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Monologue Analysis: Lord of the Rings, Wall Street, More

Activity: Monologue
What is happening to the character?
Decide what the goal for the monologue is and the type of monologue.
Worth Fighting For
Frodo : I can't do this, Sam.
Sam : I know.
It's all wrong
By rights we shouldn't even be here.
But we are.
It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes you didn't want to know the end.
Because how could the end be happy.
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened.
But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something.
Even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now.
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t.
Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.
Wall Street (1987)
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we're not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality.
America, America has become a second-rate power. Its trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at
nightmare proportions. Now, in the days of the free market, when our country was a top industrial
power, there was accountability to the stockholder. The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that built this
great industrial empire, made sure of it because it was their money at stake. Today, management has no
stake in the company!
All together, these men sitting up here [Teldar management] own less than 3 percent of the company.
And where does Mr. Cromwell put his million-dollar salary? Not in Teldar stock; he owns less than 1
You own the company. That's right -- you, the stockholder.
And you are all being royally screwed over by these, these bureaucrats, with their steak lunches, their
hunting and fishing trips, their corporate jets and golden parachutes.
Teldar Paper, Mr. Cromwell, Teldar Paper has 33 different vice presidents, each earning over 200
thousand dollars a year. Now, I have spent the last two months analyzing what all these guys do, and I
still can't figure it out. One thing I do know is that our paper company lost 110 million dollars last year,
and I'll bet that half of that was spent in all the paperwork going back and forth between all these vice
The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book
you either do it right or you get eliminated.
In the last seven deals that I've been involved with, there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made
a pretax profit of 12 billion dollars. Thank you.
I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them!
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.
Greed is right.
Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge
of mankind.
And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning
corporation called the USA.
Apocalypse now (1979)
“I’ve seen horrors… horrors that you’ve seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a
right to kill me. You have a right to do that… but you have no right to judge me. It’s impossible for
words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has
a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not
then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. I remember when I was with Special Forces.
Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate the children. We left the camp after
we had inoculated the children for Polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He
couldn’t see. We went back there and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they
were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember… I… I… I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I
wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never
want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized… like I was shot… like I was shot with a
diamond… a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God… the genius of that. The
genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were
stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men… trained
cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled
with love… but they had the strength… the strength… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our
troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time
who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without
judgment… without judgment. Because it’s judgment that defeats us.”
To kill a Mockingbird (1962)
The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is.
“I have nothing to but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity does not extend so
far as to her putting a man’s life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt.
“I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She has committed no crime, she has
merely broken a rigid and time-honoured code of our society, a code so severe that whoever breaks it is
hounded from our midst as unfit to live with. She is the victim of cruel poverty and ignorance, but I
cannot pity her: she is white. She knew full well the enormity of her offense, but because her desires
were stronger than the code she was breaking, she persisted in breaking it. She persisted, and her
subsequent reaction is something that all of us have known at one time or another. She did something
every child has done—she tried to put the evidence of her offense away from her. But in this case she
was no child hiding stolen contraband: she struck out at her victim—of necessity she must put him
away from her—he must be removed from her presence, from this world. She must destroy the
evidence of her offence.
“What was the evidence of her offence? Tom Robinson, a human being. She must put Tom Robinson
away from her. Tom Robinson was her daily reminder of what she did. What did she do? She tempted a
“She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she
kissed a black man. Not an old Uncle, but a strong young Negro man. No code mattered to her before
she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards.
“Her father saw it, and the defendant has testified as to his remarks. What did her father do? We don’t
know, but there is circumstantial evidence to indicate that Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by
someone who led most exclusively with his left. We do know in part what Mr. Ewell did: he did what
any God-fearing, preserving, respectable white man would do under circumstances—he swore a
warrant, no doubt signing with his left hand, and Tom Robinson now sits before you, having taken the
oath with the only good hand he possesses—his right hand.