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Nacirema Questions: Cultural Relativism & Ethnocentrism


Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________ class: _____________

Nacirema questions part 2


. Who are the Nacirema? When did you discover the joke? What point do you think Miner is trying to make in this article?

The nacirema are Americans. I discovered the joke we discussed in class the point minor is trying to make is that each person has a different point of view about two different cultures. For example if your if some Asian cultures might think that it is normal to eat different types of animals such as cats and dogs in America, then that would be never be socially accepted


. Contemporary anthropologists are very concerned about what is often called

“the problem of representation.” The question, in part, is: who gets to “represent” a group of people, by writing about them, interpreting their behavior, and in other ways speaking “for” (or about) them? How does somebody get that right?

I believe that is it is a person's right to give his or her own perspective on different cultures because people have a right to his or her own opinion. People have a right to their own opinion but perhaps might be more socially accepted if it was a respectful


Does the social position of the speaker play a role in the process? What kind of social position do American anthropologists have?

The social position of the speaker does in fact play role because he is a person who studies this type of situation. American Anthropologist have a background in this type of study, in this situation, they should have a legit reason to study it

4. What is “ethnocentrism”? What is “cultural relativism”?

According to the Oxford dictionary and threw centuries on the elevation of others according to West

Sun actions originating in the standards and customs of One's Own culture this means that a person is judging a culture based on its own conceptions of his or her own culture cultural reality ism is an idea that a person's beliefs, values and practices should be understood based on culture rather than shortage against the criteria of another
