BIOMONITORING TO KNOW THE EFFECT OF CIGARETTE ON SMOKING AND NON-SMOKING SALIVA pH IN BANJARSARI WETAN VILLAGE, MADIUN DISTRICT PROJECT PAPER To Fulfill Course Tasks Environmental Pollution in Ecology and Human Health Projects, Biomonitoring the Body Guided by Dr. Sueb, M.Kes ( Published on Friday, November 30, 2018 By: Aulia Qori Latifiana (160342606242) ( Offering GHIK UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG FACULTY OF MATHEMATIC AND SCIENCE BIOLOGICAL STUDY PROGRAM NOVEMBER 2018 BIOMONITORING TO KNOW THE EFFECT OF CIGARETTE ON SMOKING AND NON-SMOKING SALIVA pH IN BANJARSARI WETAN VILLAGE, MADIUN DISTRICT Aulia Qori Latifiana1, Sueb1 1 Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang E-mail: Abstract Tobacco use is a phenomenon that exists throughout the world and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 80% of smokers come from developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the acidity (pH) of saliva and to know the difference in acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers. This research was conducted on September 21, 2018 in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency, with a sample size of 60. The pH value will be analyzed by the Kolmogorov-smirnov test and the lavene test, the result is a sig value. .000 <0.05. The friedman further test results show that the sig value. 0.144> 0.05, so there is no difference between smoker's pH and non-smoker's pH. Keywords: Banjarsari Wetan, salivary pH, smoker, non-smoker PRELIMINARY Background Tobacco use is a worldwide phenomenon and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 80% of smokers come from developing countries. Tobacco users are estimated at around 1.3 billion people and are expected to increase to around 1.6 in 2030, with tobacco-related deaths accounting for around 6 million per year (Gadour, 2016). Indonesia is known as the tobacco country, because it is one of the tobacco producing countries. With many rice fields and plantations, Indonesia has a diversity of plants that are planted and bred. The plant is cultivated in order to be able to meet the needs of life and is expected to be able to improve the country's economy. The abundance of tobacco causes many people/companies in Indonesia to produce cigarettes. Indonesia is a developing country where most of the population uses cigarettes. Not only men but also women who use cigarettes. According to WHO data, Indonesia is the third country with the largest number of smokers in the world after China and India. The increase in cigarette consumption has an impact on the higher burden of diseases caused by smoking and the increase in the death rate from smoking. In 2030 it is estimated that the death rate of smokers in the world will reach 10 million and 70% of them come from developing countries (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2017). In Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (2018) the director of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, dr. Cut Putri Arianie, M.HKes stated that ''Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, each year kill 17.7 million people in the world. About 31% of the total global deaths. In Indonesia, strokes (21.1%) and heart disease (12.9%) became the number one killer and two of all deaths in Indonesia, ''. Data from Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan RI (2013) shows that in East Java from 2007-2010 the percentage between smokers and non-smokers was 28.9% and 71.1%. Seeing the impact of smoking that is detrimental to health, especially heart health, and increasing the family's economic burden, it is time for cooperation from all community members to carry out efforts to stop smoking (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2017). From the presentation, the purpose of this study was to determine the acidity (pH) of saliva and to know the difference in acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency. Formulation of the problem 1. What is the smokers and non-smoker's saliva pH in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency? 2. Is there a difference in the salivary acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency? Purpose 1. To determine the acidity (pH) level of smokers and non-smokers saliva in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency. 2. To determine the difference in the salivary acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency. Benefits of Research For researchers 1. Is the task of environmental health courses. 2. Increase knowledge about differences in salivary pH in smokers and non-smokers. 3. Provide information about the percentage of smokers and non-smokers. 