MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION DIRECCION REGIONAL DE EDUCACION DE SAN MIGUELITO, LAS CUMBRES Y CHILIBRE SCHOOL: C.E.B.G. REPUBLICA DE ALEMANIA PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT/ONE-YEAR QUATERLY PROGRAM SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL: First and Second Grade PERIOD: From March 2nd through December 18th, 2015 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The student: 1. Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about family members. 2. Interacts in a conversation. 3. Expresses ideas, thoughts, emotion, opinions, creations 4. Understands messages, commands, and communication codes. 5. Answers basic personal questions in a simple form. 6. Uses the English language to interact in different environments. Quaterly Periods Weeks 1st (13) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) 1. Family, school, community, and country Identifying family members. 1.1 Family Nuclear ( extended and others) family ‘s members. • Mother • Father • Sister • Brother • Baby • Grandmother •Grandfather Demonstrative: This Possessive: My Verb be TEACHERS: ILEANA DE VERGARA AREAS: ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CONTENTS PROCEDURE ATTITUDE (psychomotor domain) (affective domain) 1. Drawing and labeling family members. Valuing the importance of - Talking about his/her family the family members Showing respect for his/her and peers’ families. Being aware of the different family members. - Speaking about the members of his/her family BASIC COMPETENCIES PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Correctly identifies the members of the family. • Uses the correct word to name each member of the family • Draws his/her family • Recognizes the members of the family when describing them. • Associates the concept to the word. Quaterly Periods Weeks 1st (13) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) - This is my mother Maria. 2 My house Recognizing the parts of the house Parts of the house •Door, window, floor, ceiling. • Wh question: Where • Prepositions of place : In ‐Where is the father? ‐ In the kitchen CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) Recognizing the parts of the house. Drawing and labeling the parts of the house • Bedroom • Kitchen • Bathroom • Living room • Dining room 1st (13) 1.3 My Classroom Identifying vocabulary related to classroom objects, • School supplies • Demonstrative: This • Verb be: is • Indefinite articles: a / an ‐This is a crayón Drawing and labeling the school supplies • Pencil • Glue • Scissors • Crayons • Ruler Pencil case 1st (13) Identifying vocabulary related to places in school Places in school: • Classroom Drawing and labeling places in school Locating places in school ATTITUDE (affective domain) Cooperating to keep a clean and healthy environment at home. Take care of the parts of the house BASIC COMPETENCIES PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic Showing respect toward other competence. people’s possessions Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Demonstrates respect to Competence in object belong knowledge of and school. interaction with the Identifies parts of the house Creates representations of different homes (e.g., draw, build block structure, use boxes, Correctly names the parts of the house Asks and answers wh‐ and yes‐no questions in the present tense with grammatical accuracy Identifies school supplies Recognizes school supplies Names school supplies with correct pronunciation Correctly incorporates demonstratives adjectives in simple present sentences Identifies the staff of the school. Names places in school 2 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) • Library • Principal’s office • Bathroom • Cafeteria/kiosko • Computer lab • Gym • Playground • Kitchenette Grammar in context • Demonstrative • pronouns • This/these. • That/those. 1st (13) 1.4 People in my School Identifying vocabulary related to School’s people • Janitor • Students (Boy, Girl) • Teachers • Administrators • Principal Pronouns According the Subject: he , she Verb be : is ‐ She is the janitor 1st (13) 11 Recreation School activites and recreation - Toys CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) ATTITUDE (affective domain) BASIC COMPETENCIES physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Drawing and labeling vocabulary related to school staff Linguistic Showing respect for the staff of the school Developing tolerance toward physical differences. Identifying vocabulary related to sports • Sports Types of sport Being aware of planning and distribuiting time availability Promoting a positive attitude toward the practice of sports competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Demonstrates singular and plural items by using demonstrative pronouns. Associates the concept to the word Uses the correct word to identify school staff Correctly names school personnel Discriminates students into boys or girls Recognizes teachers according the subjects they teach Associates the concept to the word Identifies different sports Classifies sports individual / collective 3 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) Importance of sports Grammar Adjetive Demonstrative pronouns ATTITUDE (affective domain) Valuing the practice of recreation and school activities to preserve physical and mental health. 