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Anatomy & Physiology Exam Questions

DATABASE 2007-2012
(Cor r ect answers mar ked by *)
@@Skeletal system, junctions system, muscular system
1. After collision of two cars a drivergot deformation of the middle third ofthe left crus, intensive pain, especially in
attempt to move the left crus. Endsof the trihedral bone come out of thewound, hemorrhage is increasing. What bone
can be injured?
*A. Tibia.
B. Fibula.
C. Femur.
D. Patella.
E. Talus.
2. Purulence of orbit soft tissues tookplace after an eye's trauma. Through what anatomical formation can the purulent
process spread to the middle cranial fossa?
*A. Through the superior orbital fissure.
B. Through the anterior ethmoidalforamen.
C. Through the posterior ethmoidal foramen.
D. Through the inferior orbital fissure.
E. Through the zygomaticoorbital foramen.
3. A casualty has a trauma of soft tissues and parietal bones in the saggital suture area with profuse bleeding. What
formation is probably injured?
A. Sinus rectus.
B. Sinus petrosus superior.
*C. Sinus sagittalis superior.
D. Sinus sagittalis inferior.
E. Sinus transverses.
4. A patient was admitted to an intensive therapy department with heavy poisoning. To provide holiatry it is necessary
to catheterize the patient and inject medicines into subclavian vein. In what topographical place is it localized?
A. Spatium interscalenum.
*B. Spatium anterscalenum.
C. Spatium retrosternocleidomastoideus.
D. Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale.
E. Trigonum omotrapezoideum.
5. Little finger felon was complicated by the phlegmon of hand and forearm. Purulent process has spread over:
*A. Vagina communis tendinum musculorum flexorum.
B. Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris pollicis longi.
C. Canalis carpalis.
D.Vagina tendinis musculi flexoris carpi radialis.
E. Interfascial compartments.
6. During a meal milk gets into the nasal cavity of a newborn child. What is the probable cause of this pathology?
A. Cleft clip.
B. Nasal septum deviation to the right.
C. Basal skull fracture.
*D. Cleft palate.
E. Nasal septum deviation to the left.
7. During physical training a 15-year-old pupil felt pain in the hip joint area after the lower extremity internal rotation.
Traumatologist detected an injury of a muscle tendon. What muscle is it?
A. M. piriformis.
B. M. obturatorius internus.
C. M. obturatorius externus.
*D. M. gluteus medius.
E. M. quadratus femoris.
8. A child was admitted to an otolaryngologic department with suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Disease
began with nasopharynx inflammation. It is detected that the infection got to the tympanic cavity through the auditory
tube located in:
A. Canalis caroticus.
B. Canaliculus tympanicus.
*C. Canalis musculotubarius.
D. Canaliculus chordae tympani.
E. Canaliculi caroticotympanici.
9. During the first days of a newborn child a pediatrician detected that milk gets into the child's nasal cavity. What
malformation does this fact indicate?
*A. Non-closed palate.
B. Diverticulum of esophagus.
C. Esophageal atresia.
D. Cleft clip.
E. Esophagus constriction.
10. A man, 30 years old, appealed to adentist complaining of mastication disorder: painful backward movement of the
mandible. The doctor detected the inflammation of a masticatory muscle. Which muscle exactly is it?
*A. Temporal (posterior fibres).
B. Temporal (anterior fibres).
C. Medial pterygoid.
D. Lateral pterygoid.
E. Masticatory.
11. Purulence of orbit soft tissues took place after an eye's trauma.Through what anatomical formation can the purulent
process spread to the pterygopalatine fossa?
A. Through the round foramen.
*B. Through the inferior orbital fissure.
C. Through the pterygoid canal.
D. Through the superior orbital fissure.
E. Through the zygomaticoorbital foramen
12. A mother appealed to a pediatriacian complaining of her 1-year-old child's neck always turned to the left. What
neck muscle is underdeveloped?
*A. Sternocleidomastoid.
B. Platysma.
C. Digastric.
D. Long muscle of neck.
E. Thyrohyoid.
13. After a fall from a height a casualty is diagnosed a compression fracture of lumbar vertebra. The curvature of
lumbar lordosis has sharply increased. Injury of what ligaments can cause such change of vertebral column curvature?
A. Intertraverse.
B. Posterior longitudinal.
C. Yellow.
D. Supraspinal.
*E. Anterior longitudinal.
14. During a game a basketball-player injured his right leg in consequence of which he couldn't bend the right foot. A
doctor detected that tendons were injured. The tendon of what muscle was injured?
*A. Triceps surae.
B. Extensor hallucis longus.
C. Tibialis anterior.
D. Biceps femoris.
E. Sartorius.
15. A man, 30 years old, appealed to a traumatologist with an incised wound of the left foot plantar region. The injured
had problems with lifting the lateral border of the foot. What muscle function was affected?
A. Triceps surae.
B. Tibialis anterior.
C. Flexor hallucis longus.
*D. Peroneus longus.
E. Soleus.
16. A sick has an acute inflammation of nasolacrimal duct mucous membrane. It is known that after influenza nasal
discharges had been observed for a long time. From what part of the nasal cavity could the infection get to the
nasolacrimal duct?
A. Superior nasal meatus.
*B. Inferior nasal meatus.
C. Middle nasal meatus.
D. Common nasal meatus.
E. Sphenoethmoidal recess.
17. A child, 5 years old, was admitted to an otolaryngologic department with suppurative inflammation of the middle
ear. Disease began with nasopharynx inflammation. Through what temporal bone canal could the infection get to the
tympanic cavity?
*A. Musculotubal canal.
B. Tympanic canaliculus.
C. Carotid canal.
D. Canaliculus for chorda tympani.
E. Caroticotympanic canaliculi.
18. A 45-year-old man was admitted to a traumatology center after a shoulder home accident. Examination has shown
the absence of extension, adduction and pronation functions of the shoulder. What muscle has been injured?
A. Supraspinatus.
B. Subscapularis.
C. Teres minor.
D. Infraspinatus.
*E. Teres major.
19. A child, 8 years old, was admitted to a clinic with an incised wound of the right leg sole. Debridement has shown a
deep wound with tendon tear in the plantar region near the lateral border of the foot. Lifting of the lateral border of the
foot is limited. The function of what muscle has been affected?
A. M. tibialis anterior.
*B. M. peroneus longus.
C. M. extensor digitorum longus.
D. M. quadriceps femoris.
E. M. triceps surae.
20. A child, 6 years old, has suppurative inflammation of the middle ear complicated with suppurative inflammation of
mastoid cells. Mastoidotomy is necessary. About what venous sinus must a surgeon remember to avoid its traumatizing?
*A. Sigmoid.
B. Superior sagittal.
C. Inferior sagittal.
D. Transverse.
E. Cavernous.
21. A boy, 8 years old, cannot put lips round,the angles of the mouth are pulled out and up, and oral fissure is stretched
aside. What muscle is injured?
A. Risorius.
B. Greater zygomatic.
C. Buccinator.
*D. Orbicular muscle of mouth.
E. Masticatory.
22. An 8-year-old boy with purulent otitis has the infecion spread from the tympanic cavity into the bulb of internal
jugular vein. Such complication develops in case of one of the tympanic cavity walls thinning. What wall is it?
A. Medial.
B. Superior.
*C. Inferior.
D. Lateral.
E. Anterior.
23. A 25-year-old man appealed to a doctor with complaints of movements damage in the knee joint - anteroposterior
displacement of the crus about thefemur (so-called drawer sign) - that appeared after a trauma. What ligaments of the
knee joint are injured?
A. Collateral.
B. Arcuate popliteal.
C. Oblique popliteal.
D. Interosseous membrane of leg.
*E. Cruciate.
24. A patient has a suppurative inflammation of the sphenoidal sinus. What part of the nasal cavity does the pus flow
out into?
*A. Meatus nasi superior.
B. Meatus nasi communis.
C. Meatus nasi medius.
D. Meatus nasi inferior.
E. Infundibulum.
25. A 54-year-old man was admitted to a neurosurgery department with complaints of skin sensitivity absence of the
inferior eyelid, lateral surface of the nose, upper lip. During examination the doctor determined the inflammation of the
second branch of the trigeminal nerve. Through what cranial foramen does this branch come out?
A. Spinal.
B. Lacerated.
C. Oval.
*D. Round.
E. Superior orbital fissure.
26. Because of a fall a 70-year-old man had a femur fracture. In what part of femur do fractures happen the most often?
A. Middle.
*B. Neck.
C. The upper third.
D. The lower third.
E. Condylus.
27. A casualty has a trauma of soft tissues and parietal bones in the place of synostosis accompanied by profuse
bleeding. What vessel formation has been injured?
*A. Sinus sagittalis superior.
C. Sinus petrosus superior.
D. Sinus rectus.
E. Sinus sagittalis inferior.
28. A patient with a tumor in brainstem area has a difficulty with putting his tongue forward. What tongue muscle
function has been affected?
A. Transversal.
B. Stylohyoid.
C. Hyoglossal.
D. Superior lingual
*E. Genioglossal.
29. The roof of tympanic cavity was damaged by purulent otitis. To what cranial fossa can the pus get through the roof
from the tympanic cavity?
*A. Middle.
B. Posterior.
C. Anterior.
D. Orbit.
E. Pterygopalatine.
30. Examination of a patient's facial expression has shown that he can not put his lips, round, whistle, the oral fissure is
stretched to sides. What muscle's atrophy do these symptoms indicate?
A. Risorius muscles.
B. Greater zygomatic.
C. Cheek muscle.
*D. Orbicular muscle of mouth.
E. Masticatory.
31. During an operation on crural hernia the lateral wall of the internal crural ring was touched. What anatomic
formation was damaged?
A. Inguinal ligament.
B. Femoral vein.
*C. Femoral artery.
D. Iliopectineal arch.
E. Pectineal ligament.
32. An X-ray examination has shown a comminuted fracture of the infraglenoid tubercle of a patient with a trauma in
the shoulder joint area. Tendon of what muscle head beginning in this place has been damaged?
*A. A long head of m. tricepitis brachii.
B. A long head of m. bicepitis brachii.
C. A medial head of m. tricepitis brachii.
D. A lateral head of m. tricepitis brachii.
E. A short head of m. bicepitis brachii.
33. A 38-year-old man with a right hand trauma has been taken to a traumatology center. Examination has shown an
incised wound in the region of the right hand thumb eminence; the distal phalanx of the I finger does not bend. What
muscle has been damaged?
*A. Long flexor of thumb.
B. Short flexor of thumb.
C. Short abductor muscle of thumb.
D. Opposer muscle of thumb.
E. Adductor of thumb.
34. A 39-year-old man has been taken to a traumatology center with a left hand trauma. Examination has shown an
incised wound in the region of the left hand thumb eminence; the proximal phalanx of the I finger does not bend. What
muscle has been damaged?
A. Adductor of thumb.
B. Long flexor of thumb.
C. Short abductor muscle of thumb.
D. Opposer muscle of thumb.
*E. Short flexor of thumb.
35. X-ray examination of a patient has shown a thoracic spine disk her-niation. What kind of vertebrae conjugation has
undergone pathological changes?
A. Syndesmosis.
B. Diarthrosis.
*C. Synchondrosis.
D. Articulation.
E. Synostosis.
36. According to statistics, bones fractures of young and elderly people most often happen in the surgical neck area.
What bone has this formation?
A. Fibula.
B. Radius.
C. Tibia.
*D. Humerus.
E. Talus.
37. During a football match a player injured a knee joint. A roentgenogram shows the fracture of the bone, which is in
the thickness of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh tendon. To what group of bones does this bone refer?
*A. Sesamoid bones.
B. Flat bones.
C. Tubular bones.
D. Pneumatic bones.
E. Mixed bones.
38. As a result of tibia fracture the anterior muscle of leg was injured. The function of what muscle is affected?
*A. Extensor hallucis longus.
B. Flexor digitorum longus.
C. Peroneus longus.
D. Soleus.
E. Extensor digitorum brevis.
39. A patient complains of pain in the left part of the neck while moving. The best painless position is bending the neck
to the left with simultaneous raising of the chin and rotation of the face to the opposite side. What muscle is injured?
A. Right trapezius.
B. Right sternocleidomastoid.
C. Left trapezius.
*D. Left sternocleidomastoid.
E. Sternohyoid.
40. A patient complains of impossible external rotation caused by a shoulder trauma in the great tubercle of humeri
area. What muscles are injured?
A. Supraspinatus and teres major.
*B. Infraspinatus and teres minor.
C. Subscapular and coracobrachial.
D. Deltoid and supraspinatus.
E. Teres major and teres minor.
41. A man can not bend his arm in the elbow joint because of a wound of anterior shoulder surface. Which muscle is
A. Anconeus.
B. Deltoid.
C. Pectoral major.
D. Triceps brachial.
*E. Biceps brachial.
42. A basketball-player complains of pain in the calcaneal region, which intensifies while walking. What muscle
tendon is injured?
A. Long peroneal muscle.
B. Posterior tibial muscle.
C. Long flexor muscle of toes.
*D. Triceps muscle of calf.
E. Short peroneal muscle.
43. A patient has complications of hand movements. Inflammation of common synovial sheath for flexor tendons has
been diagnosed. According to anamnesis, a week before the patient got a punctured wound of a finger. Which finger is
*A. Little finger.
B. Thumb.
C. Middle finger.
D. Index finger.
E. Ring finger.
44. To establish the border between cervical and thoracic spines a doctor must palpate the process C VII. What process
is this?
A. Transverse.
*B. Spinous.
C. Superior articular.
D. Inferior articular.
E. Mastoid.
45. After an injury a patient can not raise his hand to the horizontal level. Which muscle is injured?
A. Triceps muscle of arm.
B. Biceps muscle of arm.
*C. Deltoid.
D. Trapezius.
E. Broadest muscle of back.
46. During a traffic accident a driver got multiple injuries of the lateral face area including jugal bridge fracture. Which
muscle function is affected?
*A. Masseter.
B. Orbicular muscle of mouth.
C. Buccinator.
D. Procerus.
E. Risorius.
47. After an accident a patient has severe painfullness and anterior leg surface edema, dorsal flexion of the foot is
difficult. Which muscle functions are damaged?
A. Long peroneal muscle.
B. Long flexor muscle of toes.
C. Long flexor muscle of great toe.
*D. Anterior tibial.
E. Short peroneal muscle.
48. Right palpebral fissure of a patient is noticeably bigger than the left one. Which facial muscle function is damaged?
*A. Orbicular muscle of eye.
B. Procerus.
C. Corrugator.
D. Occipitofrontal (frontal belly).
E. Greater zygomatic.
49. A patient has an inflammation of sphenoid sinus. Where does the aperture of this sinus open?
A. Infundibulum.
*B. Sphenoethmoidal recess.
C. Middle nasal meatus.
D. Inferior nasal meatus.
E. Common nasal meatus.
50. A 30-year-old patient with a second upper molar pulp inflammation appealed to a doctor with complaints of
headache and nose rheum. After examination pulpitis complicated with sinusitis was diagnosed. Which sinus did the
infection enter from this tooth root canal?
*A. Maxillary sinus.
B. Frontal sinus.
C. Sphenoidal sinus.
D. Ethmoid cells.
E. Mastoid cells.
51. A 37-year-old patient had a cough, then asphyxia because a foreign body got into the respiratory tracts.
Tracheotomy was made in the neck region limited by the superior belly of omohyoid muscle, sternocleidomastoid
muscle and the median neck line. In what triangle of neck was the operation performed?
A. Carotid.
*B. Omotracheal.
C. Submandibular.
D. Omotraperoid.
E. Omoclavicular.
52. A gynecologist dimensioned the pelvis of a 29-year-old pregnant woman. The distance between two anterior
superior iliac spines was measured with the help of a pelvimeter. What size of the large pelvis was dimensioned?
*A. Interspinous distance.
B. Intercristal distance.
C. Intertrochanteric distance.
D. True conjugate.
E. Anatomical conjugate.
53. A patient complains of pain in the left part of the neck, which intensifies with head movements. The best position is
bending the neck to the left and rotating the face to the right. Which muscle is injured?
