British Taxes and Acts on the 13 Colonies (1764-1767) Sugar Act (1764) A tax on sugar coming into the colonies, during a time of colonial economic problems. ● ● ● Quartering Act (1765) Boston merchant protest with boycotts (refusal to buy sugar from British suppliers) More soldiers being sent to the colonies to enforce new taxes Will be listed as a grievance (complaint) in the Declaration of Independence All printed materials (newspapers, bills of sale, etc.) must be on stamped paper ● ● ● Townshend Acts (1767) Parliament reduced the tax but increased enforcement Required colonists to housing and supplies to British soldiers ● ● Stamp Act (1765) Colonists smuggled to avoid the taxes “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” Protested by the Sons of Liberty with violence and intimidation Repealed in 1766 Reinforced Parliament’s right to tax the colonies ● ● ● ● Taxes on lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea Sons of Liberty organized boycotts (again) Britain sends MORE TROOPS All but the tax on tea repealed in 1770 ○ Leads to the Boston Massacre