The trench experience

Trench experience > Worksheet
The trench experience
Your task is to make a presentation on the soldiers’ experiences of the trenches during the
Great War. We suggest that you work in stages.
Stage 1:
Examine the sources
Research the sources in the case studies. What do they tell you about the different aspects of
life in the trenches (listed a-m on our research table)?
You may be able to work in groups and divide the sources and case studies up between you.
Your teacher may only want you to look at one case study. Make sure you are clear about
what is required before you start work.
You can use this research table to record your ideas. Open the research table and print it out
or save it to your computer. Then you can fill it in.
Stage 2:
Make a presentation
After you have done your research, it is time to plan your presentation.
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