2.1. Respectfully talking about emotional states. 2nd (14) 2. People, sentiment and body parts 2.1 Feelings How do you feel today? I feel -Happy / sad -Hungry / thirsty Subjects pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 2nd (14) 5. Parts of the Body • Face (ear, nose…) • Hand • Leg • And others • Demonstrative: this,these • Verb be: • Possessive: my and your -Show me your nose - This is my nose 5. Identifying vocabulary related to the parts of the body. • Recognizing the parts of the body. • Saying the parts fo the body. • Associating the parts of the body. 5. Showing interest to know the human body. • Showing respect for the human body and assuming responsability fo his!her own body. • Developing tolerance toward people with disabilities. 2nd (14) 7 Senses 7. Identifying vocabulary 7. Valuing the importance of 2.1. Describing emotional states. - Comparing different emotional states. - Asking and answering questions to clarify and confirm feelings. BASIC COMPETENCIES interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS States preferences for favorite sport Recognizes the importance of sports for recreation and health 2.1. The student: Represents emotional states - Mimics feelings when listening to the description. - Expresses feelings orally - Associates the concept with the feeling picture. - Follows oral instructions and demonstrates different feelings. 5. Identifies the parts of the body. • Talks about his/her body parts. • Expresses each one with others politely as they use the target grammatical structure. • Correctly writes the names of different parts of the body that have been taught. 7. Clearly identifies the 4 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) The five senses Taste Smell Hearing Sight Touch Related Actions Wh question: what Subject pronoun: I Possessive: My - What do you do with your tongue? I taste with my tongue. 4.1 Environment (Animal) 10. Domestic animals • Pets • Farm animals 2nd (14) 2nd (14) 9 Plants • Parts of the plant. • What color is the flower? Parts of the plants • Leaf • Stem • Root CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) related to the five senses and their functions. - Relating the senses with the correct (organs) part of body (orally, picture, drawing and others). - Associating the five senses with the related actions ATTITUDE (affective domain) the senses. • Being emphatic and suportive with classmates and acquaintances who are undergoing health problems. • Practicing healthy habits related to the senses. BASIC COMPETENCIES competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic 10. Identifying vocabulary related to domestic animals. • Recognizing the differences between pet animals and farm animals. • Expressing opinions about pets and farm animals. • Relating animals to their habitats. 9. Identifying vocabulary related to the parts of the plant. • Recognizing the parts of the plant. •Expressing opinions about the parts of the plant. • Describing the parts of the 10. Shows respect for pets and farm animals. • Being aware of pets and farm animals in our community. • Engaging with the community to protect pets and animals. 9. Valuing the importance of the plants for the life. • Being aware in protecting the plants- life. • Actively diffusing and participating in reforestation activities. competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS senses from diverse oral input. • Associates the different senses and points their organs. • Relates the senses with their organs. • Demonstrates healthy habits for the senses. 10. Sings animal songs. • Classifies the differences between pets and farm animals. Shows and tells his/her pet. • Role plays animal short stories making their own animal mask. • Asks and answers questions about his/her pet. 4.2. Recognizes parts of the plant - Names parts of the plant • Participates in a school garden project. - Accurately uses indefinite articles to 5 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) • Flower CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) plant. ATTITUDE (affective domain) • How many leaves does the plant have? 2nd (14) 2nd (14) Grammar • Nouns • Adjectives • Wh questions • Articles The/a A leaf/ The stem 14. Means of transportation By air Airplane By land School bus Metro bus Car Bicycle Train By water Ship, boat 14. Recognizing different means of Transportation - Classifying means of transportation - Discriminating differents means of transportation 7.1 Means of communication - Telephone - Email - Television 14. Reporting different means of transportation of his/her community. - Comparing different transportation according to their mode. 7.1 Recognizing different means of communication - Classifying means of communications 7. Assuming responsibility toward means of transportation changes - Participating actively in activities related to means of transportation - Evaluating the importance of the means of transportation 7.1 Asking and answering questions politely about transportation - Identify with the PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS describe the parts of a Learning-to-learn plant. competence. Autonomy and • Successfully identifies vocabulary related to the personal initiative. plants. • Names parts of the plants. • Explains orally what a pland needs to grow. BASIC COMPETENCIES 7. The students - Associates the concept to the word Linguistic - Identifies means of competence. transportation - Correctly names means Competence in knowledge of and of transportation interaction with the - Classifies means of physical world. transportation by air, land or water Social and civic - Graphically represents competence. means of transportation Learning-to-learn - Discriminates means of competence. Autonomy and transportation - Associates the concept personal initiative. to the Word - Creates artworks or means of transportation Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and - Discriminates means of transportation - Associates the concept to the word 6 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) - radio CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) - Communicating using different means of communications indoor and outdoor- ATTITUDE (affective domain) correct uses of means of communications Discriminâtes the correct uses of means of communications 3rd (14) 2.3 Senses The five senses Taste Smell Hearing Sight Touch Related Actions Wh question: what Subject pronoun: I Possessive: My - What do you do with your tongue? I taste with my tongue. 2.3. Identifying the five senses and their functions. - Relating the senses with the correct part of body (orally, picture, drawing and others). - Associating the five senses with the related actions. 2.3. Developing tolerance toward people with disabilities - Being aware of the importance of the senses for human acting. 3rd (14) 8. Literature Identifying different elements of literature Songs Poems Dramatizations 8. Literature - Answering simple questions about literature elements - Mimicking characters from song and poems 8. Using his/her imgination and creativity to perform specific tasks - Listening with enthusiasm songs and poems PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS interaction with the 7.1 Identifies means of physical world. communication - Graphically Social and civic represents means of competence. communication Learning-to-learn - Recognizes means of competence. Autonomy and communication - Discriminates between personal initiative. means of communication and transportation - Associates the image to the word 2.3. The student - Identifies the five Linguistic senses. competence. - Associates senses with body parts. Competence in knowledge of and - Names the five senses. interaction with the - Demonstrates tolerance physical world. to a variety of textures, sounds, sights, tastes and Social and civic visual stimuli presented competence. within the child’s Learning-to-learn environment. competence. Autonomy and - Asks and answers wh- and yes-no personal initiative. questions using do/does. 8.The students Linguistic Participates in competence. nursery rhymes, Competence in including rhymes from knowledge of and different cultures interaction with the - Recites short simple physical world. poems 7 BASIC COMPETENCIES Quaterly Periods Weeks 3rd (14) 3rd (14) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) 6.1 Color, Forms and Sizes Recognizing different colors, forms and sizes • Short, tall, big, small • Shapes - Circle, - square, - triangle, - rectangle Drawing and labeling Color, Forms and Sizes 12 Climate Weather • Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy Seasons •Rainy season •Dry season Grammar •information question Identifyng the vocabulary related to the weather Listing and labeling indoor and outdoor activities PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT ATTITUDE INDICATORS (affective domain) - Listens and responds to Social and civic simple poems competence. - Recognizes and says Learning-to-learn words that rhyme competence. Autonomy and - Demonstrates recognition that there personal initiative. are different spoken texts, eg ‘This is a poem’ or This is a son - Uses words such as ‘nursery rhyme, poem, verse, rhyme’ Being attentive at Recognizes different Linguistic incorporating new language colors competence. studied in class to classroom Creates artworks with Mathematical use. colors competence. Exploring shapes and forms Identifies basic shapes Competence in in their environment knowledge of and Names different shapes interaction with the in the school physical world. Cultural and artistic Identifies different sizes competence. Learning-to-learn competence. 