Day 1 Agenda

Day 1 Agenda
1. Sign on the attendance shift
2. Turn in your double-entry journal chapter 10 & Ch. 3
vocabulary Log
3. Prepare the RW quiz
5. Discussion – Blogs on p.51
6. Topics
Homework  No More Late Homework
1. Listen to the audio file 15. Read the text (p.51) with your eyes and check the
2. Write each paragraph’s main idea on the left side of the text.
3. Read it again and complete the questions on p. 52.
4. Start DEJ for Ch. 11
5. Finish the topic paper
6. Prepare your presentation for tomorrow.
-> Japan (11/04) Malak & Duy
Calcutta (11/04) Sam & Tien
San Francisco (11/04) Turuu & Ahmed
• What is a topic?
A topic is a word or phrase that tells what something is about.
Topic (General Word)
(Specific words that belong to the topic)
Scan “My Rant on Cell Phones” p.51 and
identify the part of speech of the words listed.
1. I
2. rant
3. hate
4. people
5. library
6. quiet
7. really
8. on
9. trains
10. in front of
11. text
12. worst
13. pink
14. waves
15. once
16. throw
17. onto
18. interesting
19. her
20. Relax
Day 2 Agenda
1. Sign on the attendance sheet
2. Sight words
3. Presentation
- Japan (11/04) Malak & Duy
- Calcutta (11/04) Sam & Tien
- San Francisco (11/04) Turuu & Ahmed
4. Check the Textbook: p. 52
5. Reading Group
Homework 
1. Study your vocabulary for tomorrow vocabulary review
2. Finish the vocabulary practice on p. 52 – p. 53 (Audio file is
on the website).
3. Write the sentences using the words on the piece of paper
and turn in tomorrow (p.54).
Reading Group
• A reader
• A summarizer
• A whiteboard writer
• Find out thesis (main idea of the whole reading)
• Find out the main idea of the paragraph
• Find out what is conclusion (What the writer wants to say)
Day 3 Agenda
Sign on the attendance sheet
Turn in the homework (Sentence from p.54)
Prepare to take a vocab review
Check the answer p. 52 - 53
Vocabulary Strategy
Reading Skills
* Homework 
1. RW DEJs Ch. 11 due on Monday
2. Study reading and vocabulary for the unit test 3.
3. Finish the reading homework. Topic, sentence,
paragraph, and stories.
Vocabulary Strategy
• Using be-verb (is / are)
• Using parentheses ()
They sell products in many categories (groups of similar things).
• Using a dash “ – “
People can search for – look for – a book on the Internet.
• Finding the phrase -> such as
Example sells products in many categories, such as toys, gourmet
foods, and books. You can buy anything at a virtual shopping mall such as
Vocabulary Strategy
• Using adjective clauses -> which, who, that, whom, whose,
where when, and why.
Calcium, which makes bones strong, is in milk.
A dentist, who takes care of people’s teeth, has an interesting
• Picture
Vocabulary Strategy
• Or / Other (giving examples)
Ex) There are many theories, or opinions.
Ex) Eating lots of vegetables helps to recover a cold or other diseases.
• Before or after the sentence.
Men and Women also have different body language. They have
different ways to communicate with their face and body.
• In other words,
Equality is important, in other words, people think every person has
the same position, not higher and not lower.
Vocabulary Strategy
• Affix
Word parts (prefix, root, suffix)
Word part and Meaning
- er