and
dynamical principles (such as orbital dynamics and elementary differential equations) needed
for the study of the Solar System. However, prior knowledge of these topics is not necessary
as they will be introduced as required. As far as possible the course will also include
discussions of recent discoveries in planetary science.
General overview: terrestrial planets, gas giants, ice giants, small bodies
The two-body problem; applications to exoplanets
The three-body problem; applications to satellite systems
Tidal theory and orbital evolution
Planetary rings
The solar nebula and planet formation.
Asteroids, comets and impacts.
C.D. Murray and S.F. Dermott, Solar System Dynamics, (Cambridge University
B. Bertotti, P. Farinella and D. Vokrouhlicky, Physics of the Solar System, (Kluwer
Academic Publishers).
Other References
J.K. Beatty, C.C. Petersen and A. Chaikin, The New Solar System (4th edition),
(Cambridge University Press, Sky Publishing).
J.S. Lewis, Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System (2nd edition), (Elsevier
Academic Press).
I. de Pater and J.J. Lissauer, Planetary Sciences, (Cambridge University Press).
Image credit: NASA, ESA, J. Clarke (Boston University), and Z. Levay (STScI)
Stellar Structure and Evolution (SPA7023P)
Semester 1
Thursday 14.00-17.00 in 2017-18
Lecture Location: Graduate Centre 2.04
Module Organiser: Prof. R.P. Nelson
Deputy Module Organsier: Prof David Burgess
Stellar Structure and Evolution QMPlus page
Also available for Undergraduate programmes as SPA7023U
Stars are important constituents of the universe. This course starts from well known physical
phenomena such as gravity, mass conservation, pressure balance, radiative transfer of energy
and energy generation from the conversion of hydrogen to helium. From these, it deduces
stellar properties that can be observed (that is, luminosity and effective temperature or their
equivalents such as magnitude and colour) and compares the theoretical with the actual. In
general good agreement is obtained but with a few discrepancies so that for a few classes of
stars, other physical effects such as convection, gravitational energy generation and
degeneracy pressure have to be included. This allows an understanding of pre-main sequence
and dwarf stages of evolution of stars, as well as the helium flash and supernova stages.
Observational properties of stars, the H-R diagram, the main sequence, giants and
white dwarfs.
Properties of stellar interiors: radiative transfer, equation of state, nuclear reactions,
Models of main sequence stars with low, moderate and high mass.
Pre- and post-main sequence evolution, models of red giants, and the end state of
The module includes some exposure to simple numerical techniques of stellar structure and
evolution; computer codes in Fortran.
Image credit: NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (ASTM112)
Not offered in 2017-18
This module studies the structure and dynamical behaviour a variety of astrophysical
regimes, using the basic equations of fluid dynamics. Starting from the simplest applications,
such as sound-waves and gravitational instability, it proceeds to topics of current research,
such as solar and stellar seismology. It considers the influence of rotation at the initial stages
of gravitational collapse, which leads eventually to the formation of compact objects,
rotational distortion of stellar and planetary configurations, and tidal interaction in binary
stars. The module also considers settings where nonlinear equations are applicable, such as
spherically-symmetric accretion of gaseous clouds, and addresses briefly the formation and
evolution of nonlinear waves and shocks.
Fluid dynamical model in astrophysics.
Gravitational stability, gravitational collapse.
Stellar stability, stellar oscillations, variable stars.
Stellar rotation, structure of rotating stars.
Binary stars, tidally distorted models.
Rotationally and tidally distorted planets.
Image credit: SOHO/EIT consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA.
Astrophysical Computing (ASTM115)
Not offered in 2017-18
This course is an introduction to the use of computers in astrophysics.
Basic notions of computer algorithms.
Introduction to numerical analysis: approximations, errors, convergence, stability, etc.
Finite difference method: solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Introduction to numerical methods used in data analysis: image processing, spectral
analysis, etc.
The concepts will be illustrated with examples from astrophysics, such as solar system
dynamics, astrophysical fluids, stellar structure, etc. Computer practical courseworks are a
major element of the course. Students are expected to write simple programs, and present
their results in written reports. The course is intended to cater for students with very different
levels of programming expertise.