*A. Left sternocleidomastoid.
B. Right sternocleidomastoid.
C. Right platysma.
D. Left platysma.
E. Long muscle of neck.
54. A patient has a fissure of the shaft of humerus posterior surface diagnosed. Symptoms of the radial nerve injury in
the region of canal is humeromuscularis are observed. What is this canal limited by?
*A. Posterior surface of humerus and triceps muscle of arm.
B. Anterior surface of humerus and biceps muscle of arm.
C. Anterior surface of humerus and coracobrachial.
D. Anterior surface of humerus and brachial.
E. Posterior surface of humerus and anconeus.
55. Chronic rhinitis is complicated with the signs of maxillary sinus mucous tunic affection (maxillary sinusitis).
Through what nasal cavity formation has the infection spread?
A. Ethmoid cells.
B. Ethmoidal infundibulum.
C. Sphenopalatine foramen.
D. Sphenoethmoidal recess.
*E. Maxillary hiatus.
@@Skin and connective tissue
56. A 40-year-old patient was admitted to an ophthalmologic department because two weeks ago he burnt an eyeball.
What structures were injured?
*A. Sclera.
B. Ciliar body.
C. Iris.
D. Lens.
E. Vitreous body.
57. Cerebrospinal fluid of a 45-year-old patient with brain fever suspected is to be got. A diagnostic puncture has been
made between the arches L III - L IV What ligament must the needle penetrate?
A. Posterior longitudinal.
B. Iliolumbal.
C. Anterior longitudinal.
*D. Yelfow.
E. Intertransverse.
58. A patient has sharp painfulness of the facial skin. Which nerve is injured?
A. Facial.
*B. Trigeminal.
C. Oculomotor.
D. Vagus.
E. Glossopharyngeal.
59. A patient, 67 years old, was admitted to a neuropathological department because of the pain in the posterior surface
muscles of the thigh andthe loss of skin sensitivity of this zone after falling on buttocks during walking on ice. The
function of which nerve was injured?
*A. Ischiadic.
B. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh.
C. Tibial.
D. Common peroneal.
E. Inferior gluteal.
60. X-ray examination of pelvis shows that all three parts of the hip bone are disconnected by gaps, which correspond
to a cartilage, not seen in the roentgenogram. What age is it typical of?
A. Until 50 years.
B. Until 25 years.
C. Until 30 years.
D. Until 40 years.
*E. Until 16 years.
61. As a result of a fall the anterior fontanelle of a child was injured. What type of cranial bones union has been injured?
*A. Syndesmosis.
B. Synchondrosis.
C. Synostosis.
D. Diarthrosis.
E. Symphisis.
@@Respiratory system
62. A patient was admitted to a hospital with a knife wound of the thorax on the right and pneumothorax. Percussion
has shown that the inferior right lung border rose to the III rib level.Where is it located normally?
*A. VI rib.
B. VII rib.
C. VIII rib.
D. IX rib.
E. Vrib.
63. A 37-year-old patient has suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis since childhood. Amputation of the middle lobe of
the right lung has been performed. Which segments have been amputated?
A. Posterior and anterior.
B. Superior and anterior.
D. Superior lingular and inferior lingular.
*E. Lateral and medial.
64. A patient complains of headache and heavy breathing. X-ray examination confirmed the diagnosis - frontitis
(inflammation of the frontal sinus). In what nasal meatus may purulent discharge be observed during the examination
of the nasal cavity?
A. Common.
B. Superior.
C. Inferior.
*D. Middle.
E. Above the superior nasal concha.
65. During examination an otolaryngologist diagnosed the inflammation of the maxillary sinus. In what nasal meatus
did the rhinoscopy show pus?
*A. Middle.
B. Superior.
C. Inferior.
D. Common.
E. Supreme.
66. During the right-side lobectomy a surgeon reached the right lung root in order to pick out and process its
components. Point the order of lung root components from top to bottom.
*A. Bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins.
B. Pulmonary artery, bronchus, pulmonary veins.
C. Pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery,bronchus.
D. Bronchus, pulmonary artery, phrenic nerve.
E. Phrenic nerve, bronchus, pulmonary artery and vein.
67. Acute inflammatory process of the nasolacrimal duct mucosa of a 28-year-old patient has been diagnosed.
Influenza was followed by 10-days' discharge from the nose. From what part of the nasal cavity could the infection get
into the nasolacrimal duct?
A. Vestibule of nose.
B. Middle nasal meatus.
C. Superior nasal meatus.
*D. Inferior nasal meatus.
E. Frontal sinus.
68. A patient has a right-side pulmonectomy performed because of the carcinoma of lung. After the dissection of the
mediastinal pleura pulmonary veins must be ligated first of all to decrease thepossibility of malignant cells metastasis.
To avoid mistakes a surgeon must know the order of the root anatomic structures of the right lung from top to bottom.
*A. Bronchus, artery, veins.
B. Artery, bronchus, veins.
C. Artery, veins, bronchus.
D. Veins, artery, bronchus.
E. Bronchus, artery, nerves.
69. A patient has got a complication after rhinitis. X-ray examination showed pus accumulation in the maxillary sinus
on the left. To what nasal meatus does the pus release?
A. Right nasopharyngeal.
B. Right inferior nasal.
C. Right superior nasal.
D. Right common nasal.
*E. Left middle nasal.
70. A patient has a tumor in the superior nasal meatus region. Which function can be affected?
*A. Of smell.
B. Of salivation.
C. Of taste.
D. Of hearing.
E. Of swallowing.
71. During woodwork a worker accidentally inhaled a bulb nearly 0.5 cm in diameter which caused strong cough.
Which part of respiratory tracts felt irritating influence?
A. Trachea.
B. Larynx under the vocal ligaments.
*C. Larynx above the vocal ligaments.
D. Right principal bronchus.
E. Left principal bronchus.
72. A child inhaled a button. Where do foreign bodies get most often?
*A. Right principal bronchus.
B. Left principal bronchus.
C. Trachea.
D. Larynx.
E. Esophagus.
73. A 50-year-old patient with carcinoma of lung had a right-side lobectomy (ablation of the superior lobe of the lung)
performed. How many segments were ablated during the operation?
A. Fou r.
*B. Three.
C. Five.
D. Two.
E. None.
74. A 25-year-old patient appealed to a doctor with complains of coryza and headache lasting for 4 days. Examination
diagnosed frontitis. Through which nasal meatus did the infection get into the frontal sinus?
A. Common.
B. Superior.
C. Inferior.
*D. Middle.
E. Nasopharyngeal.
75. A 35-year-old patient appealed to a doctor with complains of severe coryza and olfaction loss during a week.
Examination of the nasal cavity has shown a lot of mucus covering the mucous tunic and blocking olfactory receptors.
Name the place of the nasal cavity where these receptors are located.
*A. Superior nasal concha.
B. Middle nasal concha.
C. Inferior nasal concha.
D. Common nasal meatus.
E. Vestibule of nose.
76. A 45-year-old patient was hospitalized with complaints of high temperature, pain during respiration, dyspnea, and
cough. Examination and radiodiagnostics diagnosed pleurisy. For exudation evacuation pleurocentesis was prescribed.
In what place of the pleural cavity is the largest quantity of exudation?
A. Under the root of lungs.
B. In the phrenico-mediastinal sinus.
C. In the costomediastinal sinus.
D. Under the cervical pleura.
*E. In the costodiaphragmatic recess.
77. A 10-year-old patient was admitted to a clinic. The day before he had swallowed a nut after what continuous cough
and signs of heavy breathing appeared. Phonation function wasn't affected. Where may the foreign body localize?
A. In the trachea.
B. In the left principal bronchus.
*C. In the right principal bronchus.
D. In the vestibular fissure.
E. In the fissure of glottis.
78. During the examination of a 67-year-old patient a roentgenogram shows a tumor of the middle lobe of the right
lung. What segments are located in this lobe?
*A. Medial, lateral.
B. Superior lingular, inferior lingular.
C. Anterior and posterior primary.
D. Apical, anterior.
E. Apical-posterior, anterior.
79. Right-side bronchopneumonia of the medial and lateral segments of apatient was diagnosed. To which lobe of lungs
do they refer?
A. Superior right.
*B. Middle.
C. Inferior right.
D. Superior left.
E. Inferior left
@@Digestive system
80. After a face injury a patient has a hematoma in the cheek area. What salivary glands secretion outflow is blocked by
the hematoma?
A. Buccal.
B. Sublingual.
C. Submandibular.
D. Labial.
*E. Parotid.
81. A woman was hospitalized with abdominal emergencies symptoms. After the examination fallopian tube rupture
accompanying abdominal gestation is suspected. Which pelvis anatomical formation is to be punctured to comfirm the
*A. Rectouterine pouch.
B. Vesicouterine pouch.
C. Rectovesical pouch.
D. Ischiorectal fossa.
E. Vaginal process of peritoneum.
82. Dimensioning of liver gave an opportunity to establish that its superior border along the right middle clavicular line
is on the forth intercostal space level; its inferior border projects from the coastal margin by 4 cm. Evaluate the liver
*A. Enlarged liver - its lower border dislocated down.
B. Reduced liver - its lower border dislocated down.
C. Reduced liver - its lover border dislocated upwards.
D. Enlarged liver - its upper border dislocated upwards.
83. During the X-ray examination of a 30-year-old patient in vertical position a doctor detected the presence of air in
the stomach. What part of the stomach is it in?
A. In the body
*B. At the fundus.
C. In the cardial.
D. In the pyloric.
E. In the area of the lesser curvature.
84. During a duodenal intubation the probe does not pass from the stomach into the duodendum. What part of the
stomach is an obstacle (tumor) in?
A. In the body area.
B. In the cardial part.
C. In the fundus area.
*D. In the pyloric part.
E. In the area of the lesser curvature.
85. A patient has pain in epigastric-region. What organs disease can it indicate?
*A. Stomach, duodenum.
B. Small intestine, liver.
C. Spleen, kidney.
D. Colon, gallbladder.
E. Fundus of stomach, transverse colon.
86. During a duodenal intubation the probe does not pass to the stomach from the gullet. What part of the stomach is an
obstacle (tumor) in?
*A. In the cardial.
B. In the pyloric.
C. In the fundus area.
D. In the body area.
E. In the greater curvature area.
87. During fibrogastroduodenoscopy a doctor has to examine the major duodenal papilla. What anatomic formation can
serve as a landmark for its revealing?
A. Duodenal glands.
B. Circular folds of the duodenum.
C. Duodenal cap.
*D. Longitudinal fold of the duodenum.
E. Hepatoduodenal ligament.
88. X-ray examination has shown a foreign body in the gullet at TIV level. In what field of gullet constriction did the
foreign body stop?
A. Bronchial.
B. Pharyngeal.
*C. Aortic.
D. Diaphragmatic.
E. Cardiac.
89. A 45-year-old patient was hospitalized to a surgical department with complaints of sudden acute pain in epigastric
region. After the examination the perforated ulcer of the posterior wall of the stomach was diagnosed. Where did
stomach contents issue at the moment of perforation?
*A. Into the omental bursa.
B. Into the hepatic bursa.
C. Into the pregastric bursa.
D. Into the left mesenteric sinus.
E. Into the right mesenteric sinus.
90. A 60-year-old patient's malignant tumor of the major duodenal papilla caused obstructive jaundice. The lumen of
what anatomic structure squeezes the tumor?
A. Cystic duct.
*B. Hepaticopancreatic ampulla.
C. Common hepatic duct.
D. Right hepatic duct.
E. Left hepatic duct.
91. Necrotic form of acute pancreatitis of a patient is diagnosed. Into what peritoneal formation does serous fluid
exudation spread?
*A. Into the omental bursa.
B. Into the hepatic bursa.
C. Into the pregastric bursa.
D. Into the left paracolic gutter.
E. Into the right paracolic gutter.
92. During the examination of a patient the presence of suppurative exudation in the straight rectouterine pouch was
suspected. Through what anatomic formation is it better to puncture the pouch?
*A. Posterior vaginal fornix.
B. Anterior vaginal fornix.
C. Rectal ampulla.
D. Pelvic diaphragm.
E. Anterior vaginal wall.
93. A 35-year-old patient complained of pain and edema in the site of oral cavity floor. After examination the
inflammatory process in the site of the excretory duct of submandibular gland was diagnosed. Where does this duct
open to?
A. Plica sumlingualis.
B. Vestibulum oris.
C. Foramen caecum linguae.
*D. Caruncula sublingualis.
E. Recessus gingivalis.
94. A 50-year-old patient was hospitalized with gall-bladder inflammation suspected. He was prescribed
fibrogastroscopy of digestive tract with obligatory examination of the major duodenal papilla. In what part of the
duodendum is the papilla located?
A. Pars ascendens.
*B. Pars descendens.
C. Pars horizontalis.
D. Pars superior.
E. Ampulla duodeni.
95. A 40-year-old patient has an ulcer perforation of the posterior wall of the stomach. Into what anatomic structure
will blood and stomach contents get?
*A. Into the omental bursa.
B. Into the pregastric bursa.
C. Into the right paracolic gutter.
D. Into the left paracolic gutter.
E. Into the hepatic bursa.
@@Central and peripheral nervous system
96. After a fracture of the upper third of the humerus the paralysis of the posterior group of muscles of the shoulder and
forearm developed. Which nerve was damaged?
A. Ulnar.
*B. Radial.
C. Median.
D. Musculocutaneous.
E. Axillary.
97. After a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage) a patient does not have voluntary movements of muscles of head and neck.
Brain examination with the help of NMR detected that hematoma is in the knee of the internal capsule. Which
conduction tract has been damaged?
*A. Corticonuclear.
B. Corticospinal.
C. Corticothalamic.
D. Frontopontine.
E. Thalamocortical
98. Examination of a patient with a knife right hand wound has shownskin sensitivity loss of the lateral part of the hand
dorsal surface and proximal phalanxes of the I, II and partially III fingers. Which nerve has been damaged?
A. Ulnar.
B. Median.
*C. Radial.
D. Musculocutaneous.
E. Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm.
99. A man of 45 appealed to a clinic complaining of sensitivity loss in the back third of the tongue. The function of
which pair of crainal nerves was affected?
B. X.
*C. IX.
D. V
100. Having hurt the elbow against a table a patient felt bu rning and pricking on the internal surface of the forearm.
Which nerve was traumatized in this case?
*A. Ulnar.
B. Radial.
C. Median.
D. Axillary.
E. Musculocutaneous.
101. Which nerve is damaged, if the right nasolabial fold is smoothed, right orbital fissure is dilated (it cannot be
screwed up because eyelids don't close), difficulties arouse while talking and eating (food sticks between the cheek and
A. N. trigeminus dexter.
B. N. abducens dexter.
C. N. glossopharyngeus sinister.
D. N. vagus dexter.
*E. N. facialis dexter.
102. After a cranial trauma with the damage of the superior wall of the right eyesocket a patient lost the possibility to
lift up the upper eyelid of the right eye and look up. Which nerve was damaged?
A. N. ophtalmicus.
B. R. inferior n. oculomotorius.
C. N. trochlearis.
D. N. abducens.
*E. R. superior n. oculomotorius.
103. A patient with aneurism of the right subclavian artery has a husky voice. Irritation of which nerve can it be
connected with?
A. N. laryngeus superior dexter.
*B. N. laryngeus recurrens dexter.
C. N. laryngeus recurrens sinister.
D. N. laryngeus superior sinister.
E. N. laryngeus inferior sinister.
104. A patient was admitted to a neu rological department with deflection of the tongue to the side when extruded,
atrophic changes of the half of the tongue, logopathy, deglutitive problem. Which nerve was damaged?
A. Vagus.
B. Lingual.
C. Chorda tympani.
D. Glossopharyngeal.
*E. Hypoglossal.
105. A patient was admitted to a traumatology center with the great-er psoas muscle damage. The patient lost
possibility to straighten his'leg in the knee joint. Which nerve is damaged?
*A. Femoral.
B. Iliohypogastric.
C. Ilioinguinal.
D. Genitofemoral.
E. Obturator.
106. A patient after a brain blood supply disturbance lost the ability to write letters and figures. In what lobe of the
brain was the pathology?
