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Infographic Assignment Rubric: Visual & Research Criteria

Infographic Assignment Sample Rubric
Your grade on this assignment is based on the Designer Statement + Infographic itself. The infographic is
assessed for visual composition (50%) and research + analysis (50%).
The Designer’s Statement is a written reflection on the process of creating the infographic. It is
composed of short answer prompts requiring you to describe your intent with this piece, such as:
• How is your infographic a form of academic analysis? How does it compare to a research essay?
• Which tools did you use to create it (Photoshop? PowerPoint? Illustrator?)
• Do you have a design background--and either way, did completing this assignment improve your visual
communication and creation skills?
• Where did you get your inspiration for this piece--how did you select the subject?
• Designer’s Statement is assessed according to the overall level of coherence, depth of self-reflection,
writing style and mechanics. Each prompt has a minimum word count.
Evaluation of the infographic is based on the following criteria:
A. Visual Composition:
• Flow of images and text is well organized with a readable narrativity.
• Compelling layout, uncluttered -- not too much text, includes sufficient whitespace.
• Effective compositional choices (design, formatting, typography, graphics).
• Pleasing and coordinated colour scheme. Color coding used effectively to visually separate content
and reflect links between ideas, for optimized readability.
• Uses high-resolution images, and minimal amounts of text--but enough text that relationships between
graphics is clear. Images are not used without permission.
• Finished graphic output (jpg) is sufficiently high quality to display well on the Moodle site (no
pixelation, blurriness).
• Includes informative, relevant title without resorting to sensationalism.
• Consistent use of standard grammar, punctuation, and spelling--no typos or colloquialisms.
B. Research & Analysis:
• Infographic makes a convincing argument or compelling social commentary, well supported by data.
• Topic is timely and relevant to the course subject matter.
• Approach goes beyond generalizations, cursory introductions, and material presented in lectures to
provide insightful and original response to topic.
• Comprehensive synthesis of research data into coherent visual narrative, with cohesion (no tangents).
• Organized and logical flow of ideas for maximum narrative impact (enabling readability, not random
arrangements of facts). Overall clarity of concept.
• All sources properly documented and attributed on infographic. Information is accurate and from a
reliable source.
• Evidence of creative and critical thinking.
Rubric designed by Sidneyeve Matrix, Queen’s University 2014. Twitter.com/@sidneyeve