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CHD Risk Factors & Treatment

Risk factors for CHD
These are factors thought to increase the chance of getting CHD :
1- Eating a diet with too much saturated ( animal ) fat :
Which can increase the concentration of cholesterol in the blood .
A good diet eating more poultry and fish , which are less fatty , cutting down on fried foods , eating less
red meat and more fresh fruit and vegetables
2- Being overweight
3- Taking little or no exercise
4- Smoking
5- Stress
People can do something about these risk factors by changing their way of life , but other risk factors
cannot be avoided such as :
6- Genes :
inherited from parents – CHD tends to run in families , these genes control the metabolism of fat and
7- Age : The chances of getting CHD increase with age .
8- Sex : men are more likely to get CHD than women.
Treatment of CHD :
1- A coronary artery bypass :
Can relive patients with the symptoms of CHD .
A blood vessel is taken from another part of the body , usually the arm or leg , and is attached to the coronary
artery above and below the narrowed or blocked area
Depending on the severity of the CHD , a number of separate grafts may be needed.
If there is just one incidence of narrowing , or blockage , then a coronary angioplasty may be carried out . This
is less complex operation and involves inflating a small ballon inside the artery to widen it . A small metal tube
is then inserted to help keep the artery open . This tube is called a stent .
3- Anti-platelet medicines , like aspirin , prevent blood clots forming in the arteries . Taking low – dose aspirin
daily is part of the treatment for people with known CHD , stroke or other forms of heart disease, e.g. angina ,
heart attck , coronary stent and bypass surgery .