12. Value the importance of Makes comparisons Linguistic the weather and how it affects competence. among objects our health and activities Identifies the weather Competence in • Take care of nature to Compares day to day knowledge of and preserve the ozone layer. weather changes interaction with the • Being interested and Distinguishes the physical world. curious in identifying the correct picture of Social and civic weather weather and season. competence. Sings songs about Learning-to-learn BASIC COMPETENCIES 8 Quaterly Periods Weeks 3rd (14) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) •Adjectives •Nouns •How is the weather today? 13. Days of the week. Ordinal numbers Adverbs of time •Today •Yesterday •Tomorrow Grammar • Wh questions • Nouns • What day is today? CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) ATTITUDE (affective domain) BASIC COMPETENCIES competence. Making a calendar using days of the week and months of the year. Classifying activities according to the time or day of the week Organizing activities according to the time (today, yesterday, tomorrow) Relating common activities Listing and labeling days of the week • Being aware of time and space to perform daily, weekly, monthly tasks. Linguistic competence. Data processing and digital competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS weather. Names days of the week Identifies the current day of the week Lists common activities Discriminates between home and school activities Associates the concept to the word Creates a calenda with monthly activities Sings songs about the days of the week. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES: Direct stratagies: Memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies. Indirect strategies: Affective and social strategies. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: Oral speech, written practice, debates. CORRELATED SUBJECTS: Religious and Moral Education, Artistic Expression, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1) Serie: Bases Conceptuales/Hacia un Currículo por Competencias/Libro No. 0 & Libro No. 1 2) Programa de Primer Grado – MEDUCA - 2013. 3) Time for Learning – Book 1.- MEDUCA. 9 MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION DIRECCION REGIONAL DE EDUCACION DE SAN MIGUELITO, LAS CUMBRES Y CHILIBRE SCHOOL: C.E.B.G. REPUBLICA DE ALEMANIA PLANNING FOR INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT/ONE-YEAR QUATERLY PROGRAM SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL: Second Grade nd PERIOD: From March 2 through December 18th, 2015 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The student: 1. Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about family members. 2. Interacts in a conversation. 3. Expresses ideas, thoughts, emotion, opinions, creations 4. Understands messages, commands, and communication codes. 5. Answers basic personal questions in a simple form. 6. Identify the weather and seasons.. Quaterly Periods Weeks 1st (13) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) 6. Climate weather Rainy, Windy, Snowy Seasons, Rainy Season, Dry season Grammar Information question, Adjectives, Nouns Days of the week Ordinal numbers Adverbs of time Today Yesterday Tomorrow Time Days of the week Months of the year CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) 6. Sunny Cloudy Recognizes numbers from To 30 TEACHERS: ILEANA DE VERGARA AREAS: ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION ATTITUDE (affective domain) 6. Takes care of nature to preserve the ozone layer. Being aware of time and space to perform daily, weekly, monthly tasks. Shows respect before peers’ Accounts on ways they celebrate BASIC COMPETENCIES PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Respects the celebrations In our country Asks about celebrations Count the items and write the 7. Identifies the means of transportation Discusses about means of transportation 10 Quaterly Periods Weeks 1st (13) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) Ordinal Numbers 2 My house Recognizing the parts of the house Parts of the house •Door, window, floor, ceiling. • Wh question: Where • Prepositions of place : In ‐Where is the father? ‐ In the kitchen CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) Recognizing the parts of the house. Drawing and labeling the parts of the house • Bedroom • Kitchen • Bathroom • Living room • Dining room 1st (13) 1.3 My Classroom Identifying vocabulary related to classroom objects, • School supplies • Demonstrative: This • Verb be: is • Indefinite articles: a / an ‐This is a crayón Drawing and labeling the school supplies • Pencil • Glue • Scissors • Crayons • Ruler Pencil