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PECS Training Transfer in Young Children with Autism

Carre, A. J., Le Grice, B., Blampied, N. M., & Walker, D. (2009). Picture Exchange
Communication (PECS) Training for Young Children: Does Training Transfer at School
and to Home? Behaviour Change, 26 (1), 54-65. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.simmons.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsihc&AN=edsihc.82724174550
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of which the Picture Exchange
Communication System (PECS), an intervention commonly used to increase speech,
communication, and social interactions, transfers reliably across settings, other than in the
original training setting. This study tested the rate of transfer and generalization of spontaneous
PECS requests in the school and home setting after providing PECS training to three students.
The students aged between five and six years old and were diagnosed with Autism and
developmental disabilities. This study was conducted by using a multiple baseline across
subjects’ design and direct observation. In agreement with other studies, these students validated
the ability to request a preferred object or activity after PECS training. However, the research
found that while the PECS procedures were designed to facilitate transfer and generalization,
there was a large variation in the student’s spontaneous use of PECS requests in areas other than
the training setting. This study is important because it highlights the need of appropriate transfer
and generalization training needed for students using PECS.