French and Indian War Worksheet: Episode 1 Questions

Early American History
Name __________________
Date __________ BLK _____
Viewing Questions: PBS – The War that Made America: The Story of the French and Indian War
Episode 1: A Country Between
1. Who was the young Virginia major sent into the Ohio Country to order the French to leave in late 1753?
2. How old was he? __________
3. An Indian leader named _______________ granted Great Britain permission to build a fort/ trading post at the
forks of the Ohio River after a parlay in the spring of 1752.
4. What present-day U.S. city is now located at the site? _______________
5. How did the French officers respond to the British demand? _________________
6. After the French conquered the new British fort in 1754, the British retreated and built a new fort called Fort
________________ in a nearby meadow.
7. How did the preference for fighting style differ between the British and colonists and the French and their
Shawnee, Mingo, and Delaware allies?
8. Which side won this first battle? ______________________
9. Who signed the surrender document? _______________________
10. What was ironic date of the surrender? ___________
11. King George II sends General ________________ and 1000 red coats to take Ft. Duquesne in 1755.
12. Who does the general and king expect to pay for the expedition against France in the Ohio Valley?
13. How many women were assigned to assist the army Ft. Cumberland, Maryland? __________
14. What jobs were they expected to do? ______________________________________________
15. What fraction of the British force advancing on the Ohio country were colonists? __________
16. What role does George Washington play in the expedition? ____________________________
17. What does the French commander symbolically do in July 1755 to convince his Indian allies to join the attack
on the advancing British? ____________________________________________
18. What happened to General Braddock? _____________________________________________
19. What happened to 50 of the 54 women that went on the expedition? ____________________
20. Which side won this first battle for Fort Duquesne? _________________ British casualties? ______________
French/ Indian casualties? ______________