case 1st (13) Identifying vocabulary related to places in school Places in school: • Classroom Drawing and labeling places in school Locating places in school ATTITUDE (affective domain) Cooperating to keep a clean and healthy environment at home. Take care of the parts of the house BASIC COMPETENCIES PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic Showing respect toward other competence. people’s possessions Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Demonstrates respect to Competence in object belong knowledge of and school. interaction with the Identifies parts of the house Creates representations of different homes (e.g., draw, build block structure, use boxes, Correctly names the parts of the house Asks and answers wh‐ and yes‐no questions in the present tense with grammatical accuracy Identifies school supplies Recognizes school supplies Names school supplies with correct pronunciation Correctly incorporates demonstratives adjectives in simple present sentences Identifies the staff of the school. Names places in school 11 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) • Library • Principal’s office • Bathroom • Cafeteria/kiosko • Computer lab • Gym • Playground • Kitchenette Grammar in context • Demonstrative • pronouns • This/these. • That/those. 1st (13) 1.4 People in my School Identifying vocabulary related to School’s people • Janitor • Students (Boy, Girl) • Teachers • Administrators • Principal Pronouns According the Subject: he , she Verb be : is ‐ She is the janitor 1st (13) 11 Recreation School activites and recreation - Toys CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) ATTITUDE (affective domain) BASIC COMPETENCIES physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Drawing and labeling vocabulary related to school staff Linguistic Showing respect for the staff of the school Developing tolerance toward physical differences. Identifying vocabulary related to sports • Sports Types of sport Being aware of planning and distribuiting time availability Promoting a positive attitude toward the practice of sports competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS Demonstrates singular and plural items by using demonstrative pronouns. Associates the concept to the word Uses the correct word to identify school staff Correctly names school personnel Discriminates students into boys or girls Recognizes teachers according the subjects they teach Associates the concept to the word Identifies different sports Classifies sports individual / collective 12 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) Importance of sports Grammar Adjetive Demonstrative pronouns ATTITUDE (affective domain) Valuing the practice of recreation and school activities to preserve physical and mental health. 2nd (14) 2. People, sentiment and body parts 2.1 Feelings How do you feel today? I feel -Happy / sad -Hungry / thirsty Subjects pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 2nd (14) 5. Parts of the Body • Face (ear, nose…) • Hand • Leg • And others • Demonstrative: this,these • Verb be: • Possessive: my and your -Show me your nose - This is my nose 5. Identifying vocabulary related to the parts of the body. • Recognizing the parts of the body. • Saying the parts fo the body. • Associating the parts of the body. 5. Showing interest to know the human body. • Showing respect for the human body and assuming responsability fo his!her own body. • Developing tolerance toward people with disabilities. 2nd (14) 7 Senses 7. Identifying vocabulary 7. Valuing the importance of 2.1. Describing emotional states. - Comparing different emotional states. - Asking and answering questions to clarify and confirm feelings. 2.1. Respectfully talking about emotional states. BASIC COMPETENCIES interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS States preferences for favorite sport Recognizes the importance of sports for recreation and health 2.1. The student: Represents emotional states - Mimics feelings when listening to the description. - Expresses feelings orally - Associates the concept with the feeling picture. - Follows oral instructions and demonstrates different feelings. 5. Identifies the parts of the body. • Talks about his/her body parts. • Expresses each one with others politely as they use the target grammatical structure. • Correctly writes the names of different parts of the body that have been taught. 