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Botulism & Viral Diarrhea Exam Questions

1. Patient O., 33 years old, complains on a mist and a net before his eyes, a ghosting, a dry
mouth, hoarseness, and an impossibility of roughage deglutition. At the time of drinking water
he chokes, water escapes through a nose. Pupils are dilated, blepharoptosis. The day before he
ate mushrooms of home preparation, drank an alcohol. Your diagnosis:
A. Stroke
B. Mycetismus
C. Alcohol substitutes poisoning
D. Acute disturbance of cerebral circulation of the blood
E. Botulism
2. Patient M., botulism heavy course was diagnosed the second day. Anamnesis: anaphylactic
shock as a result of serum administration. What is tactics of patient’s treatment?
A. Serum introducing according to Bezredko method
B. Not go beyond antibacterial therapy
C. Serum introducing under anaesthetic
D. Not go beyond disintoxication therapy
E. Serum introducing according to Urbah method
3. Patient M., ghosting, dry mouth, weakness, choking after roughage deglutition were appeared
in 18 hours after having eaten a dried fish. Medical examination: pharyngeal and vomiting
reflexes are reduced, pupils are dilated, and a photoreaction is flabby. What treatment must
patient have at first?
A. Special serum introducing
B. Saline laxative prescription
C. Desintoxication therapy
D. Gastric lavage
E. Prescription of chloramphenicol
4. Patient R., a muscles weakness, a dry mouth, a retching, a diarrhea, a vision disturbance, a
difficult swallowing, and a liquid emptying through the nose were appeared in 18 hours after
having eaten a home prepared ham, fried mushrooms, a dried fish. What analyses are necessary
to be done promptly?
A. Excrement germ sowing
B. Mushroom poison blood toxicological research
C. Blood germ sowing
D. Botulinus toxin blood germ test
E. Cerebrum computed tomography
5. Patient Z., 30 years old, complains of ghosting, a net before her eyes, a dry mouth, a difficult
swallowing, and a sudden weakness. Anamnesis: has eaten a dried fish which was bought at the
open market. What research is necessary to be done before beginning of specific therapy?
A. Mice biological test
B. Sterility blood sowing
C. Scourage microscopy
D. Biochemical blood research
E. Immunologic research
6. Patient V., 30 years old, has signs of food toxic infection (temperature increase up to 37,20C,
retching, and double liquid stool); a vision has become worse, a ghosting and a net before his
eyes were appeared. Evenly – ptosis, anisocoria, vertical nystagmus. What disease does patient
A. Salmonellosis
B. Food toxic infection
C. Botulism
D. Cholera
E. Meningococcosis
7. Patient L., 16 years old, addressed to doctor with complaints about a dry mouth, a vision
violation, and heavy muscular weakness. Evenly – symmetric blepharoptosis, mydriasis, flaccid
photoreaction of pupils, absence of pharyngeal throat reflex. Anamnesis – patient ate home made
canned vegetables. What disease does patient probably have?
A. Bulbar form of poliomyelitis
B. Encephalitis
C. Diphtheritic neuropathy
D. Botulism
E. Tumor of brain
8. Absorption of botulinus toxin takes from:
A. Tunica mucosa from oral cavity to small intestine
B. Tunica mucosa of oral cavity
C. Tunica mucosa of stomach
D. Tunica mucosa of small intestine
E. Tunica mucosa of large intestine
9. For what disease a ghosting, a difficult swallowing, a dry mouth, a labored breath, a muscles
weakness, a consciousness, and a normal body temperature are typical?
A. Bulbar form of poliomyelitis
B. Encephalitis
C. Botulism
D. Mushrooms poisoning
E. Atropism
10. What solution is used during gastric lavage under botulism?
A. Salt solution
B. Potassium permanganate solution
C. Sodium bicarbonate solution
D. Distilled water
E. Boiled water
11. Patient M., 32 years old, ate home made canned meat; a sudden weakness, a mist before his
eyes, a blepharoptosis, a mydriasis, a swallowing disturbance, an inspiratory dyspnea were
appeared against a background of normal temperature in 12 hours. What disease does patient
A. Poliomyelitis
B. Belladonna poisoning
C. Methyl alcohol poisoning
D. Rotavirus infection
E. Botulism
12. Patient 25 years old ate a dried fish; nausea, a net before eyes, a blepharoptosis, a mydriasis,
a swallowing disturbance were appeared against a background of normal temperature in 6 hours.
What disease does patient have?
A. Escherichiose
B. Rotavirus infection
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Botulism
E. Belladonna poisoning
13. Patient R., 40 years old ate home made canned mushrooms; a sudden general weakness,
nausea, a retching, a dry mouth, and a swallowing disturbance were appeared in 5 hours. What
disease does patient have?
A. Rotavirus infection
B. Poliomyelitis
C. Botulism
D. Belladonna poisoning
E. Diphtheritic polyneuritis
14. A man, 33 years old, ate a dried fish, a fancy cake, and sausages 6 hours ago, complains
about a sudden general weakness, a vision violation, a swallowing disturbance, an occurring
once retching. The patient has a blepharoptosis, a bloating. What measures must be realized in
the first place?
A. Desintoxication therapy
B. Intestines irrigation
C. Artificial diuresis
D. Gastric lavage
E. Enterosorbents reception
15. In the morning patient had nausea, an unpleasant feeling in the stomach, an occurring once
retching, and a dry mouth. In the evening she noticed an appearance of an increasing general
weakness, a ghosting, a roughage deglutition. Evenly - blepharoptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria,
pharyngeal reflex absence, xerosis of tunica mucosa. Overnight she ate canned mushrooms and a
fancy cake, drank a spirit. What preliminary diagnosis does patient have?
A. Botulism
B. Food toxic infection
C. Mycetismus
D. Alcohol poisoning
E. Poliomyelitis
16. Having had a birthday party 3 of 6 guests had symptoms of gastroenteritis, and a swallowing
violation and a vision violation several hours later. What product was a cause of transmission for
this disease?
A. Stuffed eggs
B. Chops
C. Cooked sausage
D. Pickled mushrooms
E. Fresh vegetables salad
17. 5 persons were delivered during 15 hours at the hospital; they had a vision violation
(diplopia, mydriasis), a swallowing disturbance, and a dry mouth after a short-term diarrhea and
a retching. One person had a respiration violation. All patients ate different dishes, including
crab salad, potted mushrooms, alcohol at the birthday party. What is a preliminary diagnosis?
A. Salmonellosis
B. Alcohol substitutes poisoning
C. Mycetismus
D. Botulism
E. Escherichiose
18. What is a cause of dry mouth, swallowing violation, nasal intonation under botulism?
A. Intoxication
B. Nuclei violation of 5, 9, 12 cranial nerves
C. Nuclei violation of 3, 6 cranial nerves
D. Hypoxia, activity increase of sympathoadrenal system
E. Nervous impulses transmission violation
19. What is a cause of dilated pupils, vision violation, and accommodation disturbance under
A. Intoxication
B. Violation of n. m. ciliares
C. Nervous impulses transmission violation
D. Hypoxia, activity increase of sympathoadrenal system
E. Nuclei violation of 3, 6 cranial nerves
20. What is a cause of muscles weakness, paresis, and paralysis under botulism?
A. Nuclei violation of 5, 9, 12 cranial nerves
B. Intoxication
C. Violation of n. m. ciliares
D. Nuclei violation of 3, 6 cranial nerves
E. Nervous impulses transmission violation, hypoxia, and hormonal violation
21. In what age viral diarrheas are typical?
A. Elder puerile age
B. Adults
C. Younger puerile age
D. Old people
E. Age isn’t important
22. Rotavirus infection contagiousness is
A. Low
B. High
C. Moderate
D. Middle
E. There is no any contagiousness
23. Hemorrhagic colitis under rotavirus infection
A. There is no any colitis
B. Is seldom
C. Is often
D. Is typical
24. Heaviness under rotavirus diarrhea is caused by
A. Hemorrhagic syndrome
B. Liver insufficiency
C. Renal insufficiency
D. Toxicosis and exicosis
E. Complications development
25. Rotavirus gastroenteritis is usually registered in
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. There is no any seasonality
E. Winter
26. Clinic peculiarities of viral diarrheas
A. Persistent dysfunction of intestine, liquid stool with slime and blood, spasm of sigmoid colon
B. Hyperthermia, acute pain in epigastria, in periumbilical region, nausea, retching,
hepatosplenomegaly, positive Padalka's symptom, rumbling along large intestine
C. Gradual beginning of disease, hemorrhagic colitis, tenesmus, rectal sputum
D. Brief disease, hemorrhagic colitis, fever, combination of catarrhal effects and diarrhea,
abundant watery stool from 2 to 20 times a day with slime admixture
27. Infection transfer path under viral diarrheas
A. Wound
B. Inoculable
C. Faecal-oral, respiratory
D. Parenteral
E. Transplacental
28. Forms of lamblia which can be a cause of disease
A. Vegetative
B. Cystal
C. Any form
29. What course is typical for lamblifsis?
A. Acute
B. Subacute
C. Chronic
D. Delitescent
E. Torpid, asymptomatic
30. For acute Giardia lamblia cholecystitis is typical
A. Positive acute pains with irradiation in the back
B. Heavy attack-like pains in the right hypochondrium
C. Constant aches in the right hypochondrium
D. Moderate attack-like pains in the right hypochondrium, sometimes irradiated in the back
31. For what disease “raspberry jelly” stool is typical?
A. Dysentery
B. Escherichiose
C. Salmonellosis
D. Yersiniosis
E. Аmebiasis
32. What fever is typical for amebiasis of medium degree heaviness?
A. Subfebrile
B. Isn’t
C. High
D. Febrile
E. Remittent
33. Location of abdominal ache under uncomplicated amebiasis at the initial period of disease
A. Along all stomach
B. In the left iliac region
C. In the periumbilical region
D. In the epigastric region
E. In the right iliac region
34. What type of aches are there under amebiasis hard form of disease height
A. Acute
B. Spasmodic, cutting
C. There is no any pain
D. Dull ache
E. Tenesmus
35. Amebiasis contamination takes place after having got in organism of
A. Vegetate forma minuta
B. Vegetate forma magna
C. 2-3 nuclei cysts
D.4 nuclei cysts
36. Slime in stool under amebiasis
A. In the form of nubbins
B. Covers faeces
C. Abundant slime, it sticks to bedpan sides, colored by blood
D. Poor slime with blood admixture in separate places
37. Hyperesthesia in a wound region is caused by
A. Brain substance violation
B. Reflex involuntary contraction of muscles
C. Vegetate nervous system violation
D. Degenerative changes of nerve endings in the place of inoculation and primary reproduction
of virus
E. Degeneration of peripheral motor neurons
38. Attacks of hydrophobia and aerophobia under rabies are caused by
A. Brain substance violation
B. Degenerative changes of nerve endings in the place of inoculation and primary reproduction
of virus
C. Vegetate nervous system violation
D. Reflex painful involuntary contraction of diaphragm, respiratory, swallowing, laryngeal
E. Violation of respiratory and vasomotor centers
39. Duration of incubation period under rabies depends on
A. Sex and age of patient
B. Immune system state
C. Type of hydrophobia (wild, urban)
D. Central nervous system concomitant pathology
E. Wound location, its depth, dose of infectious organism, culture peculiarity
40. What is entry of sodoku infection?
A. Undamaged skin
B. Damaged skin
C. Mucous tunic of gastrointestinal tract
D. Mucous tunic of upper air passages
E. Conjunctiva
41. Sodoku is related to
A. Infections with parenteral mechanism of contamination
B. Infections with faecal-oral mechanism of contamination
C. Contact infections
D. Wound infections
E. Unknown mechanism of contamination
42. What is typical for sodoku?
A. Low grade fever, hepatolienal syndrome
B. Normal body temperature, pains in joints
C. Recurrent fever, lymphadenopathy, eruption
D. Hyperthermia, epigastralgia, retching
E. Icteritiousness of skin, scleras, hepatomegaly, anorexia
43. Q-fever is caused by
A. Mycobacteria
B. Retrovirus
C. Spirochete
D. Rickettsia
E. Mycoplasma
44. Reproduction of Rickettsia under Q-fever takes place
A. In Peyer's plaques of gastrointestinal tract
B. In CD-4 receptors cells
C. In CD-8 receptors cells
D. Pirogov lympho-pharyngeal ring
E. In reticuloendothelial system
45. What remains after Q-fever?
A. Low grade fever, asthenia, low ability to work
B. Hyperthermia, anorexia, arthralgias
C. Myalgias, hyperthermia, meningeal syndrome
D. Subicteritiousness of skin, scleras, hepatomegaly
E. Residual effects are absent after disease
46. The source of brucellosis
A. Brucellosis diseased
B. Small and big cattle
C. Workers of cattle-breeding farms
D. Veterinary surgeons
E. Birds
47. Transfer path under brucellosis
A. Alimentary, contact-domestic, respiratory
B. Alimentary, contact
C. Contact-domestic, inoculable
D. Inoculable E. Transplacental
48. What is used for serologic confirmation of brucellosis?
A. Provachek test
B. Vidal reaction
C. Rayt-Heddelson reaction
D. Immunobloting
E. Indirect hemagglutination inhibition reaction
49. Clinic manifestations of Lyme disease chronic course
A. Arthritis like rheumatoid one
B. Acrodermatitis atrophicans
C. All answers are incorrect
D. Polyradiculoneuritis, encephalomyelitis
E. All answers are correct
50. Infection transfer path under hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
A. Airly-dust
B. Alimentary
C. Transplacental, parenteral
D. Inoculable, contact
E. Respiratory
51. What is the main method of specific laboratory diagnostics of hemorrhagic fever and renal
A. Skin-allergic
B. Antibodies discovery in the blood by means of indirect immune fluorescence reaction
C. Infection definition in the blood by means of immune-enzyme analysis method
D. Antibodies determination by means of immunobloting
E. Germ test
52. Patient P. has a temperature of 38.5˚-39˚С during 10 days. He is pale; there are 2 roseolas on
the stomach skin. Tongue is thick. Stomach is swelled; there is a resonance contraction in the
right iliac region. Hepatosplenomegaly. In blood test: leucocytes - 3*10/l, eosinocytes – 0, stab
leukocytes – 8, segmental leukocytes – 36, monocytes -8, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) –
8 mm/h. Diagnosis:
A. Sepsis.
B. Spotted fever.
C. Enteric fever.
D. Мalaria.
E. Brucellosis
53. Patient O., came from India. He was delivered by ambulance car at the infectious hospital.
Body temperature – 35,7˚С. Skin is dry, turgor is decreased. Cyanosis. Features are stressed.
There are spasms of individual muscle groups. Arterial pressure is abruptly decreased, anuria.
What dehydration level does patient have?
A. Doesn’t have any dehydration.
B. 1st level
C. 2nd level
D. 3rd level
E.4th level
54. Patient M. complains about temperature increase up to 38.5˚ С, weakness, headache, colicky
pains below stomath, stool is 20 times a day. Excrements are poor with blood streaks and slime,
tenesmus. Diagnosis:
A. Salmonellosis.
B. Shigellosis.
C. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
D. Cholera.
E. Alimentary toxic infection.
55. Patient D., abuses alcohol, had a weakness; urine became dark and scleras turned yellow next
day. Hepatosplenomegaly.
A. Chronic hepatitis
B. Тoxic hepatitis
C. Viral hepatitis A.
D. Viral hepatitis В.
E. Leptospirosis
56. Patient N., has nausea, a retching, a weakness, a pain in epigastrium after having eaten a
patty which had been bought at the market. Diagnosis:
A. Shigellosis.
B. Alimentary toxic infection.
C. Cholera.
D. Sepsis.
E. Botulism.
57. Patient D., with a frequent liquid stool has an indirect hemagglutination test 1:200.Diagnosis:
A. Botulism.
B. Salmonellosis.
C. Cholera.
D. Аmebiasis.
E. Shigellosis.
58. Patient A., complains about weakness, nausea, temperature increase up to 40˚С. Salmonellas
were sowed from the blood and faeces. Diagnosis:
А. Shigellosis.
B. Cholera.
C. Salmonellosis carrying.
D. Intestinel form of salmonellosis.
E. Generalized form of salmonellosis.
59. Patient L., has a salmonella in faeces. He has no complaints. Diagnosis:
A.Subclinic form of salmonellosis
C. Bacterial carrying
D. Enteric fever
E. Botulism.
60. Cholera-diseased has a dehydration of 2nd level. How many saline solutions is necessary to
introduce if patient’s weight is 70 kg.
A. 1l.
B. 0,5l.
C. 5l.
D. 3,5l.
E. 10l.
71. Patient R., is a fisherman, he was hospitalized at the infectious department at the 5th day of
disease with complaints about temperature increase up to 40˚С, fever, pain in gastrocnemius
muscles, jaundice. Patient’s state is difficult, skin and scleras are icteric, scleritis. Hepatolienal
syndrome. Diagnosis:
A. Viral hepatitis.
B. Enteric fever.
C. Spotted fever.
D. Adenovirus infection.
E. Leptospirosis.
72. Leptospirosis diseased has epistaxix, stomatorrhagia, bleeding sickness in injection places at
the seventh day. What laboratory indexes are necessary to be determined in the first place?
А. Prothrombin index
В. Amylase
С. Alkaline phosphatase
D. Common albumin
Е. Alanine aminotransferase level
73. Patient L., 11 years old, complains about weakness, anorexia, anus itch during last month.
A. Enterobiasis
B. B. Hymenolepiasis
C. С. Diphyllobothriasis
D. D. Ascariasis
E. Е. Trichocephaliasis
74. Patient M., has a echinococcus bladder in his liver. Treatment tactics:
A. Serotherapy
В.Isotopic therapy
D.Conservative therapy
Е.Surgical treatment
75. Patient K., has colicky spastic pains in the left iliac region, tenesmus. Stool – 15 times a
week, poor with slime and blood streaks. Diagnosis:
A. Shigellosis
B. В. Cholera
C. С. Paraproctitis
D. D. Amebiasis
E. Е. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
76. Patient T., has a nausea, a net before his eyes, a blepharoptosis, a mydriasis, an aglutition day
later after having eaten a dried fish. Diagnosis:
A. Escherichiose.
В. Rotaviral infection.
С. Poliomyelitis
D. Botulism
Е. Alcohol poisoning
77. Patient K., 32 years old, was hospitalized at the department with on suspicion of
opisthorchiasis. He’s been diseased for second month. Cat liver fluke eggs were discovered in a
bile sediment. Determine prescription terms of specific treatment
А. At once after cat liver fluke eggs discovering.
B. After acute phase finishing (in 3-5 months after infection).
C. After acute phase finishing (in 9 months after infection).
D. After pathogenic and symptomatic therapy realization.
E. All answers are wrong.
78. Patient 45 years old, complains about repeated retching, a liquid stool, dehydration of IV
level. What volume of saline solutions is necessary to be given to patient with the purpose of
primary dehydration, if patient’s weight is 95 kg?
A. 600 ml
B. 1500 ml
C. 9500 ml
D. 15000 ml
E. 30000 ml
79. Patient B., 45 years old, lives in a private house, keeps vegetables in the cellar, and eats fresh
vegetables salads. He had obscure etiology enteritis two weeks ago. Now he complaints about
temperature increase up to 37.2˚- 37.5˚ С, edema, pain and reddening in talocrural and knee
joints region. What disease does patient have?
А. Pseudorheumatism
C .Salmonellosis
D. Yersiniosis
E. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
80. What is main discharge criterion of botulism diseased from the hospital?
А. Results of passive hemagglutination test
В. Normal indices of hemogram
C. Negative control sowing of faeces, urine, and liquor
D. Clinical recovery, absence of paresis and paralysis
E. Results of spinal liquor test
81. Indicate clinical feature which isn’t typical for alimentary toxicoinfections
А. Hyperthermia
В. Toxic syndrome
C. Gastroenteritis syndrome
D. Dehydration syndrome
E. Colitis syndrome
82. Toxicoinfections treatment is necessary to start from
А. Antibiotics
В. Infusion therapy
C. Dietotherapy
D. Bountiful drinking (rehydron)
E. Bountiful lavage of gastrointestinal tract
83. Intestinal disease under which articulations are affected
А. Dysentery
В. Yersiniosis
C. Salmonellosis
D. Enteric fever
Е. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
84. What type of complication is under yersiniosis
А. Infectious
В. Allergic
C. Infection-allergic
D. Autoimmune
E. Immune
85. Point out symptoms which aren’t typical for botulism
А. Diplopia, ptosis
В. Occiput muscles rigidity
C. Tachycardia
D. Aglutition, aphonia
E. Mucous dryness, salivation lowering
86. What important laboratory test indicates viral hepatitis difficulty?
А. Thymol test lowering
В. Leukopenia with lymphocytosis
C. Coagulogram indices expressed lowering
D. Alkaline phosphatase increase
Е. Increase of bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase
87. What helminth invasion has leukocytosis, eosinophilia in blood and Charcot-Leyden crystals
in faeces?
А. Ascariasis
В. Enterobiosis
C. Тrichocephaliasis
D. Ankylostomiasis
Е. Trichinosis
88. For early phase of opisthorchiasis is typical
А. Pains in epigastric region, weakness, nausea, retching
В. Nausea, retching, diarrhea
C. Fever, hepatomegaly, eosinophilic leukocytosis
D. Puffy face, fever, pains in extremities muscles
E. Unstable stool, attack-like headaches, spasms
89. What method of botulism laboratory diagnostics is the most reliable?
А. Blood sowing
В. Faeces sowing
C. Passive hemagglutination
D. White mice germ test
E. General blood test
90. The most frequent cause of breath stopping under botulism is
А. Edema – cerebrum swelling
В. Toxin affection of spinal and medulla motoneurons
D. Infection-toxic shock
E. Hypovolemic shock
91. What types of hypoxia are there under botulism?
А. Two
В. One
C. Four
D. Three
E. Hypoxia doesn’t develop
92. The cause of impulse transmission violence from impulse from nerve on muscle under
А. Acetylcholine release violation
В. Choline esterase activity increase
C. Degeneration of muscle fiber
D. Dehydration
E. Intoxication
93. Neurologic violations under botulism start from
А. Muscles weakness of neck, trunk, extremities
В. Hemodynamic violations
C. Violation of internal and external eye muscles, and pharyngolaryngeal muscular system
D. Occiput muscles rigidity
E. Positive Kernig's symptom
94. 33. First week of disease: high temperature, neutrophilic leukocytosis, increase of
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, acute muscles pains, face hyperemia, scleras subicteritiousness,
renal syndrome
А. Trichinosis
В. Оpisthorchiasis
C. Liver fluke infection
D. Leptospirosis
E. Adenovirus infection
95. Stool under enteric fever
А. Pea puree
В. Raspberry jelly
C. Slime with blood
D. Isn’t changed
E. Rice decoction
96. What complication is typical for leptospirosis?
А. Edema of lungs
В. Bulbar paralysis
C. Otitis
D. Diarrhea
E. Gastrointestinal bleeding
97. The most typical clinic features of shigellosis
А. Gradual beginning, intoxication, rise in temperature, nausea, sometimes retching, pains in
stomach, frequent stool of fecal nature, delicacy along large intestine under palpation.
В. Acute beginning, fever, rise in temperature, sometimes retching, colicky abdominal pains,
poor stool with slime, sometimes with blood, spasm of distal region of large intestine, tenesmus.
C. Acute beginning of disease, often belting in nature, retching, constipation changes stool
D. Gradual beginning, pains in iliac regions, excrement stool with slime, palpation – pain in
cecum and sigmoid colon.
Е. Gradual beginning of disease, hyperthermia, pains in epigastric region, stool 1-2 times a day,
feces is perfect without pathological admixtures.
98. Diarrhea under shigellosis can be explained by
А. Intoxication
В. Intestines motive function violation
C. Adenylate cyclase activation, intestinal juice production increase
D. Intestines motive function violation, adenylate cyclase activation, intestinal juice production
Е. Dehydration
99. Pain syndrome under dysentery can be explained by
А. Violation of neuromuscular apparatus and its spasm
В. Central nervous system violation
C. Intestines atony
D. Presence of destructive process in intestines
Е. Intoxication
100. Hemodynamic violations under cholera are explained by
А. Massive intestinal bleeding
В. Heavy toxicosis
C. Abundant indomitable diarrhea, retching D. Neurotoxicosis
Е. Infectious toxic shock
101. What factor of comma bacillus plays crucial role in dehydration?
А. Endotoxin
В. Dehydrogenase
C. Hyaluronidase
D. Streptokinase
E. Exotoxin
102. Stop of diarrhea under heavy form of cholera is explained by
А. Intoxication
В.Intestines paresis with dynamic intestinal impassability, and potassium deficit as a result
C. Large intestine spasm
D. Intestine dysbacteriosis
Е. Hypotonia
103. What are specific complications under enteric fever?
А. Edema-swelling of cerebrum
В. Intestine impassability
C. Intestinal bleeding, perforative peritonitis
D. Dehydrational shock
E. Reno-hepatic insufficiency
104. What is a cause of perforative peritonitis under enteric fever?
А. Expressed intoxication
В. Bacterial flora activation
C. Ulcerous process in intestines
D. Secondary immunodeficiency
E. Development of hypovitaminosis
105. For enteric fever isn’t typical presence of
А. Single roseolas with “adding” phenomenon during all fever period
В. Face hyperemia, scleras injection
C. Bradycardia
D. Bloating, contraction of percussion sound in ileocecal region
E. Fever, hepatolienal syndrome
106. Enteric fever diseased patients has maximal contagiousness during
В.Disease initial manifestations
С.Manifestation of disease
E.In 2 years
107. Entry of infection for typhoid bacillus is situated in
А. Upper airways
В. Lymphoid pharyngeal ring
C. Gastrointestinal tract
D. Defective coverlet and mucous tissue
E. Gastrointestinal tract, lymphoid pharyngeal ring
108. Enteric fever diseased patients are discharged
А. The 7th day of normal temperature
В. The 10th day of normal temperature
C. The 14th day of normal temperature
D.The 21st day of normal temperature
E.The 30th day of normal temperature
109. Patient V., 39 years old, was acute taken ill from rise in temperature up to 38.2˚- 38.5˚ С,
fever, nausea, retching, colicky abdominal pains, faeces liquid stool up to 5 times. Next day
persistent pains in anus, tenesmus, poor stool with slime and blood admixtures were appeared.
What diagnosis does patient have?
А.Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
110. Point out clinical forms which are absent under salmonellosis
B. Gastrointestinal
C. Generalized
D. Subclinic
E. Bacteria carrying
111. Point put diseases which are necessary to be differentiated with gastrointestinal form of
A. Diphtheria
B. Pneumonia
C. Alimentary toxic infections
D.Myocardial infarction
E. Werlhof's disease
112. Patient 18 years old has increase of general bilirubin increase up to 40.3 micromole/l,
conjugated bilirubin up to 7.5 micromole/l, alanine aminotransferase up to 0.5 mmol/l. He has no
complaints, liver isn’t enlarged, viral hepatitis markers aren’t determined in blood, erythrocyte
quantity and their osmotic firmness are normal. What is a presumable diagnosis?
A. Leptospirosis
B. Viral hepatitis A
C. Chronic hepatitis C
D. Benign hyperbilirubinemia
E. Hemolytic anemia
113. Patient 40 years old complains about weakness, bad appetite, jaundice. She’s already being
ill for 2 weeks. At first appetite became worse, joints were painful, then urine became dark and
jaundice appeared. 2 months before this disease she was operated concerning a stomach ulcer,
she was got a hemotransfusion. What diagnosis does patient have?
