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Biology Exam Paper: Smoking, Whooping Cough, Genetics, Growth

The graph shows some data about smoking tobacco in the UK.
(i) Calculate the decrease in the percentage of females who smoked tobacco from 1990 to 2010.
........................................................... %
(ii) Suggest two reasons why smoking tobacco has decreased in the UK.
In 2012 there was an outbreak of whooping cough in the UK.
The graph shows the number of new cases of whooping cough in the UK from April to December 2012.
(a) (i) Describe the trend shown in the graph from April to December.
(ii) In September 2011 there were 168 cases of whooping cough in the UK.
Calculate the difference in the number of cases of whooping cough in September 2011 and
September 2012.
........................................................... cases
(b) Whooping cough is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which grows rapidly in the human
State the term used to describe the rapid growth of a bacterial population.
(c) Children in the UK can be immunised against whooping cough.
Suggest why outbreaks of whooping cough still occur in the UK.
Some students investigated the effect of sucrose concentration on the change in mass of beetroot chips.
A beetroot chip was weighed, immersed in water for 30 minutes and then reweighed.
This was repeated using five more beetroot chips and five different concentrations of sucrose solution.
The results are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
(i) Calculate the percentage change in mass for chip 5.
Give your answer to an appropriate number of decimal places.
........................................................... %
(ii) Explain the difference in the changes in mass of chip 5 and chip 2.
(Total for question = 6 marks)
The images show a normal red blood cell and a red blood cell from someone who has sickle cell
disease. Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder caused by two recessive alleles.
(i) A female with the genotype (Dd) and a male with the genotype (DD) for sickle cell disease are about
to start a family.
Complete the Punnett square to show the possible genotypes of their offspring for sickle cell
(ii) State the percentage chance that a child from these individuals will be
1. a carrier of sickle cell disease .................................................. %
2. an individual with sickle cell disease .................................................. %
Height can be used to monitor growth.
The graph shows a percentile chart for height for males aged between 2 and 20 years.
(i) Describe how the height of males changes from the age of 2 to 20 years.
(ii) Calculate the difference in height of an 11 year old male in the 95th percentile and an 11 year old
male in the 5th percentile.
(iii) Explain what is meant by the 95th percentile on this graph.
Mark Scheme
correct gametes (1)
correct offspring
genotypes (1)
50(%) (1) 0(%) (1)
Allow ECF for
incorrect gametes
Answers must be in
this order Possible
ecf from the
candidates Punnett
square Clip
together with 1bi
Accept increases
 height / growth
increases until 15/18
(years old) (1)
 height / growth
starts to level off /
plateau / slows down
after 15/18 (1)
 155 / 155.5 –
132 / 132.5 (cm) (1)
 answer between
22 and 23.5 (cm) (1)
An explanation
linking two points
 95% will be
smaller / that height
or smaller
5% will be taller / at
that height or taller
 at that age (1)
and then levels off /
height increases
(until 20) for 1 mark
ecf on figures
quoted Accept
growth stops after 18
Two marks for
correct bald answer
2 marks cannot be
awarded if mp 1 not