Does increasing the exercise affect your heart rate? The is what I am purposely changing in the experiment. The independent variable in this experiment is The is what I will be measuring and collecting data on. The dependent variable in this experiment is Here are some things I already know about about exercise and heart rate: If the exercise is increased then the heart rate will (Predict the Result) 2 My Observations (Notes) Sitting Walking Running 5 My Data Table My Data Table on _________________________________ Type of Exercise For 1 Minute Heart Rate (Beats per Minute) (Number of beats in 30s x 2) Trial 1 Trial 2 Mean (average of 3 trials) Trial 3 Sitting (resting heart rate) Walking Running How to calculate the Mean? The mean is the aver age of all thr ee tr ials. If you were to continue to do more trials on average your pulse rate should be close to the mean number. For example: If your mean for sitting was 90BPM than if you did 3 more trials your BPM should be close to 90 for each trial. Trial 1 + Trial 2 + Trial 3 = X Then take X divide by 3 = Mean Do this for each type of exercise. 6 Summary of My Results My Answer to the Question Does increasing the exercise affect the heart rate? Circle: YES NO As the ______________________ was __________________, Independent Variable Describe the Change the ________________________ ___________________. Dependent Variable Describe the Result Did your results support your hypothesis? Yes / No Conclusion I think this is the answer because I observed: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ I think this happened because ______________________________________ Possible Error Possible Solution 8