A. Benign hyperbilirubinemia
B. Leptospirosis
C.Viral hepatitis
D. Hemolytic jaundice
E. Cancer of papilla duodeni major
114. Patient 30 years old viral hepatitis B diseased has dormancy, a sleep inversion, a “flapping”
tremor of extremities, shotering of liver dimension, bilirubin increase and alanine
aminotransferase activity decrease. What diagnosis does patient have?
A. Infection-toxic shock
B. Acute hepatic encephalopathy
C. Hypovolemic shock
D. Edema-swelling of brain substance
E. Acute renal insufficiency
115. Patient 20 years old was acute taken ill with rise in temperature up to38˚С during 2 days,
weakness, appetite worsening, nausea, retching, and burden in the right hypochondrium. Evenly
– hepatomegaly, jaundice, alanine aminotransferase activity increase 10 times more. What
diagnosis does patient have?
A. Bilestone disease
B. Viral hepatitis
C. Leptospirosis
D. Enteric fever
E. Obstructive jaundice
116. Patient 20 years old, is a nurse of manipulate cabinet, was gradually taken ill from
appearance of weakness, pains in joints, sense of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. 3 days
beforea jaundice urine became dark and there were HBsAg and HBeAg in the blood. What
diagnosis does patient have?
A. Viral hepatitis A
B. Viral hepatitis В+D
C. Viral hepatitis B
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. Yersiniosis
117. Patient 40 years old complains about heavy headache, nausea, retching, pains in
gastrocnemius muscles, acute weakness, rise in temperature up to 40˚С during one week,
jaundice, scleritis, hepatosplenomegaly. In the blood test – leucocytes 30∙109/l. What diagnosis
does patient have?
A. Meningitis
B. Viral hepatitis A
D. Viral hepatitis В
E. Hepatocarcinoma
118. Patient 25 years old, is a fisherman. The second day of disease he had a rise of temperature
up to 39.5˚С, fever, headaches, heavy pain in gastrocnemius muscles, painful palpation of
muscles. Scleras are icteric, urine is dark, faeces has normal coluring. In the blood test –
leucocytes 15∙109/l. What diagnosis does patient have?
A. Viral hepatitis A
B. Chronic hepatitis worsening
C.Epidemic myalgia
E. Viral hepatitis B
119. Patient 20 years old, returned from India 2 days ago, has an abundant retching, frequent
watery stool of “rice decoction” type against a background of normal temperature and abdominal
pains absence. Skin is cold by touch, turgor is decreased. What diagnosis does patient have?
A. Alimentary toxicoinfection
C.Enterovirus infection
D. Cholera
120. What is a main criterion in cholera course heaviness definition?
A.Dehydration level
B. Agent concentration in small intestine
C. Intoxication syndrome expression
D. El-Tor vibrio excretion
E. Leukocytosis presence
121. What germ test is realized for diagnostics of comma bacillus carrying?
A. Blood
B. Blood and bile
C. Faeces and bile
D. Faeces and urine
E. Urine
122. Point out food stuffs which can provoke alimentary toxicoinfections:
A. Stewed fruit
B. Hot dishes (soups, stewed meat)
C. Vegetable salads
D. Cold diches (sour cream, creams, galantine)
E. Fruit salads
123. Alimentary toxicoinfections are necessary to start treat from:
A. Physiotherapy
B. Antibiotics prescription
C. Confinement to bed
D. Gastrointestinal tract painstaking lavage
E. Dietotherapy
124. What isn’t used in alimentary toxicoinfections treatment?
A. Gastrointestinal tract lavage
B. Antibiotics
C. Desintoxication therapy
D. Sorbents
E. Enzymatic medications
125. What laboratory test confirms enteric fever?
A. Burnet test
B. Hemoculture
C. Clinic data enough
D. General blood test
E. Rayt-Heddelson reaction
126. When do eruptions appear under enteric fever?
A. At the first day of disease
B. At the 3rd-4th day of disease
C. At the 21st day of disease
D. At the 8th-10th day of disease
E. Any day of disease
127. For leptospirosis isn’t typical:
A. Renal insufficiency
B. Acute beginning of the disease
C. Myalgias
D.Hard secondary pneumonia, which is the main cause of lethality
E. Hemorrhagic syndrome
128. Which diseases are necessary to be differentiated with leptospirosis:
A. Shigellosis
B. Plague
C. Viral hepatitis
D. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
E. Hemorrhagic fever with renal dyndrome, viral hepatitis, influenza
129. What is the main diagnostics method of leptospirosis?
A. Reaction of microagglutination and lysis
B. Rayt reaction
C. Agglutination reaction
D. Microscopy in dark field of vision
E. General blood test
130. Point out stool nature under salmonellosis localized form:
A. “Pea puree”
B. ”Rectal sputum”
C. “Raspberry jelly”
D. “Rice decoction”
E.”Bog slime”
131. What salmonellosis clinic form can proceed without intestinal manifestations?
A. Colitic
B. Gastric
C. Enteric
D. Enterocolitic
E. Septic
132. What material is necessary to be taken from located form of salmonellosis diseased for
diagnosis specification?
A. Phlegm
B. Blood
D. Urine
E. Liquor
133. What transfer path of cholera infection is the most morbid?
A. Alimentary
B. Contact-domestic
C. By water
D. Dust
E. Respiratory
134. Point out the category of cholera diseased patients which have the most important epidemic
A. Cholera diseased patients with complications
B. Patients with hard form of cholera
C. Vibrio carriers
D. Patients with algid form of cholera
E. Cholera diseased patients with diabetes mellitus
135. What transfer path of cholera can lead to cholera quick distribution?
A. Alimentary
B. By water
C. Contact-domestic
D. Aerogenic
E. Fecal-oral
136. Point out people category which runs the risk of cholera?
A. Ischemic heart diseased patients
B. Old people
C.People with gastric juice low acidity
D. Expectant mothers
E. Children of preschool age
137. What faeces have cholera diseased patients?
A. ”Rectal sputum”
B. “Rice decoction”
C. “Raspberry jelly”
D. Watery with admixtures of slime and blood
E. “Meat slops”
138. Point out the causes of hemodynamical violations under cholera:
A. Retching
B. Intoxication
C. Diarrhea
D. Heart weakness syndrome weakness
E. Blood deposition parenchymatous
139. Patient with diarrheic syndrome has culture of vibrio El-Tor. What diagnosis does patient
A. Shigellosis
B. Balantidiasis
C. Amebiasis
D. Cholera
E. Enteric fever
140. What cultures of comma bacillus confirm bacteria carrying?
A. Blood
B. Urine
C. Blood and bile
D. Faeces and bile
E. Faeces and urine
141. What helminthism can be infected percutaneously?
А. Ascariasis
В. Ankylostomiasis
С. Enterobiasis
D. Diphyllobothriosis
Е. Тeniasis
142. What helminthism diseased patients are infectious?
А. Enterobiasis
В. Trichocephaliasis
С. Trichinosis
D. Taeniarhynchosis
Е. Echinococcosis
143. What helminthism doesn’t have a migration phase in human’s organism?
А. Enterobiasis
В. Ascariasis
С. Ankylostomiasis
D. Strongyloidiasis
Е. Trichinosis
144. Under what helminthism a human being is a final host?
А. Ascariasis
В. Enterobiasis
С. Echinococcosis
D. Trichocephaliasis
Е. Trichinosis
145. Under what helminthism there is no need in bridging species?
А. Trichinosis
В. Тeniasis
С. Теniarinchosis.
D. Enterobiasis
Е. Diphyllobothriosis
146. Virus of hepatitis D can be a cause of disease only in infected persons:
А. Retrovirus
В. Virus of hepatitis A
С. Virus of hepatitis B
D. Virus of hepatitis E
Е. Can be a cause of disease independently
147. During against hepatitis B vaccine introduction vaccinated person has in his blood:
А. АntiHbSАg.
B. АntiHbеАg.
С. АntiHbсоrIgM.
D. АntiHвсоrIg G.
148. What medications are necessary in treatment of hepatitis A medium-serious course?
В. Nucleosides analogues
С. Corticosteroid
D. Enteric sorbents
Е. Antibiotic
149. Virus of hepatitis C can copy in:
А. Marrow cells
В. Pancreas cells
С. Hepatocytes
D. Macrophage
Е.All answers are correct
150. In trichinosis specific diagnostics is necessary to find:
А. Eggs in faeces
В. Helminths in faeces
С. Lavrae in muscles biopsy material
D. Eggs in perianal folds scrape
Е. Eosinophilia in the blood
151. Patient 30 years old complains about fever, headache, and retching, positive meningeal
signs. Salmonella enteriditis is situated in liquor. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Meningitis
В. Cholera
С. Amebiasis
D. Septicopyemic form of salmonellosis
Е. Botulism
152.Patient D., 28 years old, complains about weakness, headache, insomnia, anorexia, rise in
temperature up to 38,5°-39,8°C during 11 days, on the thorax skin there are 3 roseolas. Tongue is
fured, reinforced. There is a stomach swelling. Hepatosplenomegaly. Positive Padalka's
symptom. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Relapsing fever
В. Brucellosis
С. Brill's disease
D. Leptospirosis
Е. Enteric fever
153. Patient A., 25 years old the 18th day of enteric fever has a worsening of general state: a
sudden weakness, paleness of skin and mucous tunic were appeared, temperature was decreased
from 40º С to 36,3ºС, pulse became more frequent – 140 per minute, death-damp was appeared.
What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Hepatitis
В.Pertaining to typhoid fever intestinal bleeding
С. Enteric fever relapse
D. Pneumonia
Е. Myocarditis
154. Patient N., 32 years old, after having eaten vegetable salad had a weakness, nausea,
retching, and pain in epigastria 2 hours later. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Botulism
В. Shigellosis
С. Cholera
D. Sepsis
Е. Alimentary toxic infection
155. Patient A., 39 years old, was acute taken ill, in 40 minutes after having eaten dirty
vegetables, she had a fever, rise in temperature up to 38 °С, nausea, repeated retching. What
diagnosis does patient have.
А. Cholera
В. Salmonellosis
С. Alimentary toxic infection
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
156. Patient having eaten a dried fish had a ghosting, dry mouth, weakness, choking during hard
food swallowing 18 hours after. Evenly – pharyngeal and vomiting reflexes are decreased, pupils
are dilated, and photoreaction is relaxed. What treatment does patient need first of all?
A. Chloramphenicol prescription
В. Saline laxative prescription
С. Desintoxication therapy
D. Specific serum introducing
Е. Gastric lavage
157. Botulism-diseased patient has complaints about bad vision, aglutition and difficult breath.
Determine a profile of patient’s hospitalization.
А. Under divisional doctor supervision
В. Infectious department
С. Resuscitation department
D. Neurologic department
Е. Therapeutic department
158. Patient had a muscles weakness, a dry mouth, nausea, a retching, a vision disturbance, an
aglutition and liquid pouring through the nose after having eaten a home made ham 18 hours
ago. What tests are necessary to be done urgently?
А. Cranium computed tomography
В. Mushroom poison blood toxicological research
С. Blood germ sowing
D. Faeces germ sowing
Е. Germ test taking for botulinus toxin explosure
159. Patient K., 30 years old, was hospitalized the second day of disease with complaints of a
ghosting, a net before her eyes, a dry mouth, an aglutition, a sudden weakness. Anamnesis – ate
potted meat. What test is necessary to be done for specific therapy beginning?
А. Biochemical blood test
В. Blood sterility taking
С. Scourage
D. Biological test
Е. Immunologic research
160. Patient , 30 years old, has signs of alimentary toxicoinfection (temperature increase,
retching, twice repeated liquid stool), vision worsening, a mist and a net before his eyes. Evenly
– ptosis, anisocoria, vertical nystagmus. Development of what disease does patient have?
А. Cholera.
В. Alimentary toxic infection.
С. Salmonellosis.
D. Botulism.
Е. Meningococcosis.
170. Helminthic invasion under which cysticercosis is developed
А. Тeniasis
В. Taeniarhynchosis
C. Hymenolepiasis
D. Diphyllobothriasis
E. Оpisthorchiasis
171. Enterovirus infection is caused
A. DNA-containing virus
B. RNA-containing virus
C. Leptospira
D. Spirochaeta
E. ß-hemolytic streptococcus
172. The source of enterovirus infection of is:
A. bacteria carrier
B. domestic animals
C. sick man and virus carrier
D. wild animals
E. birds
173. In a height of disease an agent of enterovirus infection it is possible to excret in:
A. faeces
B. saliva
C. excretion from nasopharynx lavage
D. urine
E. bile
174.A patient of 18 years old with the body temperature 37,8°C complains of the moderate
catarrhal phenomena and intensive myalgia all over body. In anamnesis: contact with a patient
by a herpangina. Diagnosis.
A. adenovirus infection
B. flu
C. leptospirosis
D. epidemic myalgia
E. herpetic infection
175. Patient of 17 years old complains of headache, dizziness, vomiting, increase of temperature,
to 38,9°C. Feels sick during 3 days. At examination: state of middle weight, in consciousness,
scleritis, in stomatopharynx: hyperemia of mucous tunic, on the corpus elements of the spotted
rash, full-blown neck stiffness, positive symptom of Kernig is expressed. Your diagnosis?
A. varicella meningitis
B. measles’ meningitis
C. meningococcal meningitis
D. herpetic meningitis
E. enterovirus meningitis
176. Patient of 15 years, distinguished acute onset of disease. Appeared the rise in temperature
up to 37,5°C, indisposition. A rash appeared on a 2nd day, pain in muscles. At examination: the
state is satisfactory, maculo-papulous rash is pale. In 2 days a rash disappeared, T - 36,6°C. In
childhood had measles, scarlatina, rubella, tonsillitis. In a class there were cases of ARD.
A. measles
C. enterovirus infection
D. meningococcal infection
E. Rubella
177. A patient of 10 years old, distinguished acute onset of disease from the increase of T to
40ºC. On a 2nd day appeared thrice-repeated vomiting. With a diagnosis of flu is directed in a
hospital. At examination: on a skin elements of maculo-papulous rash, mucous tunic of soft
palate is moderately hyperemic. Meningeal signs are positive. Liquor is transparent , colorless,
flows out by a stream, cytosis 300 cells in 1 microliter, lymphocytes 90%. A classmate at which
suspected epidemic myalgia went to hospital in 2 days.
A. enterovirus infection: serous meningitis
B. flu: serous meningitis
C. meningococcal infection: purulent meningitis
D. rubella
E. chicken-pox
178. What seasonality is typical for an enterovirus infection?
A. autumn-winter
B. summer-autumn
C. not typical
D. winter-spring
E. spring-summer
179. What ages groups’ morbidity is typical for enterovirus infection?
A. middle ages
B. elderly age
C. for all age’s groups
D. new-born
E. children under 10 years1
180. Asymptomatic and slight disease of enterovirus infection is typical for..?
A. children of junior age
B. new-born
C. adults
D. old men
E. all ages groups
181. Point out forms which doesn’t take place under salmonellosis:
A. cutaneous
B. gastrointestinal
C generalized
D subclinic
E. bacteria carrying
182.Point out clinic variants of salmonellosis generalized forms:
A. typhoidal
B. Arthralgic
C. cardiologic
D. nephrological
E. pneumonic
183. Point out pathogenic therapy for gastrointestinal form of salmonellosis:
A. correction of water-electrolytic balance
B. application of immunosuppressive therapy
C. application of aminoglycoside medications
D. application of spasmolytics
E. application of cholagogic medications
184. Point out methods of salmonellosis specific laboratory diagnostics in the first hours of
A. Immunofluorescence method
B. Indirect hemagglutination reaction
C. Inhibition hemagglutination reaction
D. reaction Cheddelson
E. Lysis reaction
185. Point out medications which are used in pathogenic therapy of salmonellosis generalized
A. Chloramphenicol
B. Ephedrine
C. allchole
D. Allopurinol
E. Strophanthine
186. What clinic symptoms are typical for Salmonella gastroenteritis?
A. Retching and diarrhea
B. Chest pain
C. Typhoid maculopapular rash
D. Pains in big joints
E. Pains in small joints
187. What hemogram changes are possible under salmonellosis septic form?
A. Leukocytosis
B. Leukopenia
C. Slow erythrocyte sedimentation rate
D. Erythropenia
E. Eosinophilia
188. What antibiotics are used under salmonellosis generalized forms?
A. Ampicillin and chloramphenicol succinate
B. Norfloxacinum
C. Охасillinum
D. Tetracycline
E. Сеfaloridinum
189. Point out disease which is necessary to differentiate with salmonellosis gastrointestinal
A. Alimentary toxic infections
B. Pneumonia
C. Diphteria
D. Myocardial infarction
E. Werlhof's disease
190. Point out optimal temperature for Salmonella growth
A. +35 - +370 С
B. +15 - +170 С
C. +25 - +270 С
D. +45 - +470 С
E. +55 - +570 С
191. Point out food stuffs which are cause of alimentary toxic infection
А. Cold diches (sour cream, creams, galantine)
В. Hot dishes (soups, stewed meat)
С. Vegetable salads
D. Fruit compote
Е. Fruit salad
192. Treatment of alimentary toxic infection is necessary to start from:
А. Abundant lavage of gastrointestinal tract
В. Antibiotics
С. Confinement to bed
D. Physiotherapy
Е. Dietotherapy
193. Point out category of people which are subjects to check up on the occasion of
staphylococcus carrying
А. Workers of food industry and child’s institutions
В. Workers of enterprises
С. Hairdressers
D. Workers of fields
Е. Miners
194. What clinical manifestations aren’t typical for alimental infections?
А. Colitis syndrome
В. Gastroenteritis syndrome (abdominal pains, liquid stool, rumbling, swelling)
С. Dehydration syndrome
D. Intoxication syndrome (fever, giddiness, weakness, tachycardia)
Е. Meningeal syndrome
195. What isn’t prescribed in alimentary toxic infection treatment?
А. Antibiotics
В. Gastrointestinal tract lavage
D. Desintoxication therapy
Д. Sorbents
Е. Enzymes
196. What antigen structure does Escherichia have?
А. О,Н,К – antigens
В. О – antigen
С. О,Н – antigens
D. К – antigen
Е. Н – antigen
197. What transfer path which isn’t typical for escherichiose?
А. Respiratory
В. Fecal-oral
С. Contact-domestic
D. Domestic
Е. All answers are correct
198. What form of escherichiose isn’t generalized?
А. Gastroenterocolitic
В. Septic
С. With lungs violation
D. Escherichial meningitis
Е. With violation of liver and kidneys
199. Point out synonym of Philips-2 solution:
А. Disol
В. Тrisol
С. Cholosasum
D. Аcеsol
Е. Refortan
200. What media are used for “escherichiose” diagnosis confirmation?
А. Endo and Levina
B. Ploskireva
C. Bismuth-sulfite agar
D. Butclera
Е. Skirrou
201.Patient M., 20 years old, ate galantine. He had fever, nausea, repeated retching, aches in
epigastria, and twice repeated stool indulgence 6 hours later. Great quantity of Proteus was
excreted during faeces germ investigation. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Shigellosis
С. Botulism
D. Salmonellosis
Е. Cholera
202. Patient N., 32 years old, ate vinaigrette. He had weakness, nausea, retching, pains in
epigastria 2 hours later. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Shigellosis
С. Cholera
D. Sepsis
Е. Botulism
203. Patient V., 16 years old, was acutely taken ill from appearance of general weakness, fever,
aches in the bottom of stomach, nausea, retching, 8-times quickened stool, liquid excrements
with unpleasant smell and slime. Body temperature – 38,50 C. Stomach is swelled, sigmoid
region of large intestine is painful. Germ research of scourage of intestine and excrements –
pathogen was excreted at Skirrou, Butclera medias. Titre in indirect hemagglutination reaction is
1:20. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Campilobacteriosis
В. Salmonellosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
204. Patient A., 39 years old was acutely taken ill from rise in temperature up to 38о С, nausea,
repeated retching. She thinks that a cause of the disease is having eaten sweet cherries 40
minutes ago, which were bought at a natural market She didn’t wash her arms and fruits before
eating. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Salmonellosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
28 schoolboys were hospitalized at the infectious hospital. They were taken ill
simultaneously in 20 minutes after having eaten a bun and a glass of milk at the school dinningroom. They complain about fever, nausea, repeated retching. What diagnosis do patients have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Campilobacteriosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
Patient K., was hospitalized at the department with complaints about rise in temperature
up to 37,5 ОС, headache, weakness, nausea, and twice repeated retching, aches in the bottom of
stomach, 10-times liquid stool with clear slime admixture. During stomach palpation there is a
murmuring, spasmodic and painful large intestine. He thinks that his disease is connected with
eating of dirty fruits 3 days ago. In germ sowing of faeces on Endo and Levina medias
Escherichiya Coli 0 27 was excreted. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Escherichiose
В. Campilobacteriosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
207. Patient F., 18 years old, was taken ill in 8 hours after having eaten unboiled water from
well and dirty cherries. Disease started acute from the rise in temperature up to 38,7О, headache,
weakness, pain in the low part of stomach. Coverlet is pale, dry, pulse is frequent. Stomach is
swollen, sleek. Blood test – moderate leukocytosis, displacement to the left, temperate increase
of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Faeces sowing - Escherichiya Coli 0142. What diagnosis does
patient have?
А. Escherichiose
В. Campilobacteriosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Amebiasis
208. Patient P., was taken ill in 12 hours after having eaten salad with garden radish, which
hadn’t been kept at refrigerator. He complains about rise in temperature up to 38,4ОС, headache,
fever, nausea, repeated retching with eaten food remains. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Campilobacteriosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Escherichiose
209. Students were taken ill, in 8 hours after having eaten vegetable salad. One agnail diseased
student took part in salad preparing. Cl. perfrigens 108 was excreted from scourage and faeces.
Titre of agglutination reaction with autoculture is 1:20. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Alimentary toxic infection
В. Campilobacteriosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Escherichiose
210. Fisherman M., 41 years old, was acutely taken ill from rise in temperature up to 38,6 ОС,
fever, general weakness, headache, myalgia. Inconstant abdominal pains, nausea, retching were
jointed next day. Liquid stool with unpleasant smell with small admixtures of blood and
transparent slime. Stomach is swollen,
distal sections of large intestine is painful.
Campylobacter jejuni was excreted in Skirrou, Butslera media. What diagnosis does patient
А. Campilobacteriosis
В. Salmonellosis
С. Cholera
D. Shigellosis
Е. Escherichiose
211. Immunity at poliomyelitis
A. unstable
B. constant type specific
C. constant species-specific
D. constant antitoxic
E. absent
212. What form of poliomyelitis proceeds lightly?
A. subclinical
B. abortive
C. paralytic
D. unparalytic
E. all forms proceed lightly
213. A feverish period of poliomyelitis conforms to
A. to the latent period
B. to the manifestation period
C. virusemia period
D. to the period of initial manifestations
E. all transferred is incorrect
214. What stool disorder is conditioned by at poliomyelitis?
A. by the lesion of the vegetative nervous system
B. by the lesion of the vegetative nervous system
C. by the vessels’ and perivascular spaces involvement
D. virusemia
E. by replication of virus in the cells of small intestine
215. What determine a meningeal syndrome at poliomyelitis?
A. edema, infiltration of arachnoid membrane
B. replication of virus in the cells of small intestine
C. by the vessels’ and perivascular spaces involvement
D. virusemia
E. by massive ruin of motoneurons
216. Leading syndromes at the unparalytic form of poliomyelitis are
A. respirator, gastrointestinal
B. general toxic, meningeal
C. respirator, general toxic
D. pain, general toxic
E. all transferred is incorrect
217. Paresises and paralyses at poliomyelitis develop as a result
A. virusemia
B. lesion of the vegetative nervous system
C. lesion of motoneurons of spinal cord
D. lesion of nucleus of cranial nerves
E. lesion of sensory roots of spinal cord
218. Pain in muscles and paresthesia at poliomyelitis are conditioned
A. virusemia
B. by the lesion of the vegetative nervous system
C. by the lesion of motoneurons of spinal cord
D. lesion of nucleus of cranial nerves
E. lesion of sensory roots of spinal cord
219. For confirmation of diagnosis «Poliomyelitis» is necessary the excretion of virus from
A. blood
B. saliva
C. emetic masses
D. sputum
E. faeces
220. In treatment of non-complicated poliomyelitis are obtained
A. antibiotics
B. analgesics
C. diuretics
D. glucocorticoids
E. diuretics
221. In a refrigeration chamber, in which a tetanus vaccine, tetanus antitoxin, Whooping-cough
+Diphtheria+ +Tetanus Antitoxin (WDTA) , vaccines, poliomyelitic and B hepatitis B
vaccines, suddenly a temperature was reduced to - 20ºC. What of these preparations in future can
be used for the vaccination?
B. tetanus vaccine
C. tetanus antitoxin
D. poliomyelitic vaccine
E. B hepatitis B vaccine
222. A child visited the district doctor-pediatrician with complaints of an acute weakness in a
right arm. From anamnesis; became ill acutely 4 days ago from the increase of body T° and
moderate catarrhal phenomena. Felt weakness in a hand in the morning of this day. What a
preliminary diagnosis must be?
A. enterovirus infection
B. diphtherial polineuropathy
C. poliomyelitis
D. botulism
E. tetanus
223. A 18 year girl became ill acutely with cold, cough, stomach-aches, temperature of 39,5ºC.
To the third day the catarrhal phenomena diminished, body T° is 36,6ºC. At the 4th day of
disease a weakness appeared in a right foot. At examination: active motions in a leg are absent.
Tenderness is finding on direction of nervous trunks in thigh muscles. And Achilles and kneejerk reactions on right leg are not registered. What preliminary diagnosis is it possible to set?
A. poliomyelitis, spinal form
B. encephalomyelitis
C. tick-borne encephalitis
D. meningococcal meningitis
E. botulism
224. Poliomyelitis agent’s characteristics
A. Picornavius, contains RNA, 1 serum variant, sensible to heating, inconvertible to the
B. DNA-containing virus, 2 serum variants, resistant in an environment, to the antibiotics
Picornavius, contains RNA, 3 serum variants, sensible to heating, ultraviolet rays,
disinfectants, inconvertible to the antibiotics, not sensible to the low temperatures
D. Hepadnavirus, contains DNA, inconvertible to the low temperatures, maintains boiling,
autoclaving during 30-40 minutes
E. defective virus, ribosim, is inconvertible to action of high temperatures and acids, collapses in
an alkaline environment
225. At a 3 year child with the flaccid paralyses of right thigh muscles poliomyelitis is suspected.
In what case this accident will be considered as confirmed case of “poliomyelitis “?
A. at presence of typical clinical picture
B. at presence of the remaining phenomena after transference of disease
C. in the case of excretion Poliovirus
D. in anamnesis are absent the poliomyelitis’ vaccinations
E. under age of 7 years
226. The examination on poliomyelitis for confirmation of diagnosis includes
A. global analysis of blood, urine, consultation of surgeon, infectiologist
B. global analysis of blood, urines, rontgenography of affected extremity bones
C. consultation of neurologist, electromyography, lumbar puncture
D. global analysis of blood, urines, consultation of neurologist
E. blood on pair serums, excrement, nasopharynxes’ lavage per polioviruses
227. Prescribing of glucocorticoids at acute flaccid paralyses
A. is indicated
B. is not indicated
C. indicated to the old men and children
D. indicated at the severe course of disease
E. at presence of complications
228. In a acute period of poliomyelitis treatment includes prescribing
A. antibiotics
B. antiviral preparations
C. resolvents, analgesics
D. vitamins
E. sanatorium-and-spa treatment
229. Patient of 15 years, a 3rd day is ill. On a background the moderate catarrhal phenomena
appeared weakness in hands, violation of swallowing, doubling in eyes, cross-eye. Voice is
weak, paralysis of soft palate and upper extremities, pulse 90 in 1 min., blood pressure 130 \ 80.