7. Clearly identifies the 13 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) The five senses Taste Smell Hearing Sight Touch Related Actions Wh question: what Subject pronoun: I Possessive: My - What do you do with your tongue? I taste with my tongue. CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) related to the five senses and their functions. - Relating the senses with the correct (organs) part of body (orally, picture, drawing and others). - Associating the five senses with the related actions ATTITUDE (affective domain) the senses. • Being emphatic and suportive with classmates and acquaintances who are undergoing health problems. • Practicing healthy habits related to the senses. BASIC COMPETENCIES competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic 2nd (14) 4.1 Environment (Animal) 10. Domestic animals • Pets • Farm animals 10. Identifying vocabulary related to domestic animals. • Recognizing the differences between pet animals and farm animals. • Expressing opinions about pets and farm animals. • Relating animals to their habitats. 2nd (14) 9 Plants • Parts of the plant. • What color is the flower? Parts of the plants • Leaf • Stem • Root 9. Identifying vocabulary related to the parts of the plant. • Recognizing the parts of the plant. •Expressing opinions about the parts of the plant. • Describing the parts of the 10. Shows respect for pets and farm animals. • Being aware of pets and farm animals in our community. • Engaging with the community to protect pets and animals. 9. Valuing the importance of the plants for the life. • Being aware in protecting the plants- life. • Actively diffusing and participating in reforestation activities. competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world. Social and civic competence. PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS senses from diverse oral input. • Associates the different senses and points their organs. • Relates the senses with their organs. • Demonstrates healthy habits for the senses. 10. Sings animal songs. • Classifies the differences between pets and farm animals. Shows and tells his/her pet. • Role plays animal short stories making their own animal mask. • Asks and answers questions about his/her pet. 4.2. Recognizes parts of the plant - Names parts of the plant • Participates in a school garden project. - Accurately uses indefinite articles to 14 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) • Flower CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) plant. ATTITUDE (affective domain) • How many leaves does the plant have? 2nd (14) 2nd (14) Grammar • Nouns • Adjectives • Wh questions • Articles The/a A leaf/ The stem 14. Means of transportation By air Airplane By land School bus Metro bus Car Bicycle Train By water Ship, boat 14. Recognizing different means of Transportation - Classifying means of transportation - Discriminating differents means of transportation 7.1 Means of communication - Telephone - Email - Television 14. Reporting different means of transportation of his/her community. - Comparing different transportation according to their mode. 7.1 Recognizing different means of communication - Classifying means of communications 7. Assuming responsibility toward means of transportation changes - Participating actively in activities related to means of transportation - Evaluating the importance of the means of transportation 7.1 Asking and answering questions politely about transportation - Identify with the PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS describe the parts of a Learning-to-learn plant. competence. Autonomy and • Successfully identifies vocabulary related to the personal initiative. plants. • Names parts of the plants. • Explains orally what a pland needs to grow. BASIC COMPETENCIES 7. The students - Associates the concept to the word Linguistic - Identifies means of competence. transportation - Correctly names means Competence in knowledge of and of transportation interaction with the - Classifies means of physical world. transportation by air, land or water Social and civic - Graphically represents competence. means of transportation Learning-to-learn - Discriminates means of competence. Autonomy and transportation - Associates the concept personal initiative. to the Word - Creates artworks or means of transportation Linguistic competence. Competence in knowledge of and - Discriminates means of transportation - Associates the concept to the word 15 Quaterly Periods Weeks CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) - radio CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) - Communicating using different means of communications indoor and outdoor- ATTITUDE (affective domain) correct uses of means of communications Discriminâtes the correct uses of means of communications 3rd (14) 2.3 Senses The five senses Taste Smell Hearing Sight Touch Related Actions Wh question: what Subject pronoun: I Possessive: My - What do you do with your tongue? I taste with my tongue. 2.3. Identifying the five senses and their functions. - Relating the senses with the correct part of body (orally, picture, drawing and others). - Associating the five senses with the related actions. 2.3. Developing tolerance toward people with disabilities - Being aware of the importance of the senses for human acting. 