What the maximum number jobs per day an individual machine at each station can process (i.e., what is the capacity of machines at each station)? Resources Machine at Station 1 Machine at Station 2 Machine at Station 3 Number of Kits 2 2 2 Utilization 20% 14% 39% Capacity 2=.20x, x=10units/day 2= .14x, x= 14 2= .39, x= 5 How many machines you would need at each station to meet the demand at peak level (after day 180)? Resources Demand at peak level Capacity per machine Machine at Station 1 Machine at Station 2 Machine at Station 3 26 26 26 10 kits/day 14 kits/day 5 kits/day # of resources needed to meet demand (rounded up) 26/10= 3 26/14= 2 26/5= 6