A. poisoning by an atropine
B. diphtheria
C. botulism
D. poliomyelitis
E. poisoning by mushrooms
230 In what period of leptospirosis infection-toxic shock is often developed?
А. Initial, febrile
В. Oliguric
С. Polyuric
D. Incubatory
Е. Convalescent
231.For leptospiral infection isn’t typical:
А. Secondary pneumonia
В. Acute beginning of disease
С. Often myalgias
D. Hepatic insufficiency
Е. Often expressed hemorrhagic syndrome
232. What isn’t used in leptospirosis treatment?
А. Salicylates
В. Penicillin
С. Antihistaminic medications
D. Heparin is used in disseminated intravasculas coagulation prophylaxis
Е. Antileptospiral gamma-globulin
232.Leptospirosis pathogen is related to
А. Spirochete
В. Bacterium
С. Rickettsia
D. Virus
Е. Clostridium
233.What pathogen is a cause of hard forms of leptospirosis?
А. L. icterohaemorragica
В. L. canicola
С. L. pomona
D. L. grippothyphosa
Е. L. tarassovi
234. What criterion is a sign of favorable way out of leptospirosis?
А. Normal indices of urea and creatinine in the blood
В. Polyuria
С. Absence of changes in liver function tests
D. Absence of hepatolienal syndrome
Е. Leukocytosis absence in liver function tests
234. What diseases can be differentiated with leptospirosis?
А. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, viral hepatitis, influenza
В. Erysipelas
С. Viral hepatitis
D. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Е. Shigellosis
235. What is main method of laboratory diagnostics of leptospirosis?
А. Reaction of microagglutination and lysis
В. Rayt reaction
С. Agglutination reaction
D. Research of thick drop of blood
Е. General blood test
236. Are leptospirosis diseased patients dangerous for surroundings?
А. No, they aren’t
В. Yes, they are. All patients before recovery period
С. Yes, they are. All patients with hard forms of disease
D. Yes, they are in the first hours of the disease
Е. Yes, they are in all fever period
237. What complication is typical for leptospirosis?
А. Renal insufficiency
В. Cordial insufficiency
С. Hepatic insufficiency
D. Pulmonary edema
Е. Edema-swelling of cerebrum
238. Having introduced 12 million ED of penicillin leptospirosis diseased patient had a JarischHerxheimer’s reaction (tachycardia, fever), temperature normalized lately. What is your tactics?
А. Continue antibiotics therapy against a background of desintoxication
В. Abolish antibiotics
С. Continue desintoxication
D. Continue antibiotic therapy
Е. Prescribe sulfanilamides
239. Leptospirosis diseased patient has a rise in temperature up to 400 С, tachycardia, and
breathlessness after having been introduced penicillin. What state does patient have?
А. Jarisch-Herxheimer’s reaction
В. Peaction Artusa
С. Pneumonia has jointed
D. Patient’s state corresponds to period of the disease
Е. Bronchial asthma attack
240. Patient has intoxication, jaundice, myalgias, and an increase of bilirubin in blood (mainly
conjugated bilirubin); he has bile pigments, cylinders, protein in urine; there are leukocytosis and
erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase in the blood. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Leptospirosis
В. Viral hepatitis A
С. Obstructive jaundice
D. Viral hepatitis C
Е. Spotted fever
241. Patient has a high fever, a neutrophilic leukocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
increase, and acute pains in gastrocnemius muscles, edema and hyperemia of face,
subicteritiousness. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Leptospirosis
В. Shigellosis
С. Trichinosis
D. Opisthorchiasis
Е. Liver fluke infection
242. Patient has an expressed jaundice, intoxication, myalgias, oliguria, bilirubin increase in
blood; urobilin (+), cylinders, protein are in urine; leukocytosis 13*109/l and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate increase up to 42 mm per hour are in blood. What diagnosis does patient
А. Leptospirosis
В. Hemolytic jaundice
С. Viral hepatitis
D. Obstructive jaundice
Е. Enteric fever
243. A fisherman complains about a weakness, rise in temperature up to 39,50 С, pain in
gastrocnemius muscles, scleras jaundice. Pasternatsky's symptom is positive. Quantity of urine
isn’t big, urine has a color of “dark beer”. There are protein, erythrocytes in urine. In blood test –
leukocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase up to 60 mm per hour. What diagnosis does
patient have?
А. Leptospirosis
В. Viral hepatitis
С. Anthrax
D. Erysipelas
Е. Diphtheria
244. Patient M., works as a farmyard worker. There are rodents at the farm. Disease started
acutely from rise in temperature, headache, she complains about pain in gastrocnemius muscles
and waist. At the third day there were extravasations in conjunctiva, jaundice, decrease of urine
secretion. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Leptospirosis В. Tetanus С. Measles D. Erysipelas Е. Plague
245. Patient 45 years old, is a fisherman. He diseased acutely. He complains about fever - 39,50
С, headache, appetite absence, insomnia, pain in gastrocnemius muscles and waist. Face is
hyperemic, there is a herpetic eruption on the lips and wings of nose. Oliguria, hepatomegaly. In
urine – proteinuria, microhematuria. In blood – leukocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
increase. What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Leptospirosis В. Salmonellosis С. Shigellosis D. Cholera Е. Botulism
246. Patient 33 years old, cut a cane one week ago. He diseased autely, from rising in
temperature up to 39 0 С. Now he complains about pain in gastrocnemius muscles, hyperemic
face, urine secretion is decreased, urine has a color of “dark beer”, scleras subicteritiousness.
What diagnosis does patient have?
А. Leptospirosis В. Tetanus С. Measles D. Erysipelas Е. Plague
247. Archives worker is 50 years old. He diseased acutely, complains about fever – 38,50C,
apetite absence, insomnia, acute pains in gastrocnemius muscles and waist. Face is hyperemic. In
urine - proteinuria, microhematuria. In blood - leukocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
What diagnosis does patient have?
А.Leptospirosis В. Tetanus С. Measles D. Erysipelas Е. Plague
248. Does not cause development of chronic hepatitis:
A. ocute viral hepatitis A; В. ocute viral hepatitis В; С. chronic alcoholic intoxication;
Д. long use of hepatotropic medicines; Е. long work with pesticides.
249.Sign which testifies to the presence at a sick cholestatic syndrome:
A. icterus and skinning itch; В. hyperbilirubinemia; С. increase of maintenance of cholesterol
and beta-lipoprotein in the whey of blood; Д. unalterable activity of alkaline fosfotasis .
250.Chronic flow with transition in a cirrhosis can not have hepatitis which are caused by
A. В; В. С; С. А ; Д. all transferred.
251. At acute viral hepatitis suffers above all things:
A. function of hepatocites on metabolism of bylyrubyna; В. function of gepatotsytov on ekskretis
of bilirubin ; С. capture of bilirubin; Д. function of conjugation; Е. update of urobilinogena.
252.What index is most informing for prognostication of worsening of hepatic failure:
A. level index of prothrombin of blood ; В. information of dynamic hepatostsintiphy with Th;
С. anaemia; Д. leukopenia.
252.Syndrome of intrahepatic cholestasis is not accompanied by the increase in a blood:
A. alkaline fosfotasis; В. indirect bilirubin ; С. gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase;
Д. direct bilirubin
253. For early diagnostics of sharp viral hepatitis most value has:
A. determination of general bilirubin; В. separate quantitative determination of free and linked
faction of bilirubin; С. ensime tests ; Д. determination of general cholesterol;
Е. control research of urine in the presence of urobilin.
254. Unlike sharp viral hepatitis at sharp alcoholic hepatitis is not:
A. weaknesses; В. prodromal period; С. anorexia; Д. nausea; Е. icterus.
255. Select the basic way of infection by viral hepatitis in:
A. sexual; В.aerial-dropping; С. domestic; Д. injective; Е. transplacental.
256. Basic way of transmission of virus of hepatitis A:
A. aerial-dropping; В. parenteral; С. fecal-oral; Д. transcutaneous; Е. all transferred.
257. What is pathogen of enteric fever?
А. Virus B. Rickettsia C. Spirochaeta D. Salmonella E. Shigella
258. Pathogen of enteric fever grows at:
А. Chicken embryo B. Usual media with laky blood addition C. Bile contained nutrient medium
E. Usual media of alkaline рН
259. What is mechanism of enteric fever infection?
А. Air-dust B. Inoculable C. Faecal-oral
260. What isn’t transfer path of enteric fever pathogen?
A. Contact-domestic B. Alimentary (food) C. Inoculable D. By water
261. What is a source of infection under enteric fever?
А. Big cattle B. Pigs C. Hens and ducks D. Diseased person and bacteria carrier
262. Acute carrying under enteric fever:
А. Till 1 month B. Till 2 months C.*Till 3 months D.Till 5 months E.Till 6 months
263. What has the biggest epidemiologic danger under enteric fever?
А. Diseased person B. Acute bacteria carriers C. Chronic bacteria carriers
D. Transitory carriers
266. What is entry of infection for typhoid bacteria?
А. Epithelium of upper airways B. Wound surface of skin C. Pirogov lymphoid pharyngeal ring,
gastrointestinal tract
267. Initial sensitizing of organism by typhoid antigen takes place in:
А. Incubation period B. Disease height C. Period of complications development
268. Middle incubation period under enteric fever lasts:
А. Several hours B. One week C. 14 days D. 21 days
269. Is bacteremia typical of enteric fever?
А. Yes B. Not C. Sometimes D. Very seldom
270. What symptoms are typical of enteric fever?
А. фулигинозный tongue B. Relative bradycardia C. Periodical abdominal pain D. Enlargement
of liver and spleen E.*Wind
271. What changes of cardiovascular system is typical of enteric fever diseased patients?
А. Tachycardia (pulse corresponds to temperature) B. Relative bradycardia C. Temporary
extrasystole is possible D. Pulse dicrotism
272. When does typical eruption appear?
А.At the 3rd-4th day B.At the 5th-6th day C. At the 8th-10th day D.At the 12th-14th day
273. What nature has eruption under enteric fever?
А. Abundant hemorrhagic eruption, which is disposed to confluence B. Abundant papuliferous
eruption C. Pale typhoid maculopapular rash D. Vesicular eruption
274. What is Padalka's symptom?
А. Delicacy during palpation of the left iliac region B. Delicacy during palpation of the right
iliac region C. Contraction of percussion sound in the ileocecal region
D. Contraction of percussion sound in the right iliac region
275. What is specific complication of enteric fever?
А. Perforation of typhoid ulcers B. Meningocephalitis C.Intestinal bleeding D. Acute hepatic
insufficiency E. Pneumonia
276. Choose laboratory researches which confirm enteric fever:
А. Hemoculture B. Rhinocystoscopy C. Coproculture D. Immune diffusion reaction E. BordetGengou test
277. When is necessary to make a blood sowing for hemoculture excretion?
А. From the first day of the disease and during all fever period B. In the end of the first week to
the 21st of the disease C. From the 10th day of the disease D. In 2 days from the beginning of the
disease andduring all fever period
278. When are serologic methods of enteric fever diagnostics are used?
А. From the 1st day B. From the 3rd-5th day C. From the 5th-7th day D. From the 10th-12 day
279. With what diseases is necessary to differentiate enteric fever?
А. Anthrax B. Pneumonia C.Spotted fever D.Sepsis E. Measles
280. How long does confinement to bed last under enteric fever?
А.10 days B. 2 weeks C. 21 days D.*until 6 – 7 days of normal temperature
281. When is patient permitted to go?
А. At the 2ndday B. At the 21st day C. At the 10th-11th day of normal temperature D. At the 21st
day of normal temperature
282. What diet is prescribed to enteric fever diseased patients?
А.№ 5а – 5 B. № 13 C. № 4 – 4b D. № 1
283. What antibiotic is effective in enteric fever treatment?
А. Chloramphenicol B. Penicillin C. Rifampicinum D. Erythromycinum
284. Are protease inhibitors prescribed under enteric fever?
А. Yes they are B. No they aren’t
285. Is hospitalization treatment obligatory for enteric fever diseased?
А. Obligatory B. Yes, under hard course C. Can be out-patient treated D. Isn’t necessary
286. How long are contacted persons observed in enteric fever center?
А. 10 days В. 14 days С. 21 days D. 30 days
287.The exciter of chicken-pox belongs to:
А. To the Togaviridae family, the Rubivirus genus
В. To the Paramyxoviridae family, the Varicellavirus genus
C. To the Herpesviridae family, the Varicellavirus genus
D. To the Orthomyxoviridae family, the Orthomyxovirus genus
288. After the carried illness there is the virus of chicken-pox:
А. Duration persisting in an organism
В. Quickly disappears from an organism
С. Disappears on the 10th day of normalization of temperature of body
Д. Disappears during a year
289. The latent period makes at a chicken-pox:
A. 11-21 day
B. 21 day
C. 7 days
Д. 30 days
290. For a rash at a chicken-pox untypical:
А. Vesicular character
В. Appearance in the first days from the beginning of disease
С. Placing on a skin and mucous membranes
Д. Simultaneous appearance
Е. Polymorphism
291. It is necessary to use for treatment of the not complicated chicken-pox:
А. Local antiseptic preparations (an aniline is dyes)
В. Antibiotics
С. Bacteriophages
Д. Atsiklovir
Е. Interferon
292. The agent of epidemic parotitis belongs to:
А. Аrbovirus
В. Herpesvirus
С. Pаramyxovirus
Д. Cоronavirus
Е. Rhinovirus
293. Epidemic parotitis more frequent are ill:
А. Children to year
В. Children school and junior school age
C. In age from 15 to 29 years
Д. In age from 30 to 40 years
Е. In age from 40 years and more senior
294. The agent of parotitis infection mainly gets in an organism through:
А. Mucosal shells of respiratory tracts
В. Mucosal shells gastrointestinal tracts
С. Duct parotid saliva of gland
Д. Damaged surface of skin
Е. Mucosal shell of eyes
295. The defeat of what organs is not typical for epidemic parotitis:
А. Salivary glands
В. Liver
С. Pancreatic glands
Д. Testicle
Е. Nervous systems
296. A scarlatina is caused by an exciter:
А. Staphylococcus
B. β – hemolytic streptococcus of group A
С. Streptococcus groups B
Д. All streptococci
297. Ways of transmission at a scarlatina:
А. Dropping
В. Contact-domestic
С. Parenteral
Д. Alimentary
Е. Vertical
298. As a result of the carried scarlatina is formed:
А. Proof antitoxic immunity
В. Proof antimicrobial immunity
С. Group antimicrobial immunity
Д. Proof typospecific antimicrobial immunity
299. A rash at a scarlatina is absent on:
А. Flexion surfaces of extremities
В. Folds skins
С. Lateral surfaces of breast
Д. Chin
Е. Cheeks
300. In the blood of patients with a scarlatina does not meet:
А. Leukocytosis
В. Neutrophilia
С. Displacement leukocytic formula to the left
Д. Early eosinophilia
Е. Anaemia
301. Laminity desqumation of skin at a scarlatina more frequent begins:
А. After falling of temperature of body
В. At once after ending of pouring out
С. On second week from the beginning of disease
Д. On 3th the week from the beginning of disease
302. The isolation of patient with a scarlatina is conducted to:
А. Клинического convalescences, but no less than 10 days from the beginning of disease
B. 7th day from the beginning of disease
С. Stopping desqumation
Д. Stopping excretions of streptococcus from a pharynx
303. The exciter of measles belongs to:
А. To the Paramyxoviridae family, to the Morbillivirus genus
B. To the Paramyxoviridae family, the Pneumoviridae genus
C. To the Picornaviridae family, the Rhinovirus genus
304. Duration of latent period at a measles:
A. 21 day
B. 7 days
C. 9-17 days, after the Ig introduction of to 21 day
Д. 30 days
305. For the catarrhal period of measles not typical:
А. Rhinitis
В. Maculo-papular rash
С. Cough
Д. Conjunctivitis, photophobia
Е. Increase temperatures of body
306. The Belskogo-Fylatova-Koplyka macules appear:
A. At the end of catarrhal period, 1-2 days prior to appearance of rash
B. In the period of pouring out, 1-2 days prior to appearance of desqumation
С. To 1-2 day to beginning of catarrhal period
Д. In the first days after the beginning of pouring out
307. For rashes at a measles untypical:
А. Maculo-papular character
В. Stages rashes
С. Tendency to confluence of elements
Д. Simultaneous appearance of elements
308. Duration of period of pigmentation at a measles:
A. 5 days
B. 1,5-3 days
С. Near years
Д. 6 months
309. The exciter of rubella belongs to:
А. To the Paramyxoviridae family, to the Morbillivirus genus
B. To the Togaviridae family, to the Rubiirus genus
C. To the Orthomyxoviridae family, the Orthomyxovirus genus
D. To the enterovirus family
310. Duration of latent period of rubella:
A. 14-21 day
B. 21 day
C. 10 days
Д. 30 days
311. For a rash of rubella untypical:
А. Appears in the first day of illness
В. Micromacular character
С. Stages of rash, during 3th days
Д. Disappears not abandoning vestiges
312. In a peripheral blood of rubella is observed:
А. Neutrophilic leukocytosis
В. Leukopenia
С. Lumphocytosis
Д. Increase amounts of plasmotic cells
Е. Anaemia
313. General of rubella and measles is:
А. Weak displays of catarrh of upper respiratory tracts
В. Absence spots of Belskogo-Fylaova-Koplyka
С. Absence stages of a rash in the period of height of disease
Д Increase of temperature of body
Е. A rash does not abandon pigmentation and desqumation
314. For a prophylaxis of rubella is not used:
А. Isolation patients on 5 and more than days from the beginning of rash
В. Introduction Ig pregnant women
С. Conducting disinfections
Д. Vaccination girls of pubertal age
315. Period of contagiousness of rubella:
A. From the moment of disease and during 5 days
B. During a month from the moment of disease
C. During 3-5 days from the moment of disease
Д. To 2 day to beginning of clinic +2 weeks from the beginning of clinical displays
Е. During 3-5 weeks from the moment of disease
316. Entrance gate for the virus of measles:
А. Mucous shells of upper respiratory tracts
В. Wounded skin
С. Mucous shell of rhinopharynx and eyes
Д. Mucous gastrointestinal tract
Е. All transferred
317. Remantadinum at a influenza A is appointed:
A. In the first 2-3 days of illness
В. На extent 5-6 days
С. Не is appointed
Д. Only in combination with antibiotics
318. Secretion at a rhinovirus infection:
А. It is absent
В. Abundant
С. Scanty
Д. Long
Е. Mucopurulent secret
319. Contagiousness of rhinovirus infection:
А. High for all age groups
В. Only for the children of early age
С. Moderate
Д. Не is set
320. Adenovirus differs from other respirator diseases:
А. High contagiousness for children
В. Mainly sir-drop way of transmission
С. Тropism to the epithelium of mucous membranes
Д. Expressed tropism to lymphoid tissue
Е. Most morbidity in cold time of year
321. What from the indicated signs is not characteristic for adenovirus:
А. DNA - virus
В. Basic source of infection is a man
С. Has hemagglutination capabilities
Д. Has sensitiveness to the disinfectants
Е. Proof in an external environment
322. For the clinic of adenovirus pharyngotonsillitis not characteristic
А. Hyperemia pharynx, graininess of mucous membrane of throat
В. Injection vessels of scleres and hyperplasia of tonsil
С. Swelling back wall of throat
Д. Аphthous rash on tonsil
323. What complication most often meets at a flu?
A. Laryngospasm.
B. Otitis.
C. Pneumonia.
Д. Nasopharyngitis
Е. Angina
324. Most typical sign of adenovirus infection?
А. Catarrh respiratory tracts
В. Hyperemia fauces
С. Fever
Д. Increase lymphatic nodes
Е. Conjunctivitis
325. For a rinovirus infection not characteristic:
А. Acute began zabolevany
В. Large amount watery excretions from a nose
С. Sneezing
Д. Rhinorrhea
Е. Increase temperatures of body
326. Mechanism of transmission of paragrippe:
А. Тransmissible
В. Alimentary
С. Dropping
Д. Contact
327. For paragrippe not characteristic:
А. Weak expressed toxicosis
В. Moderate fever
С. Long period of illness
Д. Expressed changes of mucous membrane of respiratory tracts
Е. Defeat gastrointestinal tract
328. For paragrippe the changes in hemogram are characteristic:
А. Leukocytosis
В. Leukopenia
С. Neutrophilia
Д. Eosinophilia
Е. Тhrombocytopenia
329. Mechanism of transmission of adenovirusn infection:
А. Dropping
В. Contact
С. Alimentary
Д. Тransmissible
330. For an adenovirus infection not characteristic:
А. Rhinopharingotonsillitis
В. Conjunctivitis
С. Pharingoconjunctival fever
Д. Pneumonia
Е. Recurrence course
331. The virus of influenza is proof:
А. At boiling
B. In a sour medium
С. At room temperature
Д. At low temperature
332. The agent of paragrippe is:
A. Virus,
B. Bacterium,
C. Fungus
Д. Rickettsia
Е. The simplest
333. The latent period at paragrippe:
A. It is absent
B. From 2 to 7 days
C. From 14 to 21 day
Д. 3 – 5 hours
Е. A right answer is not present
334. For paragrippe not characteristic:
A. Subfebrile temperature
B. Serous excretions from a nose
C. Moderate pain in a throat
Д. Heavy intoxication, heavy complications
Е. Defeat of overhead respiratory tracts
335. What group of infectious diseases does belong an influenza and other acute respiratory viral
A. Intestinal infections
B. Respiratory infections
C. Bloody infections
Д. Infections of outward integuments
336. What links of pathogeny are basic at a influenze?
A. Bacteriemia
B. Virusemia
C. Toxinemia
Д. Defeats of overhead respiratory tracts
337. What duration of latent period at a influenze?
A. 21 day
B. 14 days
C. 2 hours
Д. 2 days
338. Shock at a sepsis:
А. It is not
B. Infectiously-toxic
С. Dehydrating
Д. Anaphylactic
Е. Cardiogenic
339. Types of staphylococcus, which more frequent cause the clinic of sepsis:
А. All types
B. Staphyl. saprophyticus
C. Staphyl. epidermidis
D. Staphyl. aureus
E. Staphyl. аureus, Staphyl. epidermidis
340. What phases are selected during a sepsis?
А. No phases
В. Two phases (tension and catabolism)
C. Three phases (tension, catabolism, anabolism)
341. Liver and spleen at a sepsis:
A. Within the limits of norm
В. It is increased is rare
C. Characteristically increase
Д. Diminishes in sizes, test consistency
342. What color of skin at a sepsis:
A. Grey, earthy, it can be with a rather yellow tint, a skin is moist
В. Hyperemic skin, dry
С. Pale skin with the expressed cyanosys, acrocyanosis
Д. Yellow, dry skin
Е. Pale-rose colors, moist
343. Taking away of blood at a patient with a sepsis must be conducted:
А. To the height of temperature
B. In period of rigor, on height of temperature
C. In the period of feeling of heat
Д. In the period of decline of temperature and promoted hidropoiesis
344. The gemogram at a staphylococcic sepsis:
A. Anaemia, expressed leukocytosis, neutrophilia with the change of formula to the left, RSE is
considerably promoted
В. Red blood without the changes, leukopenia, lymphomonocytosis, RSE a few promoted
С. Indexes red blood a few are promoted, leukocytosis, lymphomonocytosis, RSE is promoted
345. The vomiting at meningitis:
А. Not characteristic
В. Very rare, 1-2 times per days
C. It is observed practically always, is accompanied headache, without nausea, arises up reflexly,
does not give facilitation, central origin
Д. It is observed often, is accompanied by the nausea, related to the reception of food,
medications, brings facilitation
Е. It is observed is rare, is accompanied by nausea, is brought facilitation
346. Symptom-complex, which lumbar punctura is conducted on the basis of:
А. High fever, vomiting
В. Nasopharyngitis with the high fever, vomiting
С. Headache, high fever, vomiting
Д. Fever, presence of meningeal signs
Е. Nothing from transferred
347. Source of meningococcous infection:
А. Healthy meningococcocarriage
В. Patient meningococcous nasopharyngitis
С. Patient meningitis
Д. Patient meningococcous sepsis (meningococcemia)
Е. All indicated sources
348. At the generalized forms of meningococcous infection to expose meningococc it is possible
А. Blood
В. Liqur
С. Intracellular
Д. Intercellular
Е. In all noted variants
349. Localized forms of meningococcous infection:
А. Acute nasopharyngitis
В. Meningitis
С. Meningococcemia
Д. Meningitis, meningococcemia
Е. Nasopharyngitis, carriage
350. Form of meningococcous infection which is most epidemiology dangerously:
А. Carriage
В. Meningococcous nasopharyngitis
С. Meningococcemia
Д. Meningitis, meningococcemia
Е. Meningococcous nasopharyngitis, carriage
351. Changes in a peripheral blood at infectious mononucleosis:
А. Eosinophilia
В. Тhrombocytosis
C. Lymphomonocytosis, leukocytosis, atypical mononucleares more than 10%, RSE is speed-up
Д. Not changes
Е. Аnemia
352. What virus causes infectious mononucleosis:
А. Cytomegalovirus
В. Virus herpes Zoster
C. The Epshteyn – Barr virus
Д. Virus simple gerpes
Е. All transferred
353. Complications peculiar for infectious mononucleosis:
А. Erysipelas
В. Pyelonephritis
C. Paratonsillitis
Д. Тhrombophlebitis
Е. Мyocarditis
354. Tropism virus of infectious mononucleosis:
A. To nervous fabric
B. To the epithelium of vessels
C. To the prismatic epithelium
Д. To lymphoreticular tissue
Е. To all transferred
355. Infectious mononucleosis this:
А. Viral transmissible zoonosis
B. Viral air-dropping antroponosis
С. Bacterial alimentary antroponosis
Д. Bacterial air-dropping zoonosis
Е. Nothing from transferred
356. Not characteristic for hemogramm at infectious mononucleosis:
А. Аtypical mononuclear
В. Lumphocytosis
С. Leycocitosis
Д. Increase ESR
Е. Anaemia
357. The agent of diphtheria behaves to family:
А. Shigella
B. Corynebacteriae
C. Neisseria
D. Clostridium
E. Yersinia
358. To the biovar of agent diphtherias are taken:
А. Intermedius
B. Mitis
C. Gravis
D. All transferred
E. Nothing from transferred
359. Most dangerous in the epidemiology relation are:
A. Patients with the heavy flow of diphtheria
B. Patients with the typical clinical picture of diphtheria
C. Patients with complicated forms of diphtheria
D. Bacteria carrier and patients with the atypical forms of diphtheria
E. Epidemiology meaningfulness of all forms of illness is identical
360. For bacteriological research on diphtheria sow rhinopharyngeal mucus on:
А. Leffler`s medium
B. 1% peptonic water
C. Biliary broth
D. Endo`s medium
E. Ploskirev`s medium
361. The dose of the antidiphtherial serum entered to the patient depends on:
A. Biovar of agent
B. Weight flows of illness
C. Expressed edema of neck
D. Results of serologic research
E. Localizations of defeat
362. At the localized form of diphtheria the stomatopharynx raids take place:
A. Only on tonsil
В. On tonsil and on palatal hoops
С. On tonsil and tongue
Д. On tonsil and soft palate
363. Agent of epidemic typhus fever:
A. Rickettsia
В. Virus
С. Bacteria
Д. Fugus
Е. Yeast
364. Term of appearance of rash at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. On 1 day illnesses
В. On 2-3 day illnesses
C. On 4-5 day of illness
Д. On 8-10 day illnesses
Е. On 15 day illnesses
365. The bed mode at the heavy forms of the epidemic typhus fever is observed to:
A. 2-3 days of normal temperature
B. 3 weeks of normal temperature
C. 5-6 days normal temperature
Д. 2 weeks of normal temperature
Е. 4 weeks of normal temperature
366. What symptoms characterize original appearance and conduct of patient with the epidemic
typhus fever?
