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Doosan Babcock Competence Assurance Overview

Competence Assurance
Competence Assurance
Employee Lifecycle
Authority to Recruit
Role Specification, Evaluation
& Approval.
Evaluation & Screening
Assessment, Evaluation,
Authority to Deploy
Project Specific SQEP
Project specific SQEP requirements
e.g. Site specific training, site
inductions, medical, D&A
Qualification, Experience &
Reference Validation.
Allocation of Personnel
‘Match & Gap’ based on Project
specific Role Specifications.
Pre-Offer Validation
Onboarding &
Onboarding Procedures,
Corporate Induction, Training.
Functional SQEP
Competency Assessment,
Gap Analysis, Training and
Final Assessment.
Competence Assurance
01 Authority to Recruit
Role Specification, Evaluation & Approval.
Authority to recruit within Doosan Babcock is controlled and managed via an online governance system with authority levels which ensures that only the Head of
Function has the authority to initiate a recruitment request. This ensures that the Head of Function is involved in both the design of the Role Specification and the
candidate selection and assessment.
02 Evaluation & Screening
Assessment, Evaluation, Selection.
All candidate CV’s are pre-screened against a role specification, once shortlisted candidates are then invited to a formal interview with the Head of Function and
appropriate technical authorities. Typically there will be two scored technical and behavioral based interviews designed to interrogate and validate a candidates
qualifications, experience and behavioral characteristics. Final candidate selection is based on the interview scoring.
03 Pre-Offer Validation
Qualification, Experience & Reference Validation
An offer of employment is made subject to satisfactory completion of an initial Pre-SQEP assessment, where qualifications, certificates, clearances, references and
the individuals medical and right to work in the permanent country of employment are verified and checked. At this point Stage 5 requirements are also validated.
Competence Assurance
On-boarding & SQEP
04 On-Boarding & Induction
On-boarding, Induction, & Training.
During the Doosan Babcock onboarding process both the employees HR and SQEP records are generated in our
systems Every member of the Doosan Babcock team must undergo a training and induction programme in our
Learning Management System with mandatory completion within 90 days.
05 Functional SQEP
Recorded Competency Assessment, Gap Analysis, Training and Review.
Following the new employees start date the relevant Technical Authority will formalise the Stage 3 Validation SQEP
assessment within the Company system. This detailed SQEP assessment is tailored to the functional area and
ensures the organisation fully understands and documents an employees technical capabilities, short term training
needs and records any restrictions on the ability to deploy or operate (typically project specific requirements as per
Stage 7 Project Specific SQEP). A review date of the assessment is also set at this stage.
06 Allocation of Personnel
Match & Gap
For new recruits employed specifically for the role, they move directly to Stage 7 Project Specific SQEP. For internally sourced candidates
‘match & gap’ is the process where candidates who are considered to be a general match from another area of the business are assessed
against the specific role requirements (to include details of any training required through gap analysis e.g. Nuclear Professionalism) and
availability to meet a given Project Role Specification.
07 Project Specific SQEP
Current Sellafield MOC.
DB Project Specific SQEP Pack
TSA Part2 – Is7
• The diagram illustrates how
Doosan Babcock have satisfied the
SR’s for DDP
• For PPP this principle will be
developed further to (i) cover all Job
Roles and (ii) accommodate the
Sellafield R2|A2 process
Integrated Management System
DB Integrated Management System
Doosan Babcock operational activities and processes are detailed within the DB
Integrated Management System, via its Policies, Manuals, Procedures, Work
Instructions and Forms.
The principles and standards detailed within Doosan Babcock Corporate Policies
are also reflected throughout all other management system documentation.
The Integrated Management System also embraces the principles and
requirements embodied within the following standards:
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System
ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 - Information Security Management
Due to the compatibility of the above standards, each of their requirements have
been integrated into one ‘Integrated Management System’ in order to apply a
consistent approach.
Integrated Management System
DB Integrated Management System – Key References
The following references are relevant to the content contained within this overview document but is not intended to be an exhaustive list further
details and uncontrolled copies of these documents can be obtained from the relevant Heads of Function:
Operating Procedures
OP-206-0100-047: Competency Assurance System
OP-207-0500-007: Integrated Management System
OP-203-0000-002: Project Management –
Competence Assurance
OP-403-0000-015: Construction Management
Competence Assurance
OP-206-0100-047: Competency Assurance System
OP-206-0100-048: SQEP (Suitably Qualified and
Experienced Personnel
OP-207-0100-025: Technical Authority and Subject
Matter Expert Role and Responsibility
OP-207-0200-009: HSE Training
OP-207-0200-044: HS&E Planning & Control of Sub
OP-206-0100-051: Recruitment & Selection of
Services Site Staff
CP-206-0100-025: Recruitment and Selection
OP-203-0000-001: Organisation, Roles &
Responsabilites – Project Management
Work Instructions
WI-206-0100-047-01: Procedure for
SQEP assessment of Technical
Engineering Personnel
WI-207-0100-021-01: Verification and
Approval of Project / Contract
F-403-0000-015-01 – Construction
Engineer CAP
F-403-0000-015-02 – Senior
Construction Engineer CAP
F-403-0000-015-03 – Construction
Manager / Technical Authority CAP
F-403-0000-015-04 – Senior
Construction Manager CAP.
F-206-0100-047-01: Project SQEP
F-203-0000-002-01: Project Manager
F-203-0000-002-02: Senior Project
Manager CAP
F-203-0000-002-03: Project Director
Key Contacts
Head’s of Function.
Cameron Grieve - Head of Nuclear Project Management / Project Controls / Engineering
Dave Cornforth – Director of Operations / Construction
Neil Harper – Director of Quality
Simon Hopkins – Director HSE
Mark Wylie – Commercial Director
Douglas Else Jack – Procurement Director
Simon Cadwallader – Head of Commissioning
Doug Taylor – Director of Human Resources