4. Provide information about the influence of smoking on health. For the community - Provide information about the percentage of smokers and non-smokers. - Provide information about the influence of smoking on health. LITERATURE REVIEW Biomonitoring Health is a healthy condition, both physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially, which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. While environmental health is an environmental condition that is able to support the ecological balance between humans and the environment to support the achievement of the reality of a healthy, prosperous, and happy human life (endeavor, 2017). Biomonitoring is the use of organisms to monitor and assess the condition of an environment. Exposure to pollutants in the environment can be through various ways such as inhalation, consumption, and through the skin. The amount of pollutant absorbed is determined by the presence of factors such as the concentration of pollutants in a particular environment, be it physical, chemical, time of exposure, and individual factors such as metabolic absorption and excretion levels. Human Biomonitoring (Human Biomonitoring) takes into account all these factors by measuring its chemical concentration or metabolites in humans. Human Biomonitoring can be defined as a method for assessing exposure to chemicals or their effects by measuring metabolites in humans (France, 2015). Biomonitoring assessments can be measured using concentrations of natural compounds in the body such as blood, urine, and breast milk, or tissues such as hair, nails, fat, and bones. Biomonitoring can also help to identify potential human health risks due to exposure to substances in the environment. One of the main points of the biomonitoring of the human body, besides being able to find out the disease of the individual but also can know the causes of the disease such as food and water consumed and air quality in the environment where he lives (Casteleyn, 2004). In the human body consists of thousands of chemical elements such as vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and hormones that are important for life. These chemical elements are produced by the body itself and others enter the body through food, drink, breathing, and skin contact with the environment (Jensen, 2011). Table 1. Samples used for Human Biomonitoring (HBM) Matrik Population Umbilical cord Specific ASI Specific Amnionic liquid Placenta Newborn baby feces (Meconium) Sperm liquid Specific Specific Specific Breath General Saliva Nail General General Tooth Specific Sweat Urine General General Specific Benefits Non-invasion; provide information between mother and child. provide information between mother and child. Enriched with lipophilic compounds. Invasive Non-invasive Non-invasive, easily available, reflects prenatal exposure. Primarily used to measure biomarker effects Non-invasive. Direct assessment of airborne exposure. Non-invasive, easy to get. Non-invasive, easy to get. Provides information regarding the length and short duration of exposure. Non-Invasive. There are no special requirements regarding the storage of matrices. Non-invasive Non-invasive, easy to get. Source: France, 2015. Saliva Saliva or saliva is a complex hyposmotic fluid secreted by the salivary glands of the oral cavity. The salivary gland is an exocrine gland, with secretory epithelium that opens to the outside environment through the canal. Salivary glands, such as the exocrine glands in the pancreas, are arranged from acini and canal. The saliva component consists of water, ions, mucus, and proteins such as enzymes and immunoglobulins (Silverthorn, 2013). Saliva has components that function as antibacterial and antiviral enzymes namely lysozyme, lactoferrin, myeloperoxidase and laktoperoksidase (Hidayati, 2015). The difference in saliva quality in smokers and non-smokers is that smokers have thick saliva, while non-smokers have runny saliva (Petrusic, 2015). Table 2. Proportion of population aged ≥ 10 years according to smoking habits from the province, Indonesia 2013. Source: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan RI, 2013. Salivary pH The pH scale ranges from 0-14, with an inverse ratio, where the lower the pH value the more acid in the solution. Conversely, increasing the pH value means increasing base in solution. At pH 7, there is no acidity or alkalinity of the solution, and is called neutral. Normal saliva is slightly acidic, pH 6.5 (Hidayati, 2015). Cigarettes Cigarettes contain various kinds of compounds. Compounds in cigarettes such as nicotine, nicotirin, anabasin, miyosmin, tar, carbon monoxide, etc. Tobacco is the main ingredient in making cigarettes. Besides being used for making