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Periodic Table Study Guide: Ions, Trends, Spectra, Config

Unit 2 Review Study Guide – Periodic Table
Overall Guiding Question for Unit
***How does the organization of the periodic table play a role in the structure of an element’s electrons
and their properties?***
Main Ideas/Concepts on Test:
Notes from Periodic Table unit
Assignment List
o Ions – Electrons are added or removed from an atom to be
1. Ion Review Wkst (green)
more chemically stable and creates positively or
2. Graphing Trends (yellow)
negatively charged atoms called ions.
3. Trend Station Activity (blue)
o Colored Periodic Table Families: The elements of the
4. Reactivity Lab (pink)
periodic table is arranged so that elements with similar
5. Atomic Spectra Wkst (white)
properties and characteristics are in the same group or
6. Flame Test Post Lab Questions and
o Periodic Trends Notes – The periodic table is divided up
Electron Configuration Practice Problems
into certain groups and sections based on similar
7. Periodic Table Study Guide Practice
properties between elements and there are patterns in
the elements across the table.
o Atomic Spectra Emission - The colors
produced when electrons absorb energy and
Textbook Reference
then release the energy corresponding to the
***Pages for each concept for reference and additional problems for
electromagnetic spectrum.
practice that could be seen on test, these problems not required.
o Electron Configuration – An estimate of the
place of the electrons can be given with an
Ions: Pg 194 – 199
“electron configuration” and when electrons
Q’s: Pg 214 (28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37)
absorb more energy they are excited.
Periodic Table: Pg 160 – 182
Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms (Pg 128 – 148)
Chapter 6: Periodic Table (Pg 160 – 182)
Q’s: Pg 186 (30, 38, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 52, 62)
Electron Configuration and Atomic Spectrum: Pg 128 – 148
Q’s: Pg 152 (37, 40, 41 - 44, 47, 48, 56, 58, 60)
Practice Problems for Test: Use another sheet of paper to answer the following required questions to be
handed in the day of the test. (see assignment list)
1. How are ions formed and what are the 2 types of ions?
2. Explain why nonmetal atoms tend to form anions and metal atoms tend to form cations.
3. Write the ion symbol AND name for any of the elements not including transition metals. For example, write the
symbol and name for the ion of the following elements
a. Bromine
b. Phosphorus
c. Tellurium
d. Argon
e. Carbon
f. Thallium
g. Magnesium
h. Cesium
4. Explain how you identify the valence electrons in an atom and why they are important.
5. Why are noble gases not likely to form ions or chemical bonds?
6. Distinguish the difference between a period and a group on the periodic table.
7. Be able to label all the families of the periodic table (8 total discussed in class) and know from your notes or
book properties and characteristics of each family.
***alkali, alkaline Earth, transition, metalloids, halogens, noble gases, lanthanides, actinides
8. Know the vocabulary terms and the trends associated with each across a period and down a group AND WHY
they happen…
a. Atomic radius
b. Ionic Radius
c. Ionization energy
d. Electronegativity
e. Coulomb Force
9. Be able to list a group of elements in decreasing or increasing order based on a particular trend such as the
following questions…
a. List in increasing order of ionization energy: Zn, Si, Cr, and Sr
b. List in decreasing order of electronegativity: Ag, F, Ba, Zr
Explain the connection between an elements electron configuration and its place on the periodic table.
How is the energy level of an atom’s valence electrons related to its period on the periodic table?
Where are the s, p, d, and f sublevels of electron configuration on the periodic table?
Understand and follow the 3 rules for completing electron configurations.
a. Aufbau Principle
b. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
c. Hund’s Rule
Write out the electron configuration for any elements #1 – 56. Complete the following elements for examples.
Helium, Lithium, Nitrogen, Neon, Magnesium, Sulfur, Potassium, Iron, Bromine, Strontium, Silver, Barium
Fill in the orbital diagram following the 3 rules of electron configuration for any elements #1 – 56.
Explain what is meant by “3p3”.
If given the electron configuration,
a. how do you know or how can you figure out which element it represents?
b. Name the element for this configuration…1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p5
What is the use of noble gas configuration?
Write the noble gas configuration of the following elements: Li, O, Ca, Sr, Ba
What happens to electrons when more energy is added to the atom? AND what is the names for an atom’s
configuration or “state” before and after the energy is added?
How does the atomic spectrum help identify elements?
What colors on the visible spectrum are associated with high energy? Low energy?
Which colors on the visible spectrum are associated with high frequency? Low frequency?
Which colors on the visible spectrum are associated with short wavelengths? Long wavelengths?
How is electron configuration of an element connected to the atomic spectrum of an element?
Atomic Spectra can be used to identify unknown gases and metals in various things such as stars in the universe.
a. The following is spectra from 3 recently
discovered stars. Use the spectrums of the known
elements below the unknowns to identify elements
that make up the new unknown stars.
Unknown Star X Elements:
Unknown Star Y Elements:
b. Explain why it’s possible to use atomic spectra
to identify elements of unknown stars.
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