Chapter 10 Blood and Immunity Học trực tuyến tại 1. ... ... 2. The abbreviation Ig means immunoglobulin 3. ALL a form of leukemia 4. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening physiologic response, is an extreme form of hypersensitivity 5. Anemia 6. anemia 7. 8. 9. anisochromia antibody apheresis 21. a decrease in the # of platelets (thrombocytes) in the blood thrombocytopenia 22. deficiency of white cells in blood leukocytopenia 23. electrophoresis method of separating components of a solution a disorder involving lack of hemoglobin in blood 24. eletrolyte a substance that separates into ions in solution deficiency in the amount of hemogloblin in blood 25. ELISA sensitive immunologic test 26. eosinophilia increase in eosinophils in blood 27. erythrocytosis increase in erythrocytes (RBCs) in blood 28. erythrocytosis increase in the # of RBCs in blood 29. ferric pertaining to iron 30. formation of RBCs erythropoiesis 31. hemoglobin the iron-containing pigment RBCs that carries O2 32. hemolysis destruction of RBCs 33. hemophilia hereditary clotting disorder 34. hemostasis stoppage of blood flow 35. heparin anticoagulant 36. HIV virus that causes an immunodeficiency disease 37. hypersensitivity allergy unequal distribution of hemogloblin in RBCs an-: without iso- same/equal chrom/o: color ia: condition of substance active in an immune system separation of blood and use of components 10. autoimmunity immunity to one's own tissue 11. azoturia urinary execretion of nitrogenous compounds 12. a band cell is an immature neutrophil 13. blood a hematoma is a localized collection of 14. blood cells a hemocytometer is used to 38. hypokalemia deficiency of potassium in blood 15. blood that does not react with either A or B antiserum is type O 39. an immature bone marrow cell myeloblast 40. an immature RBC erythroblast bone marrow a myelona is a neoplasm that involves the 41. an immature WBC leukoblast 42. A leukocyte is also called a WBC 43. leukocytosis increase in leukocytes (WBCs) in blood 44. the liquid that remains after blood coagulates is called serum 45. megakaryocyte cell that produces platelets 16. 17. cancer of bone marrow myeloma 18. CBC lab test of blood 19. the cells involved in a T cellmediated allergic lymphocytes 20. the common name for epinephrine adrenaline 46. monocytosis increase in monocytes in blood 66. presence of pus in the blood pyemia 47. myelodysplastic pertaining to dysfunctional bone marrow 67. profuse flow of blood hemorrhage 68. prothrombin substance active in blood clotting myel/o: bone marrow dys: abnormal plasty: formation ic: condition of 69. purpura bleeding into the tissues 70. the root kali- pertains to potassium 71. siderosis condition involving iron deposits 48. myelotoxin substance that is toxic to bone marrow 72. specialist in the study of immunity immunologist 49. natriuresis urinary excretion of sodium 73. thalessemia hereditary form of anemia 74. thrombocythemia increase in thrombocytes (platelets) in blood 75. thrombolytic able to dissolve a blood clot the natural latex protein in latex gloves may act as a(n) allergen 51. neoplastic overgrowth of white cells in the blood leukocyopenia 76. Urticaria is commonly called hives 52. neutropenia deficiency of neutrophils 77. viremia presence of viruses in blood 53. neutrophilia increase in neutrophils in blood 54. orginating in bone marrow myleogenic 55. oxygen oxyhemoglobin in hemoglobin combined w/ 56. pancytopenia overall decrease in blood cells 50. pan: all cyt/o: cell -penia : deficiency 57. PCV hemacrit 58. pertaining to a RBC erythrocytic 59. pertaining to bone marrow myeloid 60. pertaining to bone marrow cells myelocytic 61. pH scale for measuring acidity/alkaline 62. phagocytosis the engulfing of foreign material by white cell 63. a plasma cell produces antibodies 64. platelets (thrombocytes) the cell fragments active in blood clotting 65. polcythemia increase in # of RBC in blood poly: many cyt/o: cells hem/o: blood -ia: condition of