A. Occipital.
*B. Frontal.
C. Temporal.
D. Parietal.
E. Insula.
107. A patient can not lift an eyebrow on one half of his face, close eyelids, and bare his teeth. Which nerve is injured?
A. Maxillary.
B. Ophthalmic.
*C. Facial.
D. Mandibular.
E. Oculomotor.
108. A 40-year-old man, who burnt an eyeball 2 weeks ago, was admitted to an ophthalmologic department. Which of
the listed eye structures suffered?
A. Lens.
B. Ciliary body.
C. Iris.
*D. Cornea.
E. Vitreous body.
109. A 63-year-old patient applied to a neuropathologist complaining of inability to perform woodwork which demands
accuracy, as his right hand had been doing a lot of errant movements for 3 months. Examination showed that the
patient had injured:
A. Angular gyrus.
B. Precentral gyrus.
C. Postcentral gyrus.
D. Superior temporal gyrus.
*E. Supramarginal gyrus.
110. A 60-year-old patient has difficulties forming and moving a bolus. The tongue is immovable, logopathy is
observed. Which nerve has been injured?
*A. Sublingual.
B. Accessory.
C. Glossopharyngeal.
D. Trigeminal.
E. Facial.
111. A 45-year-old patient had a severe brain blood circulation disturbance. After stabilization of the general condition
he is unable to pronounce words distinctly. Damage of what area of cerebral cortex caused the impairment of the
speech-motor center?
A. Angular gyrus.
*B. Inferior frontal gyrus.
C. Supramarginal gyrus.
D. Precentral gyrus.
E. Superior temporal gyrus.
112. A 28-year-old patient got a factory chemical burn of the face, a fluid got into the eye. The consequence isthe loss
of sight. Which eyeball structure was injured as a result of chemical burn?
A. Vitreous body.
B. Lens.
*C. Cornea.
D. Retina.
E. Iris.
113. After a cold a patient had incomplete eyeball abduction. Which nerve was injured?
A. Facial.
B. Glossopharyngeal.
C. Trochlear.
D. Optic.
*E. Abducent.
114. A patient has a tongue motor function disorder. Which nerve was injured?
A. Accessory.
B. Vagus.
C. Glossopharyngeal.
D. Facial.
*E. Hypoglossal.
115. A patient after a trauma has decreased painful and temperature sensitivity in the site of 1.5 fingers on the palmar
surface and 2.5 fingers on the dorsal surface from the side of the little finger. Which nerve was injured as a result of the
*A. Ulnar.
B. Radial.
C. Median.
D. Musculocutaneous.
E. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.
116. After a cold a patient had disorder of pain and temperature sensitivity of anterior 2/3 of the tongue. Which nerve
was injured?
A. Sublingual.
*B. Trigeminal.
C. Phrenic.
D. Vagus.
E. Chorda tympani.
117. After a cerebral hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke) a patient could pronounce words with a big effort (motor
aphasia). Which convolution of brain was injured?
A. Superior frontal.
*C. Inferior frontal.
D.Superior temporal.
E. Inferior temporal.
118. After an inflammatory process a patient complains of feeling weakness when bending a hand in the site of the I, II,
III, and IV fingers, volume reduction of thenar muscles. Examination has shown disorders of pain and temperature
sensitivity on palmary surface of the I, II, III fingers and radial surface of the IV finger. Which nerve has been injured?
A. Musculocutaneous.
B. Radial.
C. Ulnar.
*D. Median.
E. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.
119. After a cold a patient has a feeling of facial numbness on the right. Examination has shown disorders of painand
temperature sensitivity of the right half of the face. Which nerve has been injured?
A. Sublingual.
B. Facial.
C. Glossopharyngeal.
D. Vagus.
*E. Trigeminal.
120. Examining a patient a neuropathologist detected the following symptom complex: cremasteric reflex extinction
(reduction of m. cremaster), disorder of skin sensitivity on the anterior and internal surface of the superior third of the
thigh and scrotum. Which nerve was injured?
A. Ilioinguinal.
*B. Genitofemoral.
C. Sciatic.
D. Femoral.
E. Obturator.
121. The growth of a tumor in the cavity of the third ventricle of brain caused such vegetative disorders as sleep
disturbance, disorder of thermoregulation, all kinds of metabolism, diabetes insipidus. The irritation of nuclei of what
part of the brain caused these symptoms?
A. Medulla oblongata.
B. Cerebral peduncles.
C. Mesencephalic tegmentum.
D. Pons.
*E. Hypothalamus.
122. A patient with epidemic encephalitis has uni- or bilateral ptosis (blepharoptosis), divergent strabismus, accommodation disorder, mydriatic pupils. The nuclei of what pair of cranial nerves have been affected?
*A. III.
B. IV.
C. V.
D. VI.
123. X-ray examination of a skull has shown ephippium enlargement caused by a brain tumor. What part of the brain
has pathological changes?
A. Metathalamus.
B. Thalamus.
*C. Hypothalamus.
D. Epithalamus.
E. Tectum of mesencephalon.
124. A patient has characteristic gait changes, so-called waddling gait, observed: during walking the patient sways.
Besides, hip reduction is impossible. Which nerve has been injured?
A. Femoral.
B. Sciatic.
*C. Obturator.
D. Tibial.
E. Superior gluteal.
125. As a result of a pathological process the function of the efferent part central link of the vegetative nervous system
sympathetic department was affected. Point out possible localization of the process in the spinal cord.
*A. Lateral intermediate nucleus of lateral horns.
B. Medial intermediate nucleus of lateral horns.
C. Dorsal nucleus of posterior horns.
D. Proper nucleus of posterior horns.
E. Central nucleus of anterior horns.
126. A patient appealed to a doctor with complaints of impossibility to abduce the right hand after a trauma.
Examination has shown that passive movements are not limited. Deltoid muscle atrophy has been detected. Which
nerve has been injured?
A. Suprascapular.
B. Radial.
C. Ulnar.
D. Median.
*E. Axillary.
127. As a result of a traffic accident a victim sustained an injury of the spinal column. Examination has shown the right
-side paralysis of the lower extremity with muscles tone increase. Which part of the central nervous system was injured?
*A. Right corticospinal tract.
B. Anterior horn of spinal cord.
C. Posterior horn of spinal cord.
D. Anterior funiculus of spinal cord.
E. Medulla oblongata.
128. Examination of a patient with a cut wound in the inferior third of the right leg anterior area has shown the absence
of extension movements in the right ankle joint. Muscles are not injured. Which nerve integrity has been affected?
A. Saphenous.
B. Common peroneal.
C. Superficial fibular.
*D. Deep fibular.
E. Femoral.
129. After a trauma in the site of a shoulder a patient can not extend a hand. Examination has also shown a decrease of
pain and temperature sensitivity in the site of 2.5 fingers of the hand's dorsal surface from the side of the thumb. Which
nerve has been injured as a result of the trauma?
*A. Radial.
B. Median.
C. Ulnar.
D. Axillary.
E. Musculocutaneous.
130. A patient has appealed with complaints of visual impairment accompanied by blepharoptosis, impossibility to lift
the eyeball upwards and to the middle. Examination has shown that the eyeball is diverted outside, the pupil is dilated,
does not react to light, the patient can't see at a short distance. Which nerve has been injured?
A. Trochlear.
*B. Oculomotor.
C. Abducent.
D. Optic.
E. Trigeminal.
131. Examining a patient a neuropathologist detected increased pain skin sensitivity on the palmary surface of the
I,II,III and the radial surface of the IV fingers, middle part of the palm and thenar. Which nerve was injured?
*A. Median
B. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.
C. Ulnar.
D. Radial.
E. Musculocutaneous.
132. A patient has visual impairment: sectoranopia of the medial field of vision on the right and the lateral field of
vision on the left. Which part of the visual analyzer has pathological changes?
*A. Left optic tract.
B. Right optic tract.
C. Optic chiasm.
D. Right optic nerve.
E. Left optic nerve.
133. A 36-year-old operated man has convulsive reductions of the diaphragm. The blockade of what nerve is it
necessary to do to liquidate this complication?
A. Accessory.
B. Vagus.
C. Greater splanchnic.
*D. Phrenic.
E. Sympathetic trunk.
134. After a craniocerebral trauma a 47-year-old man appealed with complaints of impossibility of exact movements of
the upper extremities: he can not button, light a match, pour water into a glass. Examination has shown that muscle
strength, deep muscular sense, and mechanisms of coordination are preserved. Which site of cerebral cortex has been
*A. Supramarginal gyrus.
B. Calcarine sulcus.
C. Precentral gyrus.
D.Temporal gyri.
E. Angular gyrus.
135. To a traumatology center there was taken a teenager who pinched his arm in a door above the elbow joint during a
game. Examination has shown the loss of skin sensitivity on the an- teromedial shoulder surface. Indicate with what
nerve damage the loss of skin sensitivity of the mentioned site is connected.
A. Axillary.
B. Radial.
C. Musculocutaneous.
D. Ulnar.
*E. Medial cutaneous nerve of arm.
136. During work a patient gets tired quickly. In upright position with closed eyes he staggers, loses balance. The tonus
of skeletal muscle is reduced. Which structure of brain is injured most probably?
*A. Cerebellum.
B. Limbic system.
C. Basal ganglions.
D. Precentral gyrus of cortex.
E. Thalamus.
137. After an oral cavity soft tissues injure a patient lost gustation of the posterior third of the tongue. What nerve was
*A. Glossopharyngeal.
B. Facial.
C. Hypoglossal.
D. Lingual.
E. Chorda tympani
138. A 37-year-old victim was injured with a sharp object in the interior region of carotid cervical triangle. Which
vessel was injured?
A. External jugular vein.
B. External carotid artery.
*C. Common carotid artery.
D. Superior thyroid artery.
E. Internal carotid artery.
139. A head trauma caused a hematoma in the zone of the middle cranial fossa on the left which led to a mydriatic
pupil on the affected side. What nerve was injured?
A. Trigeminal.
B. Abducent.
C. Ophthalmic.
D. Trochlear.
*E. Oculomotor.
140. During the initial examination a patient does not have general sensitivity of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
Gustation is preserved. What nerve was injured?
*A. Lingual branch of trigeminal nerve up to its conjugation with chorda tympani.
B. Sublingual nerve.
C. Lingual branch of trigeminal nerve after its conjugation with chorda tympani.
D. Chorda tympani of facial nerve.
E. Glossopharyngeal nerve.
141. A patient has lacrimation and increased salivation. In combination with other symptoms this state is considered to
be an irritation of fibers of a cranialnerve. Which nerve is this, and what fibers are these?
*A. Parasympathetic fibres of facial nerve.
B. Parasympathetic fibres of oculomotor nerve.
C. Somatic motor fibres of oculomotor nerve.
D. Parasympathetic fibres of vagus nerve.
E. Somatic motor fibres of facial nerve.
142. After an injury a patient got pupils' diameter dilation and pupillary reflex disorder. Which muscle has been
A. Musculus ciliaris.
*B. Musculus sphincter pupillae.
C. Musculus dilatator pupillae.
D. Musculus rectus superior.
E. Musculus rectus inferior.
143. A 30-year-old patient appealed to a neuropathologist complaining of skin sensitivity loss of the middle and
inferior third of the posterior region of the leg on the right. Which nerve is damaged?
*A. Sural.
B. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh.
C. Genitofemoral.
D. Branches of obturator nerve.
E. Tibial.
144. A 35-year-old man has a sharp hearing injury after meningoencephalitis. Examination excludes sound-conducting
and sound-perceiving apparatuspathology. Which gyrus of brain is damaged?
A. Angular.
B. Middle temporal.
C. Superior frontal.
D. Supramarginal.
*E. Superior temporal.
145. Examination of pupillary reflex has shown asthenocoria. Which nucleus function is damaged?
*A. Accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve.
B. Nucleus of trochlear nerve.
C. Nucleus of abducent nerve.
D. Nucleus of superior tubercles of tectum of mesencephalon.
E. Nucleus of oculomotor nerve.
146. A hemorrhage in the occipital lobe (calcarinum sulcus zone) has appeared. Which functions of organism are
A. Movements are absent.
B. Hearing is absent.
C. Olfaction is absent.
*D. Vision is absent.
E. Sensitivity is absent.
147. A patient lost skin sensitivity of the little finger. Which nerve is damaged?
A. Median.
*B. Ulnar.
C. Radial.
D. Musculocutaneous.
E. Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm.
148. A 41-year-old patient was admitted to an infectious department with fever. Objectively there are meningeal
symptoms. Which anatomical formation must a needle penerate taking a spinal puncture?
*A. Spatium subarachnoideum.
B. Spatium subdurale.
C. Spatium epidurale.
D. Cavum trigeminale.
E. Cisterna cerebellomedullaris.
149. A 75-year-old patient is admitted to an oftalmological department with complaints of visual impairment.
Objectively there is an encephaloma in the site of the left visual tract. What disorders of vision will be observed?
*A. Sectoranopia in the left half of retina of both eyes.
B. Sectoranopia in the right half of retina of both eyes.
C. Sectoranopia in both halves of the left eye.
D. Sectoranopia in both halves of the right eye.
E. Sectoranopia in retina of both eyes.
150. A patient can not extend a knee joint, knee reflex is not observed, skin sensitivity of the anterior surface of the
thigh is damaged. Which nerve is damaged?
A. Obturator.
B. Superior gluteal.
C. Common peroneal.
*D. Femoral.
E. Inferior gluteal nerve.
151. After a long-term chronic disease of the brain a patient has involuntary movements, violated muscular tonus.
Which conduction tract disorder do these symptoms indicate?
A. Tractus tectospinalis.
B. Tractus corticospinalis.
C. Tractus corticonuclearis.
D. Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis.
*E. Tractus rubrospinalis.
@@Cardiovascular system
152. After a craniocerebral trauma skin sensitivity is reduced. Which part of the cerebral cortex might be damaged?
*A. Postcentral gyrus.
B. Occipital part.
C. Cingulate gyrus.
D. Frontal part of cortex.
E. Precentral gyrus.
153. Contraction of a great vessel reduced blood derivation from the left ventricle. Which vessel has undergone
pathological changes?
A. Pulmonary vein.
B. Pulmonary trunk.
*C. Aorta.
D. Superior vena cava.
E. Inferior vena cava.
154. Blood pressure rise in aorta increased the load of the cardiac muscle. The muscular wall of which region of the
heart reacts to irritation?
*A. Left ventricle.
B. Left atrium.
C. Right ventricle.
D. Right atrium.
E. Venous sinus.
155. Blood pressure rise in a great vessel which carries blood to lungs increased the load of the cardiac muscle. The
muscular wall of which region of the heart reacts to irritation?
*A. Right ventricle.
B. Left ventricle.
C. Right atrium.
D. Left atrium.
E. Venous sinus
156. Examining a teenager a doctor detected a congential heart disease patent ductus arteriosus. What structures does
the duct join in the period of prenatal development?
A. Right and left atriums.
B. Right and left ventricles.
C. Aorta and inferior vena cava.
*D. Pulmonary trunk and aorta.
E. Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava.
157. A patient has the ischemia of tissues below the knee-joint accompanied by intermittent claudication. Which artery
occlusion is meant?
*A. Popliteal.
B. Femoral.
C. Posterior tibial.
D. Anterior tibial.
E. Proximal part of femoral artery.
158. A surgeon, accessing the organs of the thoracic cavity, made an incision on the anterior chest wall along one ofthe
intercostal spaces. He carefully dissected the tissues of the anterior medial region of the intercostal space in order not to
damage the artery situated in parallel to the edge of the breast bone, by 1-1.5 cm more lateral from it. Which artery is
A. Inferior phrenic.
B. Anterior intercostal.
C. Superior phrenic.
D. Costocervical trunk.
*E. Internal thoracic.
159. While examining a patient, a surgeon detects artery pulsation behind the medial malleolus. Which artery is meant?
*A. Posterior tibial.
