There are many things that can be gained by using this program. Benefits for the employer include an overall decrease in spending. Skin cancer treatments cost people across the U.S. 8.1 billion dollars a year ( Initiating programs that lower that number will bring down overhead costs for the company in insurance. It will also allow Pioneer to be more marketable to new hires because they know that their new company cares about their health and safety. This program will be successful for a variety of reasons. The education portion of this program is vital because though many farmworkers know that they are at risk for sun cancer, they often do not realize that they can help prevent it. Dr. Gregory Kearney found in his study that though over half of California farmworkers new that their work could lead to sun cancer, only 19% new that sunscreen could help prevent it (Kearney). Providing sunscreen and telling the workers why it is important will drive success. Providing forms of shade will both help protect and remind employees of the danger that the sun has.