3rd (14) 8. Literature Identifying different elements of literature Songs Poems Dramatizations 8. Literature - Answering simple questions about literature elements - Mimicking characters from song and poems 8. Using his/her imgination and creativity to perform specific tasks - Listening with enthusiasm songs and poems PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS interaction with the 7.1 Identifies means of physical world. communication - Graphically Social and civic represents means of competence. communication Learning-to-learn - Recognizes means of competence. Autonomy and communication - Discriminates between personal initiative. means of communication and transportation - Associates the image to the word 2.3. The student - Identifies the five Linguistic senses. competence. - Associates senses with body parts. Competence in knowledge of and - Names the five senses. interaction with the - Demonstrates tolerance physical world. to a variety of textures, sounds, sights, tastes and Social and civic visual stimuli presented competence. within the child’s Learning-to-learn environment. competence. Autonomy and - Asks and answers wh- and yes-no personal initiative. questions using do/does. 8.The students Linguistic Participates in competence. nursery rhymes, Competence in including rhymes from knowledge of and different cultures interaction with the - Recites short simple physical world. poems 16 BASIC COMPETENCIES Quaterly Periods Weeks 3rd (14) 3rd (14) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) 6.1 Color, Forms and Sizes Recognizing different colors, forms and sizes • Short, tall, big, small • Shapes - Circle, - square, - triangle, - rectangle Drawing and labeling Color, Forms and Sizes 12 Climate Weather • Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy Seasons •Rainy season •Dry season Grammar •information question Identifyng the vocabulary related to the weather Listing and labeling indoor and outdoor activities PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT ATTITUDE INDICATORS (affective domain) - Listens and responds to Social and civic simple poems competence. - Recognizes and says Learning-to-learn words that rhyme competence. Autonomy and - Demonstrates recognition that there personal initiative. are different spoken texts, eg ‘This is a poem’ or This is a son - Uses words such as ‘nursery rhyme, poem, verse, rhyme’ Being attentive at Recognizes different Linguistic incorporating new language colors competence. studied in class to classroom Creates artworks with Mathematical use. colors competence. Exploring shapes and forms Identifies basic shapes Competence in in their environment knowledge of and Names different shapes interaction with the in the school physical world. Cultural and artistic Identifies different sizes competence. Learning-to-learn competence. 12. Value the importance of Makes comparisons Linguistic the weather and how it affects competence. among objects our health and activities Identifies the weather Competence in • Take care of nature to Compares day to day knowledge of and preserve the ozone layer. weather changes interaction with the • Being interested and Distinguishes the physical world. curious in identifying the correct picture of Social and civic weather weather and season. competence. Sings songs about Learning-to-learn BASIC COMPETENCIES 17 Quaterly Periods Weeks 3rd (14) CONCEPTS (cognitive domain) •Adjectives •Nouns •How is the weather today? 13. Days of the week. Ordinal numbers Adverbs of time •Today •Yesterday •Tomorrow Grammar • Wh questions • Nouns • What day is today? CONTENTS PROCEDURE (psychomotor domain) ATTITUDE (affective domain) BASIC COMPETENCIES competence. Making a calendar using days of the week and months of the year. Classifying activities according to the time or day of the week Organizing activities according to the time (today, yesterday, tomorrow) Relating common activities Listing and labeling days of the week • Being aware of time and space to perform daily, weekly, monthly tasks. Linguistic competence. Data processing and digital competence. Learning-to-learn competence. Autonomy and personal initiative. PROGRESS / ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS weather. Names days of the week Identifies the current day of the week Lists common activities Discriminates between home and school activities Associates the concept to the word Creates a calenda with monthly activities Sings songs about the days of the week. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES: Direct stratagies: Memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies. Indirect strategies: Affective and social strategies. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: Oral speech, written practice, debates. CORRELATED SUBJECTS: Religious and Moral Education, Artistic Expression, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1) Serie: Bases Conceptuales/Hacia un Currículo por Competencias/Libro No. 0 & Libro No. 1 2) Programa de Primer Grado – MEDUCA - 2013. 3) Time for Learning – Book 1.- MEDUCA. 18