cigarettes, tobacco leaves are also edible (chewed) and inhaled. Through the process of burning (inhaling) or chewing, nicotine contained in tobacco and cigarette smoke will come out of tobacco (Hammado, 2014). The inhaled cigarette makes nicotine in the blood increase by around 40-50 mg / ml of blood. There are around 4000 chemicals produced from burning cigarettes, and which are carcinogenic or cause cancer including nicotine, carbon gas monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammoniac, acetylene, benzaldehyde, urethane, benzene, methanol, koumarin, 4-ethylkatecol, orthokresol, perilen and others, which are in the form of gas and solid components or particles. Solid components or particles are further divided into nicotine and tar. It is also said that tar is a collection of thousands of carcinogenic chemicals contained in cigarette smoke. While nicotine, besides being a carcinogenic nitrosamine compound, it is also an addictive compound, which causes a person to become addicted and creates a sense of dependence (Aditama, 1992). Smoke generated from the burnt end of the cigarette has higher levels of chemical compounds compared to the smoke smoked by smokers, such as (Sharon et al., 2001): 1. Acetone, 2-5 times higher. 2. Benzene, 10 times higher. 3. CO gas (carbon monoxide), 2.5 - 4.7 times higher. 4. Nicotine, 1.8 - 3.3 times higher. 5. Acetic acid, 1.9 - 3.9 times higher. 6. Hydrogen cyanide, 4.2 - 6.4 times higher. 7. Toluent, 6 - 8 times higher. 8. Aniline, 30 times higher. 9. Nickel, 3 times higher. A passive smoker who is in a room full of cigarette smoke for one hour will just suck as much nitrosamine as smoking 35 cigarettes and will suck benzopirin as much as smoking 4 cigarettes (Sharon, 2011). Table 3. Materials in cigarette smoke associated with cancer in humans. Material that is proven to be carcinogenic in humans 4-aminobiphenyl Material suspected to be carcinogenic in humans Benzo(a)pyrene Arsenic Cadmium Benzene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Chromium Formadehyde Nickel N-Nitrosodiethylamine Vinyl chloride N-Nitrosodimethylamine Source: Sharon, 2001 At different levels, all harmful chemicals in cigarettes are disturbing the mucous membranes found in the mouth and respiratory tract. Cigarette smoke is acidic (pH 5.5), and nicotine is in ionic form but cannot pass through the membrane quickly so that on the cheek membrane (mucosa) there is nicotine absorption from cigarette smoke. Smokers who use pipes, cigars, and some types of European cigarettes, smoke cigarette smoke that is alkaline with a pH of 8.5, and nicotine contained in cigarette smoke is not in the form of ions so that it can be absorbed directly by mouth (Hammado, 2014). Effect of smoking on health Smoking is a cause of 87% of deaths from lung cancer. In women, lung cancer exceeds breast cancer which is the main cause of death. Smoking is now also considered to be the cause of pregnancy failure, increased infant mortality, and chronic gastric disease. Smoking can interfere with normal lung work because hemoglobin is easier to carry carbon dioxide to form carboxyemoglobin than to carry oxygen. Active smokers and passive smokers can cause their lungs to contain more carbon monoxide than oxygen so that oxygen levels in the blood are approximately 15% than normal oxygen levels (Hammado, 2014). The reactions that occur in the body are: In Hammado (2014) states that diseases caused by smoking are: 1. Coronary heart disease Smoking affects the heart in various ways. Smoking can increase blood pressure and accelerate the heart rate so that the supply of acid is less than normal needed for the heart to function properly. This situation can burden the task of the heart muscle. Smoking can also cause blood vessel walls to thicken gradually which makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood. 2. Coronary thrombosis Coronary thrombosis or heart attack occurs when the blood clot closes one of the main blood vessels that supply the heart resulting in a heart deficiency of blood and sometimes stops it altogether. 3. Cancer Cancer is a disease that occurs in several parts of the body due to the cell splitting suddenly and not stopping. Sudden cell growth can occur if cells in the body are aroused by certain substances over a long period of time. This substance is carcinogenic which means it produces cancer. 4. Bronchitis or inflammation of the throat branch A cough that suffers from a smoker is known as a smoker's cough which is an early sign of bronchitis that occurs because the lungs are unable to release mucus in the bronchi in the normal way. Mukus is a sticky liquid that is contained in a smooth tube, a bronchial tube located in the lungs. This cough occurs because mucus catches black powder and dust from the air that is inhaled and prevents it from clogging the lungs. 