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Gharehkhani Behdad CAposter


Behdad Gharehkhani - TIJ101-05 2019/06/05



Software engineers write programs using different languages for different/specific situations. This falls into computer technology and technological design because it requires programming experience with Java, C++, Windows, Linux, etc... and the fundamental concepts that also fit into it are: Function,

Mechanism, Structure and System.


The Path to Become a Software Engineer:

 First, you will need to earn a degree in computer science or a related field.

 Secondly, begin programming. Even if you're still in grade school, you can give yourself a huge head start by teaching yourself programming via videos.

 Thirdly, study data structures and algorithms, supplement your studies; Educational systems are often outdated. However, what will get you paid is being able to apply the theory to real-world software.

 Build software and seek an internship.

 Find job opportunities and consider your career goals. Keep up by improving your knowledge and skills to have many opportunities to shape the direction of your career.


Health Considerations and Working Benefits:

It seems as someone like a software engineer may not have such high-risk factors, some health effects are recognized as an actuality. The health problems most highly associated with the use of computer equipment are upper limb disorders, eye problems, stress, fatigue, and skin complaints. Contact your employer, if you have any problems. h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh

Employment of Software Developers is projected to grow 24% from 2016 to 2026. Their minimum wage is $25/hour but, the highest payment they can get is approximately $78/hour that equals to $153,000 per year! They also work in well-lit offices where they are comfortable. Most of them work at least 40 hours/week and they may also have to work evenings and weekends to meet deadlines/solve any problems.


Required or Beneficial Skills:

Computer programming and coding

You need to know the 5 languages of programming such as Java, Python, C#/.Net, C++, Mean and


Software development

Being able to analyze the user’s needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet them.

Software testing and debugging

Requires you to think analytically about how a system is put together.

Problem-solving/logical thinking and written or verbal communication


Using deductive reasoning to solve issues is crucial and communication will come in handy when a customer has a problem with a software.

Having respect for others, the ability to listen, to accept criticism, are all important traits.


Make sure your resume clearly presents your skills in a way that hiring managers won't have to hesitate to think about your qualifications.

But the question is, do you have what it takes?