B. Fibular.
C. Anterior tibial.
D. Posterior recurrent tibial.
E. Anterior recurrent tibial.
160. Usually, if a patient has essential hypertension, his left cardiac border is shifted to the left. Due to which chambers
of heart or vessels does it happen?
A. Left atrium.
*B. Left ventricle.
C. Left ventricle and left atrium.
D. Arch of aorta.
E. Pulmonary trunk.
161. A 40-year-old woman had appendectomy, during which an artery of the vermiform process was ligated. This
artery separates from:
A. Left colic artery.
B. Jejunal artery.
*C. Iliocolic artery.
D. Right colic artery.
E. Middle colic artery.
162. Examining patients with cardiovascular system pathology it is often necessary to compare the character of vessels
pulsation in symmetrical points of both body parts. Pulsation of which artery is easy to feel on the anterior surface of
the inferior third of forearm?
A. A. ulnaris.
*B. A. radialis.
C. A. interossea anterior.
D. Ramus palmaris superficialis.
E. A. interossea posterior.
163. A doctor examined a patient who got into a car accident. The patient has a fracture of the left clavicle and
disorders of blood circulation in the extremity (radial artery pulsation is absent). What is the cause of blood circulation
A. Compression of vertebral artery.
B. Compression of axillary artery.
C. Compression of subclavian vein.
*D. Compression of subclavian artery.
E. Compression of axillary vein.
164. A patient suffers from liver cirrhosis. The varicose veins of which portacaval shunt are observed?
A. V. subcostalis.
B. V. femoralis.
*C. V. epigastrica superficialis.
D. V. circumflexa ilium profunda.
E. Vv. intercostales posteriores.
165. Examination of a patient has shown pancreas blood supply disorder. Which artery could be damaged?
*A. A. gastrica dextra.
B. A. hepatica propria.
C. A. gastrica sinistra.
D. A. gastroepiploica dextra.
E. A. lienalis.
166. During the ultrasonic examination of the heart a doctor observes semilunar cusps. What happens to them at
diastole (relaxation) of ventricles?
*A. Interlock, closing the lumen of vessels.
B. Turn out into the lumen of vessels.
C. Turn out into the lumen of ventricles.
D. Press to the vessels walls.
E. Press to the ventricle walls.
167. An inflammatory process in endocardium (endocarditis) is diagnosed. Which structure of heart is damaged in case
of this pathology?
A. Myocardium.
B. Conducting system of heart.
C. Coronary artery.
D. Cardiac bursa.
*E. Cardiac valve.
168. A patient with complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium and bloody vomit was admitted to a hospital.
Examination has shown that the patient had enlarged liver, subcutaneous veins of the anterior abdominal wall dilation.
In which vessel is blood out flow hindered?
A. In the hepatic vein.
B. In the abdominal aorta.
*C. In the porta.
D. In the inferior vena cava.
E. In the superior vena cava.
169. A victim of a car accident has a contused wound in temporal region. During medical examination a fracture of
zygomatic bone and symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage are observed. Which artery might be damaged in this region?
A. Superficial temporal.
*B. Middle meningeal.
C. Anterior meningeal.
D. Maxillary.
E. Facial.
170. An injury of skin in the medial region of the sternocleidomastoid muscle caused air embolism. Which cervical
vein was damaged?
A. Posterior auricular.
B. Anterior jugular.
C. Internal jugular.
*D. External jugular.
E. Transverse cervical.
171. During an operative intervention on a mammary gland profuse bleeding appeared. Which artery was damaged?
A. Internal thoracic.
*B. Lateral thoracic.
C. Superior epigastric.
D. Axillary.
E. Superior thoracic.
172. Examination of a patient has shown a tumor of the head of pancreasand disorder of venous outflow from some
organs of the abdominal cavity. Which venous vessel was pressed by the tumor?
*A. Porta.
B. Renal vein.
C. Left gastric vein.
D. Inferior vena cava.
E. Right gastric vein.
173. After the injury of temporal region a patient got epidural hematoma. Which artery is damaged?
A. Deep temporal.
*B. Middle meningeal.
C. Deep auriculary.
D. Superior tympanic.
E. Inferior tympanic.
174. A 45-year-old patient's skin of the right foot and leg is pale, there is no pulsation of the dorsal artery of foot and
posterior tibial artery. Pulsation of the femoral artery is preserved. Which artery is damaged?
A. Descending genicular.
B. External iliac.
C. Fibular.
D. Deep artery of thigh.
*E. Popliteal.
175. A 60-year-old patient has sharp dilation of subcutaneous veins of the anterior abdominal wall. Circulation of
which vein was violated?
A. Vena cava superior.
B. Vena azygos.
*C. Vena portae.
D. Vena mesenterica superior.
E. Vena cava inferior.
176. A 56-year-old patient has worked for 28 years at a chemical plant in a workshop with harmful production
conditions. He often has hemorrhages of the nasal cavity mucosa. Which arteries are involved?
*A. Anterior and posterior ethmoid.
B. Supraorbital.
C. Ciliary.
D. Anterior cerebral.
E. Ophthalmic.
177. A patient was admitted to a hospital with an open fracture of the ramus of mandible and profuse bleeding in the
fracture site. Which artery is damaged?
A. A. palatina ascendens.
B. A. temporalis media.
C. A. facialis.
D. A. lingualis.
*E. A. alveolaris inferior.
178. A patient was admitted to a surgical department in grave condition with a stab wound in the right hypochondrium
with signs of internal hemorrhage. After laparotomy a doctor detected hepatic parenchyma injuries and blood in the
abdominal cavity. For a temporary arrest of bleeding the doctor applied smooth tissue forceps on the hepatoduodenal
ligament. Which vessels are bandaged in the region of this ligament?
A. Right and left hepatic arteries.
B. Hepatic veins and hepatic arteries.
C. Proper hepatic artery and hepatic veins
*D. Proper hepatic artery and porta.
E. Coeliac trunk and superior mesenteric artery.
179. A 58-year-old patient is admitted to a cardiological clinic with acute persistent pain in substernal area which does
not reduce after the second taking of nitroglycerine. Electrocardiogram shows that he has big necrosis of the posterior
su rface of the heart. The diagnosis is transmural myocardial infarction of the posterior wall of the heart. Acute
occlusion of which vessel led to this disease?
*A. Right coronary artery.
B. Coronary sinus.
C. Right pulmonary artery.
D. Left coronary artery.
E. Left common carotid artery.
180. A patient has varicose veins and thrombophlebitis on the posterolateral surface of the leg. Which vein is damaged?
A. V. saphena magna.
*B. V. saphena parva.
C. V. tibialis posterior.
D. V. peronea.
E. V. tibialis anterior.
181. A patient has epidural hematoma in the temporal region. Which artery is damaged?
*A. Medial meningeal.
B. Medial cerebral.
C. Posterior communicating.
D. Anterior meningeal.
E. Anterior cerebral.
182. A patient has the affection of the head of the femur of ischemic origin diagnosed. Which artery is damaged?
*A. Ramus acetabularis.
B. A. femoralis.
C. A. illiaca externa.
D. A. profunda femoris.
E. A. umbilicalis.
183. A patient has significant enlargement of the left atrium, enlarged liver. Which structure of heart is damaged?
*A. Valva tricuspidalis.
B. Valva aortae.
C. Valva bicuspidalis.
D. Valva trunci pulmonalis.
E. Auricula sinistra.
184. A patient complains of pain and spasms along the posteromedial surface of the shin. Which vein is damaged?
A. V. femoralis.
*B. V. saphena magna.
C. V. epigastrica superficialis.
D. V. poplitea.
E. V. saphena parva.
185. Examining a 48-year-old patient a doctor detected ascites (peritoneal dropsy), in the site of the umbilicus - dilated
plethoric veins (Medusa head symptom). In past history there is alcohol abuse. What organ of the abdominal cavity is
affected, and by what venous anastomoses does venous blood outflow?
*A. Liver. Portacavocaval anastomosis through paraumbilical veins.
B. Pancreas. Cavocaval anastomosis through a mesenteric vein.
C. Spleen. Portacaval anastomosis through the system of gastric veins.
D. Liver. Portacaval anastomosis through the system of inferior and superior mesenteric and lumbar veins.
E. Stomach. Portacaval anastomosis through the system of gastric veins, inferior and superior mesenteric veins.
186. Examination of a patient has shown an edema on the medial surface of the femur,enlargement of veins, and
nodulation. Which vein has pathology?
A. V. poplitea.
B. V. saphena parva.
C. V. femoralis.
*D. V. saphena magna.
E. V. iliaca externa.
187. A patient who got into a car accident has bleeding from soft tissues in front of the angle of the mandible. Which
vessel must be ligated to stop the bleeding?
A. A. lingualis.
B. A.carotis interna.
C. A. temporalis superficialis.
D. A. alveolaris inferior.
*E. A. facialis.
188. A patient with a stomach ulcer situated in the pyloric region on the lesser curvature of stomach has bleeding. What
vessel should be ligated to stop the bleeding?
*A. Right gastric artery.
B. Left gastric artery.
C. Left gastroomental artery.
D. Hepatic artery.
E. Right gastroomental artery.
189. A patient has vessel dilation on the anteromedial surface of the shin. Which vessel dilation caused this process?
A. V. saphena parva.
B. A. tibialis anterior.
*C. V. saphena magna.
D. A. tibialis posterior.
E. V. poplitea.
190. A patient was admitted to a hospital with subcutaneous veins dilation in the area of umbilicus (cirsomphalos). The
vascular permeability of which great venous vessel is damaged?
A. V. renalis.
B. V. mesenterica superior.
C. V. mesenterica inferior.
D. V. iliaca interna.
*E. V. portae hepatis.
191. A patient has an infarction of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Blood circulation of which vessel is damaged?
*A. Anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
B. Atrioventricular branches of the right coronary artery.
C. Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
D. Posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery.
E. Left marginal branch of the left coronary artery.
192. Examining a patient with ischemic disease a doctor detected deterioration of venous blood flow in the basin of a
cardiac vein, which passes through the anterior interventricular sulcus. Which vein is this?
A. V. cordis parva.
B. V. cordis media.
*C. V. cordis magna.
D. V. posterior ventriculi sinistri.
E. V. obliqua atrii sinistri.
193. During the period of prenatal development in the vascular system of a fetus an arterial duct functions, which turns
into lig. arteriosum after birth. What vessels does it join?
*A. Pulmonary trunk and aorta.
B. Right and left atrium.
C. Aorta and inferior vena cava.
D. Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava.
E. Aorta and superior vena cava.
194. Examining blood supply a doctor detects pulsation of a large artery, which passes ahead of the talocrural joint
between the tendons of the long extensor of the big toe and the long extensor of fingers in a separate fibrous canal.
Which artery is this?
A. A. tarsea lateralis.
B. A. tibialis posterior.
C. A. tarsea medialis.
*D. A. dorsalis pedis.
E. A. fibularis.
195. Examining blood supply of a foot a doctor detects pulsation of a large artery behind the malleolus medialis in a
separate fibrous canal. Which artery is this?
A. A. dorsalis pedis.
*B. A. tibialis posterior.
C. A. tibialis anterior.
D. A. fibularis.
E. A. malleolaris medialis.
196. A patient complains of pain and edema of her lower extremities. Examination has shown edema of tissues,
noticeable varicose veins, and nodulation on the medial surface of the thigh. Which vein damage might have caused
such changes?
*A. V. saphena magna.
B. V. saphena parva.
C. V. femoralis.
D. V. profunda femoris.
E. Vv. tibiales.
197. A 30-year-old patient has a tumor of the ascending colon which squeezes v. colica dextra interfering venous
outflow into the portal system. By which veins is blood derivation into the system of the inferior vena cava possible?
A. Vv. gastricae.
B. V. renalis dextra.
C. V. colica sinistra.
D. V. colica media.
*E. Vv. lumbales.
198. A surgeon makes operative intervention in the abdominal part of esophagus. Which vessel might he damage?
A. A. lienalis.
B. A. gastrica dextra.
*C. A. gastrica sinistra.
D. A. gastroduodenalis.
E. A. gastroomentalis sinistra.
199. An ambulance delivered a patient with bloody vomit to an admission room. In past history there is liver cirrhosis.
Which vein might be damaged in this case?
A. Porta.
B. Superior mesenteric.
C. Hepatic.
*D. Esophageal.
E. Splenic.
200. A patient has symptoms of arterial duct nonclosure. Which vessels does it join?
*A. Aorta and pulmonary trunk.
B. Aorta and inferior vena cava.
C. Aorta and superior vena cava.
D. Pulmonary artery and superior vena cava.
E. Pulmonary artery and inferior vena cava.
201. A patient has ischemic disease and extensive myocardial infraction of the posterior wall of the right ventricle
diagnosed. Blood circulation of which artery basin is violated?
*A. Posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery.
B. Anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
C. Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
D. Pericardiacophrenic artery.
E. Atrial branches of the left coronary artery.
202. A patient has anteroapical myocardial infarction caused by thrombosis of a vessel of heart. Which vessel is it?
A. Pericardiacophrenic artery.
B. Posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery.
C. Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
*D. Anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
E. Atrial branches of the left coronary artery.
203. During examination a patient has myocardial infarction of the anterior septum diagnosed. Blood circulation of
which vessel of heart is violated?
*A. Anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
B. Posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery.
C. Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
D. Atrial branches of the left coronary artery.
E. Pericardiacophrenic artery.
204. A patient has bleeding in the region of the upper lip. Which artery is damaged?
A. A. lingualis.
B. A. maxillaris.
*C. A. facialis.
D. A. temporalis superficialis.
E. A. angularis.
205. A patient has infarction of the posterior part of the intervetricular septum diagnosed. Blood circulation of which
vessel is violated?
*A. R. interventricularis posterior.
B. R. marginalis dexter.
C. R. atrialis intermedius
D. R. circumflexus.
E. R. marginalis sinister.
206. A woman appealed to a doctor with complaints of pain and edema of the lower extremity, veins swelling, and
varicose nodes formation on the medial surface of the thigh. Which vein is damaged?
A. Popliteal.
B. Small saphenous.
C. Femoral.
*D. Large saphenous.
E. Posterior tibial.
207. An 18-year-old man was admitted to a hospital after a car accident. In the traumathology center numerous traumas
of soft tissues of the face in the region of the medial angle of eye accompanied by profuse bleeding were detected.
What arterial anostomosis is formed in this region?
*A. A. carotis externa et a. carotis interna.
B. A. carotis externa et a. subclavia.
C. A. carotis interna et a. subclavia.
D. A. subclavia et a. ophthalmica.
E. A. carotis interna et a. ophthalmica.
@@Urogenital system
208. After resection of the middle third of a femoral artery, obstructed by a clot, a lower extremity is supplied with
blood due to collateral anastomoses. Which artery is the most important for bloodstream restoration?
A. External pudendal artery.
B. Superficial circumflex iliac artery.
C. Descending artery of knee joint.
D. Superficial epigastric artery.
*E. Deep artery of thigh.
209. A 52-year-old patient was admitted to a hospital with complaints of unbearable substernal pain, asphyxia.
Examination has shown myocardial infarction of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Which artery of heart is
*A. Anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
B. Posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery.
C. Right coronary artery.
D. Circumflex branch of the left coronary artery.
E. Pericardiacophrenic artery.
210. After a significant weight loss a 70-year-old man has dull pain in the loin. The diagnose is a floating kidney. In
which part of the kidney fixative apparatus have the changes taken place?
*A. Capsula adiposa.
B. Capsula fibrosa.
C. M. iliopsoas.
D. Lig. hepatorenalis.
E. M. quadratus lumborum.
211. An elderly man has complicated urination. Which part of urethra becomes narrower with age the most often?
A. Pars spongiosa.
B. Glandulae urethrales.
C. M. sphincter urethrae externum.
D. Pars membranacea.
*E. Pars prostatica.
212. Urography has shown calculi in the macroscopic parts of the kidney urinary tracts. It was detected that they are
located in:
*A. Minor and major renal calices, renal pelvis.