А. Аdynamia
В. Pallor of face
С. Retardation
Д. All transferred
Е. Nothing from transferred
367. Changes in a capillary river-bed at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. Without changes
В. Spasm
C. Panvasculitis
Д. All transferred
368. Character of temperature curve at the epidemic typhus fever in the period of height of
А. Subfebrile
В. Hectic
С. Undulating
Д. Permanent
Е. Remittent
370. Type of malarial plasmodium which causes a tropical malaria:
A. Pl. vivax
B. Pl. ovale
C. Pl. malariae
D. Pl. falciparum
371. What researches is drawn on for confirmation of diagnosis of malaria?
А. Common blood test
B. Painting of blood, thick drop of blood
С. Serologic methods
Д. Biologic methods
Е. Virusologic methods
372. What sequence of phases at malarial paroxysm?
А. Heat-chill-sweat
В. Sweat-chill-heat
C. Chill-heat-weat
Д. Chill - sweat-heat
373.Which way of transmission of agent of malaria is most characteristic:
А. Air-dropping
В. Fecal-оral
C. Transmissible
Д. Contect
Е. Аlimentary
374.What malaria the flow is most heavy at:
А. Three-day
B. Tropical
С. Оvale-malaria
Д. Of four days
375. Type of malarial plasmodium which cause a three-day malaria:
A. Pl. vivax
B. Pl. malariae
C. Pl. falciparum
376. Contagious the patients Herpes Zoster?
А. No
B. Yes, for persons which had by had by a chicken pox
C. Yes, for little children
Д. Yes, for persons which were not ill a chicken pox
Е. Yes, for old people
377. Valtreks at herpes Zoster:
A. It is used
В. It is тще гsed
С. Causes complications
378. What period are the patients of Herpes Zoster сontagious in?
А. Not contagious
В. At began of illness and all period of pouring out
C. From the beginning of illness of to 5 day from a moment the last element of rash
Д. All period of illness to falling off of crusts
379. For a herpetic infection not characteristic:
А. Increase temperatures of body
В. Stomatitis and keratoconjunctivitis
С. Vesicular rash on a skin
Д. Increase regyonar lymphonodes
Е. Defeat of the cardiovascular system
380. Herpes more frequent is passed:
A. Contact-domestic by a way
В. Тransmissidle
С. Parenteral
Д. Infection is not contagious
381. What biological liquids of organism is it possible to define HIV infecnion in?
А. Blood
B. Liquor, pectoral milk, sperm
C. Saliva, urine, excrement
Д. Sweat, tear
Е. All liquids of organism
382. The source of infection at HIV is infections:
А. Wild animals
B. Domestic animals
C. Man
D. Nothing from transferred
383. The mechanism of transmission of HIV infections:
А. Parenteral
В. Air – dropping
C. Paraenteral, sexual
Д. Тransmissidle
Е. Nothing from transferred
384. The virus of immunodeficit of man belongs to:
А. Оncovicus
В. Togavavirus
C. Retrovirus
Д. Myxоvirbs
385. Duration of latent period primary acuter to HIV – infection:
A. 7-40 days
В. To 1 years
C. 5 years
Д. More 5 years
386. What clinical syndrome more frequent meets at sharp to HIV – infection:
А. Influenza
В. Gastrointestinal
C. Mononucleozopodobnse.
387. Duration of persisting of herpetic viruses:
A. 1 month
B. 1 year
C. 10 years
Д. All life
388. The exciter of chicken-pox belongs to:
А. To the Togaviridae family, the Rubivirus genus
В. To the Paramyxoviridae family, the Varicellavirus genus
C. To the Herpesviridae family, the Varicellavirus genus
D. To the Orthomyxoviridae family, the Orthomyxovirus genus
389. After the carried illness there is the virus of chicken-pox:
А. Duration persisting in an organism
В. Quickly disappears from an organism
С. Disappears on the 10th day of normalization of temperature of body
Д. Disappears during a year
390. A latent period makes at a chicken-pox:
A. 11-21 day
B. 21 day
C. 7 days
Д. 30 days
391. For a rash at a chicken-pox untypical:
А. Vesicular character
В. Appearance in the first days from the beginning of disease
С. Placing on a skin and mucous membranes
Д. Simultaneous appearance
Е. Polymorphism
392. It is necessary to use for treatment of the not complicated chicken-pox:
А. Local antiseptic preparations (an aniline is dyes)
В. Antibiotics
С. Bacteriophages
Д. Atsiklovir
Е. Interferon
393. The exciter of epidemic parotitis belongs to:
А. Аrbovirus
В. Herpesvirus
С. Pаramyxovirus
Д. Cоronavirus
Е. Rhinovirus
394. Epidemic parotitis more frequent are ill:
А. Children to year
В. Children school and junior school age
C. In age from 15 to 29 years
Д. In age from 30 to 40 years
Е. In age from 40 years and more senior
395. The exciter of parotitis infection mainly gets in an organism through:
А. Mucosal shells of respiratory tracts
В. Mucosal shells gastrointestinal tracts
С. Duct parotid saliva of gland
Д. Damaged surface of skin
Е. Mucosal shell of eyes
396. The defeat of what organs is not typical for epidemic parotitis:
А. Salivary glands
В. Liver
С. Pancreatic glands
Д. Testicle
Е. Nervous systems
397. A scarlatina is caused by an exciter:
А. Staphylococcus
B. β – hemolytic streptococcus of group A
С. Streptococcus groups B
Д. All streptococci
398. Ways of transmission at a scarlatina:
А. Dropping
В. Contact-domestic
С. Parenteral
Д. Alimentary
Е. Vertical
399. As a result of the carried scarlatina is formed:
А. Proof antitoxic immunity
В. Proof antimicrobial immunity
С. Group antimicrobial immunity
Д. Proof typospecific antimicrobial immunity
400. A rash at a scarlatina is absent on:
А. Flexion surfaces of extremities
В. Folds skins
С. Lateral surfaces of breast
Д. Chin
Е. Cheeks
401. In the blood of patients with a scarlatina does not meet:
А. Leukocytosis
В. Neutrophilia
С. Displacement leukocytic formula to the left
Д. Early eosinophilia
Е. Anaemia
402. Laminity desqumation of skin at a scarlatina more frequent begins:
А. After falling of temperature of body
В. At once after ending of pouring out
С. On second week from the beginning of disease
Д. On 3th the week from the beginning of disease
403. The isolation of patient with a scarlatina is conducted to:
А. Клинического convalescences, but no less than 10 days from the beginning of disease
B. 7th day from the beginning of disease
С. Stopping desqumation
Д. Stopping excretions of streptococcus from a pharynx
404. The exciter of measles belongs to:
А. To the Paramyxoviridae family, to the Morbillivirus genus
B. To the Paramyxoviridae family, the Pneumoviridae genus
C. To the Picornaviridae family, the Rhinovirus genus
D. To the Togaviridae Family, the Rubiirus genus
405. Duration of latent period at a measles:
A. 21 day
B. 7 days
C. 9-17 days, after the Ig introduction of to 21 day
Д. 30 days
406. For the catarrhal period of measles not typical:
А. Rhinitis
В. Maculo-papular rash
С. Cough
Д. Conjunctivitis, photophobia
Е. Increase temperatures of body
407. The Belskogo-Fylatova-Koplyka macules appear:
A. At the end of catarrhal period, 1-2 days prior to appearance of rash
B. In the period of pouring out, 1-2 days prior to appearance of desqumation
С. To 1-2 day to beginning of catarrhal period
Д. In the first days after the beginning of pouring out
408. For rashes at a measles untypical:
А. Maculo-papular character
В. Stages rashes
С. Tendency to confluence of elements
Д. Simultaneous appearance of elements
409. Duration of period of pigmentation at a measles:
A. 5 days
B. 1,5-3 days
С. Near years
Д. 6 months
410. The exciter of rubella belongs to:
А. To the Paramyxoviridae family, to the Morbillivirus genus
B. To the Togaviridae family, to the Rubiirus genus
C. To the Orthomyxoviridae family, the Orthomyxovirus genus
D. To the enterovirus family
411. Duration of latent period of rubella:
A. 14-21 day
B. 21 day
C. 10 days
Д. 30 days
412. For a rash of rubella untypical:
А. Appears in the first day of illness
В. Micromacular character
С. Stages of rash, during 3th days
Д. Disappears not abandoning vestiges
413. In a peripheral blood of rubella is observed:
А. Neutrophilic leukocytosis
В. Leukopenia
С. Lumphocytosis
Д. Increase amounts of plasmotic cells
Е. Anaemia
414. General of rubella and measles is:
А. Weak displays of catarrh of upper respiratory tracts
В. Absence spots of Belskogo-Fylaova-Koplyka
С. Absence stages of a rash in the period of height of disease
Д Increase of temperature of body
Е. A rash does not abandon pigmentation and desqumation
415. For a prophylaxis of rubella is not used:
А. Isolation patients on 5 and more than days from the beginning of rash
В. Introduction Ig pregnant women
С. Conducting disinfections
Д. Vaccination girls of pubertal age
416. Period of contagiousness of rubella:
A. From the moment of disease and during 5 days
B. During a month from the moment of disease
C. During 3-5 days from the moment of disease
Д. To 2 day to beginning of clinic +2 weeks from the beginning of clinical displays
Е. During 3-5 weeks from the moment of disease
417. Entrance gate for the virus of measles:
А. Mucous shells of upper respiratory tracts
В. Wounded skin
С. Mucous shell of rhinopharynx and eyes
Д. Mucous gastrointestinal tract
Е. All transferred
418. Remantadinum at a influenza A is appointed:
A. In the first 2-3 days of illness
В. На extent 5-6 days
С. Не is appointed
Д. Only in combination with antibiotics
419. Secretion at a rhinovirus infection:
А. It is absent
В. Abundant
С. Scanty
Д. Long
Е. Mucopurulent secret
420. Contagiousness of rhinovirus infection:
А. High for all age groups
В. Only for the children of early age
С. Moderate
Д. Не is set
421. Adenovirus differs from other respirator diseases:
А. High contagiousness for children
В. Mainly sir-drop way of transmission
С. Тropism to the epithelium of mucous membranes
Д. Expressed tropism to lymphoid tissue
Е. Most morbidity in cold time of year
422. The patient of 45 years consulted the doctor with complaints on appearance of skin rash,
temperature rise up to 37,6°C. At objective examination: there is the isolated polymorphic rash
as maculae’s, papules, vesicles on the skin of the face, trunk, hands, legs, pillar part of the head.
The diagnosis?
A. Scarlet fever
B. Measles
C. Pseudotuberculosis
D. Enterovirus infection
E. Chicken pox
423. What from the indicated signs is not characteristic for adenovirus:
А. DNA - virus
В. Basic source of infection is a man
С. Has hemagglutination capabilities
Д. Has sensitiveness to the disinfectants
Е. Proof in an external environment
424. For the clinic of adenovirus pharyngotonsillitis not characteristic
А. Hyperemia pharynx, graininess of mucous membrane of throat
В. Injection vessels of scleres and hyperplasia of tonsil
С. Swelling back wall of throat
Д. Аphthous rash on tonsil
425. What complication most often meets at a flu?
A. Laryngospasm.
B. Otitis.
C. Pneumonia.
Д. Nasopharyngitis
Е. Angina
426. Most typical sign of adenovirus infection?
А. Catarrh respiratory tracts
В. Hyperemia fauces
С. Fever
Д. Increase lymphatic nodes
Е. Conjunctivitis
427. For a rinovirus infection not characteristic:
А. Acute began zabolevany
В. Large amount watery excretions from a nose
С. Sneezing
Д. Rhinorrhea
Е. Increase temperatures of body
428. Mechanism of transmission of paragrippe:
А. Тransmissible
В. Alimentary
С. Dropping
Д. Contact
429. For paragrippe not characteristic:
А. Weak expressed toxicosis
В. Moderate fever
С. Long period of illness
Д. Expressed changes of mucous membrane of respiratory tracts
Е. Defeat gastrointestinal tract
430. For paragrippe the changes in hemogram are characteristic:
А. Leukocytosis
В. Leukopenia
С. Neutrophilia
Д. Eosinophilia
Е. Тhrombocytopenia
431. Mechanism of transmission of adenovirusn infection:
А. Dropping
В. Contact
С. Alimentary
Д. Тransmissible
432. For an adenovirus infection not characteristic:
А. Rhinopharingotonsillitis
В. Conjunctivitis
С. Pharingoconjunctival fever
Д. Pneumonia
Е. Recurrence course
433. For early laboratory confirmation of diagnosis adenovirus infections are used:
А. Immunofluorescence method
В. Cultivation of virus in the cultures of fabrics
С. Reaction directly hemagglutination
Д. Reaction connect complement
434. Liquor at adenovirus meningitis:
А. Purulent
В. Hemorrhagic
С. Serous
Д. Sero-hemorrhagic
435. The virus of influenza is proof:
А. At boiling
B. In a sour medium
С. At room temperature
Д. At low temperature
436. Which mechanism of infection of adenovirus infection exists:
A. Fecal-oral,
B. Contact-domestic,
C. Тransmissible
437. Whether characteristic for an adenovirus infection:
A. Acute, sudden began
B. Expressed general toxicosis
C. Lymphadenopathy
Д. Absence of granulosous conjunctivitis
Е. Duration of illness less than 10 days
438. The exciter of paragrippe is:
A. Virus,
B. Bacterium,
C. Fungus
Д. Rickettsia
Е. The simplest
439. Latent period at paragrippe:
A. It is absent
B. From 2 to 7 days
C. From 14 to 21 day
Д. 3 – 5 hours
Е. A right answer is not present
440. Source of infection and basic way of transmission:
A. Air-drop, man,
B. Fecal-oral, man, animals,
C. Contact-domestic, birds,
Д.Transplacental, man,
Е. Water, man, animals
441. For paragrippe not characteristic:
A. Subfebrile temperature
B. Serous excretions from a nose
C. Moderate pain in a throat
Д. Heavy intoxication, heavy complications
Е. Defeat of overhead respiratory tracts
442. What method quick- diagnosticians at paragrippe:
A. Virology
B. Serodiagnosis
Д. Analytical
443. Adenovirus is steady to:
А. To the high temperatures
B. To the low temperatures
C. To the disinfectant matters
D. To boiling
E. To the factors of external environment
444. What group of infectious diseases does belong an influenza and other acute respiratory viral
A. Intestinal infections
B. Respiratory infections
C. Bloody infections
Д. Infections of outward integuments
445. What links of pathogeny are basic at a influenze?
A. Bacteriemia
B. Virusemia
C. Toxinemia
Д. Defeats of overhead respiratory tracts
446. What duration of latent period at a influenze?
A. 21 day
B. 14 days
C. 2 hours
Д. 2 days
447. What syndromes at an influenze are basic?
A. Catarrhal
B. Intoxication
C. Acute diarreal
Д. Exicosis
Е. Hemorrhagic
448. What duration of fever at an influenze?
A. 10 days
B. 7 days
C. 5 days.
449. Shock at a sepsis:
А. It is not
B. Infectiously-toxic
С. Dehydrating
Д. Anaphylactic
Е. Cardiogenic
450. Types of staphylococcus, which more frequent cause the clinic of sepsis:
А. All types
B. Staphyl. saprophyticus
C. Staphyl. epidermidis
D. Staphyl. aureus
E. Staphyl. аureus, Staphyl. epidermidis
451. It is possible to think about chronic septicemia then, when illness lasts:
А. Не less than 3 months
В. Не less than 6 months
C. Year and anymore
Д. Anymore 1 month
Е. Anymore 2 months
452. What phases are selected during a sepsis?
А. No phases
В. Two phases (tension and catabolism)
C. Three phases (tension, catabolism, anabolism)
453. Liver and spleen at a sepsis:
A. Within the limits of norm
В. It is increased is rare
C. Characteristically increase
Д. Diminishes in sizes, test consistency
454. What color of skin at a sepsis:
A. Grey, earthy, it can be with a rather yellow tint, a skin is moist
В. Hyperemic skin, dry
С. Pale skin with the expressed cyanosys, acrocyanosis
Д. Yellow, dry skin
Е. Pale-rose colors, moist
455. Taking away of blood at a patient with a sepsis must be conducted:
А. To the height of temperature
B. In period of rigor, on height of temperature
C. In the period of feeling of heat
Д. In the period of decline of temperature and promoted hidropoiesis
456. Gemogram at a staphylococcic sepsis:
A. Anaemia, expressed leukocytosis, neutrophilia with the change of formula to the left, RSE is
considerably promoted
В. Red blood without the changes, leukopenia, lymphomonocytosis, RSE a few promoted
С. Indexes red blood a few are promoted, leukocytosis, lymphomonocytosis, RSE is promoted
457. Exanthema at a sepsis:
A. Polymorphic, often as pustule, blisters, shallow, and also more large hemorrhage
B. Micromacular, does not meet
C. Macromacular, by places meets in the continuous eritematoseous fields
Д. Vesicular with the undulating pouring in addition
458. Duration of setting of antibiotics at a sepsis:
А. Two weeks
В. To normal temperature
С. All period of fever + 3 days of normal temperature
Д. To 10 days normal temperature
459. Vomiting at meningitis:
А. Not characteristic
В. Very rare, 1-2 times per days
C. It is observed practically always, is accompanied headache, without nausea, arises up reflexly,
does not give facilitation, central origin
Д. It is observed often, is accompanied by the nausea, related to the reception of food,
medications, brings facilitation
Е. It is observed is rare, is accompanied by nausea, is brought facilitation
460. Symptom-complex, which lumbar punctura is conducted on the basis of:
А. High fever, vomiting
В. Nasopharyngitis with the high fever, vomiting
С. Headache, high fever, vomiting
Д. Fever, presence of meningeal signs
Е. Nothing from transferred
461. Source of meningococcous infection:
А. Healthy meningococcocarriage
В. Patient meningococcous nasopharyngitis
С. Patient meningitis
Д. Patient meningococcous sepsis (meningococcemia)
Е. All indicated sources
462. At the generalized forms of meningococcous infection to expose meningococc it is possible
А. Blood
В. Liqur
С. Intracellular
Д. Intercellular
Е. In all noted variants
463. Localized forms of meningococcous infection:
А. Acute nasopharyngitis
В. Meningitis
С. Meningococcemia
Д. Meningitis, meningococcemia
Е. Nasopharyngitis, carriage
464. Is a patient contagious with the clinic of parotitis meningitis?
A. Yes
В. No
С. Possibly
465. Overhead symptom Brudsynskiy at meningitises and his displays:
А. It is absent
B. At bending of head – feet are pulled up to the stomach
С. At pressure above pubis - feet are pulled up to the stomach
Д. At determination of the Kernig symptom a free leg is pulled up to the stomach
466. Which course of disease is characteristic for festering meningitis:
A. Latent
В. Acute
С. Subacute
Д. Quick as lightning
467. Otogenic meningitis belongs to:
А. Primary
В. Second
С. It is not
468. Headache at tubercular meningitis:
A. Permanent, moderate, widespread
B. Intensive, widespread, permanent
С. Poorly is expressed, widespread, permanent
Д. Paroxysm, which increases at night
469. Rigidity of muscles of the back of head at meningitises:
А. It is absent
В. It is observed sometimes
С. It is often
Д. Expressed practically always
470. Basic factor of pathogenicity of meningitises:
A. Endotoxin
В. Neuraminidase
С. Exotoxin
Д. Hyaluronidase
471. For development of meningococcous infection the contact with a source is needed:
А. Brief
В. Long
C. Very near and long
472. Bacteriemia at meningococous sharp nasopharyngitis:
A. It is not
В. It is sometimes
С. Comes to light is rare
473. Whether shock develops at a meningococcous infection, what and at what form:
А. No
B. Yes, infectiously-toxic at a meningococcous sepsis
C. Yes, anaphylactic at meningococcsemia
Д. Yes, dehydrating at meningococcous meningitis
474. Whether the abscesses of cerebrum can appear at meningococcous meningitis:
А. No
B. Yes, when a pathological process flows very stormily
C. Yes, when a pathological process delays
475. Form of meningococcous infection which is most epidemiology dangerously:
А. Carriage
В. Meningococcous nasopharyngitis
С. Meningococcemia
Д. Meningitis, meningococcemia
Е. Meningococcous nasopharyngitis, carriage
476. In what time of year is multiplied the amount of cases of disease by a meningococcous
A. The winter-spring
В. Hot summer
С. Rainy summer
Д. Autumn period
477. Mechanism of transmission of meningococcous infection:
A. Air-drop
В. Contact
С. Аlimentary
Д. Тransmissible
478. Most receptive contingent of population to the meningococcous infection:
А. Children senior age
В. Children different age
С. Adults
Д. People sear and yellow leaf
Е. Children of junior age, people with chronically tonsillitis
479. Symptoms which are characteristic for infectious mononucleosis:
A. Protein, erythrocyte in urine
B. Increase of posteroneck lymphatic knots, angina
С. Diarrhea
Д. Hyperthermia
Е. Pain in a stomach
480. Changes in a peripheral blood at infectious mononucleosis:
А. Eosinophilia
В. Тhrombocytosis
C. Lymphomonocytosis, leukocytosis, atypical mononucleares more than 10%, ESR is speed-up
Д. Not changes
Е. Аnemia
481. What virus causes infectious mononucleosis:
А. Cytomegalovirus
В. Virus herpes Zoster
C. The Epshteyn – Barr virus
Д. Virus simple gerpes
Е. All transferred
482. Complications peculiar for infectious mononucleosis:
А. Erysipelas
В. Pyelonephritis
C. Paratonsillitis
Д. Тhrombophlebitis
Е. Мyocarditis
483. Tropism virus of infectious mononucleosis:
A. To nervous fabric
B. To the epithelium of vessels
C. To the prismatic epithelium
Д. To lymphoreticular tissue
Е. To all transferred
484. Medical measures at the heavy form of infectious mononucleosis:
A. Reception of plenty of liquid, corticosteroides, antibiotics
В. Antipyretic facilities
C. Immunomodulator, cytostates
Д. All transferred
485. Infectious mononucleosis this:
А. Viral transmissible zoonosis
B. Viral air-dropping antroponosis
С. Bacterial alimentary antroponosis
Д. Bacterial air-dropping zoonosis
Е. Nothing from transferred
486. The reaction is used in diagnostics of infectious mononucleosis:
А. Connecting complement
В. Inhibition hemaggluutination
C. Reaction of agglutination
Д. Precipitation in a gel
Е. Reaction Vidalya
487. What is the exciter of infectious mononucleosis?
A. Viruses
В. Bacteria
С. Protozoa
Д. Rickettsia
Е. Vibrio
488. The agent of infectious mononucleosis belongs to:
А. Аrbovirus
В. Тоgаvirus
С. Enterovirus
Д. Herpesvirus
Е. Мyxovirus
489. Not characteristic for hemogramm at infectious mononucleosis:
А. Аtypical mononuclear
В. Lumphocytosis
С. Leycocitosis
Д. Increase ESR
Е. Anaemia
490. Tropis of virus of Epshteyn-Barr:
A. To Т-lymphocitis
B. B – lymphocities
С. Маcrophage
Д. Neutrophiles
491. Typical symptomocomplex infectious mononucleosis is opened out:
A. From the first days of disease
B. In the period of the maximally expressed fever
С. To 3-4 day of disease
Д. At the end of the first week of illness
492. The most early symptoms of infectious mononucleosis are:
А. Increase temperatures of body
В. Increase lymphatic knots
С. Тоnsillitis
Д. Difficult nasal breathing
Е. All transferred
492. Infectious mononucleosis at a patient can be confirmed at the exposure of antibodies to the
Epshteyn-Barr virus:
A. Antibodies of the Ig M class to the viral capsidical antigen
В. Antibodies class Ig G to the viral capsidical antigen
С. Antibodies to the viral early antigen
Д. Antibodies to the viral nuclear antigen
493. The agent of diphtheria behaves to family:
А. Shigella
B. Corynebacteriae
C. Neisseria
D. Clostridium
E. Yersinia
494. To the biovar of agent diphtherias are taken:
А. Intermedius
B. Mitis
C. Gravis
D. All transferred
E. Nothing from transferred
495. Most dangerous in the epidemiology relation are:
A. Patients with the heavy flow of diphtheria
B. Patients with the typical clinical picture of diphtheria
C. Patients with complicated forms of diphtheria
D. Bacteria carrier and patients with the atypical forms of diphtheria
E. Epidemiology meaningfulness of all forms of illness is identical
496. In the process of vital functions corinebacteria diphtherias are formed:
A. Neuraminidase
B. Hyaluronidase
C. Necrotizing factor
D. Exotoxin
Д. All transferred
497. Tropism of exotoxin which production by the agent of diphtheria:
A. Celles retractive myocardium
B. Celles conducting system of heart
C. Celles peripheral nervous system
D. Celles of kidneys
E. All transferred
498. The principal reason of death of patients with diphtheria is development:
A. Acute respiratory incompetency
B. Early myocarditis
C. Polyneuropatia
D. Late myocarditis
E. Annexation of the second flora
499. For bacteriological research on diphtheria sow rhinopharyngeal mucus on:
А. Leffler`s medium
B. 1% peptonic water
C. Biliary broth
D. Endo`s medium
E. Ploskirev`s medium
500. The dose of the antidiphtherial serum entered to the patient depends on:
A. Biovar of agent
B. Weight flows of illness
C. Expressed edema of neck
D. Results of serologic research
E. Localizations of defeat
501. Diphtherial myocarditis shows up above all things:
А. Pain in area of heart, by violations of cardiovascular activity
В. By the changes in biochemical tests
С. By the changes on EKG
Д. By the changes on EKG and in biochemical tests
Е. By violations cardiovascular activity
502. For confirmation of diagnosis of diphtheria serologic tests are taken into account :
А. At second week of disease
B. 2 pair serum
C. From the first days of disease
Д. For confirmation of diagnosis of value is not had
503. At diphtheria all can be the source of infection, except for:
A. Patient manyfestic form
B. Patient atypical form
C. Bacteria carrier toxicogenic way
Д. . Bacteria carrier by a nottoxicogenic way
Е. All transferred
504. Forms of diphtheria, at which more frequent there are complications:
А. Diphtheria nose
В. Diphtheria larynges
С. Diphtheria nasopharyngeal
Д. Seriously form and descending croup
Е. Nothing from transferred
505. The leading link of pathogeny is at diphtheria:
А. Bacteriemia
B. Toxemia
С. Sensibilization
Д. Violation homeostasis
506. At the localized form of diphtheria the stomatopharynx raids take place:
A. Only on tonsil
В. On tonsil and on palatal hoops
С. On tonsil and tongue
Д. On tonsil and soft palate
507. In place of entrance gate at diphtheria more frequent than all is:
А. Productive inflammation
В. Catarrhal inflammation
C. Fibrinous inflammation
Д. Allergic inflammation
508. Agent of epidemic typhus fever:
A. Rickettsia
В. Virus
С. Bacteria
Д. Fugus
Е. Yeast
509. Term of appearance of rash at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. On 1 day illnesses
В. On 2-3 day illnesses
C. On 4-5 day of illness
Д. On 8-10 day illnesses
Е. On 15 day illnesses
510. The bed mode at the heavy forms of the epidemic typhus fever is observed to:
A. 2-3 days of normal temperature
B. 3 weeks of normal temperature
C. 5-6 days normal temperature
Д. 2 weeks of normal temperature
Е. 4 weeks of normal temperature
511. Which symptoms of the epidemic typhus fever are characteristic for typhoid:
А. Acute began
В. Roseoloseous-petechialis rash
С. Таchycardia
Д. Hyperemia of face, injection of vessels of scleres
Е. All transferred
512. The source of epidemic typhus fever is:
А. Carrier of agent of the epidemic typhus fever
B. Patient with the epidemic typhus fever
C. Louse.
513. Description of rash at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. Maculo-papular
В. Papular
С. Roseoloseous
Д. Roseoloseous-petechialis
Е. Petechialisя
514. What symptoms characterize original appearance and conduct of patient with the epidemic
typhus fever?
