Student Name: ____________________________ Biology Date: __________________ Class Period: ______ Six Kingdoms of Life Classification of Organisms- _____ levels of similarity 4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ * 6. ___________________ * 7. ___________________ Pre-ThinkingWhat is a unicycle? When something works automatically, what does that mean? Key Words1. Look up on a biology website and record the meaning of the three words below. Autotroph- aka- ___________________- Feeding Relationships Heterotroph- ___________________- Chemotroph- 2. If you could coin an“aka” term for chemotrophs, what do you think it should be? 3. Break down the two words below, and hypothesize what they mean. Unicellular- Body Form Multicellular- 4. Listen closely to the meaning of the two words below. Prokaryote- Cell Type Eukaryote- 5. How do you plan to keep these two types of cells clear in your brain? 6. As you view the video link, complete the table on the next pages about the characteristics of the six kingdoms of life. Kingdom 1- 2- Cell Type- circle one: circle one: Prokaryote Prokaryote Prokaryote or or or Eukaryote? Eukaryote Eukaryote Body Form- circle one: circle one: Unicellular, Multicellular, or Both Types? Unicellular, Unicellular, Multicellular, Multicellular, Both Types Both Types NutritionAutotroph, Heterotroph, and/or Chemotroph? Habitat Defining Characteristics Examples Kingdom 3- 4- Cell Type- circle one: circle one: Prokaryote Prokaryote Prokaryote or or or Eukaryote? Eukaryote Eukaryote Body Form- circle one: circle one: Unicellular, Multicellular, or Both Types? Unicellular, Unicellular, Multicellular, Multicellular, Both Types Both Types NutritionAutotroph, Heterotroph, and/or Chemotroph? Habitat Defining Characteristics Examples Kingdom 5- 6- Cell Type- circle one: circle one: Prokaryote Prokaryote Prokaryote or or or Eukaryote? Eukaryote Eukaryote Body Form- circle one: circle one: Unicellular, Multicellular, or Both Types? Unicellular, Unicellular, Multicellular, Multicellular, Both Types Both Types NutritionAutotroph, Heterotroph, and/or Chemotroph? Habitat Defining Characteristics Examples