B. Gathering tubules, papillary ducts, minor renal calices.
C. Straight tubules, minor and major renal calices.
D. Papillary ducts, major renal calices, renal pelvis.
E. Papillary ducts, minor renal calices, straight tubules.
213. A woman of 58 has undergone complete hysterectomy and salpingooophorectomy, after which urinary excretions
stopped. Cystoscopy has shown that the bladder does not contain urine, urine does not flow from the openings of
ureters. Which part of the urinary excretion system is damaged?
A. Urethra.
*B. Ureter.
C. Vesica urinaria.
D. Pelvis renalis.
E. Ren.
214. A 40-year-old man had a urete¬ral calculus instrumentally removed,which was complicated by a rupture of the
ureter wall in the abdominal part. Where will urine get through the rupture in the ureter wall?
A. Omental bursa.
B. Hepatic bursa.
C. Peritoneal cavity.
*D. Retroperitoneal space.
E. Vertebral canal.
215. Du ring a urinary bladder catheterization an abrupt catheter introduction caused bleeding as a result of the trauma
of the urethral mucous tunic in the external sphincter muscle area. In which urethral area should the doctor be careful
and feel the resistance of soft tissues as the catheter passes through?
*A. In pars membranacea urethrae.
B. In fossa navicularis urethrae area.
C. In bulbus urethrae.
D. In pars spongiosa urethrae.
E. In past prostatica urethrae.
216. During a surgery on the small pelvis there was a need to perform an intraoperative uterine artery ligation. Which
one of the mentioned below may be accidentally ligated together with it?
A. Urethra.
B. Uterine tube.
C. Round ligament of uterus.
D. Internal iliac vein.
*E. Ureter.
217. Ultrasonic examination of a young man of 19 has shown nephroptosis. At which vertebrae level is the kidneys'
normal position?
B. TIX -Tx.
C. LIV - Lv
E. T1X - TXII.
218. A woman of 25 has been hospitalized for an ovary tumor surgery. During the operation a ligament connecting the
ovary with the uterus is to be dissected. Which one?
*A. Lig. ovarii proprium.
B. Lig. cardinale.
C. Lig. latum uteri.
D. Lig. suspensorium ovarii.
E. Lig. umbilicale laterale.
219. A man of 35 complains of pain and swelling of the right testicle. Examination has shown a tumor, the surgery of
which requires dissection of testicle tunics. Which tunic will be dissected the last before tunica albuginea?
A. Tunica dartos.
B. Tunica spermatica externa.
*C. Tunica vaginalis testis
D. Tunica spermatica interna.
E. Cutis orchis.
220. A male patient, 65, complains of urination disorder. Examination has shown prostatic hypertrophy. Enlargement
of what parts of prostate may cause these disturbances?
A. Right lobe.
*B. Isthmus (middle lobe).
C. Left lobe.
D. Capsule.
E. Prostatic ducts.
221. A boy was diagnosed a scrotal hernia. The underdevelopment of which testicular membrane caused the hernia?
A. Fascia spermatica interna.
B. Fascia spermatica externa.
*C. Tunica vaginalis testis.
D. Fascia cremasterica.
E. Tunica dartos.
222. During a gynecologic examination a patient has endometritis (inflammation of endometrium) diagnosed. Which
membrane of uterine wall is affected by the inflammatory process?
*A. Mucous tunic.
B. Serous tunic.
C. Muscular tunic.
D. Adventitious membrane.
E. Parametrium.
223. A patient is diagnosed with scrotal hydrocele - an increase of fluid quantity in serous sac. Between which
testicular tunics is the pathologic content located?
*A. Between parietal and visceral layers of vaginal tunic.
B. Between skin and dartos muscle.
C. Between internal spermatic fascia and vaginal tunic.
D. Between dartos muscle and internal spermatic fascia.
E. Between skin and cremaster muscle.
224. A surgeon has detected scrotal hydrocele of a patient. Between the layers of which testicular tunic has the fluid
A. Dartos muscle.
B. Tunica albuginea.
*C. Serous (vaginal tunic).
D. Spermatica externa.
E. Spermatica interna.
225. A patient has left-side varicocele. Blood outflow disorder has taken place in:
*A. V. testicularis sinistra.
B. V. testicularis dextra.
C. V. renal is sinistra.
D. V. renal is dextra.
E. V. ovarica.
226. A 28-year-old woman was admitted to a gynecology department with complaints of pain in the abdominal region.
An ovary tumor was clinically detected and prescribed to be removed. During the operation a ligament connecting the
ovary with the uterus is to be dissected. Which ligament is it?
*A. Lig. ovarii proprium.
B. Lig. latum uteri.
C. Lig. cardinale.
D. Lig. umbilicalis lateralis.
E. Lig. suspensorium ovarii.
227. A man complains of frequent and complicated urination. Which internal genital organ pathology caused this?
A. Testicle.
*B. Prostate.
C. Bulbourethral glands.
D. Epididymis.
E. Seminal vesicles.
@@Lymphatic system
228. An 18-year-old youth was admitted to a hospital with the signs of internal bleeding. While playing football he was
hit in the left hypochondrium region. Damage of which of the organs, projected into this region, may cause profuse
A. Left flexure of colon.
B. Tail of pancreas.
C. Fundus of stomach.
D. Left kidney.
*E. Spleen.
229. Children frequently have nasal breathing affection caused by the overgrowth of the pharyngeal mucous membrane
lymphoid tissue. Which tonsils excrescence may cause this?
A. Palatine.
*B. Pharyngeal.
C. Lingual.
D. Tubal.
E. All mentioned.
230. A patient has a malignant swelling in the abdominal part of the esophagus. Which group of lymph nodes is
regional for this part of esophagus?
*A. Anulus lymphaticus cardiacae.
B. Nodi paratracheales.
C. Nodi prevertebrales.
D. Nodi perecardiales laterales.
E. Nodi mediastinales posteriores.
231. Occlusive syndrome develops in case of liquor tracts blockade on thelevel of the middle and lateral ventricle
apertures. Into which space is liquor outflow complicated?
A. Third ventricle.
B. Lateral ventricles.
C. Aqueduct of cerebrum.
*D. Subarachnoid space.
E. Fourth ventricle.
232. A 10-year-old child complains of nasal breathing affection. Examination has shown that the cause of this is
lymphoid tissue hypertrophy. Which tonsil is increased?
A. Left tubal tonsil.
B. Palatine.
*C. Pharyngeal.
D. Lingual.
E. Right tubal tonsil.
233. Some children have mouth breath prevailing because of lymphoid tissue overgrowth. Which structures overgrowth
causes this?
A. Lingual tonsil.
B. Palatine tonsil.
*C. Pharyngeal tonsil.
D. Tubal tonsil.
E. Lymph nodes.
234. Mouth breath prevailing of a 7-year-old child is observed. A doctor diagnoses lymphoid tissue overgrowth.Which
structures overgrowth causes this?
A. Palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.
B. Lingual and pharyngeal tonsils.
C. Lymph nodes.
D. Lingual and palatine tonsils.
*E. Pharyngeal and tubal tonsils.
235. A patient with a thymus tumor has cyanosis, extension of subcutaneous venous network, edema of soft tissues of
the face, neck, upper half of the body, upper limbs. Which venous trunk is blocked?
*A. Superior vena cava.
B. External jugular vein.
C. Subclavian vein.
D. Internal jugular vein.
E. Anterior jugular vein.
236. According to the results of diagnostic tests, a doctor decided to do lymphography of thoracic cavity organs of a 40
-year-old patient. The doctor detected that the swelling affected the organ, from lymphoid vessels of which the lymph
gets directly into the thoracic duct. Which organ is damaged?
*A. Esophagus.
B. Trachea.
C. Left principal bronchus.
D. Heart.
E. Pericardium.
@@Endocrine glands
237. A 30-year-old patient complains of thirst and dry mouth which appeared after severe neurasthenia. Laboratory
examination has shown blood sugar in¬crease up to 10 millimoles per litre. Which endocrine gland is affected?
*A. Pancreas gland.
B. Thyroid gland.
C. Sexual gland.
D. Adrenal gland.
E. Epiphysis.
238. A patient with external respiration dysfunctions needs tracheotomy. At the level of which cartilaginous tracheal
retractions is the isthmus of thyroid localized the most often?
A. I - II.
B. Ill - IV.
*C. II - IV.
D. IV-V.
E. V-VI.
239. A 27-year-old patient has enlarged hands, feet, and lower jaw. Besides, deformation of articulations,spine, and
hormonal disorders have been observed. Which gland is damaged?
A. Parathyroid.
B. Adrenal.
C. Pineal body.
D. Thyroid.
*E. Adenohypophysis.
240. A patient is very tall, has long thick fingers, big lower jaw and loppy lower lip. The increased secretion of which
hormone and gland can be suspected?
*A. Somatotropin of adenohypophysis.
B. Gonadotropin of adenohypophysis.
C. Antidiuretic hormone of neurohypophysis.
D. Thyroid hormones.
E. Glucocorticoids of adrenal glands.
241. A 10-year-old girl has the signs of precocious puberty. Which endocrine gland function decline might have caused
A. Thyroid gland.
*B. Epiphysis.
C. Parathyroid glands.
D. Thymus.
E. Medullary substance of adrenal glands.
DATABASE 2005-2006
(All corr ect answers are A)
Art hrology
After pelvic injury it was revealed necrosis of the femoral head by X-ray examination. Which ligament of
the hip joint had been damaged?
A. ligament of the head of femur
B. iliofemoral ligament
C. pubofemoral ligament
D. ischiofemoral ligament
E. orbicular zone of the hip joint
After the knee injury it is possible to move leg forward and backward at right angles like a drawer. Which
ligaments are broken?
A. Cruciate ligament of knee
B. Oblique and arcuate popliteal ligament
C. Transverse ligament of knee
D. Tibial collateral ligament, lateral retinaculum of patella
E. Tibial and fibular collateral ligaments of the leg
The victim in a car accident has a dislocation of the shoulder joint. Which ligaments are
A. coracobrachialis ligament
B.the long head of biceps brachii m.
C. coracoacromial ligament
D. coracoclavicular ligament
E. transverse ligament of scapula
On the X -ray of the pelvis it was observed that all three parts of the pelvic bone coincide with cartilage
location which is invisible on the X -ray. What is the patient's age?
A. Less then 16 years
B. Up to 36 years
C. Up to 46 years
D. Up to 40 years
E. Up to 50 years
The patient with diabetes mellitus has wet gangrene of the foot. He was appointed an amputation in the area of
transverse tarsal joint (Chopart joint). Which ligament a surgeon have to cross for the exarticulation in this joint?
A. bifurcate lig.
B. cuneocuboideum dorsal lig.
C. latera talocalcaneum lig.
D. mediale lig.
E. talocalcaneum interosseum lig
The X-ray revealed that the patient had a herniated disc of the thoracic spine. What kind of connection
between the vertebrae has pathological changes?
A. sinchondrosis
B. diarthrosis
C. sinsarkosis,
D. hemiartrosis,
E. sinostosis
Obstetrician has determined the size of the pelvis of pregnant women 29 years old. It was measured the
distance between upper anterior iliac spines using a caliper. What size of a large pelvis was defined?
A. Distantia spinarum
B. Distantia cristarum
C. Distantia trochanterica
D. Conjugata vera
E. Conjugata anatomica
Respir ator y system
Patient has frontal sinusitis. From a medical story we know that he had inflammation of the maxillary sinus.
Which part of nasal cavity is a tract for penetrate infection into the frontal sinus?
A. from the middle nasal meatus
B. from the upper nasal meatus
C. from the lower nasal meatus
D. from the vestibule of the nasal cavity
E. from the ethmoid and sphenoid recesses
Child 3 years old admitted to hospital with a foreign body in the bronchus. What bronchus likely got a foreign
body. Which of bronchus probably have a foreign body?
A. In the right primary bronchus
B. In the left primary bronchus
C. In the right segmental bronchus
D. In the left segmental bronchus
E. In lobular bronchus
The patient of T.B. prophylactic centre was diagnosed a tumor in the right lung using X-ray examination.
During surgery, the surgeon removed the middle lobe of right lung, which includes:
A. Segments lateral and medial
B. Segments basal anterior and posterior
C. Segments anterior and apical
D. Segments lingual superior and inferior
E. Segments apical (superior) and basal medial
Patient B. 44 year old entered the therapeutics department with a right-sided pleural effusion. Examination of
the patient confirmed the fluid presence in the pleural cavity. Which sinus has maximum number of fluid?
A. Right costo-diaphragmatic
B. Right costo -mediastinal
C. Left diaphragmatico-mediastinal
D. Left costo -mediastinal
E. Right diaphragmatico-mediastinal
Child 5 years old was admitted to the infectious department of the hospital in poor condition with a diagnosis
of diphtheria. Child was performed tracheotomy to prevent suffocation. What triangle of the neck has been operated?
A. omotracheal trigon
B. carotic trigon
C. omoclavicular trigon
D. submandibular trigon
E. omotrapezoid trigon
Child 10 years old is complain of heavy breathing through the nose. During examination it was revealed the
course of this condition (persistent lymphoid hyperplasia). Which tonsil is enlarged?
A. pharyngeal
B. palatine
C. left tubular tonsil
D. lingual
E. right tubular tonsil
Otolaryngologist determined nonclosing of patient's vocal cords during phonation by visual examination.
Glottis takes the form of an oval. Which patient's muscle does not function?
A. vocalis
B. cricoarytenoid lateral
C. cricoarytenoid posterior
D. thyroarytenoid
E. aryttenoid transverse
By X-ray it was identified darkening in the right maxillary sinus, that indicates the presence of pus. Which
nasal tract will be discharged pathological fluid?
A. In the right middle nasal meatus
B. In the lower right nasal meatus
C. In the upper right nasal meatus
D. In general right nasal meatus
E. In the upper left nasal meatus
Patient has an inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. In what part of the nasal cavity the pus is spread into ?
A. superior nasal meatus
B. common nasal meatus
C. medial nasal meatus
D. inferior nasal meatus
Joiner accidentally inhaled a spherical object about 0.5 cm in diameter, that caused a strong cough. Which part
of respiratory tract was irritated?
A. The larynx above the vocal cords
B. Larynx below the vocal cords
C. Trachea
D. The right main bronchus
E. The left main bronchus.
The patient was hospitalized for correcting nasal septum deviation. What bones are subjects for correction?
A. perpendicular plate of palatine bone, vomer
B. vertical plate of palatine bone , vomer
C. perpendicular plate of palatine bone, inferior nasal concha
D. nasal bone, vertical plate of palatine bone
E. horizontal plate of palatine bone, vomer
Patient 18 years old, went to the hospital with complaints of noise and pain in the ear. Objectively - acute
respiratory disease, rhinitis. Through what opening an infection spread into the tympanic cavity?
A. pharyngeal opening of auditive tube
B. tympanic opening of auditive tube
C. choanae
D. pharynx
E. laryngeal opening
During the lung examination doctor bronchoscoped one of the lobar bronchi and found that it is divided into
two segmental bronchus. What lobe was manipulated by the physician?
A. the middle lobe of the right lung
B. the upper lobe of the right lung
C. the lower lobe of the right lung
D. the upper lobe of the left lung
E. the lower lobe of the left lung
During examination of the patient 67 year old it was revealed a tumor middle lobe of right lung on the X-ray.
Which segments are located in this lobe?
A. Medial , lateral
B. upper lingual, lower lingual
C. anterior basal, posterior basal
D. apical, anterior
E. apical posterior, anterior
During the operation, the patient was removed a part of the lung that is ventilated by the bronchus of third
generation that is accompanied by pulmonary artery and other vessels. What part of the lung was removed?
A. Segment of the lung
B. The middle lobe
C. Lower lobe
D. Upper lobe
E. Pulmonary lobule
. Patient 45 years old, admitted to hospital with complaints of fever, pain associated with breathe, choking and
coughing. After the laboratory and X-ray examination it was diagnosed the pleurisy. For exudate evacuation was
appointed pleural puncture. Where is the largest number of exudate in the pleural cavity?
A. Costo-phrenic sinus
B. Diaphragmatico-mediastinal sinus
C. Costo-mediastinal sinus
D. The cervical pleura
E. Root of lungs.
The child breathed a button. Where does it probably fall into?