А. Аdynamia
В. Pallor of face
С. Retardation
Д. All transferred
Е. Nothing from transferred
515. Advantage of class of immunoglobulin at the epidemic typhus fever:
A. Ig M
B. Ig G
C. Ig Е
Д. In the equal correlations M and G
516. Duration of fever at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. No more than 3 days
B. 1 week
C. 2 weeks
Д. 1 month
Е. 3 weeks
517. Most effective preparations at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. Penicillin
В. Sulfanilamides
C. Tetratcycline
Д. Streptomycin
518. Changes in a capillary river-bed at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. Without changes
В. Spasm
C. Panvasculitis
Д. All transferred
519. Character of temperature curve at the epidemic typhus fever in the period of height of
А. Subfebrile
В. Hectic
С. Undulating
Д. Permanent
Е. Remittent
520. Specific complications at the epidemic typhus fever:
А. Stomatitis
B. Thromboses, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism
С. Оtitis
Д. Аngiocholitis
521. Group of infections, which Rickettsia behaves to:
А. Intestinal
В. Air-dropping
C. Transmissible
522. Liquorr at epidemic typhus fever meningoenphalitis:
А. Purulent
В. Serous with high lymphocytic pleocytosis
C. Normal or with insignificant lymphocytic pleocytosis
Д. Normal
523.Type of malarial plasmodium which causes a tropical malaria:
A. Pl. vivax
B. Pl. ovale
C. Pl. malariae
D. Pl. falciparum
524. Type of malarial plasmodium, for which characteristic duration of cycle of eritrocitar
schizogony 72 hour:
A. Pl. vivax
B. Pl. ovale
C. Pl. malariae
D. Pl. falciparum
525. What researches is drawn on for confirmation of diagnosis of malaria?
А. Common blood test
B. Painting of blood, thick drop of blood
С. Serologic methods
Д. Biologic methods
Е. Virusologic methods
526. For what malaria is development of malarial plasmodium characteristic at any time days?
А. Three-day
В. Оvale-malaria
С. Of four days
Д. Tropical
Е. Nothing from transferred
527. The source of infection can be for a malaria:
A. Patient by a malaria or parasito carrier
B. Mosquito.
C. Animal.
528. What sequence of phases at malarial paroxysm?
А. Heat-chill-sweat
В. Sweat-chill-heat
C. Chill-heat-weat
Д. Chill - sweat-heat
529. Which from the transferred symptoms is not characteristic for a malaria?
А. Pallor skinning covers
В. Icteric tint of skin
C. Roseoloseous rash
Д. Herpetic rash
Е. Increase livers, spleens
530. Changes in bloods characteristic for a malaria in an acute period:
A. Leukocytosis, lymphomonocytosis
B. Leukopenia, neutropenia, relative lymphocytosis
C. Leukocytosis, neutrophilia
Д. Leukopenia, lymphopenia
531. What microorganisms the agent of malaria behaves to:
А. Virus
В. Rickettsia
C. The simplest
Д. Bacteria
Е. Fugus
532.Which way of transmission of agent of malaria is most characteristic:
А. Air-dropping
В. Fecal-оral
C. Transmissible
Д. Contect
Е. Аlimentary
533.What malaria the flow is most heavy at:
А. Three-day
B. Tropical
С. Оvale-malaria
Д. Of four days
534. What type of fever is most characteristic for a malaria:
А. Subfebrile
В. Hectic
С. Undulating
Д. Permanent
Е. Intermitting
535. Type of malarial plasmodium which cause a three-day malaria:
A. Pl. vivax
B. Pl. malariae
C. Pl. falciparum
536. What malaria development of malarial attack in the first half of day is characteristic at:
A. Three-day
В. Tropical
С. Оvale-malaria
Д. Of four days
537. Contagious the patients Herpes Zoster?
А. No
B. Yes, for persons which had by had by a chicken pox
C. Yes, for little children
Д. Yes, for persons which were not ill a chicken pox
Е. Yes, for old people
538. Herpes Zoster is this:
А. Еxogenous infection
В. Wound infection
C. Endogenous infection
Д. Somatic disease
Е. Nothing from transferred
539. Val treks at herpes Zoster:
A. It is used
В. It is тще гsed
С. Causes complications
540. What period are the patients of Herpes Zoster сontagious in?
А. Not contagious
В. At began of illness and all period of pouring out
C. From the beginning of illness of to 5 day from a moment the last element of rash
Д. All period of illness to falling off of crusts
541. Patiets М., 34 years, complaints about the moderate increase of temperature, appearance of
rash on a breast, great pain in area of rash. Objectively: in the right half of thorax, at the level of
4 intercostal rash as papulae, vesicle. From anamnesis - in childhood chicken-pox. Diagnosis?
А. EBV - infection.
B. Scarlet fever
C. Measles.
Д. Herpetic infection.
Е. Common measles.
542. Possible ways of transmission of herpenic infection:
А. Contact-domestic
В. Air-dropping
С. Sexual
Д. Vertical from a mother to the fetus
Е. All transferred
543. Duration of persisting of herpetic viruses:
A. 1 month
B. 1 year
C. 10 years
Д. All life
544. For a herpetic infection not characteristic:
А. Increase temperatures of body
В. Stomatitis and keratoconjunctivitis
С. Vesicular rash on a skin
Д. Increase regyonar lymphonodes
Е. Defeat of the cardiovascular system
545. Character of rash at a herpetic infection:
А. Gpoups hemisphere on a background erythema and edema of skin
В. Appearance pruritus and painfulness of skin before pouring out
С. Laceration bubbles with formation of getting wet erosions
Д. All transferred
546. At a herpetic infection does not meet:
А. Stomatitis
В. Gingivoglossitis
С. Acute respirator diseases
Д. Keratoconjunctivitis
Е. Tonsillitis
547. For treatment a herpetic infection is not used:
А. Antivirus preparations
В. Analogues nucleotide
С. Interferon and his inductors
Д. Antibiotics
Е. Vaccinotherapy
548. For laboratory diagnostics a herpetic infection is not used:
А. Selection virus in the staggered organs
В. Cytologic research of smear
С. Immunological methods of the Ag and Ab determination in the serum of blood
Д. Inoculation of blood
Е. Exposure virusspeciphical immunoglobulin
549. Herpes more frequent is passed:
A. Contact-domestic by a way
В. Тransmissidle
С. Parenteral
Д. Infection is not contagious
550. The visceral forms of herpetic infection develop:
А. Not characteristic
В. При pre – HIV Infection
C. In the latent period of HIV – infection
Д. In the stage of unfolded HIV Infection
551. At Herpes Zoster most effective:
А. Gamma globulins
B. Zavirax, aciclovir
С. Symptomatic treatment
Д. Antibiotics
552. What is untypical for persisting by generalized lymphoadenopaty:
A. Fever, chill
В. Sweat
C. Hepatic insufficiency
Д. Exantem
Е. Decline the masses of body less than 10 kg
553. What biological liquids of organism is it possible to define HIV infecnion in?
А. Blood
B. Liquor, pectoral milk, sperm
C. Saliva, urine, excrement
Д. Sweat, tear
Е. All liquids of organism
554. Basic subpopulation of Т-lymphocitis:
А. Cell killers (К - клетки)
В. Khelpery
С. Killers
Д. Supresory
Е. Khelpery, killers, supresory
555. Agent which more frequent than all cause the defeat of intestine at HIV – infection:
А. Shigella
В. Simplest
С. Conventional-pathogenesis microbes
Д. Salmonella
Е. Yeast-like mushrooms, simplest, de bene esse-pathogenic microbes
556. The source of infection at HIV is infections:
А. Wild animals
B. Domestic animals
C. Man
D. Nothing from transferred
557. The mechanism of transmission of HIV infections:
А. Parenteral
В. Air – dropping
C. Paraenteral, sexual
Д. Тransmissidle
Е. Nothing from transferred
558. At HIV- infection in a 1 mkl blood it is exposed 75 T-helper, Т-4/ Т-8=0,2. What stage of
A. AIDS, terminal.
B. Acute
C. Virus carrier
Д. Generalized lymphoadenopaty.
Е. AIDS- associated complex .
559. At a patient with on HIV infecnion diminishment of level of SD 4 lymphocites of to 300
cages is incorporated in a blood in 1 mkl. It is necessary to appoint to therapy:
A. Lamivudin
В. Аcyclovir
С. Hanceclovir
Д. Glucocorticoid
Е. Interferon
560. The virus of immunodeficit of man belongs to:
А. Оncovicus
В. Togavavirus
C. Retrovirus
Д. Myxоvirus
561. Improbable way of transmission of HIV – infection:
А. Sexual
В. Parenteral
C. Alimentary
Д. Тransplacental
562. What period man can remain seronegativ at HIV – infection:
A. 2 weeks
B. 2-6 weeks
C. 6-12 weeks
Д. 4-8 months and longer
563. Duration of latent period primary acuter to HIV – infection:
A. 7-40 days
В. To 1 years
C. 5 years
Д. More 5 years
564. What clinical syndrome more frequent meets at sharp to HIV – infection:
А. Influenza
В. Gastrointestinal
C. Mononucleozopodobnse.
565. That lymphoadenopaty is not typical for persisting by generalized by lymphoadenopaty
А. Increase temperatures of body, chill
В. Sweat
C. Hepatic insufficiency
Д. Exantem
Е. Decline the masses of body less than 10 kg
566. The AIDS-associated complex is characterized:
А. Fever
В. Hepatomegalia
С. Decline the masses of body more than 10 kg
Д. Дiarrhea syndrome
Е. All transferred
567.The source of infection at HIV is infections:
А. Rodents
В. Wild animals
С. Domestic animals
Д. Man
568. At flu viral-bacterial complications most effective is prescribing
A. antibiotics.
B. recombinant interferon, antigrippal gammaglobulin, antibiotics.
C. sulfonamides
D. desensitizational therapy
E. disintoxication
569. Clinical behavior of flu bacteriemic shock is determined by
A. viral replication
B. virusemia and toksinemia
C. disseminated intravascular clotting
D. activation of adenylate cyclase
E. immunodeficiency
570. A leading symptom at a rinoviral infection is
A. hyperpyrexia
B. intoxication.
C. tracheobronchitis.
D. rhinitis
eyeball’s pain
571. 20 years patient complains of mucous excretions from his nose, lacrimation, scleritis,
plastic conjunctivitis, hyperemia of arches and hypertrophy of follicles of pharynx posterior wall,
fever 38,5°C. Diagnose a case?
A. adenoviral infection.
B. measles.
C. flu.
D. herpetic infection.
E. enteroviral infection
572. Treatment of slight and middle forms of flu is provided by prescribing
A. antibiotics.
antiviral drugs
D. patogenetic therapy
E vitamins
573. Specify the clinical manifestations of rinoviral infection
A. medium expressed symptoms of intoxication, profuse discharge from the nose
B. fever, stuffiness in nose.
C. normal body temperature, stuffiness in nose.
D. fever, intoxication, purulent nasal discharge.
E. sore throat
574. Hemorrhagic syndrome at flu is determined by
A. intoxication
B. hyperpyrexia
C. increase of vessel’s permeability and its fragility
D. virus and its metabolites pyrogenic action
E. by the increase of intracranial pressure as a result of defeat of vascular plexuses
575. Aching pain in muscles, bones, joints at flu is determined by
A. pyrogenic action of virus and metabolites
B. intoxication
C. epinephros apoplexy.
D. circulatory injury
E. straight toxic action of virus
576. Patient with flu has bubbling breathing, rose spume from the mouth. What state progresses
at patient?
A. pulmonary infarction
B. alveolar pulmonary edema.
C. interstitial pulmonary edema
D. myocardial infarction
E. pulmonary embolism
577. Becoming hoarse, dehumidified barking cough at parainfluenza is determined by
A. intoxication
B. gyperpyrexia
C. desquamation and excrescence of bronchial epithelium
D. secondary infection
E. viral desmopathy and their reflex spasm of vocal cords
578. Fever at parainfluenza is determined by
A. toxic action of virus and metabolitov on nervous cells
B. secondary infection
C. pyrogenic virus’ and metabolite’s action on the center of thermoregulation
D. intoxication
E. the damage of alveolar cells
579. On the third day of illness at 18 year patient: injection of vessels of sclera’s and conjunctiva
with dense white-yellow films. There are three cases of similar disease at school. Diagnose the
A. adenoviral infection
B. parainfluenza
C. herpes
D. enteroviral infection
E. cytomegalic inclusion disease
580. Adenovirus is troped to
A. the prismatic epithelium
B. to endothelial cells of vessels.
C. myocardial cells.
D. lymphoid tissue
E. neural tissue
581. The rapid method for flu diagnostics is
A. serologic
B. virologic
C. bacteriological.
D. biological
E. immunofluorescence method
582. There were found out massive hemorrhage in epinephros in a citizen died of
meningococcosis. How is this syndrome named?
A. Syndrome of ischemic kidney
B. Splice-syndrome
C. Syndrome of hypercoagulation
D. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
E. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
583. Specify the basic way of meningococcus’ penetration into the cerebrum
A. Perineural.
B. Hematogenic
C. Lymphogenous
D. Perivasсular
E. Through the ethmoid bone
584. The patient with the generalized form of meningoсoссosis complaints of severe headache,
vomiting. What pathophysiological changes are the basis of this patient’s condition?
A. Lesion of cranial-cerebral nerves’ nucleus
B. Myocardium lesion
C. Liver injury
D. Respiratory compromise
E. Brain swelling
585. The patient with the generalized form of meningoсoссosis complaints of the temperature
abatement to 35,8°C, blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg. What state did progress at patient?
A. Brain swelling
B. disseminated intravascular clotting-syndrome
C. Bacteriemic shock
D. Renal insufficiency
E. Cardiac insufficiency
586. Specify the morphological feature of menigococcus, which assists in fixing it on the
mucous membranes of oropharyngeal surface?
A. Ability to toxin production
B. Availability of type specific antigen
C. Ability to produce hemolysin
D. Availability of the trilaminar capsule
E. Presence of villi
587. Specify the morphological feature of menigococcus, which assists its resistance to
A. Availability of bilaminar capsule
B. Availability of the trilaminar capsule
C. Ability to product hemolysin
D. Presence of villi
E. Availability of protease
588. Rash at meningococcemia appears on the
A. 1-2 day of illness.
B. 3-4 day of illness.
C. 5-6 day of illness.
D.7-8 day of illness
E .9-10 day of illness
589. At patient with meningococcal rhinopharyngitis in 3 days from the beginning of this disease
body temperature increases to 41°C, headache, vomiting, positive meningeal symptoms,
appeared. In liquor: cytosis 150,000 cells in 1 mkl, 90% of them are represent by neutrophils.
Diagnose a state?
A. meningism
B. meningococcal meningitis
C. subarachnoid hemorrhage
D. endocarditis
E. bacteriemic shock
590.Principal reason of anemic progress at malaria is
A. hyperfunctioning of spleen with hypersplenism
B. erythrolysis as a result of development of malarial plasmodiums.
C. autoimmune hemolysis of erythrocytes.
D. Decrease of osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.
E. as a result of bleeding
591. An icterus at malaria is conditioned mainly
A. disorder of bilirubin capture and conjugation in hepatocytes.
B. obturation of bile duct.
C. hepatitis development.
D. autoimmune hemolysis of erythrocytes.
E. surplus hemolysis of erythrocytes as a result of schizogony
592. Patient with tropical malaria suffers of severe headache, repeated vomiting, cramps. A
patient is lethargic, tendon reflexes are reduced, positive meningeal symptoms. What
complication did develop at this patient?
A. Bacteriemic shock.
B. hemoglobinuric fever.
C. splenic laceration.
D. malarial coma.
E. Acute renal- liver impairment
593. The kind malarial plasmodium at which is formed the greatest quantity of exoerythrocytic
B. Pl.malariae
C. Pl.ovale
D. Pl..falciparum
E. Pl. Laveran
594. The species of malarial plasmodium for which duration of red cell schizogonia cycle
averages 72 hours
A.Pl. falciparum
B. Pl.malariae
C. Pl.ovale
D. Pl.vivax
E. Pl. Laveran
595. What type of malarial plasmodium evolutionary cycle takes place in human organism
C.sporogonia and schizogonia
596. Malaria vivax does not develop at persons
A. With primary immunodeficiency
B. from African continent
C. with secondary immunodeficiency
D. at presence Daffie’s isoantigen in blood
E. at absence Daffie’s isoantigen in blood
597. At what malaria clinical behavior is typical an attack develops at any time
A. Pl. Laveran
B. Pl.malariae
C. Pl.ovale
D. vivax
E. Pl. falciparum
598. Development of complications is most typical for what malaria
A.Pl. ovale
B. Pl.malariae
C. Pl. falciparum
D. vivax
E. Pl. Laveran
599. At what malaria is registered long-term, asymptomatic malarial plasmodium’s’ carrying
during many years
A. Pl. Laveran
B. Pl.malariae
C. Pl.ovale
D. vivax
E. Pl. falciparum
600. The basic clinical manifestations of the height period of tertian malaria?
A. Continued or remittent fever, chills, apparent hyperhidrosis, polylymphadenitis, myalgias,
hepatolienal syndrome
B. Continued fever, weakness, adynamy, paleness of integuments, solitary maculopapular rash
on the lateral surfaces of a trunk, hepatolienal syndrome
C. Remittent fever, chills, sharp weakness, hemorrhages on transitional conjunctival fold, may be
large liver mass
D. Intermittent fever, on its height – heat sensation with the subsequent sudorrhea, hepatolienal
601. Leading mechanism of rash development at the spotted fever
A. Lesion of endothelial capillary cells by microbes and their toxins circulating in blood
B. sedimentation of immune complexes in skin capillaries
C. bringing of the causative agent in lymphatic dermal vessels with the development of
proliferative - inflammatory changes
D. generalized it is destructive - proliferative thrombovasculitis.
E. all above indicated is true
602. Changes in a bloodstream at epidemic typhus
A. stasis
B. without changes
C. panvasculitis
D.all is incorrect
E. thrombophlebitis
603. Character of a rash at typhus
A. urticarial
B. papular
C. vesicular
D. maculopapular- petechial
E. hemorrhagic
604. A place of ricketsia Prowazeki accumulation in an organism is
A. liver
B. spleen
C. epithelium of the upper airways
D. endothelial cells of small vessels
E. endothelial cells of small vessels, mononuclear- phagocytic system
605. Kyari-Avtsyn’s, Govorov-Godelye’s, Rosenberg symptoms, are typical for
A. typhoid fever
C. scarlet fever
D.epidemic typhus
E. sepsis
606. Patient of 70 years is excited, the scleral vessels are injected, face is hyperemic, the
symptom of Govorov-Godelje is positive? Bordet-Gengou test with Prowazek’s rickettsia is
1:160, lg G - 87%. Diagnose this state?
A. meningococcosis.
B. typhoid.
C. epidemic spotted fever.
D. Brill-Zinsser disease.
E. flu
607. Specific therapy at diphtheria is presented by
A. bacteriophages
B. antidiphtheric serum.
C antibiotics
D. antidiphtheric serum, antibiotics
E. sulfonamides
608. Inflammation character at laryngeal diphtheria
A. purulent
B. diphtheritic.
C. croupous.
D. doesn’t develop.
E. catarrhal
609. Renal lesion at diphtheria is conditioned by
A. Circulating immune complexes effect.
B. intoxication.
C. microcirculation disorder.
D. hypoxia.
E. immediate effect of toxin, circulating immune complexes
610. Membranous form of tonsilar diphtheria is characterized by
A. presence of fibrous incrustations don’t transgress the bounds of tonsils.
B. sphacelous changes on tonsils.
C. .presence of cup-like ulcer on one of tonsils.
D. presence of fibrous incrustations transgress the bounds of tonsils.
E. formation of bubo in area of regional nodes.
611. Cyanotic-tinged tonsils of 47-yeared patient are covered dense grey film, which spreads on
a soft palate, uvula. All above indicated is typical for
A. lacunar tonsillitis
B. localized diphtheria form
C. paratonsillar abscess.
D. combined diphtheria form.
E. disseminate diphtheria
612. 30-yeared patient fell ill acutely with temperature rise to 37,8° C, weakness, sore throat. At
examination: on the surface of both tonsils there are grey dense films, from the right one they
disseminate to the anterior arcus, uvula, soft palate, are not exfoliated by spatula. By introduction
of specific serum what kind of neutralization is achieved:
A. Free circulating exotoxin in blood . B. Causative agent
C. Exotoxin, getting to the contractile myocardium cells
D. Exotoxin, getting to the conducting system of heart cells
E. All above enumerated is right.
613. Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy at HIV is characterized by lymphadenopathy of
A. any 3 groups of lymph nodes, by their palpatory tenderness, suppuration.
B. no less than 2 lymph nodes in 2 different groups, except for inguinal, during 3 months.
C. all of groups of lymph nodes during 1 month.
D. Inguinal and axillary lymph nodes during 6 months.
E. Inguinal lymph nodes matted together, their. palpatory tenderness.
614. To AIDS-indicated belongs such infections as
A. brucellosis
B. viral hepatitis A
C. pneumocystic pneumonia.
D. adenoviral infection.
E. viral hepatitis C.
615. HIV reproduction is possible in
A. T-helpers, macrophages.
B. T-supressors
C. thymus.
D. spleen
E. T-killers
616. What group of viruses does HIV belong to
A. Arboviruses
B. Hepadnavirusam
C. Retroviruses
D. Ortomixoviruses
E. Flaviviruses
617. Risk groups at HIV
A. children.
B. workers.
C. medical workers, homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes.
D. men
E. women
618. Origin of Kaposi's sarcoma
A. from the cells of skin epithelium.
B. from the bones.
C. from the vessels.
D. from the hair follicle.
E. from the Langerhans' cells.
618. Spleen laceration at infectious mononucleosis develops
A. After convalescence.
B. on 5 - 7 day of the disease.
C. not characteristic
D. .On the 2nd - 3rd week of the disease.
E. In 1 year after convalescence.
Specify supporting symptoms for diagnostics of murrain
A. Gradual beginning of disease, maculo-papulous character of rash with a step-by-step
dissemination and pigmentation
B. Acute beginning of disease, rash is small with the densing elements in natural folds
C. Acute beginning of disease, vesicles and erosions on mucous membranes and conjunctiva,
rash is round nails and interdigital folds
D. Acute beginning of disease, injection of scleral vessels, maculopapular - petechial character
of rash under collar-bones, internal surfaces of shoulders, lateral surfaces of trunk
E. Gradual beginning of disease, rash of maculopapular character on the front surface of thorax
620. The isolation of patients with murrain is conducted
Before complete clinical convalescence.
On the twelfth day from the beginning of the disease.
C. No less than on the 14th day from the beginning of this disease
E is not conducted.
E. On all the feverish period
623. The basic method of murrain specific diagnostics is
B. Bacteriological.
C. Virology
D. Biological test.
624. Basic value in the damage of hepatocytes at viral hepatitis A has:
A. cytopathogenic action of virus,
B.activating of T-killers,
C. activating of B- lymphocytes,
D. autoimmune processes,
E - all above indicated is right.
625. Specify indexes which are determined for the evaluation of cytolysis syndrome at viral
hepatitis A:
A. the level of bilirubin.
B. the activity of alkaline phosphatase,
C. the activity of alanine aminotransferase
D. the activity of choline esterase
E. the level of thymol test.
626. About manifestation of familial nonhemolytic (Gilbert's) syndrome after the carried viral
hepatitis A it is possible to predetermine on:
A. the keeping high activity of AlAT.
B. the increased thymol test.
C. unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
D.keeping increase of alkaline phosphatase.
E. low a prothrombin index.
627. Functional hyperbilirubinemia progresses after viral hepatitis A as a result:
A. high cytolysis
B. decrease of albumin content.
C. glucuronidase deficiency.
D. deficiency choline esterase
E. high thymol test’s index.
628. Passive immunization at viral hepatitis A is conducted:
A. by inactivated vaccine
B. by the recombinant vaccine.
C. Immunoglobulin.
D. by interferon.
E. all above indicated is right.
629. What disease is typical 6-days prodromal period proceeding on flu-like variant, with
subsequent appearance of icterus, hepatosplenomegaly, the increase of AlAT activity in 10 times
A. leptospirosis.
B. hemolytic icterus.
C. liver carcinoma.
D. viral hepatitis A.
E. Enteroviral infections
630. By specific confirmation of diagnosis of viral hepatitis A there is detection in patient’s
A - anti-HAV IgM,
B - anti-HBV IgM,
C - anti-HAV IgG,
D - HBsAg,
E - anti-HBsAg.
631. At patient with German measles on a 5th day from the beginning of disease there was the
temperatures rise to 39°С, appearance of headache, 3-repeated vomiting, focal neurological
signs, loss of consciousness. Diagnose his state:
A. acute stroke,
B. hypertensic crisis,
C. rubella encephalitis,
D - secondary infection,
E. subarachnoid hemorrhage.
632. At patient with fever to 39,0 ºC and the catarrhal phenomena on the 2nd day of disease there
appeared a polymorphic rash on the skin of pilar part of head, face, trunk and extremities: red
macules, papules and vesicles with a transparent liquid. The agent of this infection belongs to:
A. Herpesviridae of the 3rd type,
B. Herpesviridae of the 2nd type,
F. Epstein-Barr virus,
G. D Enterovirus,
H. E - β-Herpesvirus.
633. Glucocorticoids at a chicken-pox are prescribed in such cases like:
A. at the severe clinical course,
B. at development of varicella encephalitis,
C. not prescribed,
D. to the children and elderly,
E. at presence of concomitant pathology.
634. Patient Р., 16 years, complains of temperature rise to 38.5º, weakness, an indisposition, a
headache, a nagging pain in left retromandibular region, tinnitus and ringing in the left ear. There
defined the swelling of the elastic consistency, moderately painful in left retromandibular space.
Lobe of the ear it is elevated and sticked up. In 3 days the similar swelling appeared on the right
side of the face. In WBC-test you see leukopenia, relative lymphocytosis and monocytosis, cells
of Turk, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Your diagnosis.
A. Purulent lymphadenitis
B Tuberculosis
C. Epidemic parotitis
D. Anginous- bubonic form of tularemia
E. Infectious mononucleosis
635. At the 8-th day of disease the patient with epidemic parotitis has body Т˚ 39.5º, pains in
epigastric region with irradiation it to the left lumbar region, a nausea, vomiting, positive
Woskresensky symptom. What has developed at the patient?