Image credit: NASA and F. Summers (Space Telescope Science Institute), C. Mihos (Case
Western Reserve University), L. Hernquist (Harvard University)
MSc Astrophysics Projects
The research project is a major component of the Astrophysics MSc in the final year. It is a
fantastic opportunity to acquire valuable research skills and carry out high level astrophysical
work, supervised by a member of academic staff.
The project gives students scope to work independently and critically on the topic of interest
to them. It may be a theoretical topic, or it may involve computational work, or analysis of
observational work by others. In all cases the emphasis should be on the astrophysics within
the field chosen. The relevance of the work in the wider context of the subject should be
explained as part of the introductory section. The project will normally require the study of
original papers, show evidence of critical assessment and include a substantial component of
independent work. It is not expected to include original research by the student, but it will be
regarded favourably if it does. The report should be around 15,000 words. In assessing the
project, the examiners will pay particular attention to clarity of presentation, evidence that the
student has worked critically and independently, and the adequacy of references to original
papers. Students must choose a topic and find a supervisor by the beginning of January.
The award of an MSc is based on the end-of-year examinations and the project. The project is
an important component of the MSc, corresponding to 4 modules, and you should devote
substantial effort to it during the year. The examinations and the project must both be passed
for the award of the MSc. Distinction can only be attained in the MSc if the project is at the
required level.
The MSc Programme Director provides a 'Project Guidelines' booklet each year which
includes more detailed information on the requirements and some projects suggested by the
available supervisors, although students are encouraged to propose their own topics.
Students are expected to use the LaTeX system to prepare their project dissertation. Several
introductions to LaTeX are available on the web, including Getting Started with LaTeX , by
D.R. Wilkin, and LaTeX for Complete Novices by N.L.C. Talbot.
Example projects
As a guideline, previous years' projects have included the following examples. Students will
often be able to tailor the details of their project based on their interests and the direction of
their research.
Detection of rocky planets around nearby stars
After 15 years of discoveries, current techniques allow us to detect the elusive signals of very
small planets. The two leading detection techniques are Doppler spectroscopy and transit
photometry. Both techniques are especially sensitive to small planets in close-in orbits
(periods shorter than a few days). In particular, we can now detect Earth-mass/size planets in
that domain. In this project we will work with archival and new space-based photometric data
(Kepler/NASA and COROT/ESA) and ground-based Doppler measurements (HARPS) to
attempt detection of such small planets around our nearest stellar neighbours and some bright
Kepler mission systems. To do this, we will use advanced data-analysis methods such as
Bayesian inference and models including correlated noise.
Primordial Black Holes (PBHs)
PBHs are considered as a unique and powerful tool to probe the Very Early Universe.
Students will write a review including the following topics: the range of PBH’s masses,
different mechanisms of PBH’s formation, amplification of their fractional density in
radiation dominated expansion of the Early Universe, Hawking radiation, observational
constraints based on cosmological nucleosynthesis, gamma-ray background and gamma-ray
bursts. Possible research components may include any combination of the following topics:
hydrodynamics of PBH’s formation, the problem of initial conditions, critical collapse, the
problem of shock formation, probability of PBH’s formation, constraints on physical
conditions in the very Early Universe. A student can write a new computer code for
illustration of already known results and even for obtaining some new results.
Exploring the population of quasars and red compact galaxies.
Study of multicolour diagrams from infrared sky surveys including VISTA and WISE shows
a significant population of point sources deviating from the locus of normal stars. Many of
these are likely quasars, and some may also be compact red galaxies. The project will
investigate these populations in more detail, and will involve significant database matching
aspects including SQL and TopCat.
Models of the solar interior: problems and perspectives
The model of the solar internal structure, based on the standard assumptions of the stellarevolution theory (often referred to as a standard solar model) revealed an almost adequate
agreement with observational data over decades. The situation has changed dramatically
when the revised spectroscopic measurements of solar metallicity brought the model into a
drastic conflict with helioseismic measurements. A comprehensive overview of the problem
is expected in this project, with critical analysis of possible suggested solutions.
Teaching Astronomy
MSc Astrophysics (Prospective students)
MSc Astrophysics Projects
PG Certificate Astronomy & Astrophysics (Prospective students)
Modules (MSc Astro)
Seminars (MSc Astro)
MSc Physics (EuroMasters)
QM Astronomical Observatory
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o Projects