A. The right main bronchus
B. The left main bronchus
C. Trachea
D. Larynx
E. Esophagus
After the deliverance from blockage, the victim was observed the disorder of the mind, a lot of subcutaneous
hemorrhage in the head and neck, small wounds on his face.
There was a "scalping" type of wound and sharp contour deformation of upper part of the head. What bones can be
A. Parietal and occipital bone
B. Sphenoid bone and the lower jaw
C. Frontal and nasal bones
D. Temporal bone and upper jaw
E. Zygomatic bone and lacrimal bone
After eye injury begun the suppuration of orbital soft tissues . Through what anatomical formation of pus may
spread into the middle cranial fossa?
A. Through the upper orbital fissure
B. Through the anterior ethmoidal foramen
C. Through the posterior ethmoidal foramen
D. Through the lower orbital fissure
E. Through the rotundum foramen
Due to a pituitary tumor, on radiographs it was revealed destruction and fossa enlargement of the sella turcica.
Which bone cavity was damaged?
A. Sphenoid sinus
B. Carotid channel
C. Optic canal
D. Tympanic cavity
E. Facial canal
The victim has an injury of soft tissues and parietal bones in the area of the sagittal suture, that is accompanied
by heavy bleeding. What structure is possibly damaged?
A. superior sagittal sinus
B. superior petrosal sinus
C. rectus sinus
D. inferior sagittal sinus
E. transvers sinus
During surgery, the doctor manipulates the medial wall of the tympanic cavity. Which canal of the temporal
bone may be destroyed?
A. facial
B. musculo-tubular
C. tympanic
D. chorda tympani
E. carotid
After craniocerebral injury it was revealed a fracture of the skull base by X-ray examination. Fracture line
passes through the spinosum and rotundum foramen. What bone is damaged?
A. sphenoid
B. temporal
C. ethmoid
D. frontal
E. occipital
During the examination of the patient by ENT doctorit was diagnosed inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
Where was revealed the pus during rhinoscopy?
A. medium nasal meatus
B. upper nasal meatus
C. lower nasal meatus
D. common nasal meatus
E. the highest nasal meatus
A child was diagnosed a fracture of the skull base, bulbar disorders was dominated . Which part of cranial
fossa is fractured?
A. posterior
B. anterior
C. media
D. temporal
E. infratemporal
Due to head injury, the victim was revealed the damage of the right process of occipital bone. What part of the
occipital bone is damaged?
A. lateral
B. squama
C. basic
D. jugular process
E. foramen magnum
The patient is observed asymmetry of the face, especially when trying to contract the muscles of the face
actively. What nerve is damaged?
A. Facial (motor part)
B. Trigeminal - I branch
C. Trigeminal - II branch
D. Trigeminal - III branch
E. Hypoglossal
The child has the cleft upper lip ("hare lip") and the anterior part of the sky ("cleft palate"). What processes are
not grow together ?
A. Nasal, palatine
B. Maxillary, frontal
C. Palatine, mandibular
D. Mandibular, nasal
E. Nasal, frontal
The patient was radiologically diagnosed a humerus fracture at tha area of intertubercular furrow. What
muscle tendon may be injured first of all by bone fragment?
A. Biceps
B. Deltoid muscle
C. Teres major muscle
D. Latissimus dorsi
E. Pectoralis major muscle
The victim has stab wound of the posterior lower wall of the axilla. What muscles were damaged?
A. Latissimus dorsi
B. Triceps muscle
C. Pectoralis major muscle
D. Deltoid
E. Infraspinatus muscle
Little finger panaritium become complicated by phlegmon of hand and forearm. Purulent process spread out:
A. Vagina synovialis communis mm.flexorum
B. Vagina tendinis m.flexor pollicis longi
C. Canalis carpalis
D. Vagina tendinis m.flexor carpi radialis
E. Interfascial compartment
The patient complained of pain in the left inguinal region. During the examination it was diagnosed a femoral
hernia. Walls of the femoral channel are:
A. Superficial and deep layers of fascia lata, femoral vien
B. Superficial and deep layers of fascia lata, femoral artery
C. Inguinal ligament, superficial and deep layers of fascia lata
D. Deep layer of fascia lata, femoral vien, inguinal ligament
E. Inguinal ligament, femoral vien, superficial layers of fascia lata
During the physical examination it was determine a significant difference between the roundness of right and
left hips. Roundness of the right hip is smaller than the left one, on the right side there is no knee-jerk reaction. What
muscle was atrophied?
A. quadriceps
B. triceps
C. ilio-femoral
D. great adductor muscle
E. tailor's muscle
The patient went to a doctor because of soft tissue injuries of the proximal phalanx with a large palm
phlegmon. Pus filled up common synovial sheath flexor tendons in which are superficial and deep digital flexor. On
what finger proximal phalanx was damage?
A. On the V finger
B. On the II finger
C. On the III finger
D. On the IV finger
E. On the I finger
The neck triangle was limited by sternocleidomastoid muscle on the backside, posterior belly of digastric
muscle from above, superior belly of omohyoid muscle in front. What is the name this triangle?
A. Carotid
B. Omo-tracheal.
C. Submandibular
D. Omo-clavicular,
E. Omo-trapezoid
Due to the presence of a malignant tumor on the tongue, the patient should be removed it. Where is easy to
find the lingual artery and ligate it?
A. In the Pirogov's triangle
B. In the carotid triangle
C. In the omo-subclavian triangle
D. In the omo- trapezoid triangle
E. In the omo-tracheal triangle
Due to work injury a male 45 year old damaged the back area of the left elbow joint. OBJECTIVE: it's
difficult to extend a forearm. What muscles are probably damaged?
A. triceps brachii, m anconeus
B. brachioradialis, m. anconeus
C. biceps brachii
D. biceps brachii, m. anconeus
E. triceps brachii
The patient has an oblique inguinal hernia. Where is its gates?
A. Laterally from the inferior epigastric artery
B. In fossa supracystic.
C. In femoral fossa
D. Medially from the inferior epigastric artery
E. In muscular lacuna
The patient cannot abduct upper extremity from the trunk. What muscle does not function good?
A. deltoid
B. teres major muscle
C. infraspinatus muscle
D. teres minor muscle
E. latissimus dorsi
When the 15-year-old student does physical exercise, he suddenly feels pain in the hip joint during rotation of
the lower limb inside. What muscle is damaged?
A. gluteal medium muscle
B. piriform muscle
C. obturator internus muscle
D. obturator externus muscle
E. quadriceps
30-year-old man came to see the dentist with a complaining of the mastication disorder. . The pain appeared
when the jaw moved backward. Doctor diagnose the inflammation one of the masticatory muscle. What muscle is it?
A. Temporal (posterior fibers)
B. Temporal (anterior fibers)
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Lateral pterygoid
E. Masticatory muscle
The patient cannot move his fingers outward. What muscle does not function good?
A. Dorsal interosseous,
B. lumbrical muscles
C. Palmar interosseous,
D. Superficial flexor digitorum,
E. Deep flexor digitorum.(21)
The mother asked to the pediatrician about the fact that the head of her 1 year old child is turned to the left.
What neck muscle is underdeveloped?
A. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
B. Subcutaneous muscle
C. Digastric
D. Longus colli
E. Stylohyoid muscle
The patient has a deep transverse tibia damage of the lower third of the back surface. The dorsal surface of the
foot is moved upwards. What ligament is damaged?
A. Achilles
B. Flexor digitorum longus
C. Long peroneus longus
D. Extensor digitorum longus
E. The posterior tibial muscle
Male 26 year old injured the upper third of the arm during working. It wasn't revealed the bone damage
during examination in the emergency room .There is no active extension of the forearm. What muscle is probably
A. Triceps brachii
B. Teres pronator muscle
C. Coracobrachial muscle
D. Biceps
E. Articular muscle of elbow
During the examination it was revealed that patient cannot put his lips together like a tube, cannot whistle,
while laughing the corners of the mouth do not rise up, it's observed transverse smile. Patient suffers for myopathy that
is a hereditary disease with muscle dystrophiy. What muscle is atrophied?
A. Orbicularis oris muscle
B. Zygomatic major muscle
C. Cervical muscles
D. Risorius muscle
E. Masticatory muscle
The patient 18 years old who recovered from quinsy was complaining of health deterioration. During the
examination it was revealed an abscess of the pharynx. What space of the neck must be penetrated by the surgeon
during dissection of the abscess?
A. Retrovisceral space
B. Previscerale space
C. Interaponeurotical space
D. Suprasternal space
E. Pretracheal space
Scapular spine of the patient is protruding. What muscles have atrophied?
A. Supraspinatus, infraspinatus
B. Supraspinatus, elevator muscle of scapula
C. Infraspinatus, omohyoid muscle
D. Subscapularis, teres major muscle
E. Deltoid, teres minor muscle
During the examination the physician noted the asymmetry of patient's face. The patient cannot wrinkled his
brow, raise eyebrows, whistle, close the eyes completely, baring his teeth. What muscles do not function?
A. Mimic
B. Masticatory
C. Calvarial
D. Subcutaneous
E. Suprahyoid
Patient 26 years old fell and injured palmar surface of the hand. The deep wound of the medial side of the left
hand with a muscle injury was revealed during the examination. The patient cannot do adduction and flexion of the
little finger. What muscles are probably damaged?
A. flexor pollicis brevis, m. lumbricalis
B. abductor pollicis brevis, m. opponens policis
C. opponens policis, m. adductor policis
D. palmaris brevis, m. abductor digiti minimi
E. palmaris longus, m. opponens policis
Patient 28 years old cut the front surface of the forearm 2 cm below the elbow, he is not able to rotate the hand
inside. What muscle isn't function?
A. pronator teres
B. flexor pollicis longus
C. pronator quadratus
D. flexor digitorum profundus
E. supinator
A man 29 years old was delivered to the surgical clinic with a lacerated wound of right ischial area. The
examination revealed a deep wound with muscle injury. When the patient lie on his stomach, he cannot raise his right
leg, so the hip extension is difficult. What muscle isn't function?
A. gluteus maximus m.
B. tibialis anterior m.
C. quadriceps femoris m.
D. triceps surae m.
E. peroneus longus m.
Child 7 years old cannot do shoulder abduction and raise it to a horizontal level, hand-to-face abduction is
only by backside, with some shoulder abduction (the hand of "trumpeter"). What muscle doesn't work?
A. Deltoid
B. Infraspinatus
C. Pectoralis major
D. Teres minor
E. Teres major
The patient complained of impossibility do adduction and abduction of fingers to the 3 finger in the
metacarpophalangeal joint.. Which muscle function is affected?
A. Intercostal muscles
B. Lumbrical muscles
C. Short flexor muscle of fingers
D. Long flexor muscle of fingers
E. Extensor muscle
During the active chin-ups doing a male felt a sharp pain in the back muscles. During examination there was
a pain when he tried to raise up the limb, to do pronation or abduction. Which muscle function is affected?
A. latissimus dorsi m.
B. levator scapulae m.
C. romboideus major m.
D. trapezius m.
E. subscapularis m.
The patient has a dislocated shoulder joint with displacement of the humeral head anteriorly and upward. What
muscle ligament is probably damaged?
A. Long head of biceps
B. Short head of the biceps
C. Long head of the triceps
D. Deltoid
E. Coracobrachialis
The victim has a gunshot wound of the axilla's front wall. What muscles can be damaged?
A. Major and minor pectoral muscles
B. Deltoid and coracobrachial muscles
C. Biceps and brachial muscles
D. Serratus anterior and subscapularis muscles
E .Major and minor teres muscles
The athlete has rupture of Achilles tendon. What muscle is damaged?
A. Triceps surae
B. Tibialis anterior
C. Posterior tibial
D. Long fibula
E. Flexor digitorum longus
An athlete has pain along the sciatic nerve due to compression of its muscle, which passes through the greater
sciatic foramen. What muscle was injured during exercise?
A. Piriform m.
B. Internal obturator m.
C. Psoas m.
D. Iliac m.
E. External obturator m.
In the casualty department entered a man 35 years old with a injure of the left hand. During the examination it
was revealed the cut of palmar surface on the left hand, the middle phalanges II - V fingers do not flex. What muscles
are damaged?
A. Superficial flexor of fingers
B. Deep flexor of fingers
C. Lumbrical muscles
D. Palmar interosseous muscles
E. Dorsal interosseous muscle
In emergency station entered a man 39 years old with left wrist injury. During the examination it was revealed
the cut wound at the area of thumb elevation, the proximal phalanx of the thumb is not flex. What muscle is damaged?
A. Short flexor of the thumb
B. Long flexor of the thumb
C. Short abductor of the thumb
D. Muscle that contrasts thumb
E. Adductor muscle of the thumb
The muscle which belong to the surae front group of muscles has been damaged due to fracture of the tibia.
What muscle may be damaged?
A. long extensor muscle of great toe
B. long flexor muscle of toes
C. long peroneal muscle
D. soleus muscle
E. long extensor muscle of toes
The patient complains of pain during movement in the left side of the neck. Best position in which the patient
does not feel pain is when neck tilts to the left at the same time the head lifts and the face turns in the opposite side.
What muscle may be damaged?
A. sternocleidomastoid m. on the left side
B. sternocleidomastoideus m. on the right side
C. trapezius m. on the left side
D. trapezius m. on the right side
E. sternohyoid m.
After a shoulder injury in the area greater tuberosity of the humerus the patient can not rotate the arm outward.
What muscles are injured?
A. infraspinatus m. and teres minor m.
B. supraspinatus m. and teres major m.
C. subscapularis m. and coracobrachialis m.
D. deltoid m. and supraspinatus m.
E. teres major m. and teres minor m.
Basketball player complains of pain above the heel, which is increases during walking. Where is the damage(
the muscle)?
A. triceps surae m.
B. tibialis posterior m.
C. flexor digitorum longus m.
D. fibularis longus m.
E. fibularis brevis m.
Urogenital syst em
The newborn has a urine from the navel during urinating . What is a cause of this phenomenon?
A. non-closed urachus
B. non-closed bile duct
C. incomplete fistula
D. ectopia ureteric orifice
E. cystic diverticulum
At cystoscopy, bladder mucosa forms the folds with the exception of one area triangular form. Mucosa in this
place is smooth. Where is this triangular is located?
A. The bottom of the bladder
B. The bladder neck
C. The top of the bladder
D. The body of the bladder
E. The isthmus of the bladder
Female 25 years old was admitted to the gynecology department in order to carry out the surgery for ovarian
cancer. During operation it is necessary to cut the ligament that connects the ovary and the uterus. What ligament is this
A. ovar propr um lig.
B. card nal lig.
C. latum uter lig.
D. suspensor um ovar lig.
E. umb l cale laterale lig.
After significant weight loss man 70 year old has dull pain in the lumbar area. During the examination it was
diagnosed the "floating kidney." What part of the kidney fixing apparatus has been damaged?
A. Capsula ad posa
B. Capsula f brosa
C. l opsoas m.
D. hepatorenal lig.
E. quadratus lumborum m.
Woman 58 year old have completely removed the uterus and the uterine appendages, whereupon the urination
stopped. Cystoscopy: no urine at the bladder, does not flow the urine from ureters. Which department of the urinary
system was damaged?
A. Ureter
B. Pelv s renal s
C. Uretra
D. Ves ca ur nar a
E. Kidney
During the examination of a newborn boy it wasn't found the testicle in the right half of scrotum. What kind of
maldevelopment is it?
A. monorchism
B. hermaphroditism
C. cryptorchidism
D. hypospadias
E. epispadias
The patient has hydrocele.
In which testicle membrane the process is localized?
A. Tunica vaginalis
B. Dartos muscle
C. External spermatic fascia
D. Internal spermatic fascia
E. Scrotal skin
Male 75 year old entered to the urology department. He complains of severe abdominal pain, anuria , inability
to urinate by himself . After the examination the urologist diagnosed the adenoma of the prostate. The bladder
catheterisation should be performed. How the catheter passes through the urethra ?
