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4th Grade Fictional Narrative Lesson Plan: Story Elements

Unit 1A: 4th Grade Fictional Narrative
Unit Title:
4.1A.L1: Becoming Innovative Readers
Story Elements
Pencils, Writing Notebooks, Thinking Maps, Ipads
Technology (Apps)
School 4 One, Boom Cards, Keynote,
Standards: (Cite source, full text, & grade level achievement standards)
Common Core State Standards:
RL.4.3 Describe a character or event in a story, drawing on specific details in a text.
Essential Questions:
● How do readers describe in depth the elements of a story?
● How do writers use narrative elements successfully when creating stories?
TP: How can we analyze story elements by previewing a text?
Learning Objectives:
● How can we recount key details and explain how they support the main idea in the text?
● How can we use discussion cards to discuss what think about “Max Malone”.
Language Objectives:
● How do I use academic and domain specific words and phrases?
Text: Read Aloud: “Max Malone Makes a Million” ReadyGen Grade 4 text collection. Pg 74
Students are successful when:
● Students will be able to successfully the discussion cards and speak about Max Malone.
● Differentiation: Story will be read aloud; struggling students will be provided with visual supports. Teachers
will assess the students throughout the lesson and reteach those who still struggle by providing additional
examples and visual scaffolds. Other differentiation includes, close captions, volume & speed control, multiple
entry points for self-assessment and multi-level texts to fit reading ability.
Independent Reading or Let’s
Write Initiative:
Time: 10 mins
Conference schedule:
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Warm Up
Time: 7-10 minutes
Guided Reading
Time: 15 minutes
Do Now:
● Think Win-Win:Students will use ipads to choose their
independent reading activity:
Choice #1: MyOn - online leveled independent reading with
Choice #2: ENL beginner printable
Choice #3: Independent reading book (from book baggie)
Book shopping: Students will shop for new independent books.
(schedule posted by the library).
Student Conferences: While the students read work on their
activities, the teacher will conference with the students at the red
Student Engagement/Guided Reading
● Teachers pull a Guided
Reading group in the library
Felix, Stacy, Jenesis,
Madison, Gabriel,
Gianni Jeff, Andy,
Hailey, Bright
Kim, Bryan, Yorceli,
Shiwani, Angalie,
Michelle, Elhadj,
Brandon Jesus,
Marc, Alex, Steven,
Emily, Jeff
Wednesday Anthony, Derek,
Jesus, Chisom,
Victoria, Eric
Leanna, Regina,
Stephany, Axel,
Ashley, Alex A.
Fiona, Melany,
Miguel, Jovan, Xavier
Peng, Sebastian,
Melissa, Alex M.
Johnny, Iker,
Michelle, Kayla
Tenzin, Darren,
Sabiha, Danielle,
Jessica Zion, Ashley
Coronel, Aylin
Reteaching Groups
(See the attached form)
Groups: Yellow and Green
● These are the students who
received a passing score on the
the text feature task cards on
● They will choose their own
TEAM TALK CFU #1: After the reading in the Social Studies text
book, students use discussion cards to answer this question: Why
would the author include a particular text feature; is it a
● ‘ABC strategy, agree, build, challenge
● Color coded discussion cards
● Last round sum it up.
Reading Mini Lesson: Rotations
● Teachers go over each assignment and time restrainsts
● Teachers review the guiding questions for the chapter.
● Teachers go over the group work expectations.
● Teachers remind the students to be Proactive. They have to
be in charge of themselves. Take the time to do what’s right
no matter what is going on around you. Plan for the success
you want to have.
ROTATION GROUPS: Building comprehension through text
features (35 minutes) BE PROACTIVE - YOU’RE IN CHARGE
● Students synergize to create a thinking map in order to
understand the text more clearly.
● Students work in pairs on fact and opinion task cards
● Students use the strategy of their choice to summarize the TED
talk “The Power of Disagreement” via S4O.