A. Alimentary toxic infection
B. Acute gastritis
C. Parotitis pancreatitis
D. Exacerbation chronic gastroduodenitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis
636. Drugs of choice during the acute period of parotitis pancreatitis are
A. Antibiotics
B. Inhibitors of proteolysis, spasmolytics
C. Enzymes
D. Vitamins
E. Lasix, manitol
637. Filatov-Koplik spots at measles appear
A. Are not typical
B. During the convalescence period
C. In the incubation period
D. In the height of disease
E. For 1-2 days before the eruption onset
638. Patient Н., complains of dehumidified cough, photophobia, headache, temperature rise.
Objectively - conjunctivitis, edema of eyelid. Mucous membranes of cheeks loosened, spotted, in
transitional fold region at premolars there are the small whitish spots surrounded with a crown of
hyperemia. Your diagnosis
A. Adenoviral infection
B. Thrush
C. Measles
D. German measles
E. Herpetic infection
639. Patient P., is ill during 5 days. Disease began acutely from temperature rise, a headache,
dehumidified cough, a photophobia. On the 4th day of disease the rash appeared on the face, the
neck, behind the ears. Next day the rash disseminated to the trunk. A rash has maculopapulosis
character, here and there it is confluent, on normal background of skin. The rash onset was
accompanied by increase of body Т˚. Your diagnosis
A. German mesles
B. Enterovirus infection
C. Stevens - Johnson's syndrome
D. Measles
E. Infectious mononucleosis
640. Patient А., complains of temperature rise to 38.5º, malaise, a headache painful swallowing,
rash. At examination - on the skin of the face, the trunk, the pilar part of the head there are
elements of a plentiful polymorphic rash like macules, papules, vesicles. On the soft palate and
arches there are the solitary vesicles. The diagnosis.
A. Smallpox
B. Streptococcal impetigo
C. Herpetic infection
D. A chicken pox
E. Shingles
641. A place of fixing of Varicella-zoster virus in an organism exists in
A. Mesenteric lymph nodes
B. Macrophages
C. Hepatocytes
D. Skin epitheliocytes and mucous membranes
E. Langergance cells
642. At the child of 4 years on a background of a fever up to 39,0 ºС and catarrhal signs on the
2nd day of disease there appeared the polymorphic rash on the skin of pilar part of the head, the
face, a trunk and extremities: red macules, papules and vesicles with a transparent liquid. Your
A. Chicken pox
B. Measles
C. German measles (Rubella)
D. Meningococcosis
E. Allergic reaction
643. Patient S., complains of mild pyrexia, заложенность a nose, he has a rasping feeling in his
throat, a rash. Objectively – there are the plentiful small-maculous rosy-pale elements of rash
located on normal skin of the face, breast, abdomen. There is occipital and posterior cervical
lymphadenitis at the patient. Your diagnosis
A. Measles
B. Enterovirus infection
C. Scarlet fever
D. Infectious mononucleosis
E. German measles (Rubella)
644. Encephalitis at German measles (Rubella) develops
A. On 1-2nd day of disease
B. On 2-3rd day of disease
C. Does not develop
D. On 4-5th day from the beginning of disease
E. In 2 weeks after convalescence develops
645. At the patient with German measles on the 5th day from the beginning of disease
temperature rise to 39ºС, the headache appeared, three times he felt vomiting, focal neurological
signs , loss of consciousness is noted. Your diagnosis
A. Acute stroke
B. A hypertensic crisis
C. German measles complicated with encephalitis
D. Cerebral hemorrhage
E. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
646. Patient М., feels ill during 3 days. Was ill acutely from temperature rise to 40ºC, a
headache, anorexia, sore throat. At examination – there is the rash punctata on hyperemic skin
background with elements of a condensation in natural folds located on the cheeks, the trunk,
flexor surfaces of extremities. The tongue is furred by a grayish incrustation. There is the
“circumscribed” hyperemia of amygdales, arches, uvula, the soft palate at oropharyngeal surface,
at the hard palate there is enanthema, the amygdales are porous. Your diagnosis.
A. Scarlet fever
B. Measles
C. Pseudotuberculosis
D. Entorovirus infection
E. Chicken pox
647. Changes in WBC at scarlet fever
A. Leukopenia, lymphomonocytosis
B. Leukocytosis, neutrophillosis, monocytopenia
C. Leukocytosis, neutrophillosis with shift to the left, eosinophillia
D. Leukocytosis, lymphomonocytosis, atypical mononuclear cells
E. Leukocytosis, neutrophillosis with shift to the left, aneosinophillia
648. What allergic character complications are developing at scarlet fever
A. Tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, otitis, maxillitis
B. Nephritis, myocarditis, synovitis
C. Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy
D. Meningitis, encephalitis
E. Polyradiculoneuritis
649. Patient О., 23 years, is not vaccinated. He is ill during 2 day. Complains on cough, the
indisposition, body Т˚ 38,1°С. He is flabby. Integuments are pure. Conjunctivitis. There is
enanthema at the palate, on mucous membrane of cheeks there are the whitish spots with a crown
of hyperemia. There are a rough breath sounds in lungs. The probable diagnosis?
A. Measles
B. German measles
C. Enterovirus infection
D. Scarlet fever
E. Flu
650. At the patient of 56 years there appeared attacks of a pain in the left half of thorax, general
weakness, fever, headache two days ago. At examination: on the course of 4-5 intercostals
intervals at the left there are the elements of vesicular rash of 2-4 mm in diameter, filled with the
transparent liquid, located on hyperemic and edematic background. The diagnosis.
A. Chicken pox
B. Measles
C. A scarlet fever
D. Herpes zoster
E. Streptococcal impetigo
651. Patient Т., 20 years. Felt ill acutely, complains of a headache, single vomitting, temperature
rise to 40º C, severe sore throat. His face is hyperemic, nasolabial triangle is pale, on the skin of
a trunk, extremities there is the rash punctata on hyperemic background with elements of its
condensation in natural folds. The amygdales are hyperemic , lacunas are filled with pus. Your is
A. Chicken pox
B. Measles
C. Scarlet fever
D. Herpes zoster
E. Streptococcal impetigo
652. What cycle of development does malarial plasmodium pass in the organism of man?
А. Sporogony
B. Schizogony
С. Sporogony and schizogony
Д. Nothing from transferred
653 What hemorrhagic fever are the most dangerous in the epidemiological aspects? A - Omsk;
B - yellow; C - dengue; D - Chikungunya; E - Ebola.
654. What hemorrhagic fever is contagious? A - yellow; B - Lassa; C - Ebola; D Marburg; E - all of these.
655. What hemorrhagic fever is not a tick-borne? A - yellow; B - Crimea; C - Omsk; D Kyasanur forest diseases; E - Argentina.
656. What a haemorrhagic fever transmitted by mosquitoes? A - Crimean; B - Tomsk; C dengue; D- Ebola; E - Marburg.
657. What forms of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome are occurs in patients with
hemorrhagic fever? A - fulminant; B - acute; C - latent; D - chronic; E - all of these.
658. In the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic fever the cells of what organs are damaged firstly?
A - bronchial epithelium; B - epithelium cells of the circulatory system; C - lungs; D - CNS; E spleen.
659. In the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic fevers what vasoactive components play the
leading role? A - thrombocytes; B - kinins; C - adrenaline; D - cytokines; E- all of these.
660. What phase of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome is the most dangerous in the clinical
plan? A – 1 stage; B - increasing DIC; C - full DIC; D - phase of thrombosis and occlusion; E reconstructive phase.
661. Patient P., arrived from Zaire. Complains of trembling, intense headache, muscle pain
and back pain, nausea, vomiting. Objectively: hyperemia and swelling of the face, neck, icterus
sclera, photophobia. Puls - 120 min. Hepatomegaly. Preliminary diagnosis: A - yellow fever; B malaria; C - plague; D - hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome; E - leptospirosis.
662. The patient 25 years old, has the third day of the disease. Complains about high fever,
headache, muscle pain, back pain, nausea. He has conjunctivitis, photophobia, lacrimation. The
skin of the face and neck hyperemic, the skin is dry, hot. Sclera are subicterus. Pulse is frequent,
soft. He returned from Africa 6 days ago, he was in the jungle. Diagnosis: A - leptospirosis; B Flu, C - yellow fever; D - malaria E - hematuria.
663. A woman 29 years was ill a week ago with a headache, hyperthermia 40°C. She
returned from South Africa a week ago, where she was bitten by mosquitoes. Here condition was
grave, hemorrhagic rash on the skin and mucous membranes, nasal bleeding, jaundice,
hepatosplenomegaly. What disease should be suspected: A - yellow fever; B - malaria; C plague; D - dengue fever; E - Ku fever.
664. The most reliable method of laboratory diagnosis of yellow fever is: A - isolation of
the virus from the dead patient's blood, liver and brain of the; B - complement fixation titer 1:16
or higher; C - virus neutralization; D -hemagglutination inhibition; E - histology of liver biopsy.
665. The differential diagnosis of yellow fever is carried out with: A - viral hepatitis, B leptospirosis; C - haemorrhagic fevers; D - malaria; E - all of the above.
666. In the treatment of yellow fever all these drugs are used, except: A - disintoxication
solutions in a volume of 2 - 3 liters per day; B - glucocorticoids parenterally; C - cardiovascular
agents (strophanthin, korglikon, camphor); D – antibiotics for secondary flora; E - specific
667. Prevention of yellow fever includes the following measures: A - isolation of patients
in box-room for the first 5 days of illness; B - medical staff should work in overalls; C destruction of mosquitoes - vectors in foci of epidemic; D - 17D vaccine vaccination of the
population "Dakar", E - all of these.
668. Ebola virus in the human body is located in: A - blood; B - faeces; C - urine; D semen; E - all biological fluids.
669. From what animals, who are sick with Ebola, a person can be infected? A - elephants;
B – cat, C - snakes; D - monkeys; E - birds.
670. Ebola mainly is registered in: A- Africa; B - North America; C - Australia; D Europe; E - South America.
671. What rash is usually develops in Ebola fever?: A - allergic, B - herpetic, C vesicular; D - maculopapular; E - ulcers.
672. What early manifestation is characteristic for Ebola? A - rash; B - diarrhea, C jaundice; D - high body temperature; E - orchitis.
673. The doctor who examined the patient with high fever in southern Sudan earlier, has
fever, headache, muscle aches and joint pain, weakness, diarrhea. On the 4th day of illness
makulo- papular rash appeared on the body,
on 5th day - blood vomiting, melena and
hypotension. Diagnosis: A - Ebola; B - malaria; C - plague; D - leptospirosis; E pseudotuberculosis.
674. The patient, who had returned from Zimbabwe, has fever 40°C, nosebleeds, which
can not be stopped, blood tears, numerous hemorrhages, bruises. Diagnosis: A - malaria, B typhus, C - Ebola, D - leptospirosis, E - pseudotuberculosis.
675. A man 23 years old, who returned from Guinea, has t 38-39,5°C. On the 3rd day of
illness bloody vomiting, icterus of sclera and skin, hepatomegaly, oliguria appeared. Face is
swollen, red, the vessels of sclera are injected. In urine protein and erythrocytes are present.
What method is necessary to confirm the diagnosis: A - virology; B - serology; C bacteriological; D - biological; E - skin and allergic test.
676. The man, who returned from Zaire, has fever, symptoms of intoxication, abdominal
pain. On the third day of disease he has abundant makulla body rash, sore throat, erosive
pharyngitis. On the 5th day - bleeding under the skin, nasal bleedings, melena. Which of the
following data indicate about the poor prognosis of the disease?: A - thrombocytopenia; B increase of ALT; C - leucopenia; D - decrease of hematocrit; E - mild anemia.
677. Etiotropic drug for Ebola: A - acyclovir; B - remantadin; C - is not invented; D azithromycin; E - ribavirin.
678. Patient 2 days after returning from Venezuela, where he worked on agricultural
works, has t 39-40° C, shivering, severe headache. On the third day of the disease he has serious
condition, hyperemic face and sclera, edema of the eyelids. Pharynx is hyperemic. Then
nosebleeds appear. Pulse 120/min. AD 100/70 mm Hg. Tongue is red and dry. Liver +1.5 cm.
What pathogenetic therapy is necessary in this situation?: A - vikasol, GCS, detoxification; B vikasol, glucose; C - α-aminocaproic acid and sorbents; D - hepatoprotectors, saline; E detoxification.
679. Specific prevention of Ebola: A - intravenous ribavirin; B - vaccinations with live
vaccines; C - immunoglobulin; D - vaccination with recombinant vaccines; E - is not invented.
680. Causative agent of Lassa fever belongs to: A - Bunyan Viruses; B - Flavio viruses; C Filoviruses; D - Arenaviruses; E - Togaviridae.
681. Lassa fever is common in: A - South Africa; B - West Africa; C - North Africa; D South America; E - South-East Asia.
682. The natural reservoir of Lassa fever is: A - multimammate rat; B - mouse vole; C mites; D - mosquitoes; E - bats.
683. How Lassa fever can not be transmitted from person to person? A - sexually; B parenteral; C - contact; D - airborne, E - wound.
684. What is not observed in patints with Lassa fever?: A - rash, swelling of the face, and
neck; C - pleuritis, pericarditis; D - hepatitis; E - orchitis.
685. For Lassa fever it is characteristic the ulcers of: A - stomach; B – skin; C oropharynx; D - duodenum; E - rectum.
686. Increased activity of what enzyme is the most unfavorable for the prognosis of Lassa
fever? A - ALT, B - alkaline phosphatase; C - GGT; D - lactate dehydrogenase; E - AsAT.
687. What is detected in general analysis of blood in height of Lassa fever? A aneosinophilia, B - lymphocytosis; C - lymphopenia; D - thrombocytosis; E - normal ESR.
688. What material is examined in patient with Lassa fever for confirming the diagnosis?
A - blood and cerebrospinal fluid; B - blood and urine; C - sputum, stool; D - saliva, urine, feces;
E - all biological fluids.
689. What etiotropic drug is used for Lassa fever?: A - acyclovir; B - anatoxin; C ribavirin; D - ganciclovir; E - penicillin.
690. The duration of the isolation of patients with Lassa fever: A - 7 days from the onset of
the disease; B - 14 days from the onset of the disease; C - for at least 21 days after infection; D not less than 30 days from the onset of the disease; E - need not be insulated.
691. Soldier, who returned from Sierra Leone, is sick 3 days. During examination: t°-39°C,
signs of erosive pharyngitis, hyperemia of face, conjunctivitis. Lassa fever was suspected. What
control measures is necessary in the hearth ?: A - protective clothing for medical staff, rodent
control, disinfection, isolation of patients; B - vaccination of contacts; C - emergency antibiotic
prophylaxis; D - disinfection; E - introduction of specific serum.
692. The causative agent of Marburg fever belongs to: A - Adenovirus; B - Flavivirus; C Filoviruses; D - Bunyaviridae; E - Togaviridae.
693. The natural reservoir of Marburg fever are: A rats; B - mice-vole; C - monkeys; D dogs; E - mites.
694. Marburg fever in nature is registered in: A - Asia, B - South America; C - Australia; D
– Africa; E - Europe.
695. What is the main mechanism of infection in fever Marburg? A - fecal-oral; B vertical, C - transmissible; D - airborne; E - contact.
696. When diarrhea in fever Marburg does appear? A – on 3-4 day of disease; B - from the
1st day; C - on the second week; D - on the 3 week: E - on the 4th week.
697. Hemorrhagic syndrome in Marburg fever develops: A - at the onset of disease; B – on
2-3 day of disease; C - on 5-7 day; D - to the 2nd week; E - does not appear.
698. The rash in Marburg fever as a rule is? A - maculopapular; B - petechial, C vesicular; D - pustular; E - urticarial.
699. Lab technician, who worked with the tissues from African monkeys, admitted to the
hospital on the 3rd day of the disease in serious condition: severe headache, arthralgia, sore
throat, temperature 40° C, diarrhea with blood. Macular rash on the face, conjunctivitis, erosive
pharyngitis, confused consciousness. Tachycardia and hypotension. Pain around the umbilicus.
Diagnosis: A - fever of Marburg; B - plague; C - leptospirosis; D - yersiniosis; E pseudotuberculosis.
700. Marburg virus in a patient can be isolated from human: A – blood; B -urine, C hemorrhagic exudate; D - fluid anterior eye chamber; E - all answers are correct.
701. What is effective for etiotropic treatment of Marburg fever? A - acyclovir; B remantadine, C - zanamivir; D - penicillin; E – does not exist.
702. The main preventive measure during contact with Marburg fever patient: A vaccination with live vaccine; B - vaccination with recombinant vaccine; C - anatoxin; D fluoroquinolones; E - protective suit.
703. . What infections on clinical and epidemiological indications plague belongs to?: A particularly dangerous; B- natural focal; C - quarantine; D - of Convention; E – all are right.
704. The causative agent of the plague is: A - Enterobacter; B - Neisseria; C - Spirochetes;
D - Yersinia; E - Rickettsia.
705. For the causative agent of plague all true, except: A - motionless; B - does not form
spores; C - facultative intracellular parasite; D - gram-positive; E - is resistant to environmental
706. Plague belongs to: A - anthroponoses; B - zooantroponoses; C - zoonoses; D sapronoses; E- all are right.
707. For plague all ways of transmission are possible, except: A - transmissible; B contact-household; C- parenteral; D- alimentary; E- airborne.
708. The main factor of transmission of plague are: A- mosquitoes; B - fleas; C cockroaches; D- bugs; E - mites.
709. Intoxication in plague is caused by: A - hyaluronidase; B - neuraminidase; C plasmocoagulase; D - endotoxin; E- all are right.
710. Localized forms of plague are all, except: A- skin; B- skin-bubonic; C- bubonic; Dpulmonary; E- all are right.
711. The incubation period in bubonic plague is: A 2-3 hours; B-1-6 days; C- 10-14 days;
D- 21 days; E- 35 days.
712. Pneumonic plague is characterized by: A - neurotoxicosis; B- cutting pains in the
chest, coughing, shortness of breath; C - sputum is liquid, frothy, bloody; D- scarce physical
signs; E- all are right.
713. The material for bacteriological study in plague can be: A - punctate from bubo; B contents of vesicles, pustules, ulcers; C - sputum; D- blood; E- all are right.
714. What persons should be hospitalized and investigated?: A - patients with cutaneous
form of plague; B- who was in contact with patients with pneumonic plague; C - who was in
contact with patients with bubonic form; D- who was in contact with patients with septic form of
plague; E- all are right.
715. Specific drugs for the treatment of plague are: A - gentamicin; B - ofloxacin; Cstreptomycin; D- doxycycline; E- all are right.
716. The course of antibiotic treatment of plague is: A - 5 days; B- 10 days; C -17 days; D30 days; E- 45 days.
717. Pathogenetic therapy of patients with severe bubonic plague include: A - fluid therapy
- 40 ml/kg of body weight per day; B- crystalloid solutions; C- colloid solutions; D- steroids; Eall are right.
718. What form of plague is the most dangerous for others: A- skin; B- bubonic; C - skin
and bubonic; D- pulmonary; E - all are right.
719. Term of isolation of contact with the plague: A- is not necessary; B- for 6 days; C - 14
days; D- 21 days; E- 1 month.
720. In what form of plague individually isolation of contacts is carried out?: A- skin; B bubonic; C- skin and bubonic; D- pulmonary; E- all are right.
721. For the emergency prevention of contact with the plague, you can use: A streptomycin; B - doxycycline; C- gentmicin; D- ofloxacin; E- all are right.
722. Specific prevention of plague is carried out by: A- immunoglobulin; B- killed
vaccine; C- live vaccine; D- interferon; E- B and C are correct.
723. The symtoms of toxic encephalopathy from the first days of illness are typical for: A lymphogranulomatosis, B - plague; C - anthrax; D- tularemia; E - purulent lymphadenitis.
724. What disease is characterized by a conglomerate of lymph nodes dense consistency,
which soldered to the subcutaneous tissue, greatly painful?: A -lymphogranulomatosis; B tularemia; C - plague; D - anthrax; E - erysipelas.
725. The phenomena of lymphangitis is not characteristic for: A - anthrax; B - erysipelas;
C - plague; D - tularemia; E - acute purulent lymphadenitis.
726. What disease is characterized by the appearance of a patient (puffiness, severe redness
of the face and mucous membranes, cyanosis) from the first day of the disease: A - tularemia; B anthrax; C - erysipelas; D - plague; E – all are right.
726. What disease is characterized by ulcers located on solid ground, covered with a dark
crust, very painful: A - plague; B - erysipeloid; C - erysipelas; D - anthrax; E - tularemia.
727. What disease is characterized by a painless ulcer, located on a dense ground covered
with dark scab: A - tularemia; B - anthrax; C - plague; D - erysipelas; E - erysipeloid.
728. Patient N., 31 years old, hospitalized on the 2nd day of illness. T-40,8 °, excruciating
headache. The skin is dry, hot. The face and conjunctiva are hyperemic. Greatly painful
conglomerate soldered with the surrounding tissue is on the right axilla, the skin over it is tense.
Diagnosis?: A - tularemia; B - lymphogranulomatosis; C - anthrax; D - plague; E - purulent
729. Patient A., 3 days ago came back from India. T-40,1 ° C, delusions, hallucinations
with frightening character. Face is swelling, hyperemic, "eyes of raging bull." 2 pustules with
hemorrhagic content is on the right hand, swelling, tenderness around. Axillary lymph nodes on
the right are 4 cm in diameter, immobile, sharply painful. Diagnosis?: A - plague; B - anthrax; C
- tularemia; D - erysipeloid; E - erysipelas.
730. Patient K., fell ill acutely: T-41,3 ° C, headache. Slurred speech, confused mind. Face
is puffy, hyperemic, cyanotic. Tremor of tongue. Extensive, confluent hemorrhages purple-black
are on the skin. Hemorrhages are on mucous membranes. Nose bleed. Pulse is 140 beats per
minute, blood pressure 80/40 mm Hg. Oliguria. Diagnosis?: A - tularemia. B - plague; C anthrax; D - erysipeloid; E - lymphogranulomatosis.
731. What drugs is paramount in the treatment of infectious-toxic shock in plague?: A antibiotics; B - glucocorticoids; C - haemodesum; D - vitamins; E- inhibitors of proteolysis.
732) Where do the eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides develop into invasive stage? А.in intestines of
human, B. in perianal folds during 4-6 hours, C. in the ground during 2 weeks by temperature
25ºC, D. in lungs, E. in liver of human.
The source of Enterobiosis invasion is infected: A. cattle, B. pig,C. human, D. cat, E. fish.
What is the main method of diagnostics of Enterobiosis? A. indirect hemagglutination
test, B .immune-enzyme analysis, C coprogram, D. investigation the scrape from the perianal
skin, E. coproculture.
For what helminthiasis percutaneous way of transmission is typical?: A.
strongyloidiasis, B. necatoriasis, C. ankylostomiasis, D. B and C are correct, E. everything is
At serious ascariasis following surgical complications are typical, except: A.
asphyxia, B. suppurative cholangitis, C. rectal prolapse, D. intestinal bstruction, E. abscesses of
the liver.
Which method of treatment of Enterobiosis is the most correct: A. anthelmintic drugs
combined with strict hygiene regime, B. anthelmintic drugs ombined with daily night
spasmolytic enemas, C. 3-4 courses of treatment with metronidazole, D. surgical treatment, E.
daily night enemas with ammonia soda to prevent perianal itching.
Indicate which type of worms belongs to contagious?:A. trichuriasis,B.teniasis,C.
enterobiasis,D. opisthorchiasis,E. ascariasis.
The patient 30 years old has weakness, fever up to 39 ° C. On R-graphy eosinophilic lung
infiltrates migratory nature were revealed. What disease the patient has?A. pulmonary
pneumonia,E. lung cancer.
The patient complains of weakness, poor appetite, intermittent abdominal pain. In
ovoskopy study of feces roundworm's eggs were found. What treatment should be prescribed to
patient for deworming?A. hygienic treatment,B. levamisole,C. ceftriaxone,D. norfloxacin,E.
The patient with ancylostomiasishasmanifestation of iron deficiency anemia (decreased
absolute number of red blood cells, decreased hemoglobin and color index). Indicate the cause of
this clinical manifestation in ancylostomiasis?A. bleeding,B. hookworm are true hematophah,C.
toxic-allergic action of ankilostom metabolites,D. perforation of vessels,E. violation vascular
In the specific diagnostics of trichinellosis the main is to detect:A.ovum in
feces,B.helminthiasis in feces,C.larva in biopsy material,D.ovum in scraping from perianal
folds,E.eosinophilia in blood.
The symptoms of which helminthic invasion are: acute onset, fever, muscular pains,
opisthorchiasis,E. trichinellosis.
The patient A. has headache, deltoid muscles pains, appearance of skin rash. The medical
examination has detected painfulness of muscles of left shoulder joint. The eosinophilia in the
blood is up to 40%. The rontgenography of left shoulder joint has shown calsifications (size
3mm x 1,2mm) with effect of perifocal inflammation in soft tissues of deltoid muscle. What
disease is characterized by these clinical signs?A. nonspecific polyarthritis,B. trichinellosis,C.
leptospirosis,D. toxicoallergic dermatitis,E. extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
Trans-dermal route of transmission is typical?A. trichocephalosis, B. teniasis, C.
strongylosis, D.opisthorchiasis, E.ascariasis.
Leading syndrome in trichinellosis?A. immunosuppressive,B. toxic-allergic,C. adynamic
– neurotic, D. dyspepsial, E. all nottrue.
The development of mature forms of Trichinella are: A. on the microvilli in the small
intestine, B. in the striated muscle, C. in the submucosal layer of the small intestine, D. in the
large intestine, E. in the stomach.
The development of the larval stage of Trichinella are: A. on the microvilli in the small
intestine, B. in the intermuscular septa of the striated muscle, C. in the submucosal layer of the
small intestine, D. in the large intestine, E. in the stomach.
Transmissible mechanism of transmission is typical: A. dirophylariosis,B. teniasis, C.
strongylosis, D. opisthorchiasis, E. ascariasis.
By biohelminths include all, exept: A. difilobotrios,B. strongylosis, C. teniasis, D.
teniarinhosis,E. trichinellosis.
Dogs are the source of contamination: A. teniasis, B. opisthorchiasis, C. strongylosis, D.
toxocarosis,E. ascariasis.
What is the agent of pork worm disease?А. Taenia soleum,B. Hymenolepis nana,C.
Taeniarhynchus saginatus, D. Trichinella spiralis,E. Dyphylobotrium latum
What are the principal clinical syndromes in pork worm disease?А. respiratory
syndrome,B. cholestatic syndrome,C. dyspeptic syndrome, D. meningeal syndrome,E.
everything is right
How is the source of invasion in case of cystecercosis?А. cattle,B. dog,C. pig,D.
human,E. fish
What methods are used for diagnostics of cystecercosis?А. General blood analysis,B.
biochemistry methods,C. computed tomography, D. investigation of faeces, E. nothing is right
The invasion of the human with Dyphillobotirum latum is possible to get after eating:А.
fresh water fishes, B. sea fishes, C. pork,D. beef,E. milk.
