Uploaded by Heather Good

PEEL Paragraph Example: Zimbardo's Experiment

What my teachers have taught me to do is just PEEL paragraphs (which seems pretty dumb
since they're so basic but they work so well!)
So for Zimbardo one PEEL would be:
P - Supposed lack of realism
E - Banuazizi and Mohavedi argued participants were play-acting, not participating and relied on
stereotypes. This was shown through the Cool Hand Luke character portrayal and explains why
prisoners rioted.
E - Zimbardo disagreed and pointed out 90% of prisoners' conversations were about prison life.
Prisoner 416 expressed the opinion it seemed like a real prison, just run by psychologists instead
of the government.
L - The situation therefore seemed real to participants, so has high internal validity
It's always best to give research to back up evaluation where possible but don't focus hugely on
the details, and remember to relate back to the experiment! I hope this helps!