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Organizational Behavior Exam: Culture, Teams, Leadership

1. What is an organization and culture?
- is an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal
and is linked to an external environment.
- Culture as the complex pattern of ideas, emotions, and observable/symbolic manifestations that tend to
be expected, reinforced, and rewarded by and within a particular group. Culture results when people organize and
interact, but this occurs mostly subconsciously and on the basis of their experiences, expectations, and beliefs about
themselves, others, and their shared context.
2. Discuss the various levels of culture.
 National/Societal: The level of culture that deals with awareness of cultural dynamics and patterns by nationality. It
is particularly relevant for (a) entering a new market for product, service, and/or talent; (b) cross-border division of
labor; and (c) international outsourcing relationships.
 Organizational Culture: The level of culture that focuses on the experience of cultural dynamics in an organization.
This is especially relevant for global organizations and those involved in M&A.
 Identity Group Culture: The level of culture for analyzing the diversification of society by gender, generation,
ethnicity, religious affiliation, and other social groups. It is particularly relevant for workforce diversity and talent
management concerns.
 Functional Culture: The level of culture that addresses cross-functional effectiveness, based on the cultures created
by specific business units. Cross-functional or management teams concentrate on functional cultures and leverage
their differences carefully, bridging distinct cultural differences across their constituent units.
 Team Culture: The level of culture that becomes apparent when teams develop a distinct identity and culture. To
effectively build teams in global and matrixed organization, an understanding of how to collaborate in complex and
dynamic situations is essential.
 Individual Culture: The level at which the "building blocks" of culture are present,in both intrapersonal and
interpersonal dynamics. An understanding of this level is important for successfully addressing the concerns at any
level of culture.
3. Comment on the accuracy of the following statement: “Without employees, an organization has no organizational
The employee plays a vital role in organization. I truly believe that an organization need employee because without
an employee the organization will not succeed and achieve the primary objectives of an organization. Organization has
no organizational memory without employee because an employee is the brain and core of an organization. If we
compare how the brain functions the body will not move without it. Employees can contribute new ideas,
transformations, and innovations to make difference to the organization.
4. Due to Verticalization in the Academe, three of the six faculties who work on your department have been transferred to
other department and three new recruits to the organization will be assigned to your department as replacements.
Although the three new hires are experienced from other department, they are new to your area and your team.
Consequently, your team will pass through most stages of team development again. Briefly describe any three (3) stages
of team development that your team will probably experience after the new recruits join the team. Your answer should
recognize that only half of your faculty members are new; the others have been with the team for more than one year.
Forming is one of the Stages of Group Development the same with recruiting half of the faculty as new faculty
member in the team. The new member of the faculty are establishing ground rules and pattern of relationship among
the team. Just like in forming stage the neophytes are predominantly by their feeling of uncertainty among the senior’s
group members. All of us will experience this stage whenever we are new in any team or organization. Just like what
happen in the academe verticalization you need to follow the rules as implemented in the department even if you are
not experience on that you need to know how to adjust yourself to adopt the needs of this academe verticalization.
Performing is the stage of group development where the group is finally ready to start working. After adjusting
yourself as new faculty members you are now working as a group. You can easily solve internal conflicts and the
acceptance of it. Sharing responsibility will achieve the primary perspectives and objectives of the team.
5. The current CEO at LSPU believes that there is too little leadership talent in the organization. This is troublesome for the
executive because over the next few years the university will require leaders who can bring about significant changes to
the corporate culture and philosophy of doing business at LSPU. To address this challenge, LSPU’s CEO wants to introduce
a major leadership development program. This program would include hiring people with leadership capabilities and
providing leadership development opportunities for those currently employed. You have been retained as a consultant
to identify the leadership models that are most appropriate for LSPU’s needs. Describe two leadership perspectives and
specific models that would provide the best fit for LSPU’s objectives and justify your decision.
6. Juan wants to become a surgeon, not only because achieving this goal give him self-respect and autonomy, but also
because he wants a job with high status and recognition from others. Which of Maslow’s needs is Juan trying to meet?
Why? Explain
 Self-actualization
 Social
 Esteem
 Safety
7. All of the following are studied in Organizational Behavior, EXCEPT
 Human behavior in organizations
 International trade laws
 Organizational culture
 The relationship between people and organizations
Why? Explain your answers 5 pts
8. Which of the following behavior of an individual makes a positive contribution to an organization? Explain you answer.
 Motivational behavior
 Performance behavior
 Organizational citizenship
 Perceptive contribution
9. CEO of a computer manufacturing organization rewards his employees with computers, vacations o bonuses for meeting
personal or organizational goal. He is practicing which of the following method of shaping behavior? Explain the method
that you choose.
 Positive reinforcement
 Negative reinforcement
 Punishment
 Extinction
10. The suspension of a construction employee for one day without pay for not wearing hard hat when instructed strictly, is
an example of which of the following method of shaping behavior? Explain the method that you choose. 5 pts
 Positive reinforcement
 Negative reinforcement
 Punishment
 Extinction