What is the duration of the life of the adult forms in echinoccosis?А. It is continued from
6 months till 1 year,B. It is continued 1 week,C. It is continued 10 weeks, D. It is continued more
than 10 years, E. It is continued 7 days,
What is epidemiology of echinoccosis?А. It is transmissive helminthiasis, B. It is
heohelminthiasis,C. It is biohelminthiasis,D. It is contagious helminthiasis,E. It is especially
dangerous disease
What is the possible localization of hydatid cyst?А. liver,B. lungs,C. brain,D. everything
is right,E. nothing is right
What is treatment should be administered in pork tapeworm?А. vermitin (phenasalum;
Niclosamidum),B. Filicis maris rhizome,C. mebendazol,D. decaris (levamysol),E. chloxil
How is the definitive host in case of Taeniarhynhosis?А. cattle,B. dog,C. pig,D. human,E.
What is epidemiology of hymenolepiasis?А. It is peroral helminthiasis,B. It is
percutaneous helminthiasis,C. It is contagious helminthiasis,D. It is transmissive helminthiasis,E.
It is especially dangerous disease
What is epidemiology of fascioliasis?А. It is anthroponosis,B. It is zoonosis,C. The
definitive host is human and cattle,D. The intermediate hosts are the pigs,E. The intermediate
hosts are mollusks,
What is epidemiology of fascioliasis?А. It is anthroponosis,B. It is zoonosis, C. The
definitive host is human and cattle,D. The intermediate hosts are the pigs,E. The intermediate
hosts are mollusks.
Immunodeficiency virus refers to:
A paramyxovirus;
B * - retroviruses;
C. herpesviruses;
D- flaviviruses;
E arboviruses.
766 How much has the structural genes immunodeficiency virus:
A. one;
B. two;
C * - three;
D- five;
E- eight.
767 HIV genes encoding envelope glycoproteins include:
A. p 17;
B. p24,
C. endonuclease;
D * - gp 120;
E All true.
768 HIV genes encoding the formation of internal proteins are:
А*- р24;
В- gp120;
С- gp41;
D- endonuclease;
Е- All true.
769HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein structurally divided into subtypes:
А. А-В;
В. С-В;
С. А-D;
D.* А-J;
Е. А-К.
770. HIV gene encodes all enzyme,s except:
A. endonuclease;
B. Proteinase;
C. reverse transcriptase;
D * - cholinesterase;
E. all true.
771. Control of viral replication provides:
А. р24;
В. gp120;
С.* gen «tat»;
D. endonuclease;
Е. р17.
772. When virus is inactivated within 1 minute:
A. * boiling;
B. ultraviolet rays;
C.ionizing radiation;
D. freezing;
E. all true
773. To slow infections include:
A. malaria;
B. tick-borne encephalitis;
C. * HIV infection;
D. Lyme disease;
E. All true.
774. HIV refers to diseases:
A. * - anthroponotic;
B. anthroponotic;
C. sapronotic;
D. zoonotic;
E. endemic.
775. HIV virus can contained in:
A. blood;
B. semen;
C. vaginal secretions;
D. saliva;
E. * all true.
776. The greatest amount of virus in HIV-infected is contained in:
A. * - the semen;
B. sweat;
C. tears;
D. breast milk;
E. cerebrospinal fluid.
777. The mechanism of transmission of HIV:
A. * - contact;
B. airborne;
C. transmissible;
D. fecal-oral;
E. all right.
778. HIV-infected pregnant woman can infect the unborn child:
A. transplacental;
B. intrapartum;
C. after birth - breastfeeding;
D. * all right;
E. all wrong.
779. In order to prevent fetal infection with HIV-infected is assigned:
A. * zidovudine;
B. ganciclovir;
C. acyclovir;
E. pentamidine.
780. Blood-borne transmission of HIV is possible with:
A. blood transfusion;
C.infected organ transplant;
D. parenteral manipulations;
E * - all true
781.Antigenny complex CD4 + are:
A. Langerhans cells;
B. cells oligodendroglial;
C. alveolar macrophages;
D. T helpers;
E. * all true.
782. Immunodeficiency virus can penetrate into:
A. monocytes;
B. macrophages;
C. glial cells of the brain;
D. T helpers
E. * all of the above is true.
783. HIV has direct cytopathic effect on
A. cardiocytes;
B. hepatocytes;
C. * cells of the nervous system;
D. nephrocytes;
E. All true.
784. At healthy person helperno- suppressor index is:
В. 0,5;
D.* 1,7;
Е. 3,0.
785. Specific antibodies are produced:
A. T helpers;
B. T-killer;
C. β cells;
D. * plasma cells;
E. macrophages.
786. In the construction of DNA -code immunodeficiency virus involved:
A. endonuclease;
B. * reverse transcriptase;
C. phosphatase;
D. cholinesterase;
E.all right.
787. Embeds viral DNA code into the host cell genome:
A. * endonuclease;
B. reverse transcriptase;
C. phosphatase;
D. cholinesterase;
E. all right.
788. Reverse viral DNA into RNA synthesis of RNA copies largely determines:
A. virus endonuclease;
B. virus reverse transcriptase;
C. * protease;
D. cholinesterase;
E. phosphatase.
789. In HIV-infected macrophage:
A. virus is constantly but slowly propagated;
B. decreases the bactericidal activity of macrophages;
C. reduced antigen-presenting ability of its T-helper cells;
D. reduced antigen presentation to B cells;
E. * all of the above is true.
790. HIV affects:
A. endothelial cells of the vascular plexus of the brain;
B. reduces the production of neuropeptides - epiphyseal hormone-gipotalemicheskogo complex;
C. has a cytopathic effect on nerve cells;
D. T helpers;
E. * all true.
791. Immunodeficiency in HIV infection is caused by:
A. positive activation of helper;
B. syncytium formation;
C. autoaggression;
D. death of healthy helper CD4 on the shell of which joined with gp120;
E. * all true.
792. Syncytia HIV - infection is formed by:
A. * capture HIV-infected healthy helper helper;
B. activation of T-killers;
C. reducing the number of T helper cells;
D. autoaggression;
E. polyclonal antibody activation.
793. Immunoregulatory index of CD4 + / CD8 + in the acute phase of HIV infection is reduced
due to:
A. decline in CD4 lymphocytes;
B. Reducing the number of B lymphocytes CD8;
C. increase in CD4 lymphocytes;
D. * increasing the number of CD8 lymphocytes;
E. increasing the number of plasma cells.
794. Immunoregulatory index CD4 / CD8 in the terminal phase of HIV infection is reduced due to:
A. * - decrease in the number of CD4-cells;
B. Increasing the number of CD4 B-cells;
C. Increasing the amount of C-CD8 cells;
D. Reducing the amount of D- CD8-cells;
E. reduce the number of plasma cells.
795. In HIV infected:
A. reduced amount of gamma globulins;
B. * the amount of gamma globulin uvelichivaetsya;
C. decreases the number of normal killers;
D. increases the number of macrophages;
E. increases the production of interferon.
796. In category A in HIV infection on the classification adopted by the Centre for Disease Control
(1993)., Includes:
A. virus carrier;
B. acute stage;
С. persistent generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. CD4 lymphocytes 500 cells / mkl;
E. * all true.
797. In HIV-infected were complaints of fever, headache, vomiting. The positive meningeal signs
(Kernig, Brudzinsky). Cerebrospinal fluid transparent cell count of 30 cells by lymphocytes. The
blood CD4 cell counts of 550 cells / mkl. Stage of HIV infection:
A. * the acute stage;
C. persistent generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
798. Sick for 5 weeks has a fever T-37,5-38,0°. Complaints of sore throat. Hypertrophied tonsils,
enlarged submandibular, rear neck, subclavian, inguinal lymph nodes. Hepatosplenomegaly.
Immunoblotting antibodies to HIV-1 in the immunological CD4 lymphocyte counts - 520 cells /
mkl. Determine the stage of HIV infection:
A. primary latent period;
B. secondary latent period;
C. * - generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
799. Step persistent generalized lymphadenopathy in HIV-infected patients can be diagnosed with
the condition:
A. patient complaints on fever, sweating;
B. an increase of at least 2 groups of lymph nodes (excluding inguinal), the presence of
C.CD4 lymphocyte counts of at least 500 cells / mkl;
D. possible increase in liver:
E. * all true.
800. A patient within 3 weeks low-grade fever, fatigue, abdominal pain, frequent stools 8-10 times
a day, weight loss. PCR - HIV RNA. In the immunological CD4 lymphocyte counts - 150 cells /
mkl. CD8 lymphocytes -150 cells / mkl. Diagnosis:
A. acute stage of HIV infection;
B. secondary latency;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
801. In HIV-infected in the background subfebrile temperature there was bleeding gums, increased
weakness, unjustly began to appear on the skin, "bruises". The immunogram - CD4 lymphocytes 560 cells / mkl, the index of CD4 + / CD8 + is 1.4. In the blood - thrombocytopenia. Determine the
stage of the disease.
A. primary latent;
B. * the acute stage;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. dementia;
802. The localized Kaposi's sarcoma in HIV-infected in the period observed:
A. secondary latency;
B. acute stage;
C. in generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. * AIDS-Related Complex;
803. HIV-infected within 2 months complaining of vaginal candidiasis, are not amenable to
treatment, also in the genital area revealed pointed kandilomy. Determine the stage of the disease:
A. acute stage;
B. secondary latent period;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D * AIDS-Related Complex;
804. HIV-positive revealed peripheral neuropathy. The immunogram - CD4 lymphocytes in an
amount of 380 cells / mkl. Stage of disease?
A. sharp;
B. generalized lymphadenopathy;
C. dementia;
D.* AIDS-Related Complex;
805. AIDS-Related Complex diagnosed in HIV-infected in the case of:
A. localized presence of Kaposi's sarcoma;
B.pulmonary TB is not curable;
C. cervical dysplasia;
D. frequent recurrences of shingles;
E. * all right
806. The causative agent of PCP are:
A mycoplasma;
B * yeast-like fungus;
С. chlamydia;
D. protozoa;
E. Rickettsia.
807. The source of infection are infected with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia:
A. rodents;
В. * is a man of;
C. pigs;
D. birds;
E. all right.
808 .The main transmission mechanism Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia:
A pin;
B fecal-oral;
C * airborne;
D. transmissible;
E. all right.
809. At what disease in HIV-infected lungs revealed by radiography wire-mesh pattern (a
symptom of "matte"):
A. pneumococcal pneumonia;
B. lobar pneumonia;
C. * Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia;
D. tuberculosis;
E. candidiasis.
810. What disease in patients with AIDS has alveolar membrane thickness is increased 5-20 times
against normal:
A. cryptosporidiosis;
C. toxoplasmosis;
D. * Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia;
E. cytomegalovirus infection.
811. Profilaxis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV-infected held with the content in the
blood CD4 lymphocytes in the amount of:
A. * 150 cells / mkl;
B. 250 cells / mkl;
C.350 cells / mkl;
D. 500 cells / mkl;
E. all right.
812. For treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients use:
A. Biseptol;
B. clindamycin;
C. pentamidine;
D. dapsone-trimetaprim;
E. * - all true.
813.In immunocompetent organism candida can manifest itself in the form of:
A. carriage;
B. oral lesions (thrush);
C. vulvovaginal candidiasis;
D. candidiasis colon;
E. * all true.
814.Diagnosis AIDS is competent when:
A. * candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, lungs;
B. candidiasis colon;
C. vulvovaginal candidiasis;
D. streptodermia;
E. all right.
815. For the treatment of candidiasis can be used:
A. miconazole;
B. ketoconazole;
C. fluconazole;
D. amphotericin B;
E. * all true.
816. The causative agent of cryptococcosis are:
A. bacteria;
B. Rickettsia;
C. * mushrooms;
D. protozoa;
E. viruses.
817. The main mechanism of transmission for cryptococcosis:
A. pin;
B. * airborne dust;
C. transmissible;
D. transplacental;
E. intrapartum.
818. HIV-infected complains of weakness, memory loss, fever, headache, vomiting. Kernig and
Brudzinsky positive. From liquor cryptococcal antigen is selected. Determine the stage of the
A. severe;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
819. Prevention of cryptococcosis in HIV-infected held with the content in the blood CD4
lymphocyte counts in the amount of:
A. * 50 cells / mkl;
B.200 cells / mkl;
C.300 cells / mkl;
D.400 cells / mkl;
E. all right.
820. For the treatment of cryptococcosis used:
A. acyclovir;
B. ganciclovir;
C. * fluconazole;
D. pentamidine;
E. interferon.
821. The causative agent of cryptosporidiosis are:
A. bacteria;
B. Rickettsia;
C. mushrooms;
D. * - protozoa;
E. viruses.
822 The source of the infection cryptosporidiosis:
A. man;
B. * the animals;
C. birds;
D. insects;
E. all right.
823. The main mechanism of transmission of cryptosporidiosis:
A. pin;
B. airborne;
C. * fecal-oral;
D. transmissible;
E. intrapartum.
824. The method of laboratory diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis:
A. bacteriological;
B. virologic;
C. * microscopic;
D. mycological;
825. HIV-infected complains about the long-term within 2 months of fever, nausea, abdominal
pain, often up to 10 times a day, watery stools, weight loss. In feces allocated cryptosporidium
oocysts. Determine the stage of HIV infection.
A. sharp;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
926. In the treatment of cryptosporidiosis is used:
A. * Azithromycin;
B. acyclovir;
C. fluconazole;
D. ganciclovir;
E. foscarnet.
827. The causative agent of toxoplasmosis are:
A. virus;
B. bacterium;
C. Rickettsia;
D. * protosoa;
E. fungi.
828. Infection of toxoplasmosis possible:
A. air-dust by;
B. by eating meat from infected animals;
C. from contaminated food and water;
D. tranplatsentarno;
E. * all true.
829. In immunocompetent individuals the clinical manifestations of toxoplasmosis may occur:
A. lymphadenitis;
B.Hepatitis B;
C. pneumonia;
D. chorioretinitis;
E. * all true.
830. Marker of AIDS in HIV-infected is toxoplasmosis
A.* brain;
C. liver;
D. lungs;
E. all right.
831. Prevention of toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected appointed in the presence of CD4 lymphocyte
counts in the number of
A. 500 cells / mkl;
B. 300 cells / mkl;
C.200 cells / mkl;
D. * - less than 100 cells / mkl;
E. al right.
832. Therapy toxoplasmosis conducted:
A. ganciclovir;
B. * pyrimethamine;
C. antibiotics;
D. fluconazole;
E. interferon.
833. The source of the infection are already infected with cytomegalovirus infection:
A. rodents;
B. wild animals;
C. cattle;
D. *- people;
E.all right.
834. The patient has cytomegalovirus infection virus contains:
A. semen;
B. vaginal secretions;
C. saliva;
D. breast milk;
E. * all true.
835. A possible mechanism of infection cytomegalovirus infection:
A. pin;
B. parenteral;
C. transplacental;
D. intrapartum;
E.* all true.
836. When AIDS strikes cytomegalovirus:
A. lungs (pneumonia);
B. digestive tract (esophagitis, gastritis, colitis);
C. CNS (encephalitis);
D. eye (chorioretinitis);
E. * all true.
837. Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in HIV-infected patients conducted at the
maintenance in blood CD4-lymphocytes in the amount of:
A.* 100 cells / mkl;
B. 300 cells / mkl;
C.400 cells / mkl;
D.500 cells / mkl;
E. all right.
838. In the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection is used:
A. * ganciclovir;
B. dapsone;
D. fluconazole;
E. amphotericin.
839. The main source of mycobacteriosis are:
A. mites;
C. * birds;
D. soil;
E. water
840. Infection mycobacteriosis possible through:
A. infected food products;
B. infected water;
C. aerosol;
D. through broken skin;
E. * all true.
841. In HIV-infected showed an increase of 2 cm and submandibular lymph nodes posterior
cervical, the skin over them is not changed, the lymph nodes are not soldered. From biopsies of
lymph nodes isolated mycobacteria Gordonae. The immunogram -CD4 lymphocytes - 300 cells /
mkl, CD4 + / CD8 + is 1.2. Determine the stage of HIV - infection:
A. sharp;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. * AIDS-Related Complex;
842 HIV-infected complains expressed sweating, increase Temperature-38,5 °, cough, chest pain.
Radiography - focal pneumonia. Mycobacteria isolated from sputum Kansasii. The immunogram
CD4 - 400 cells / mkl, CD8 - 300 cells / mkl. Determine the stage of HIV infection:
A. sharp;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. * AIDS-Related Complex;
843. A patient 30 years old, within 2 months of fever 38,0 -38,9 ° C, fatigue, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, weight loss. Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. PCR - HIV RNA. From the blood
marked Mycobacterium avium. The immunogram: CD4 lymphocytes - 90 cells / mkl. The index of
CD4 + / CD8 + is 1.0. Diagnosis:
A. acute stage of HIV infection;
B. mycobacteriosis;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
844. Prevention of mycobacteriosis in HIV-infected held with the content in the blood CD4
lymphocyte counts in the amount of:
A. * - 50 cells / mkl;
B. 200 cells / mkl;
C. 300 cells / mkl;
D. 500 cells / mkl;
E. all right.
845. Treatment of mycobacteriosis is conducted:
A. immunoglobulin;
C. * antibiotics;
D. acyclovir;
E. dapsone.
846. In HIV-infected patients revealed generalized Kaposi's sarcoma (on the face, trunk, lungs and
large intestine). Determine the stage of the disease:
A. severe;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
847. With the localization of Kaposi's sarcoma on the skin prescribed therapy:
A. pentamidine;
B. antibiotics;
C.* the X ray therapy;
D. Biseptol;
E. all right.
848. In HIV-infected identified primary lymphoma of the brain. Determine the stage of the disease.
A. sharp;
B. second latent;
C. generalized lymphadenopathy;
D. AIDS related complex;
E. * AIDS.
849. HIV-infected complains of marked weakness, drowsiness, confusion, memory loss, unsteady
gait. Sick slovenly, indifferent to all. There impoverishment of facial expressions, the deceleration
of the motor reactions.
A. lymphoma of the brain;
B. encephalitis;
C. * dementia;
D. AIDS complex;
E. cytomegalovirus infection.
850. The diagnosis of AIDS in HIV-infected in the presence of empowered:
A. generalized Kaposi's sarcoma;
B. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia;
C. cerebral toxoplasmosis;
D. disseminated mycobacteriosis;
E. * all true.
851. The diagnosis of HIV infection laboratory confirmed the presence in the blood of antibodies
to the IFA:
A. gp120;
B. Gp 41;
C. * immunoblotting;
D. immunogram;
E. all right.
852 The diagnosis of HIV infection can be confirmed by laboratory:
A. PCR - detection of HIV RNA;
B. PCR - detection of HIV proviral DNA;
C. IFA - determination of antibodies;
D. IFA - determination of fragments of the virus;
E.* all true.
853. The main method of laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection, confirming the stage of the
disease, is:
A. CD8 lymphocytes;
B. * CD4 lymphocytes;
C. B cells (CD19 +);
D. immunoglobulins;
E. all right.
854. At the initial examination of HIV-infected should be investigated:
A. general analysis of blood, urine;
B. biochemical parameters (bilirubin, ALT, creatinine, blood urea, sugar, protein and albumin
C. feces on helminth eggs and protozoa;
D. CD4 lymphocytes;
Е.* all true.
855. During the initial inspection of an HIV-infected patient is necessary to:
A. chest radiography;
B. serological screening for syphilis;
C. put tuberculin test;
D. gynecological examination;
E. * All right.
856. Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are:
A. efavirenz;
B. * zidovudine;
C. nevirapine;
D. lopinavir;
E. all right.
857. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are:
A. *efavirents;
B. zidovudine;
C. lamivudine;
D. lopinavir;
E. all right.
858. Protease inhibitors (PIs) are as follows:
A. efavirenz;
B. * lopinavir;
C. zidovudine;
D. lamivudine;
E. all right.
859. Integrase inhibitors include:
A. * raltegravir
B. zidovudine;
C. lamivudine;
D. lopinavir;
E. all right.
860. Antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive is indicated for:
A. with the number of CD4-lymphocytes <350 cells / mm;
B. generalized mycobacteriosis;
C. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia;
D. pregnant women;
E. * all true.
861. Highly active antiretroviral therapy is carried out under the scheme:
B. * 2 NRTIs + 1 NNRTI;
C. 3 NNOT + 1 NRTIs;
D. 1 NRTIs + 2 NNRTI;
E. 2 NRTIs + 2 NNOT.
862. Highly active antiretroviral therapy is carried out under the scheme:
A. * - 2 NRTIs + 1 PI;
B. 1 NNOT + 1IP;
C. 1 NNOT +2 IP;
D. 2 NRTIs + 2 IP;
E. 1 NNRTI + 1 PI.
863. Newly diagnosed patients coinfected with HIV / active pulmonary tuberculosis. CD4 cell
counts over 350 cells / mkl. Therapy:
A. start antiretroviral therapy;
B. * antivirals appoint after completion of the treatment of tuberculosis;
C. combined antivirus and anti-TB drugs;
D. antiretrovirusnuya therapy is contraindicated;
E. All right.
864. The basis of nucleoside antiretroviral drugs to patients co-infected with HBV / HIV can
include everything except:
A. tenofovir;
B. emtricitabine,
C.amivudine ;
D. * zidovudine;
E. all right.
865. Specify the biochemical indices, which indicates the increase in the development of
cytolytic syndrome in patients with viral hepatitis:
A. * alanine aminotransferase,
B. alkaline phosphatase,
C. thymol test,
D. total bilirubin,
E. prothrombin index
866.Synthetic liver function reflects the following indicators:
A. The level of aspartate aminotransferase
B. total bilirubin level
C. level of alanine aminotransferase
D. * level of prothrombin index
E. alkaline phosphatase level
867.The main laboratory parameters cholestatic syndrome is the increase in blood
A. direct bilirubin
B. the level of bile acids
C. alkaline phosphatase
D. cholesterol
E. * All of the above is true
868.Jaundice in viral hepatitis:
A. obstructive
B. * parenchymal
C. above the hepatic
D. hemolytic
E. mechanical
869.For astenovegetativnogo syndrome predzheltushnogo period of viral hepatitis is
characterized by:
A. general weaknes
B. Malais
C. decreased performanc
D. Fatigu
E. * all right
870.For dyspeptic version predzheltushnogo period of viral hepatitis is not typical:
A. * fever, chills
B. decreased appetite
C. nausea
D. heaviness in the epigastric region
E. heaviness in the right upper quadrant
871. For post-exposure prophylaxis of viral hepatitis A are used:
A. interferon
B. horse serum
C. acyclovir
D. penicillin
E.* Immunoglobulin
872.Artralgichesky syndrome predzheltushnogo period of viral hepatitis manifested such
A. restriction of joint movement
B. hyperemia and swelling of the skin around the joints
C. * joint pain
D. Violations walk
E. all true
873.Specify the symptoms of influenza-like variant predzheltushnogo period of viral hepatitis:
A. * acute onset, fever, body aches, headache, dry cough, nasal congestion
B. decreased appetite
C. plentiful rhinitis, weakness, normal body temperature
D. fever, laryngitis
E. conjunctivitis, headache
874.Specify a criterion that indicates the severity of viral hepatitis:
A. increasing intoxication, nausea, vomiting
B. decrease in prothrombin index
C. decrease in total protein
D. decrease in the activity of alanine on a background of increasing total bilirubin
E. * all right
875.For the cyclic course of viral hepatitis characterized by the following period:
A. incubation
B. predzheltushnogo
C. jaundice
D. period of convalescence
E. * all right
876. The causative agent of viral hepatitis A is:
A. * picornavirus RNA
B. RNA herpesvirus
C. RNA flavivirus
D. DNA hepadnavirus
E. RNA adenovirus
877. Specify HAV resistance to heat:
A * at T + 1000C dies after 5 minutes
B. by boiling dies after 15 minutes
C. withstands boiling for several hours
D. Boiling does not destroy the virus
E killed by boiling in 45 minutes
878. The genus Hepatovirus include:
A pathogen hepatitis E
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis A *
D. pathogen hepatitis C
E. all of the above is true
879. The source of infection with viral hepatitis A:
A. rodents
B. bird
S. pets
D. * people
E. all true
880. The transmission mechanism, characteristic of viral hepatitis A:
A parenteral
B. * fecal-oral
C. airborne
D. transmissible
E. vertical
881. In what period of the disease in patients with hepatitis A is the most active virus isolation in
the environment?
A. The incubation period
B. * at the end of the incubation period and the entire prodrome
C. during the height of the disease
D. convalescence
E. all true
882. Factors of transmission of hepatitis A is all except:
A. water
B. * blood
C. Food Products
D. dirty hands
E. household items
883. The causative agent of hepatitis E is:
A. RNA picornavirus
B. * RNA gepavirus
C. RNA flavivirus
D. DNA hepadnavirus
E. RNA adenovirus
884. The mechanism of hepatocyte injury during HAV:
A.* A direct cytopathic effect of the virus
B. immunological processes
C. toxic-allergic reaction
D. damage due to the intensive synthesis of interferon
Е. . all true
885. Replication HAV occurs in:
A. macrophages
B. endothelial cells
C. * hepatocytes
D. enterocytes
E. all true
886. Specify the syndrome, the most characteristic of the period prejoundice HAV:
A. asthenovegetative
B. artralgichesky
C. dyspeptic
D. * grippopodobnyy
E. mixed
887. Specify the most common form of HAV:
A. * anicteric
B. icteric
C. cholestatic
D. E. Fulminant
E. all right
888. In a patient with jaundice and general weakness prodromal period proceeded by flu-like
variant. diagnosis:
A. jaundice
B.Toxic hepatitis
C. * viral hepatitis A
D. leptospirosis
E. Gilbert's syndrome
889. Viral hepatitis in the icteric period to differentiate:
A hemolytic anemia
B. infectious mononucleosis
C.Toxic hepatitis
D. leptospirosis
Е.* all true
890. B. 20 years old, entered the 7th day of illness complaints single vomiting, loss of appetite.
Three weeks ago with friends enjoyed the same dishes. On-but: skin and sclera icteric, the liver +
2 cm, dark urine, feces aholichny. The diagnosis?
* A viral hepatitis A
B. leptospirosis
C. intestinal yersiniosis
D. hemolytic anemia
E. infectious mononucleosis
891. A woman of 22 years, 7 months pregnant acutely ill 3 weeks after the arrival of
Turkmenistan. After three days of fever, jaundice appeared, uncontrollable vomiting, pain in the
right upper quadrant, lethargy. diagnosis:
* A virus hepatitis E
B. acute fatty liver of pregnant
C. cholestatic hepatotoxicity pregnant
D. hepatitis A
E. severe sepsis
892. What will develop immunity after suffering HEV:
A. is not formed
B. short
C. type specific antitoxic
D. type-specific antibacterial
E. * long lasting
4. With what disease
893. it is necessary to differentiate viral hepatitis A in predzheltushnogo period:
A. * influenza and other acute respiratory infections
B. polio
C. Malaria
D. typhoid
E. all true
894. Enter the reason that causes the darkening of the urine in viral hepatitis:
A. proteinuria
B. increase in indirect bilirubin in the blood
C. hemolysis
D. * increase in direct bilirubin in the blood
E. Oliguria
895. Сomplications such as hemolysis and acute renal failure, are characteristic
A. Hepatitis A
B. * Hepatitis E
C. Hepatitis B
D. Hepatitis C
E. all true
896. The patient blood detected anti - HAV IgM, anti - HBc IgG, anti - HBs. The diagnosis?
A. * acute hepatitis A, hepatitis B history
B. hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. hepatitis A, hepatitis C history
E. Acute hepatitis B
897. In the event of a marker can establish the diagnosis of acute hepatitis E:
A. * RNA and HEV IgM HEV
898For specific diagnosis of HAV used:
A virus isolation in chicken embryos
B. biological method
C. agglutination
D. * immunosorbent assay
E. compliment fixation
899 Hepatitis HAV is found in:
A. saliva
B. sperm
S. urine
D. * faeces
E. all true
890. Contact person with hepatitis A patients undergo clinical observation and biochemical
examination within:
A. 7 days
B. 14 days
C. 21 days
D. * 35 days
E. 60 days
891. Patient 18, complains of pain in the right hypochondrium, bitter taste in the mouth,
jaundice. In the blood, mild leukopenia, defined Ig M anti-HEV. diagnosis:
* A virus hepatitis E
B. leptospirosis
C. infectious mononucleosis
D. jaundice
E. viral hepatitis A
891. B. 18 found hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated alanine aminotransferase
determined Ig M anti-HAV
A hepatitis E
B. yellow fever
C. infectious mononucleosis
D. jaundice
E. * viral hepatitis A
893. donor immunoglobulin for the prevention of hepatitis A contains
A. * anti HAV IgG
B. anti HAV IgM
C. anti HbsAg
D. anti HbeAg
E. anti HEV IgG
894. B. 22 years old, complains of pain in the right hypochondrium, bitter taste in the mouth,
jaundice. In the blood, moderate leukopenia, increased cholesterol levels, alkaline phosphatase
determined Ig M anti HAV. Your diagnosis?