A. spongious , membranous , prostate
B. spongious , membranous
C. membranous
D. prostate
E. prostate , spongious
Woman was admit to the hospital with symptoms of acute abdomen. During the examination it was suspected
of ectopic pregnancy. Which anatomic structures of the pelvis is necessary to punctured in order to confirm the
A. Excavat o rectouter na
B. Excavat o ves couter na
C. Excavat o rectoves cal s
D. Fossa sch orectal s
E. Processus vag nal s per tone
Patient 65 year old has applied to the clinic with painful urination. The examination revealed the hypertrophy
of the prostate. What part of the prostate gland was enlarged and caused that disorder?
A. Isthmus (average share)
B. Right lobe
C. The left lobe
D. Prostate capsule
E. Ducts of the prostate gland
What can be a landmark in order to find an ureteral orifice during an internal examination of bladder?
A. Tr gonum ves cae
B. Apex ves cae
C. Corpus ves cae
D. Urachus
E. Cerv x ves cae
70 years old man was examined by palpation through the front wall of the rectum to clarify the diagnosis.
What organs are adjacent to this wall?
A. Bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, deferent ducts
B. Urethra, bulbourethral gland, bladder, prostate
C. Bladder, urethra, deferent ducts, seminal vesicles
D. Ureters, prostate, bladder, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral gland
E. Bladder, urethra, prostate, bulbourethral gland
The boy has a scrotocele. Which one of testicle shells is the cause of this hernia?
A. Tun ca vag nal s test s
B. Fasc a spermat ca externa
C. Fasc a spermat ca nterna
D. Fasc a cremaster c
E. Tun ca dartos
Puncture bladder through the front abdominal wall without touching the peritoneum, may be performed:
A. With a full bladder,
B. With an empty bladder,
C. Only for males
D. Only for women
E. Only for children
During the parturition the woman suffered from the tear of the perineum tissues . To eliminate this disease it
should be well to sew the tissues that include muscle too. What muscle of the perineum should be sewed?
A. Superficial transverse perineal muscle
B. Muscle lifting the anus
C. External sphincter of the anus
D. Ischio-cavernouse muscle
E. Bulbo-cavernouse muscle
The patient complains of severe pain in the left side of the lumbar region and colic during the urinating. On
examination he was diagnosed with renal stone disease. Determine the most probable location of stone
A. Pelvis
B. Pelvis, cortex
C. Small cups, medulla
D. Pelvis, medulla
E. Cortex, pyramid
A woman in childbirth has a pathologically narrow pelvis and she was carried out a caesarean section. Which
layers of the uterine wall the surgeon must to dissect ?
A. Visceral layer of the peritoneum, muscle and mucous membranes
B. Parietal layer of the peritoneum, muscle and mucous membranes
C. Visceral layer of the peritoneum, parauterine adipose tissue, adventitia
D. Parietal and visceral peritoneum sheets, parauterine adipose tissue, muscle membrane
E. Visceral layer of the peritoneum, muscle, parauterine adipose tissue
During gynecological surgery for hysterectomy, the surgeon must to tie uterine artery, which runs between the
layers of wide ligament of uteri. What organ can be damaged during this manipulation?
A. Ureter
B. Bladder
C. Fallopian tubes
D. Rectum
E. Ovary
In the eyeshot of the cystoscope there is a smooth mucosal surface without folds. What part of the urinary
bladder is in the eyeshot?
A. cystic triangle
B. wall
C. body
D. neck
E. bottom
In the gynecology department the woman was admited with signs of internal bleeding and it was suspected to
ectopic pregnancy. In which of these formations the blood is probably accumulation ?
A. Exavat o recto-uter na
B. Exavat o ves co-uter na
C. Fossa sch o-anal s
D. Fossa paraves cal s
E. Fossa ovar ca
Urolithiasis complicated by the exit a stone from the kidney . Where it may get stuck at the ureter?
A. At the boundary of the abdominal and pelvic parts
B. In the pelvis
C. In the middle of the abdominal part
D. 2 cm above the flow into bladder
E. 5 cm above the pelvic region
Patient 65 years old, was operated on due to a tumor of the ureter. During surgery, it was found that the tumor
has grown into the wall of the small intestine. What part of the urinary tract was damaged by tumor?
A. Abdominal ureter
B. Pelvic ureter
C. Intramural ureter
D. The renal pelvis
E. Large cups
During the examination of the external genitalia of a newborn boy it was found a gap of the urethra, which
opens on the underside of the penis. What kind of malformations is it?
A. hypospadias
B. hermaphroditism
C. epispadias
D. monorchism
E. cryptorchidism
During vaginal examination of female the gynecologist examines the front vaginal vault. What are the
anatomical structures that forms it?
A. Cervix and the anterior vaginal wall
B. The anterior and posterior walls of the vagina
C. Cervix and the posterior wall of the vagina
D. Anterior and posterior lips of the cervix
E. Body of the uterus and anterior vaginal wall
During the examination of the external genitalia of the boy it was found a full closure of the urethra from
above. The urethra is opened at the bottom like a small gap. What kind of malformations of the external genitalia is
observed in this case?
A. hypospadias
B. epispadias
C. phimosis
D. hermaphroditism
E. paraphimosis
A newborn baby's pediatrician found that the hole of the foreskin in magnitude less than the diameter of the
urethra and the glans penis cannot go through this hole. What kind of malformations of the external genitalia is
observed in this case?
A. phimosis
B. epispadias
C. hypospadias
D. paraphimosis
E. hermaphroditism
The fracture of the left ankle joint is detected on the internal surface Where probably the fracture is ?
A. Medial bone
B. The lower third of the fibula
C. Tarsal bones
D. Lateral bone
E. Calcaneus
In the traumatological department the 10 year-old boy has entered with the right hip injury. The radiographs
revealedtat there is no fracture of the femur, but there are dark periods at its proximal and distal ends. What's this?
A. Metaphysis (cartilage)
B. Epiphysis
C. Diaphysis
D. Articular cartilage
E. Apophisis
As a result of incidence a man 70 year old broke his femur. Where is probably the fracture is located?
A. the neck
B. the middle.
C. the upper third
D. the lower third
E. the processes
On radiographs the newborn's pelvic bone has three separated bones that are connected by cartilages at the site
of the acetabulum. What bone is it ?
A. Ilium, pubis, ischium
B. Pubic, sciatic, femoral
C. Sciatic, femoral, sacral
D. Ilium, sacrum, coccyx
E. Sacral, pubic, coccyx
As a result of hit into the bottom corner of the scapula a man has fractured ribs. Which ribs are damaged?
The child has a fracture of the humerus. Broken arm began to lag behind in growth. What part of the bone has
been damaged?
A. metaphysis
B. epiphysis
C. diaphysis
D. apophisis
E. medullary canal
To establish the boundary between the cervical and thoracic spine, the doctor had to find the process of VII
cervical vertebra by palpation . What process is this?
A. Spinouse
B. Transverse
C. Superior articular
D. Inferior articular
E. Mastoid
Cranial nerves
A patient has no sense of taste at the front area of the tongue and lacrimation due to dislocation of the
mandible. What nerve is irritated?
A. Facial
B. Hypoglossal
C. Mandibular
D. Vagus
E. Tympanic
Male 45 year old is complaining of the loss of sensation in the back third of the tongue. What pair of cranial
nerves does function bad?
D. V
When the patient's tongue is moving forward its tip is deviating to the left. What cranial nerve does not
execute its motor innervation?
A. right hypoglossal nerve
B. right glossopharyngeal nerve
C. right vagus nerve
D. left tr gem nal nerve
E. left fac al nerve
As a result of skull injury with damage of the upper wall of the right eye hole the victim isn't unable to lift the
upper eyelid of the right eye and look upward. What nerve is probably damaged?
A. super or branch of oculumotor nerve
B. nfer or branch of oculumotor nerve
C. trochlear nerve
D. abducent nerve
E. ophthalm c nerve
Аpatient has an aneurysm of the right subclavian artery. It is observed a hoarse voice. What nerve is irritated?
A. lar ngeal reccurens right n.
B. lar ngeal super or right n.
C. lar ngeal reccurens left n.
D. lar ngeal super or left n.
E. lar ngeal nfer or left n.
A patient appealed to the neurological department. Smoothness of frontal folds, inability to squint eyes, a
corner of the mouth was omitted, "sail" cheeks were revealed during the examination . What nerve is damaged?
A. Facial nerve
B. Parotid nerve
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. The vagus nerve
E. Accessory nerve
The examination of the patient revealed ptosis of the upper eyelid, the exotropia,the dilated pupil, the limited
mobility of the eyeball. What nerve is damaged?
A. The oculomotor
B. Ophthalmic
C. Trochlear
D. Abducent
E. Optic.
The patient 52 years old complains of sensory loss of the skin on the right side of face at the area of the lower
eyelid, the dorsum of nose and the upper lip. What branch and what nerve is damaged?
A. Maxillary nerve of trigeminal nerve
B. The greater petrosal nerve of facial nerve
C. The ophtalmic nerve of the trigeminal nerve
D. Mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve
E. Chorda tympani of the facial nerve
The patient has a dysfunction of the extensor muscles, the lack of skin sensitivity on the back surface of the
hand after the injury of right upper extremity. What nerve is damaged?
A. Radial
B. Ulnar
C. Medial
D. Musculocutaneous
E. Axillary
The patient has a different diameter of the pupils (anisocoria) due to injury. What muscle is blocked?
sph ncter pup llae m.
c l ar s m.
rectus lateral s m.
rectus super or m.
rectus nfer or m.
A patient with purulent media otitis complained of the taste violation of the anterior 2/3 of tongue and the
salivation. What nerve is damaged?
A. chorda tympani
B. tympanic nerve
C. greater petrosal nerve
D. lesser petrosal nerve
E. lingual.
The patient 30 years old complains of the severe thirst, dry mouth, which appeared after a strong nervous
shock. Laboratory examination revealed an increase of blood sugar to 10 mmol / l. What endocrine gland has struck?
A. Pancreas
B. The thyroid
C. Genital
D. The adrenal gland
E. Epiphysis
The patient 39 year old cannot get pregnant for 8 years. She was advised to go to an endocrinologist. The
examination revealed proptosis, tremor of eyelids, tachycardia. What endocrine gland has been damaged?
A. The thyroid
B. Pancreas
C. Genital
D. The adrenal gland
E. Epiphysis
The mother whose son grew up to 18cm over the summer was admited to the doctor. The examination of a boy
of 12 years: height is 180 cm, weight is 68 kg. What endocrine gland is functioning poorly?
A. Pituitary gland
B. The thyroid
C. Genital
D. The adrenal gland
E. Epiphysis
The mother of the 9 years old girl came to the endocrinologist. Her daughter complains of mammary glands
enlargement, bloody vaginal discharge, the increased of hair growth on the body and around genitals. What endocrine
gland inhibits the precocious puberty?
A. Ep phys s cerebr
B. Hypophys s cerebr
C. The thyro d gl.
D. The suprarenal gl.
E. The parathyro d gl.
It is necessary to make a tracheostomy to the patients with disturbance of external respiration . Where can
usually located the isthmus of the thyroid gland (level cartilaginous rings of the trachea)?
The patient 30 year old was diagnosed the diabetes insipidus by the physician. What gland does not function?
A. The pituitary gland
B. The thyroide
C. The genital
D. The adrenal gland
E. The epiphysis
During radiographic examination of the skull base bones were identified an enlargement of fossa Turcica and
destruction of its parts. What tumor has grown and has damaged bone?
A. The pituitary gland
B. The epiphysis
C. The thalamus
D. The plate of colliculus
E. The geniculate bodies
On examination of the patient it was found the absence of the medial halves of the visual fields of both eyes.
What part of the optic tract is probably damaged?
A. The optic chiasm
B. The optic nerve
C. The optic tract
D. The calcarine sulcus
E. The lateral geniculate body
The patient was found destruction of the wall of the tympanic cavity. The pus spread into the posterior cranial
fossa. What wall has been destroyed?
A. mastoid wall
B. membranaceus wall
C. labyrinthic wall
D. tegmental wall
E. jugular wall
During the surgery the physician manipulates on the internal wall of the tympanum. What canal of the
temporal bone may be destroyed?
A. facial
B. carotid
C. musculo-tubal
D. tympanic
E. canaliculus of chorda tympani
In ophthalmology department an electric welder was delivered with the burn of the eyeball. What structures
are affected?
A. Cornea
B. The anterior chamber (humor)
C. The posterior chamber (humor)
D. Lens
E. The vitreous body
The inflammation of patient's tympanic cavity was complicated by inflammation of mastoid cells . Through
what wall of the tympanic cavity the pus penetrated into the cells?
A. posterior
B. anterior
C. medial
D. lateral
E. upper
The patient has a hearing loss. During the examination the sulfur crusts were identified. What part of the organ
of hearing has been changed?
A. In external ear
B. In the middle ear
C. In an internal ear
D. In the eardrum
E. In the auditory tube
A child 5 year old with purulent inflammation of the internal ear has symptoms of inflammation of the dura
mater. What is the path of infection?
A. Vestibular aqueduct
B. Canaliculus of helix
C. The window of helix
D. The window of the vestibule
E. Canaliculus of chorda tympani
A patient with a right-sided media purulent otitis was taken to the ENT department. During the examination
the subcutaneous abscess was found in the mastoid. Through what wall of the tympanic cavity the pus has been
A. Posterior
B. Anterior
C. Lower
D. Medial
E. Upper
The damage to the one structure of the visual analyzer pathway is shown as a lack of sensitivity to light of the
medial half of the retina in both parties. What structure is it?
A. The optic chiasm
B. Right optic tract
C. Left optic tract
D. Right optic nerve
E. Left optic nerve
The patient has the violation of eyes accomodation . What muscle is damaged?
ciliaris mm.
sphincter pupillae m.
dilatator pupillae m.
rectus superior m.
rectus inferior m.
The patient has converging strabismus. What muscle of the eyeball has been damaged?
rectus oculi medialis m.
rectus oculi lateralis m.
rectus oculi superior m.
rectus oculi inferior m.
oblique oculi superior m.
A child 2 years old has a diagnosis of divergent strabismus. What muscle of the eyeball has been damaged?
rectus oculi medialis m.
rectus oculi lateralis m.
rectus oculi superior m.
rectus oculi inferior m.
obliqus oculi inferior m.
A patient with glaucoma has a violation of the outflow the aqueous humor through the drainage system from
the anterior chamber of eye into the venous plexus. What anatomical formation has been damaged?
A. Shlemov's canal
B. The lens
C. The ciliary muscle
D. Muscle of the iris
E. Zinn bunch
As a result of trauma the patient has dilated pupils and the pupillary reflex violation. What muscle does not
A. sphincter pupillae m.
B. ciliaris m.
C. dilatator pupillae m.
D. rectus superior m.
E. rectus inferior m.
A patient, 75 years old,was taken to the ophthalmology department of the hospital; he was complaining of
visual impairment. During an objective examination it was detected a brain tumor which is located at the region of the
optic tract. What visual impairment will be observed in a patient?
A. vision loss in the left half of the retina at both eyes
B. vision loss in the right half of the retina at both eyes
C. vision loss of both halves at the left eye
D. vision loss of both halves at the right eye
E. vision loss of both eyes
(Cor r ect answers mar ked by *)
A patient arrived to the oral surgery department with dislocation of temporomandibular joint and
injury of its main ligament. Name this ligament:
The operative dentistry department admitted a newborn girl who choked during sucking.
revealed cleft palate arising from non-union of the middle frontal process and maxillary process of the I-st branchial
arch. The cleft was located in the palate between:
*Os incisivum et processus palatinus maxillae
Processus palatinus maxillae dextrae et sinistrae
Lamina horizontalis os palatinum dextrum et sinistrum
Processus palatinus maxillae et lamina horizontalis os palatinum
In the region of canalis incisivus
The operative dentistry department admitted a newborn girl who choked during sucking. Examination
revealed cleft palate arising from non-union of the middle frontal process and maxillary process of the I-st branchial
arch. The cleft was located in the palate between:
*Os incisivum et processus palatinus maxillae
Processus palatinus maxillae dextrae et sinistrae
Lamina horizontalis os palatinum dextrum et sinistrum
Processus palatinus maxillae et lamina horizontalis os palatinum
In the region of canalis incisivus
A 39-year-old patient consulted a dentist about having a dry area of the oral mucosa beneath the tongue on the
right. The dentist revealed a compression of chorda tympani as it exits to the right infratemporal fossa through the
following fissura:
A patient complains of headache, heavy breathing. X-ray examination confirmed the diagnosis - frontitis.
