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Spanish Housing Rental Letter Assignment


Looking for Housing

What you will do

Write a letter requesting the rental of a house, apartment, or condo in Spain.

How you will do it

1. On a piece of paper, brainstorm a list of vocabulary associated with housing. Use your notes and the Student’s book to enhance the list. Compare vocabulary with other students and add words to your list.

2. On page XXIX, choose a region or city of Spain. at least three descriptions and view details, if available.

3. Discuss your findings with your partner using the present tense: this apartment has ...; you can walk ...; I like having ...etc. Discuss what you would like to rent in this region using the following forms of expression:

Preference ( quiero que.

.., prefiero que ..., pido que ...)

Wish ( ojala que ..., espero que ...)

Suggestion or necessity ( es importante que ..., necesito que ...)

4. Write a solicitation for the rental using new vocabulary and forms of the present indicative, present progressive, and present subjunctive. Ask your partner to edit your rental request; revise your writing as necessary.

5. Submit your solicitation to your teacher via e-mail or some type of word processing in order to practice inserting the correct diacritical marks.