* A viral hepatitis A
B. leptospirosis
C. infectious mononucleosis
D. jaundice
E. hepatitis E
895. B. 20 years, with complaints of weakness, anorexia, heartburn, nausea periodically.
Considers herself sick about a week. A month ago, the family was sick with hepatitis child of
five. What research be carried out to confirm the diagnosis?
A. HbsAg
B. * anti-HAV IgM
C. liver function tests
D. fibrogastroscopy
E. Ultrasonography of the gastrointestinal tract
896. Detection of blood donor anti HAV IgG indicates:
A. Acute gepatiet E
B Acute hepatitis. A
C. Acute hepatitis B
D.A chronic hepatitis
E. * a history of acute hepatitis A
897. A specific diagnosis of hepatitis E is based on the identification of
A. * anti - HEV IgM
B. increasing bilirubin
C. . increase tymol test
D. increase the activity of alanine aminotransferase
E. presence urobilinuria
898. Criteria dichgadge hospital in viral hepatitis A:
A clinical recovery, but not before 21 days after the onset of jaundice
B. increase in the activity of alanine aminotransferase to 3 – standards
C. normalization of total bilirubin
D. normalization of liver size
E. * all right
899. Clinical supervision for hepatitis A recover set for the term
A. 2 weeks
B. 21 days
C. 2 months
D. 3 months
E. * 6 months
900. The primary method of treatment of viral hepatitis A, within easy
A. * symptomatic
B. pathogenetic
C. immunomodulating
D. antiviral
E. antibacterial
901. Patient R., viral hepatitis A, moderate flow. Concerned about nausea, weakness, loss of
appetite. What drug should be used for the correction of these symptoms:
A colloid infusion therapy
B. glucocorticoids
C. interferon
D. Vitamin group "B"
E. * sorbents
902. Treatment of viral hepatitis E:
* A basic therapy (diet №5, mode, drinking plenty of fluids, sorbents, enzymes)
B. antibiotic therapy
C. immunomodulators
D. antispasmodics
E. glucocorticoids
903. Which of the drugs should be used with intrahepatic cholestasis:
A. * ursodeoxycholic acid
B. prednisolone
C. essential fosfrlipidy
D. preparations based on silymarin
E. amino acids
904. For routine prevention of hepatitis A is used:
A live vaccine
B. * inactivated vaccines
C. ribavirin
D. interferon
E. acyclovir
905. The causative agent of viral hepatitis B belongs to the family:
A. * hepadnavirus
B. orthomyxoviruses
C. picornavirus
D. herpesvirus
E. flavivirus
906. DNA - containing a virus is:
A. Hepatitis E virus
B. Hepatitis A virus
C. Hepatitis B virus SEN
D. Hepatitis C virus
E. * hepatitis B virus
907. For transmission paths HDV belongs:
A. food
B. Water
C. contact-household
D. * parenteral
E. all true
908. HBV nucleocapsid contains:
A. two-layer shell
B. DNA polymerase
D. HbeAg
E. * all right
909. The source of infection of viral hepatitis C:
A. rodents
B. * people
C. fish
D. bird
E. All right
910. DNA HBV can be found in:
A. blood
B. urine
C. saliva
D. sperm
E. * all right
911. The main factor of transmission of hepatitis B:
A. * blood
B. water
C. vegetables
D. fruit
E. all true
912. Source of infection with viral hepatitis B:
A person with subclinical
B patients with acute icteric forms
C patients with chronic
D. patients with fulminant form
Е.* all true
913. The most common mode of transmission of hepatitis C is:
A. * intravenous drugs
B. vertical path
C. food
D. contact with animals
E. waterway
914. What are the genotypes of hepatitis C virus are more common in Ukraine:
A.* 1, 3
B. 1, 4
C. 6, 5
D. 4, 6
E. 1, 6
915. What is viral hepatitis often leads to the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular
A. chronic hepatitis D
B. * chronic HCV infection
C. TTV virus
D. Chronic Hepatitis B
E. SEN virus
916. The pathogenesis of infection which is predominantly antibody-mediated immune cytolysis
of hepatocytes:
A. viral hepatitis A
B. * viral hepatitis B
C. hepatitis C
D. hepatitis E
E. hepatitis G
917. What is the causative agent of viral hepatitis is characterized by the greatest variability in
the genome:
A. * HCV
918. Hepatitis B virus replicates mainly in:
A. T-helper
B. cholangiocytes
C. kupffer
D. * hepatocytes
E. B lymphocytes
919. By the end of acute hepatitis B are:
A recovery
B. death
C.Chronic hepatitis
D. primary cancer
E. * all right
920. syndrome, the most characteristic pred jaundice period of hepatitis B:
A. * artralgii
B. mixed
C. flu
D. asthenovegetative
E. all true
921. Patient 19 years old, was admitted on the 4th day of illness. Vomiting, severe weakness,
drowsiness, severe jaundice. After one day, the patient is not oriented in time, confused
consciousness, intermittent agitation. Reduce the size of the liver. What complications
A. acute adrenal insufficiency
B. hypovolemic shock
C. *Acute liver failure
D. Acute hepatic colic
E. jaundice
922. Reducing the size of the liver at the peak of viral hepatitis B indicates:
A. cholangitis
B. Liver abscess
C. recovery
D. * massive hepatic necrosis
E. biliary dyskinesia
923. The symptom most characteristic of the initial stage of liver failure in acute hepatitis B:
A. * nausea, vomiting, dizziness, feeling of "failure"
B. decreased appetite
C. itching
D. increase in body temperature
E. presence of focal symptoms
924. A woman who for 9 years been an active donor, within 6 months marked ALT - 2.6 mmol /
lh. No complaints there. In the blood found anti-HCV. What is characteristic for the further
course of the disease:
* A chronic process in 80-85% of cases
B. chronic process in 10% of cases
C. lack of synchronization
D. frequent development of massive hepatic necrosis
E. presence of unfavorable prognosis if pregnancy occurs
925. Patient 18, was hospitalized with severe viral hepatitis B during the day fell sharply
indicators transaminases and hyperbilirubinemia. What complications can occur:
A. electrolyte coma
B. brain coma
C. * Acute liver failure
D. gastric bleeding
E. jaundice
926. A patient after acute hepatitis B within 6 months of clinical supervision registers allocation
blood HBsAg. diagnosis:
A. acute hepatitis B, prolonged duration
B. Acute hepatitis B. In phase integration
C. Acute hepatitis C. In the phase of replication
D. In the recovery
E. * Chronic Hepatitis B
927. B. 28 years, injection drug addict, complains of a dull pain in the right upper quadrant,
weakness, loss of appetite, pain in the joints, which are concerned for 2 weeks. On examination,
the skin and sclera jaundice, enlarged liver and spleen, the urine is dark, discolored feces. The
A Toxic hepatitis.
C. chronic cholecystitis
D. * viral hepatitis B
E. jaundice
928. B. complains of general weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the right upper quadrant. Skin
pale - pink eye sclera subikteric. Liver 2.0 cm. The spleen 1.0 cm. In the history-parenteral
administration of opiates (last 2 months ago). The diagnosis?
A*. Acute hepatitis C
B. leptospirosis
C. Malaria
D. intestinal yersiniosis
E. Gilbert's syndrome
929. At the doctor's intensive care unit during a routine inspection found increased ALT levels
up to 3.4 mmol / L increase in the liver to 2 cm. Bilirubin within normal limits. What is viral
hepatitis is most likely the patient:
* A viral hepatitis C
B. Hepatitis B.
C viral hepatitis A
D. hepatitis D
E. hepatitis E
930. Patient 24 years complaints of weakness, loss of appetite, heaviness in the epigastrium, after
10 days appeared ikteric sclera. OBJECTIVE: pale skin, sclera icteric, the liver + 2.0 cm, 1.0 cm
+ spleen. In the blood found anti-HCCor IgM, RNA HCV. The diagnosis?
* A viral hepatitis C
B.Toxic hepatitis
C Hepatitis C.
D. jaundice
E. hepatitis D
931. An early sign of hepatic encephalopathy in viral hepatitis B is:
A. * inversion of sleep
B. Front bradycardia
C. itchy skin
D. leukopenia
E. hepatomegaly
932. A 20-year-old drug addict appeared weakness, arthralgia, nausea, jaundice after 5 days the
skin and sclera, dark urine, pale stools, liver enlargement + 2.0 cm, 1.0 cm + spleen. In the blood
-leykotsity - 3 5 × 109 / L lymphocytes - 45%, total bilirubin 180 mg / dL, ALT, 7.2 mmol / tsp,
prothrombin index - 76%. The diagnosis?
A. HIV infection
B. yellow fever
C. infectious mononucleosis
D. jaundice
E. * viral hepatitis B
933. In which viral hepatitis are more common extrahepatic manifestations:
A. * chronic hepatitis C
B Viral hepatitis A
C. Chronic hepatitis G
D. coinfection B + D
E. chronic hepatitis B
934. On the chronicity of acute hepatitis B indicates the presence of HBsAg in the blood of more
A. 1 month
B. 3 months
C. * 6 months
D. 9 months
E. 1 year
935. Which of these markers is the criterion of early diagnosis of HBV:
А.* HBsAg
В. anti HBsAg
С. anti HBcAg
D. anti HBcIgG
Е. anti HBeAg
936. Persistence of HBeAg in serum for more than 3 months, indicating:
A. carriers of the virus
B. period of convalescence
C. during fulminant
D. * the risk of chronic hepatitis B
E. all true
937. patients with viral hepatitis B is most contagious when it detects blood:
А.* HBeAg
В. anti-HBsAg
С. anti-HBeAg
D. anti-HBCor IgG
Е. anti-HCCor IgM
938. Name the antigen, which uses the delta - a virus for the completion of its own shell:
А. HBeAg
B. HBcAg
C.* HBsAg
D. HBхAg
E. All true
939. Specify a marker that indicates the replication of hepatitis B, and is found in the blood:
A.* HBeAg
B. аnti-HBeAg
C. HBcAg
D. anti - HBc IgG
E. аnti-HBsAg
940. Specify a marker of viral replication of hepatitis C:
A. anti - HCV IgG
C. anti - HCV NS5 IgG
D.anti - HCV NS3 IgG
E. anti – HCV
941. For the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma is characterized in serum high content:
A. cholesterol
B. iron
C. * ɑ-fetoprotein
D. triglycerides
E. Alkaline phosphatase
942. In favor of acute viral hepatitis B indicates the presence of a high concentration in the
A. HBsAg
B.* аnti-HBCor IgM
C. аnti-HBsAg
D. anti - HBc IgG
E. аnti-HBеAg
943. For the diagnosis of acute HDV infection is a major marker:
A.* аnti-HDAg IgM
B. anti- HDAg IgG
C. аnti-HBcIgM
E. HBsAg
944. Which of these funds is not indicated in mild HBV infection:
A. enzymes
B. Diet №5
C. chelators
D. * glucocorticoids
E. lactulose
945. For the treatment of hepatitis B virus in acute use all, except:
A. * lamivudine
B. sorbents
C. enzymes
D. hepatoprotectors
E. detoxification therapy
946. A woman of 42 years, three years ago, had hepatitis C. In recent notes weakness ikterict
sclera. Indicator ALT 2.0 mmol / lh. Detected HCV - RNA. Determine the most effective means
of therapy:
A. ganciclovir
B. prednisolone
C. * recombinant interferon - α, ribavirin
D. lamivudine
E. acyclovir
947. A woman 28 years old, suffered a severe form of viral hepatitis B. After 3 months from the
onset of the disease was noted the presence of HBV-DNA of high concentration. Determine the
most effective means for the prevention of sexual partner:
* A. Vaccination against hepatitis B
B. spermicides
C. interferon
D. barrier contraception
E. lamivudine
948. surgeon during the year in the blood is detected HBsAg .. What measures in relation to
members of the family of the patient should be taken?
A monthly survey of transaminases
B. Introduction anti-HBV immunoglobulin
C. appointment ribavirin
D. * vaccine against HBV
E. ultrasonography of the liver and spleen
949. The specific routine prophylaxis of viral hepatitis in the wire:
* A recombinant vaccine
B. Vaccine Adsorbed
C. toxoid
D. Chemical vaccine
E killed vaccine
950. In carrying out vaccination against hepatitis B in the blood appear:
А.* аnti- HBsAg
В. аnti-HBеAg
С. аnti –HВcorIgM
D. аnti-HВcorIgG
Е. All true
951. Specify the minimum protective titer of anti-HBsAg serum
A.0,5 МЕ/мл
В. 1,0 МЕ/мл
С. 5 МЕ/мл
D.* 10МЕ/мл
Е. 100 МЕ/мл
952. Observation of the contact persons with viral hepatitis B is set for the term:
A. 35 days
B. 60days
C. * 180dney
D. 1 year
E. observation is not made
953. hyperimmune immunoglobulin for emergency prevention of hepatitis B virus is introduced:
A. * within the first 24-48 hours after contact with the patient
B. during the first 14 days after contact with a patient
C. during the first 25 days after contact with a patient
D. During the first 6 months after exposure
E. within the first 35 days after contact with a patient
954. The dose immunoglobulin for the prevention of hepatitis B:
А. 0,01 MI/kg
В. 0,02 MI/kg
С.* 0,06 MI/kg
D. 0,1 MI/kg
Е. 10 MI/kg
955. Spleen laceration at infectious mononucleosis develops
A. After convalescence.
B. on 5 - 7 day of the disease.
C. not characteristic
D.* On the 2nd - 3rd week of the disease.
E. In 1 year after convalescence.
956.Patient A., complains about the increase of T body to 38.5º, malaise, headache, sore throat
when swallowing, rash. On examination - on the face, trunk, scalp elements abundant
polymorphic rash in the form of macules, papules, vesicles. On the soft palate, the bow - isolated
vesicles. Diagnosis.
A. Smallpox
B. Streptoderma
C. Herpetic infection
D. * Chickenpox
E. Zoster
957. Glucocorticosteroids administered varicella
A. In severe disease
B. * When developing varicella encephalitis
C. Do not prescribe
D. Children and the elderly
E. In the presence of comorbidity
958. Place fixation varicella virus in the body
A. lymph nodes of the mesentery
B. Macrophages
C. hepatocytes
D. * Epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes
E. Langerhans cells
959. A child of 4 years on the background of fever to 39.0 ° C and catarrhal symptoms on day 2
of the disease on the scalp, face, trunk and extremities appeared polymorphic rash, red spots,
papules and vesicles with clear fluid. Your diagnosis?
A. * Chickenpox
B. Measles
S. Rubella
D. Meningococcal disease
E. Allergic reaction
960. The causative agent of infectious mononucleosis is
A. Bacteria
B. Elementary
C. Rickettsia
D. vibrio
E. * Virus
961. Select the pathogen of infectious mononucleosis
A. * V.Epshteyn Barr
B. V. Inaba
C. Herpesviridae
D.V. Cholerae
E. V. Parvoviridae
962. A boy of 10 years, has strep throat, in leucogram registered mononuclear cells in an amount
of 30%. The diagnosis?
A. Streptococcal infection
B. Herpetic infection
C. * Infectious mononucleosis
D. Viral Hepatitis
E. Diphtheria
963. Patient K., 19 years old, was admitted to the surgical department with rupture of the spleen.
On examination - enlarged lymph nodes, liver. What disease can give a pathology?
Viral hepatitis A.
B. Leptospirosis
C. Diphtheria
D. * Infectious mononucleosis
E. Salmonellosis
964. Patient N., 18 years old with a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis complains of pain on
swallowing. On examination - enlarged tonsils covered with purulent coating,
hepatosplenomegaly. What medications must be assigned in the first place?
A. Vitamins
B. Serum
C. * Antibiotics
D. vaccine
E. Saluretics
965. The patient K.17 years, diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis, when viewed - increased
lifouzly, hepatosplenomegaly. What medications must be assigned in the first place?
A. Antibiotics
B. * Corticosteroids
C. Vitamins
D. Serum
E. The vaccine
966. What complication of infectious mononucleosis is typical?
A. Myocarditis
B. Renal failure
C. Pneumonia
D. Sepsis
E. * Infectious mononucleosis
967. What changes are most typical of homeostasis in infectious mononucleosis?
A. Increased blood pressure
B. Reduction of blood pressure
C. Metabolic changes
D. * The change of cellular blood
E. Change in the cellular composition of urine
968. Patient R., 17 years old, with a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis, there are signs of a
ruptured spleen. What is the cause of this complication?
A. Swelling of the tissues of the spleen
B. Renal failure
C. Increased blood pressure
D. Swelling of brain tissue
E. * Hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue
969. Which of the following clinical syndromes determines the severity of infectious
A. Intoxication
B. * gepatolienalny
C. Syndrome hematological changes
D. Modification of the T wave on the ECG
E. Psihoastenicheskie changes
970. Which of the following vaccines used to prevent infectious mononucleosis
Influenza B.
C. The vaccine Sebino
D. * No
E. Measles
971. Specify the mortality of patients with timely treatment infectious mononucleosis
A. * 0%
B. 0.5%
C. 1%
D. 2%
E. 5%
972. A woman of 25 years, there were itching and burning sensation in the lower lip, low-grade
T body. On examination - pale pink skin, peripheral lymph nodes were not enlarged, the lower
lip swollen, infiltrated with multiple Vesicular eruptions with clear content. Your diagnosis?
A. Eczema
B. * Herpes simplex
C. Chickenpox
D. Infiltrate lips
E. Furuncles
973. Patient I., aged 28, complains of pain in the rectum, mucus when defikatsii, as well as the
appearance of itchy sores in the genital area. Your are diagnosis?
A. * Genital herpes
B. Helminthiases
D. Eczema
E. Dermatitis
974. Patient M. 36 years, complains of low-grade T body, the appearance of vesicular rash on the
chest in 6 intercostal space, severe pain in the area of the rash. As a child suffered chicken pox.
What is the causative agent of this disease?
A. Meningococcus
B. Staphylococcus
C. Protozoa
D. * Herpes Zoster
E. B. antracis
975. A patient of 25 years diagnosed with herpes infection of skin and mucous membranes. The
diagnosis was confirmed by PCR. What treatment is recommended to assign?
A. peroxide treated vesicular rash
B. * Acyclovir in \ in, then orally
C. vidarabine for a month
D. physiotherapy
E. Immunomodulating
976. Patient V., aged 23, student, with increased sexual activity. Fell ill with acute increase of T
up to 38 ° C body, muscle pain, weakness. On examination - pale skin, enlarged inguinal lymph
nodes, spleen. In the blood of 10% of the mononuclear cells. Reaction Paulo Bunelya negative.
What can you suggest a patient?
A. Infectious mononucleosis
Viral hepatitis B.
C. * CMV
D. Viral Hepatitis
E. Tuberculosis
977. Patient D., 24 years old. Within last month disturb weakness, headache, loss of appetite,
insomnia, muscle pain sometimes. He was treated on the subfebrile the therapist and the
urologist, but to no avail. CMV infection was suspected. some studies have confirmed this
A. A single study RAC
B. * Blood, urine, buccal scraping with the PCR method
C. Immunoblot
D. Phragmites once
E. Common an. blood
978. The patient 34 years old with latent CMV infection during the acute illness. Which therapy
is necessary to appoint a patient?
A. α-interferon
B. restorative therapy
C. * The specific Ig and Cymeven
D. Diphenhydramine
E. Analginum
979.Patient D., 43 years old, developed severe pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by high
intoxication, fever with symptoms of lymphadenopathy and hepatomegaly. RAC with CMV
infection dynamics gave rise to a titer of 4 times. The diagnosis?
B. lobar pneumonia
C. HIV infection
D. * Generalized form of CMV infection
E. Pneumonia
980. Patient Z., 19 years of injecting drug users have stomach pain, epigastric, later appeared
dark stools, 1-fold vomiting with blood. There was apathy. Pale skin. When radiography detected
ulcer of the esophagus, stomach and colon. What disease should be excluded?
A. ulcer disease
B. HIV infection
C. Hepatitis C virus
D. * CMV infection, HIV infection
E. Viral hepatitis B
981. Patient N., 17 years old, a drug addict, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of
weakness, malaise, low-grade temperature, yellowing of the skin and sclera. Was suspected viral
hepatitis, as elevated ALT, bilirubin. Blood markers of viral hepatitis and HIV negative. Your
possible diagnosis?
A. Gilbert's syndrome
Alcoholic hepatitis B.
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. * CMV hepatitis
E. Leptospirosis
982. At patient with fever to 39,0 ºC and the catarrhal phenomena on the 2nd day of disease there
appeared a polymorphic rash on the skin of pilar part of head, face, trunk and extremities: red
macules, papules and vesicles with a transparent liquid. The agent of this infection belongs to:
A. *Herpesviridae of the 3rd type,
B. Herpesviridae of the 2nd type,
C. Epstein-Barr virus,
D. Enterovirus,
E. β-Herpesvirus.
983. Glucocorticoids at a chicken-pox are prescribed in such cases like:
A. at the severe clinical course,
B.* at development of varicella encephalitis,
C – not prescribed,
D - to the children and elderly,
E - at presence of concomitant pathology.
984. Patient А., complains of temperature rise to 38.5º, malaise, a headache painful swallowing,
rash. At examination - on the skin of the face, the trunk, the pilar part of the head there are
elements of a plentiful polymorphic rash like macules, papules, vesicles. On the soft palate and
arches there are the solitary vesicles. The diagnosis.
A. Smallpox
B. Streptococcal impetigo
C. Herpetic infection
D. *A chicken pox
E. Shingles
985. A place of fixing of Varicella-zoster virus in an organism exists in
A. Mesenteric lymph nodes
B. Macrophages
C. Hepatocytes
D. *Skin epitheliocytes and mucous membranes
E. Langergance cells
986. At the child of 4 years on a background of a fever up to 39,0 ºС and catarrhal signs on the
2nd day of disease there appeared the polymorphic rash on the skin of pilar part of the head, the
face, a trunk and extremities: red macules, papules and vesicles with a transparent liquid. Your
A. *Chicken pox
B. Measles
C. German measles (Rubella)
D. Meningococcosis
E. Allergic reaction
987. At the patient of 56 years there appeared attacks of a pain in the left half of thorax, general
weakness, fever, headache two days ago. At examination: on the course of 4-5 intercostals
intervals at the left there are the elements of vesicular rash of 2-4 mm in diameter, filled with the
transparent liquid, located on hyperemic and edematic background. The diagnosis.
A. Chicken pox
B. Measles
C. A scarlet fever
D. *Herpes zoster
E. Streptococcal impetigo
988. The patient of 45 years consulted the doctor with complaints on appearance of skin rash,
temperature rise up to 37,6°C. At objective examination: there is the isolated polymorphic rash
as maculae’s, papules, vesicles on the skin of the face, trunk, hands, legs, pillar part of the head.
The diagnosis?
A. Scarlet fever
B. Measles
C. Pseudotuberculosis
D. Enterovirus infection
E. *Chicken pox
990. The classic triad of symptoms in infectious mononucleosis
A. subfebrilitet, pain in the right upper quadrant, ikterichnost skin
B. normal temperature, myalgia, sore throat
C. regional lymphadenitis, sore throat, headache
D. fever, meningeal syndrome, otitis
E. * fever, lymphadenopathy, sore throat
991 The occurrence of complications in infectious mononucleosis contributes
A. * formation of autoantibodies
B. primary immunodeficiency
C. secondary immunodeficiency
D. Age of patients
992. gepatolienalny syndrome in infectious mononucleosis is caused
A. hepatocyte cytolysis
B. cytopathic effect of the virus
C. * infiltration of atypical mononuclear cells, the occurrence of focal necrosis
D. addition of secondary infection
E. degeneration of hepatocytes
993 Patient S., aged 9. High fever for 5 days. Complains of pain in the throat, shortness of nasal
breathing. Sluggish. In the oropharynx - the tonsils swollen, almost merge on line Wednesday,
gaps are filled with pus. There is an increase in all groups of lymph nodes, gepatolienalny
syndrome. In liver samples total bilirubin increased in 3 times, ALT - 4 times. Your diagnosis.
Viral hepatitis A.
B. leptospirosis
C. * infectious mononucleosis
D. lacunar tonsillitis
E. flu
994. The rash in infectious mononucleosis
A. mottled papulleznaya
B. haemorrhagic
C. urticaria
D. * polymorphic
E. absent
995. The characteristic changes in the blood in infectious mononucleosis
A. * stab neytrofillez, limfomonotsitoz, the presence of atypical mononuclear not less than 10%
B. stab neytrofillez, limfomonotsitoz, the presence of atypical mononuclear less than 10%
C. neytrofillez, lymphopenia, the presence of atypical mononuclear cells less than 10%
D. neutropenia, lymphocytosis, absence of atypical mononuclear cells
E. absent
996. Changes in the oropharynx in infectious mononucleosis
A. * posterior pharyngeal wall mucosa hyperemic, granular, edematous,
hypertrophied follicles. The tonsils are enlarged, friable, easily covered shoot whitish coating
B. moderate hyperemia of the mucosa of the oropharynx with cyanotic hue,
tonsils swollen and covered with a smooth, dirty-gray patina with clear
edges (+) fabric. When you try to remove the plaque is not removed, the bleeding
C. moderate hyperemia of the oropharynx, tonsils one of the moderately
puffiness. In the crater deepening edematous tonsils dirty – gray raid
D. oropharyngeal mucosa bright hyperemic, swollen tonsils, lacunae filled with easily removable
yellow pus
E. absent
997. For the laboratory diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis uses all except:
A. *Bacteriological blood cultures
B. Hoff-Bauer Reaction
C. The reaction of Paul-Bunnelya
D. Total blood
998. Infectious mononucleosis is characterized by all except:
A. Hepatic Insufficiency
B. Fever
C. tonsillitis
D. Poliadenopatii
E. Hepato-splenic syndrome
999. For a typical infectious mononucleosis is all the above, except
A. Lymphopenia
B. Leukocytosis
C. Neutropenia
D. lymphocytosis with monocytosis
E. The atypical mononuclear cells
1000. Indicate where persists herpes zoster
A. *In the nerve ganglia
B. In the cells of the reticuloendothelial system
C. In erythrocytes
D. In monocytes
E. In eosinophils