Non-Fiction Prose Analysis - NBE3U Criteria Level 0 <50% Level 1 50-60% Level 2 60-70% Level 3 70-80% Level 4 80-100% Knowledge - inadequate understanding of main points of article - no examination of devices, techniques - limited grasp of main pts in text - minimal explanation of devices, techniques -understands some of the points in text - a few techniques, devices are explained - demonstrates understanding of main points in text - some rhetorical devices and techniques are explained -demonstrates full understanding of text’s complexities - advanced grasp of writer’s rhetorical and stylistic techniques - TS does not summarize points discussed - no connection between text and devices - no clear organization or development of ideas - TS attempts to summarize main pts of analysis - minimal connection between text and writer’s techniques - weak organization, idea development -TS summarizes some main points - some connection between text and technique/devices - adequate organization, idea development -TS summarizes most main pts - connection btwn text and writer’s devices and rhetorical technique - most points are clear, well-organized & developed -topic sentence = clear, complete summary of main points in analysis - clear,detailed connection between text and techniques - all points = clear, well-organized & developed -technical errors interrupt flow, making it difficult to understand pts - inadequate grasp of language conventions for NBE3U - major errors in diction,syntax -serious tech errors - limited grasp of language conventions - errors in diction, syntax interrupt flow, limit reader comprehension -Tech errors interrupt but meaning is evident - grasp of language conventions = adequate - diction, syntax have some errors -few technical errors - good grasp of language conventions - clear diction, syntax add to good flow of ideas - flow enhances, develops TS/ideas - writing is free of technical errors, no interruptions -clear grasp of language conventions, - sophisticated diction, syntax -no use of Soapstone categories - no evidence of PPA -no reference to text -no connection of ideas to TS -limited use of Soapstone chart -minimal evidence of PPA - minimal reference to text -minimal connection to TS - poor use of quotations -some use of Soapstone categories -some evidence of PPA -some reference to text, connection to TS -some use of quotations -good use of Soapstone chart -PPA evident, good explanation and reference to specifics -good use of quotations -creative use of soapstone categories - PPA = clear, all points are explained and connected to specifics in text/TS -excellent use of quotations /10 Thinking/ Inquiry /10 Communication /10 Application /10 Comments: Mark: