Uploaded by Jason Torrey

Experimental Design Template

Experimental Design Template
Hour _____ Date __________ Name ______________________
Experimental Design Template
What is the independent variable you will be changing? __________________________
What is the dependent variable that you will be measuring? _______________________
What are the variables kept constant all trials? _________________________________
Do you have a control trial? If so, what are the control values? ___________________
The Effect of the___________________________________________
(Independent variable)
on the ___________________________________________________
(Dependent variable)
Hypothesis: If the _________________________ is __________________________
(Independent variable)
(Describe how it will be changed)
then the __________________ will _____________________________
(Dependent variable)
(Describe the effect on the dependent variable)
The table below describes how you will set up your trials for this experiment:
Independent Variable:
State the levels, values or
measurements you will use for the
independent variable.
(Insert one value in each column)
State how many trials you will run for
each value of the independent variable
you listed.
Use the data table to record your results:
Independent Variable values:
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4