What nasal meatus may contain purulent discharge?
Above the superior nasal concha
An eye trauma caused soft tissues infection of eye-socket. Through what anatomical formation can the
infection penetrate into the middle cranial fossa?
*Through the superior orbital fissure
Through the anterior ethmoidal foramen
Through the posterior ethmoidal foramen
Through the inferior orbital fissure
Through the zygomatic orbital foramen
Trauma of occipital region of head resulted in crack fracture in the region of transverse sinus. What part of
occipital bone is damaged?
Left lateral
Right lateral
A 69 year old patient has got an abscess of frontal lobe as a result of purulent infection in nasal cavity. What
anatomical formation did the infection penetrate through?
*Foraminae cribrosae
Foramen ovale
Foramen ethmoidalae posterior
Foramen sphenopalatinum
Foramen rotundum
A patient displays abnormal retrodeviation of his lower jaw as a result of trauma in the region of mandibular
coronal process. What muscle is most likely to be damaged?
M.pterygoideus lateralis
M.pterygoideus medialis
M.levator anguli oris
31 A 5 year old child suffers from the neck deformity. Clinical examination revealed such symptoms: apparent flexion
of head to the left, his face is turned right, passive movements of the head to the right are restricted. What muscle's
development was disturbed in this case?
Splenius muscle of head
Long muscle of head
A 2-year-old child has congenital spastic contraction of muscles on one side of neck, that is torticollis. What
muscle is affected?
A boxer who got a punch in the region of temporomandibular joint has a traumatic dislocation of mandible.
Displacement of what articular surfaces will overstep the limits of physiological norm?
*Head of mandible and mandibular fossa
Coronoid process and pterygoid fossa
Coronoid process and submandibular fossa
Head of mandible and submandibular fossa
Neck of mandible and submandibular fossa
Underdevelopment of which parts of facial skeleton in the embryonal period is the reason for such a
malformation as cleft palate?
*Palatine processes
Frontal processes
Frontal and maxillary processes
Mandibular processes
Mandibular and palatine processes
It is necessary to take the cerebrospinal fluid from a patient with suspected inflammation of brain tunics.
Diagnostic puncture was performed between the arches of the lumbar vertebras. During the puncture the needle went
through the following ligament:
*Yellow (flaval)
Anterior longitudinal
Posterior longitudinal
A 38-year-old patient came to a traumatology centre and complained about an injury of his right hand.
Objectively: the patient has a cut wound in the region of the thenar eminence on the right hand; distal phalanx of the I
finger cannot be flexed. What muscle was injured?
*Long flexor muscle of thumb
Short flexor muscle of thumb
Short abductor muscle of thumb
Opposer muscle of thumb
Abductor muscle of thumb
During manipulations aimed at treatment of mandible dislocation a physician should pay particular attention to
a muscle that pulls a capsule and interarticular disc of temporomandibular articulation exteriorly. What muscle is it?
*M. pterygoideus lateralis
M. masseter
M. pterygoideus medialis
M. temporalis
M. mylohyoideus
After a trauma a patient lost ability of elbow extension. This might have been caused by dysfunction of the
following main muscle:
*m. triceps brachii
m. subscapularis
m. teres major
m. infraspinatus
m. levator scapulae
A patient has an inflammation in the pterygopalatine fossa. The infection has spread to the nasal cavity. What
anatomic structure has the infection penetrated through?
A*Foramen sphenopalatinum
Foramen rotundum
Canalis palatinus major
Canalis palatinus minor
Canalis ptherygoideus
A patient has an inflammation in the pterygopalatine fossa. The infection has spread into the nasal cavity.
Which anatomical structure has the infection spread through?
*Foramen sphenopalatinum
Foramen rotundum
Canalis palatinus major
Canalis palatinus minor
Canalis ptherygoideus
A patient presents with dysfunction of shin muscles. He cannot raise his body by standing on tiptoe. Which
muscle is affected?
*M. triceps surae
M. tibialis posterior
M. extensor digitorum longus
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. tibialis anterior
When processing a molar tooth with a dental cutter the dentist has by accident deeply wounded the patient's
cheek and damaged not only the mucosa but also a muscle. Which muscle was hurt?
*Buccal muscle
Greater zygomatic muscle
Masticatory muscle
Orbicular muscle of the mouth
Mylohyoid muscle
A patient with a knife wound in the left lumbal part was delivered to the emergency hospital. In course of
operation a surgeon found that internal organs were not damaged but the knife injured one of muscles of renal pelvis.
What muscle is it?
*Greater psoas muscle
Iliac muscle
Erector muscle of spine
Abdominal internal oblique muscle
Abdominal external oblique muscle
A 58-year-old male patient consulted an urologist about acute pain during urination and decreased amount of
the excreted urine. Urolithiasis was suspected. The concrements are most likely to be found in the following part of the
*Pars membranacea
Pars prostatica
C Pars spongiosa
Pars pelvina
Pars intramuralis
When examining the oral caity of a 22-year-old patient, the dentist noticed a destroyed medial tubercle on the
cutting edge of the right maxillary first molar. This tubercle is called:
A mother consulted the doctor about her one year old child, who has got six teeth come out. How many teeth
should the child of such age have?
Examination of a 23-year-old patient reveals that when his tongue is protruded, its tip deviates to the side. This
is caused by the dysfunction of the following tongue muscle:
Superior longitudinal
Inferior longitudinal
A 58 year old woman had her uterus and all appendages completely removed. It resulted in stoppage of urine
excretion. Cystoscopy results: bladder doesn't contain any urine, urine doesn't come also from ureteric orifices. What
part of urinary excretion system was damaged during the operation?
Vesica urinaria
Pelvis renalis
Examination of a 32 year old patient revealed disproportional skeleton size, enlargement of
arches, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, feet. What gland's function was disturbed?
A surgeon should reach the omental bursa to perform an operation on abdominal cavity. How
this part of peritoneal cavity without affecting the integrity of lesser omentum?
*Through the epiploic foramen
Through the right paracolic sulcus
Through the left paracolic sulcus
Through the right mesenteric sinus
Through the left mesenteric sinus
can he reach
The emergency department admitted a 48-year-old male with a blunt abdominal injury on the
right and a
suspected rupture of liver. Which of these peritoneal structures can be expected to
include blood accumulations?
Rectovesical pouch
Superior iliocecal recess
Intersigmoidal recess
Omental sac
Left paracolic gutter
At the recruiting office US examination of a 19-year-old man revealed nephroptosis. Normally the kidneys
should be located at the following vertebral level:
*XI thoracic and III lumbar
IX-X thoracic
IV-V lumbar
XII thoracic and I lumbar
IX-XII thoracic
A 35 year old patient came to the admission department with complaints of pain and edema in the region of
floor of oral cavity. After examination he was diagnosed with inflammation in the region of excretory duct of
submandibular gland. Where does this duct open into?
*Caruncula sublingualis
Vestibulum oris
Foramen caecum linguae
Plica fimbriata
Recesus gingivalis
While of oral cavity examination the dentist revealed the formation of the first big cheekteeth on the lower jaw
of a child. How old is this child?
*6-7 years old
4-5 years old
8-9 years old
10-11 years old
12-13 years old
A patient had his tooth extracted. The lingual surface of this tooth was smaller than the buccal one.
Masticatoty surface has oval form. Deep transverse sulcus separates buccal and lingual tubercles. The root is strongly
compressed in mesio-distal direction and has longitudinal sulci on its aproximal surfaces, it is bifurcated. What tooth
was extracted?
*First upper premolar
Upper canine
Lower canine
First lower premolar
Second upper premolar
Examination of the oral cavity of a 19-year-old patient revealed a small gap between the maxillary and
mandibular incisors. There was no contact between the front teeth. Specify the type of occlusion in this patient:
*Open occlusion
Edge-to-edge occlusion
Closed bite
Children often have laboured nasal breathing which is caused by overdevelopment of lymphoid tissue of the
pharyngeal mucous membrane. This phenomenon may cause enlargement of the following tonsils:
*Tonsilla pharyngea
Tonsilla palatina
Tonsilla lingualis
Tonsilla tubaria
All above-mentioned
A patient underwent lobectomy of the right middle lobe of a lung. What segments of the lung were affected?
*Lateral and medial
Apical, anterior
Basal medial and anterior
Basal posterior and lateral
Apical posterior and anterior
A patient complained about ear noise and pain sensations. Objectively: the patient has acute respiratory
disease, rhinitis. The infection penetrated into the tympanic cavity through the following opening of the pharynx:
*Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
Tympanic opening of auditory tube
Aperture of larynx
An injured person was delivered to the hospital with a penetrating wound in the left lateral region of abdomen.
What part of the large intestine is most likely damaged?
*Colon descendens
Colon ascendens
Colon transverses
After an operation a patient's sensitivity of front and lateral surface of neck has reduced. What nerve is
*N.transversus colli
N.auricularis magnus
N.occipitalis minos
A patient with inflammation of tongue mucosa (glossitis) complains of taste sensitivity disorder in the two
anterior thirds of his tongue. This is caused by the damage of the following nerve:
*Tympanic с
Lesser petrosal
14 A patient consulted a doctor about difficult chewing. On examination he was found to have the atrophy of the right
temporal muscle and masticatory muscles. Upon opening the mouth, the patient's jaw deviates to the left. What nerve is
A*Motor portion of the mandibular nerve
Inferior alveolar
When a patient puts his tongue out the tip of it deflects to the left. Motor innervation of what cranial nerve is
disturbed in this case?
*N.hypoglossus dexter
N.glossopharyngeus dexter
N.vagus dexter
N.trigeminus sinister
N.facialis sinister
A 33-year-old patient complains of an impairment of skin sensitivity in the medial part of the dorsal and
palmar surface of hand. Which nerve is damaged?
A*N. ulnaris
N. radialis
N. medianus
N. musculocutaneus
N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
A patient has lost ability to recognize the objects by the typical for them sounds (clock, bell, music). What part
of brain is most likely damaged?
*Lobus temporalis
Lobus occipitalis
Lobus frontalis
Lobus parietalis
A patient suffers from middle ear inflammation (otitis). He complains also of disordered test
the anterior tongue part. What nerve is damaged?
sensation in
A patient has difficulties with jaw joining when he is chewing. There is partial atrophy of
muscles situated below the zygomatic arch. What nerve branches do these muscles innervate?
N.alveolaris inferior
Nn.alveolares superiores
38 A 60 year old patient has problems with formation and moving of food mass, it disturbs eating process. His tongue
is stiff, speaking is impossible. What nerve is damaged?
A woman consulted a doctor about swelling and tenderness of the lower extremity, swollen veins and nodes
on the medial surface of thigh. Which vein was affected?
*Great saphenous
Small saphenous
A patient has an acute painfullness of face skin. What nerve is damaged?
A 3 year old child was admitted to the hospital with otitis. Pus is probable to spread from the tympanic cavity.
Where can the pus get into?
*Into mastoid antrum
Into internal ear
Into auditory tube
Into external acoustic duct
Into posterior cranial fossa
A 46-year-old patient consulted an oculist about drooping of the upper eyelid. On examination he was
diagnosed with a brain tumor. The pathological process must have affected the nuclei of the following pair of cranial
A man suffering from osteochondrosis got acute pain in the abdominal muscles (lateral and anterior). During
objective examination a physician diagnosticated increased pain sensitivity of skin in the hypogastric region. This pain
might be caused by affection of the following nerve:
A *Iliohypogastric
A patient has secretory dysfunction of the submandibular salivary galnd. Which nerve is
for its vegetative innervation?
*Chorda tympani
N.petrosus major
N.petrosus minor
After a craniocerebral trauma a patient lost the ability to execute learned purposeful movements (apraxia). The
injury is most likely localized in the following region of the cerebral cortex:
*Gyrus supramarginalis
Gyrus angularis
Gyrus paracentralis
Gyrus lingualis
Gyrus parahippocampalis
A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is the result of
dysfunction of the following nerve:
*Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Radial nerve
Ulnar nerve
Axillary nerve
After a road accident a driver was delivered to the hospital with an injury of the medial epicondyle of
humerus. What nerve might be damaged in this case?
*n. ulnaris
n. radialis
n. axillaris
n. muscolocutaneus
n. medianus
A patient visited a dentist for acute dental pain in the lower left canine. He was diagnosed with pulpitis.
What nerve innervates this tooth?
*Inferior alveolar
Superior alveolar
A patient consulted dental surgeon about an injury of submandibular triangle. During the wound cleansing the
surgeon found that the artery leading to the soft palate is damaged. What artery is damaged?
*A.palatina ascendens
A.palatina descendens
A.pharingea ascendens
A 28 year old man with cut wound of frontal skin was admitted to the hospital. A vessel that
supplies blood to the frontal part of head was ligated in order to stop bleeding. What vessel was ligated?
A.dorsalis nasi
A.temporalis superficialis
As a result of injury of tongue a 32-year-old male had a heavy bleeding. The bleeding can be
ligating an artery in the following topographic anatomic region (triangle):
*Pirogov's triangle
Omoclavicular triangle
Carotid triangle
Omotrapezoid triangle
Omotracheal triangle
stopped by
A 36-year-old patient presents with periodontitis of the mandibular molar. It was found that
had spread to the lymph nodes. What lymph nodes were the first to be involved in
the inflammatory process?
Lateral cervical
Aterior cervical
A patient has air embolism as a result of a skin injury in the middle portion of the
muscle. Which cervical vein was injured?
*External jugular vein
Anterior jugular vein
Internal jugular vein
Posterior auricular vein
Transverse cervical vein
A patient consulted a doctor about the inflammation of the ethmoid bone cells (ethmoiditis).
revealed the disorder of blood supply to the bone. The ethmoidal cells are normally supplied with blood by the
branches of the following artery:
*A. ophthalmica
A. infraorbitalis
A. facialis
A. cerebri anterior
A. transversa faciei
A patient's middle ear inflammation was complicated by mastoiditis. There was a threat of
thrombosis of the nearest venous sinus. What sinus was under the threat?
Inferior petrosal
Superior saggital
On examination of a road accident victim a doctor revealed left clavicle fracture and disturbed blood
circulation in an extremity (no pulsing of radial artery). What cause of blood circulation
disturbance is the
most probable?
*Compression of subclavian artery
Compression of axillary artery
Compression of subclavian vein
Compression of vertebral artery
Compression of axillary vein
A woman in grave condition was admitted to a hospital with the diagnosis of the hemorrhagic stroke in the
region of frontal part of the right cerebral hemisphere. The damage of what artery
most likely caused this
erebri anterior
A.cerebri posterior
A.communicans anterior
A.cerebri media
A.communicans posterior
A 17 year old student pressed out a pustule in the medial angle of eye. In 2 days she was taken to the
institute of neurosurgery with thrombosis of cavernous sinus. Through what vein did the infection get into this sinus?
V.maxillar s
V.profunda faciei
V.transversa faciei
V.diploicae frontalis
Examination of a 2-year-old child revealed physical developmental lag, the child often has
The child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus. Haemodynamics
disorder was caused by the
intercommunication of the following vessels:
*Aorta and pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins
Superior cava and aorta
Superior cava and pulmonary trunk
Aorta and pulmonary veins
A 26-year-old patient was found to have a big furuncle of soft tissues of face by the root of nose and inferior
eyelid. This disease can be seriously complicated by the infection spreading along veins of this region to the sinuses of
dura brain mater. What sinus is most likely to be affected?
Superior sagittal
100 Ultrasonography of a pregnant revealed no abnormalities in the cardiovascular system of the fetus, the ductus
arteriosus had a normal function. What vessels does it connect?
*Pulmonary trunk and aorta
Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava
Pulmonary trunk and inferior vena cava
Umbilical vein and aorta
Umbilical vein and umbilical artery
Study collections