● Students can practice identifying tier 2 words via quizlet.
● Students read the chapter and together analyze it with guiding
● Students send the finished work to School For One to be
● Make sure you are PROACTIVE and not REACTIVE when
working in your group: Stop and think how to respond to your
classmate in a respectful way whenever you may disagree with
them. (Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood)
TEAM TALK CFU #2: Students turn to their partner and discuss the
group work expectations and the task at hand. This helps the teachers
monitor student understanding of the lesson.
● Put First Things First - Get your work done first, check it
again to make sure all the parts are complete. Once you are
done you are then able to go on Imagine ELA or MYON.
CFU #3: As students work in groups the teachers circulate among
groups and students clarifying the text and posing challenging
questions to stimulate thinking and further the discussion.
Group: Red
● These are the students who did
not receive a passing grade on
the text feature cards.
CFU #4 ASSESS YOURSELF: Students will self assess their
writing progress by identifying their place in the writerly life flow
map. With completion of all three brainstorming activities, students
● Students struggle with
identification and
interpretation of the text
● Students can attempt text
features text cards again for
gem points or work
cooperatively to complete the
scavenger hunt.
Students who need additional help
(Will be filled out during the lesson)
can create a vision board using keynote to create a dynamic visual
representation of their ideal living situation.
Sharing and Reflecting CFU#5
➢ Reflect and Adjourn
➢ Share & Discuss:
Groups present their summaries to class.
➢ Students reflect on groups work: What are the glows and
➢ Students set a goal for improvement for next group work.
➢ Students respond to the essential question for the lesson:
Clarifying Misconceptions:
Students may have difficulty with certain compare and contrast
signal words. Review a list of words using signal word sheet.
Eliminating barriers to instruction:
1. Remind students that comparing is only finding the
2. What thinking map can help us notice the differences
between these two animals (prompt using thinking map
anchor charts).
Leader In Me Connection
Higher Order Questions:
➢ DOK L1
-What is the genre of the text?
-Can you name any text
features you see?
➢ DOK L2
What thinking map can we use
to organize our work?
How can we contrast fact and
➢ DOK L3
Why is it important to
-What is the theme of the
● Begin With the End in Mind: When we read we look for
example in the story to support our opinions.
● Put First Things First: Be prepared.
● Think Win-Win: Come to school prepared, make the teacher
happy. Take responsibility for your work, your group is happy
and productive, You feel good about yourself and you get a
good grade!
Students with IEPs
● None as of 12/2018
Students with IEPs (4-215)
● None as of 12/2018
Commanding ELLs only):
What does your vision board
say about you?
What would a stranger assume
about you if they saw your
vision board for the first time?
Share & Reflecting: Time: 10
● Teacher circulates the room and
clarifies misconceptions.
● Use of examples (Groups 1 & 2)
● Teacher works with individual
students who are struggling or pulls
small groups to reteach the text
feature lesson, depending on the
level of understanding and on the
Specific accommodations
for ENL Students.
Accommodation (ESL/SPED) –
charting, modeling, and drawing
throughout lesson.
Accommodations SPED/ELL:
➢ Repeat directions and questions
for auditory learners.
➢ Clarifying phrases in the text
➢ Team talks to help with
➢ Self Reflection tool
➢ Small group instruction
➢ Repetition
Leaders: Students seated in their “homeroom” seats are categorically placed
based on recent assessments. Each table has a Writing Leader & Second (in
command), Comprehension leader and spelling leader. Each table is front
loaded with student who perform above grade level in literacy specific areas.
These leaders often lead during reciprocal teaching and will buddy up with
students at my request.
● Purpose of student leaders: “to enforce the “ask 3 before me”
strategy for asking questions.
● To allow students to receive immediate help and clarification.
● To manage a large group of students who require individual
● To challenge the top students. “If you can teacher others, than you
have mastered the skills taught in class”.