Vocab Quiz A. Match the figure of speech with its example A. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer ____Apostrophe ____Litotes B. All hands on deck! ____Metonymy C. Where, O death, is thy sting ____Synecdoche D. Washington issued a statement on Sunday B. Define the following words VerisimilitudeAmbiguityArchetypeCatharsisHubrisEllipsis- Vocab Quiz A. Match the figure of speech with its example A. Washington issued a statement on Sunday ____Apostrophe ____Litotes B. He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer ____Metonymy C. All hands on deck! ____Synecdoche D. Where, O death, is thy sting B. Define the following words VerisimilitudeAmbiguityArchetypeCatharsisHubrisEllipsis-