5. Emphysema or widening of the alveolar bubble Cigarette smoke can induce damage to lung elasticity (due to levels of elastin-derived peptides and desmosin) and result in emphysema (Ofulue, 1999). In this case macrophages are critical pathogenic factors from neutrophils induced by cigarette smoke in the occurrence of pulmonary emphysema (Ofulue, 1998). METHOD Research design This study uses a descriptive quantitative descriptive research method. Descriptive research method is research that takes samples from one population and determines a science that is in accordance with the findings and facts in the field. So that in practice, this method will be much more pressing on field observations. This research was conducted in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency. Place and time Sampling and salivary pH measurements were carried out in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency. This research was conducted on Sunday, September 21, 2018. Figure 1. Map of Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency (Gambar Daerah, 2016) Population, sample and sampling technique Samples are a portion of the number and characteristics possessed by the population, or a small part of the population members taken according to certain procedures so as to represent the population. Determination of the sample size to be used, using the minimum sample formula notation by Slovin. The number of residents in Banjarsari Wetan Village, especially in RT 4 RW 2 ± 250 people. The margin of error is 17% or 0.17. Then the results will be obtained: 𝑁 1 + 𝑁e2 250 = (1 + (250 𝑥 0,172 )) 𝑛= = 250 7,225 = 30 So, the saliva sample that will be examined is taken from 30 passive smokers and active smokers. The sampling technique used was purposive. Because the purpose of sampling is known. Criteria and subject of research •Boy and girl • Age 9-50 years • Do not consume alcohol and drugs • Subject smokers Smokers active when taking saliva Smoking with a minimum number every day 1 stick • Non-smoker subjects Non-smokers active when taking saliva Tools and materials The tools used are flakon bottles. While the ingredients used are smoker and non-smoker saliva, 70% alcohol, label paper, and pH indicator paper. Data Collection Procedure 1. Determine the research subject according to the criteria. 2. Provide an explanation of the intent and purpose of the researcher taking samples of the subject's saliva regarding the research project to be conducted. 3. Take a sample of saliva from a subject placed in a sterile flakon bottle and label it. 4. Measure the pH of saliva with pH indicator paper. Data analysis technique 1. To find out the acidity level (pH) of smokers and non-smokers saliva in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency was analyzed by means categorized according to previous similar research results. 2. To find out the difference in the salivary acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency was analyzed using ANOVA if the pH data of saliva were normal and homogeneous (normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Lavene test homogeneity test). If the data is not normal and there may be some that are not homogeneous, then it is tested by the Friedman test. Both tests were analyzed using the SPSS. 25 statistical application. RESULTS Smoker's and non-smoker's salivary pH in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency based on table 1 about the salivary pH of smokers and non-smokers Table 4. Average salivary pH of smokers and non-smokers in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency. Average salivary pH Smokers Non-smokers 6,7 7 The average results of smoker's and non-smoker's salivary pH in Banjarsari Wetan Village, Madiun Regency are included in the neutral pH category based on previous similar research results. Table 5. Test for the normality of saliva in smokers and non-smokers Smokers Non-smokers Kolmogorov-Smirnova Statistic df Sig. .332 30 .000 .333 30 .000 Shapiro-Wilk Statistic Df .734 30 .754 30 Sig. .000 .000 Table 6. Homogeneity test of smoker and non-smoker saliva pH Lavene Statistic 14.513 4.337 df1 df2 Sig. Based on Mean 1 58 .000 Based on Median 1 58 .042 Based on Median and 4.337 1 46.193 .043 with adjust df Based on trimmed mean 14.174 1 58 .000 From the results of the analysis with normality and homogeneity test, the sig value is obtained. Result 0,000. The results of p <0.05 so that the data is further tested using the Friedman test. Table 7. Descriptive statistics for salivary pH of smokers and non-smokers Smokers pH Non-smokers pH N 