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Philippine RH Law: Overview, Impact, and Misconceptions

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
(Republic Act No. 10354) informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or
RH Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to
methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal
care. RH Law is officially entitled “The Responsible Parenthood Reproductive
Health and Population and Development Act of 2011. Also, RH Law gives
access to contraceptives, fertility controls and sexual education which is
believed to be helpful to the economy. Lastly RH Law has been a controversial
agenda in the Philippines since year 2012 due to its notoriety towards
Church’s concepts and beliefs. Did you know the Population of the Philippines
reached 100 million as of 2014, 15% of pregnacies result to complications
where 46% of unwanted teenage pregnancy end up to ABORTION that’s why
RH Law was signed. But some say RH Law destroys family relationships, Also,
others say RH Law induce abortion and does not promote responsible
parenthood but it is not always like that. It depends on how the family would
react. It includes family planning that will guide the parents and then, from
them they would be able to explain and give awareness to their children. RH
Law promoting abortion is a common misconception. In fact RH Law is bound
not force nor to make the use of contraceptive mandatory. RH Law raise
awareness to human sexuality. It also includes developing the necessary skills
to be able to distinguish cultural dimensions of related sensitive issue (e.g
Abortion). Based on a research from PSHS (Philippine Science High School)
Age is not a factor which could influence agreement towards RH Law, Basing
from a research , RH Law does not promote abortion. In general RH Law does
not encourage premarital sex, Lastly RH Law does not necessarily destroy
family relationship. This Law is something about our health and our country.
For me I guess RH Law in a sence that it is the only way to help our country
to reduce overcome population and I believed that the irresponsible
parenthood is one of the main reasons why there is poverty. Maybe through
responsible parenthood, we can decrease poverty and that is the mainstream
of this concern. We can build a nation that can provide things for their family.
A nation can cope with the fast changing approarch of the new century and
can never be left out. The group will support RH Law through sexual education
so why not support RH Law.