Uploaded by Corey Russell

World War 1 Assessment: Multiple Choice & Mapping

World War 1 assessment
Section 1: Multiple Choice
1. The First Wold War ENDED when
 1945
 1918
 1914
 1867
2. Which country is NOT in Europe?
 America
 Germany
 Finland
 England
3. What happened to The Austrian Arch duke ?
 He was mugged
 He was blown up
 He was shot
 He was eaten
4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why World War 1 stared?
 Increased militarism
 The rise of nationalism
 All the hot girls moved to Germany
 Imperialism in the rise
5. What does M.A.I.N. mean?
6. The 2 main countries of the Triple Alliance are
 Austria-Hungary and Germany
 England and France
 Russia and Italy
 Canada and America
7. What were puttees used for in the war?
 Warming your ears
 Keeping are nose warm
 Peeling potatoes
 Keeping your ankles dry
8. A soldiers helmet was made from
 Iron
 Gold
 Tin
 Chocolate
9. What is this? -------
 Shield
 Party dress
 Body plate armour
 Chain mail suit
10. This object was used for? ------
 Starting a fire
 Wearing on your head
 Clearing the trenches of gas
 A flag used for surrender
11. What was the British rifle called?
 Vickers machine gun
 Big bertha
 Plasma rifle
 Lee Enfield
12. A Bayonet is
 A small knife used to make wood carvings
 An umbrella used by soldiers in case of rain
 A giant mutant headless chicken who explodes on enemy soldiers
 A 17 inch dagger attacked to end of a rifle
Section 2: Mapping
Please place the following countries on the map of Europe 2016
UK, France, Iceland, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Spain and Italy, Scotland,
Ireland and Switzerland.
Multiple choice answer key
1) 1945
2) America
3) He was shot
4) All the hot girls moved to Germany
5) Indian, Artic, Pacific, Atlantic
6) Austria-Hungary and Germany
7) Keeping your ankles dry
8) Tin
9) Body plate armour
10) Clearing trenches of gas
11) Lee Enfield
12) A 17 inch dagger attacked to end of a rifle