Uploaded by Nina Wang


Three arguments are listed in the readingto support that the representation of the woman's face
could be the real work of Rembrandt.While the professor in the lecture considers it unconvincing.
Firstly, it is argued by the author that the woman in the painting is wearing a cap which is only
for the servants and a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. So the author thinks the
way she wears is inconsistent. The professor, by contrast, holds that the fur collar was added by
the one who wanted to increace the value of the painting.
Secondly, according to the reading, the shadow of the woman's face is wrong .But Rembrandt,
who is the master of painting light and shadow, would never have made such an error in the
painting. However, the professor strongly challenged the view by arguing that the error is also
caused by the addition to the painting.
Thirdly, with the respect of the author's view that the painting was painted on a panel made of
several pieces of wood panels, while Rembrandt has never painted on a panel glued together.
The professer ,on the other hand, maintains that the other pieces of the wood panels are also an
addition in order to make the painting more valuable and grand.