STUDENT ANTICIPATION GUIDE Before Reading the book, mark your response to each item below in the “Before” column: • Mark a plus sign (+) if you agree. • Mark a minus sign (–) if you disagree. • Mark a question mark (?) if you are unsure of your opinion. 1. Optimism can blind people to reality. El optimismo puede cegar a la gente ante la realidad Optimism – hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something 2. Cruelty is part of human nature. La crueldad es parte de la naturaleza humana. 3. History repeats itself, no matter what people may do to prevent it. La historia se repite, no importa lo que la gente pueda hacer para evitarla 4. There is nothing that humans can’t endure. No hay nada que los humanos no puedan soportar. Endure - suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. 5. Hope is essential for getting through the most painful experiences in life. La esperanza es esencial para superar las experiencias más dolorosas de la vida. QUICK WRITE What do you know about the Holocaust? How were Jews brought to concentration camps, and what happened to them there? Write down your thoughts and then share them with a partner. 1 Never Learned WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW 10 A little Bit Expert