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Paraphrasing Practice: Improve TOEFL Writing

Paraphrase Worksheet
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
One way to improve your TOEFL essay writing is to practice paraphrasing.
Take a paragraph from an academic text and rewrite it. Put the writer’s ideas into your own words. This will help
you get used to restating ideas found in the academic passages that appear throughout the TOEFL iBT. Here's an
example of how you can do this:
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
In 1610, Galileo Galilei published a small book describing astronomical observations that he had made of
the skies above Padua. His homemade telescopes had less magnifying and resolving power than most
beginners’ telescopes sold today, yet with them he made astonishing discoveries: that the moon has
mountains and other topographical features; that Jupiter is orbited by satellites, which he called planets;
and that the Milky Way is made up of individual stars. From David Owen, “The Dark Side: Making War on
Light Pollution,” The New Yorker (20 August 2007): 28.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
Galileo was able to make some amazing discoveries with his telescope. He made discoveries about the
moon, about Jupiter, and about the Milky Way. He was able to do this with a telescope that was less
powerful than even today's most basic telescopes.
Your paraphrase doesn't have to be a work of art. However, it should contain the author's main ideas and it should
be written in your own words. You can find more passages for paraphrasing on the pages that follow.
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
Paraphrasing Exercise 1
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
In American society, Introverts are outnumbered about three to one. As a result, they must develop extra
coping skills early in life because there will be an inordinate amount of pressure on them to “shape up,” to
act like the rest of the world. The Introvert is pressured daily, almost from the moment of awakening, to
respond and conform to the outer world.
Classroom teachers unwittingly pressure Introverted students by announcing that “One-third of your grade
will be based on classroom participation.” From Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen, Type Talk: The 16
Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love and Work. New York: Dell Publishing, 1989.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
There are many more extroverts than introverts in America. This puts a lot of pressure on introverts to fit in
and be like everybody else. Even in school, teachers add to this pressure by making class participation
part of the student's grade. Consequently, introverts have to acquire additional skills to deal with these
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
Paraphrasing Exercise 2
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
"Michelangelo was a man of tenacious and profound memory,” Vasari says, “so that, on seeing the works
of others only once, he remembered them perfectly and could avail himself of them in such a manner that
scarcely anyone has ever noticed it."
That “scarcely anyone has ever noticed it,” is easy to understand. For, Michelangelo, when exploiting the
“works of others,” classical or modern, subjected them to a transformation so radical, that the results
appear no less “Michelangelesque” than his independent creations. From Erwin Panofsky, Studies in
Iconography. New York: Harper and Row, 1971.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
Michelangelo had a tremendous memory. He could remember the details of works of art after having seen
them just once. He copied these works, but changed them dramatically--he created copies in his own,
unique style. As a result, few people ever realized some of his works were actually copies.
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
Paraphrasing Exercise 3
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
By mid-December, 1914, British troops had been fighting on the Continent for over five months. Casualties
had been shocking, positions had settled into self-destructive stalemate, and sensitive people now
perceived that the war, far from promising to be “over by Christmas,” was going to extend itself to hitherto
unimagined reaches of suffering and irony. From Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory.
London: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
After more than five months of fighting, the British had lost so many men and they were unable to make
progress. People began to realize that the war would not end before Christmas. Instead, it would continue
for longer and be more ironic than they had ever imagined.
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
Paraphrasing Exercise 4
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
It has never been denied that Dante the political philosopher as well as Dante the poet assimilated to the
full the political doctrines by which his century was moved. In fact, Dante held a key-position in the political
and intellectual discussions around 1300, and if in a superficial manner he has often been labeled
reactionary, it is simply the prevalence of the imperial idea in Dante’s works—different though it was from
that of the preceding centuries—which obscured the overwhelmingly unconventional features of his moralpolitical outlook. From Ernst H. Kantorowicz, The King’s Two Bodies. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1981.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
Both as a poet and as a philosopher, Dante's political outlook was formed by the period in which he lived.
During his liftime he even participated in important debates that were of a political and intellectual nature.
Though it is true that certain themes in his writing broke with the past, Dante was more than a simple
reactionary. His moral and political views were both quite extraordinary for his time.
Paraphrasing Practice to Improve Writing
Paraphrasing Exercise 5
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
It is natural, and in so rapid and superficial review as this inevitable, to consider the criticism of Wordsworth
and Coleridge together. But we must keep in mind how very different were not only the men themselves,
but the circumstances and motives of the composition of their principal critical statements. Wordsworth’s
Preface to Lyrical Ballads was written while he was still in his youth, and while his poetic genius still had
much to do; Coleridge wrote the Biographia Litteraria much later in life, when poetry, except for that one
brief and touching lament for lost youth, had deserted him, and when the disastrous effects of long
dissipation and stupefaction of his powers in transcendental metaphysics were bringing him to a state of
lethargy. From T. S. Eliot, The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism: Studies in the Relation of Criticism
to Poetry in England. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961. Wordsworth and Coleridge 58-77.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
The criticism of Wordsworth and Coleridge are usually examined together. However, it is important to
remember that these two men were very different. Moreover, their works were written for different reasons
and during different periods of their lives. Wordsworth wrote Preface to Lyrical Ballads when he was young
and his life lay before him. Coleridge, on the other hand, wrote Biographia Litteraria near the end of his life.