30 30 Mean 6.70 7.00 Std. Deviation .837 .587 Min. 6 6 Max. 8 8 25th 6.00 7.00 Percentiles 50th (Median) 6.00 7.00 7th 7.25 7.00 Table 8. Friedman's test for salivary pH of smokers and non-smokers Ranks Mean Rank Smokers pH 1.38 Non-smokers pH 1.62 Test Statisticsa N 30 Chi-Square 2.130 Df 2.130 Asymp. Sig. .144 From the results of the Friedman test, it was found that the pH between 1.38 smokers and nonsmokers was 1.62. The results of statistical tests on the pH of smokers and non-smokers were p> 0.05, which was 0.144, so that the data had no difference between the pH of smokers and the pH of non-smokers. DISCUSSION Saliva or saliva is a complex hyposmotic fluid secreted by the salivary glands of the oral cavity (Silverthorn, 2013). Saliva has components that function as antibacterial and antiviral agents (Hidayati, 2015). From the results of the data analysis above, it shows that the average salivary pH of smokers is lower than that of non-smokers which is 6.7 <7. Both mean pH is included in normal salivary pH. According to Hidayati (2015) the normal pH of saliva is between 6.5 - 7. So that the smoker's pH data is not in accordance with the literature which states that the pH of a smoker if in acidic conditions is 5.5 and alkaline 8.5 (Hammado, 2014). Both of these mean results show that the lower the pH value, the more acid in the solution. Conversely, increasing the pH value means increasing base in solution. At pH 7, there is no acidity / alkalinity of the solution or so-called neutral (Hidayati, 2015). The incompatibility of the average results can be influenced by several factors when taking and measuring pH of the sample. These factors include, a number of saliva samples of smokers taken after meals, saliva samples of smokers taken while not smoking, and the researchers' lack of accuracy when measuring pH of saliva. Normality analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, because the sample used in this study was more than 50 people. While the analysis of normality used the lavene test. From the analysis of normality and homogeneity, the sig value is obtained. 0,000. The test results are in accordance with the results of a study conducted by Eslami (2016) that smoker's salivary pH is lower than non-smokers. The result of the sig value. 0.000 <0.05 so that the data is further tested using the Friedman test. The results of the statistical test of the Friedman test at the smoker's and non-smoker's pH were 0.144> 0.05, so that the data showed that there was no difference between smoker's pH and non-smoker's pH. Khan (2010) and Gadour (2016) found similar results in their study with the same number of samples. Smoking is a cause of 87% of deaths from lung cancer. Smoking can interfere with normal lung work because hemoglobin is easier to carry carbon dioxide to form carboxyemoglobin than to carry oxygen. Active smokers and passive smokers can result in more lung containing carbon monoxide than oxygen so that oxygen levels in the blood are approximately 15% than normal oxygen levels (Hammado, 2014). CLOSING Conclusion 1. The degree of acidity (pH) of smokers and non-smokers in the village of Banjarsari Wetan, Madiun Regency is 6.7 and 7. 2. There is no difference between the salivary pH of smokers and non-smokers as indicated by the results of the friedman test p = 0.144 or 0.144> 0.05. Suggestion It is recommended that smoker saliva samples used for this study be obtained from people after direct smoking so that the data obtained is better. REFERENCES Aditama, T.Y. 1992. Rokok dan kesehatan. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan RI. 2013. 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Variable range No. Variable 1 Saliva of smokers and non smokers Saliva pH of smokers and non smokers 2 Subvariable (Dimensions) Indicators Research instrument How to take data - - Flask bottle Field survey - Smokers pH Acid: pH 5,5 Base : pH 8,5 Normal salivary pH: 6.5 - 7 pH paper Field survey Table 2. Data on Research Results of Smoker Saliva and Non Smokers No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Smokers pH 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 8 8 8 6 8 7 7 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 Gender Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male pH 8 7 7 6 8 7 6 7 8 7 7 7 8 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Non smokers Gender Male Female Female Female Male Female Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Femlae Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Female 28 29 30 8 6 6 Male Male Male 7 6 7 Male Male Male Pic 2. Saliva samples of smokers and non-smokers Pic 3. Smoker's saliva pH test results Pic 4. Non-smoker saliva pH test results