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Plant Reproduction: Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, and More

Stigma – landing site for pollen, fertilization occurs when pollen falls on stigma
Style – a tube under the stigma that transports male gametophytes
Ovary – storage for ovules
Fruit produced is ovary
Ovules – protects the eggs/contains the eggs/
Female reproductive cells
Anther + filament = stamen
Stamen – male part of plant
*When pollen falls onto anther it produces 2 sperm cells
Petal – helps protect the important parts
Peduncle – bottommost part of the flower
Sexual/Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction is better
Sexual reproducing plants: gymnosperms and angiosperms
Gymnosperms – pine cones (seeds are on outside)
Haploid cells (egg and sperm) form zygote
- double fertilization = two sperm cells fuse with two egg cells
Angiosperms – fruits like apples (seeds are on inside)
- have colorful petals
*Seeds are mostly transported thru animals and wind
Xylem – transports water and minerals (mainly made of ligand so it can withstand a lot of water)
Phloem – food transport
Angiosperm (flowering plants) come in two classes: monocots and dicots
Monocots have 1 cotyledons
o Veins are parallel
o Veins are webbed and netted
o Fibrous root system
o Floral parts in multiples of 3
Dicots have 2 cotyledons
o Veins are netlike
o Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring
o Taproot root system
o Floral parts in multiple of 4 or 5
Seeds come from fertilized ovule (megasporangium – covered by integrement(thick coat))
Pollen touches stigma, flows down style to get to ovaries, the gets to ovule
Nonvascular bryophytes – mosses, liverworts, hornworts
Vascular seedless plants – club mosses, ferns
Vascular Seed Plants – gymnosperms, angiosperms
Oldest to Newest: Liverworts, mosses, hornworts, club mosses, ferns, gymnosperms,
Nonvascular plants use osmosis and diffusion and have budding
Vascular plants use mitosis and Meiosis
Nonvascular fertilization
Archegonia form at tip of gametophyte shoot
If sperm cell does not reach female, it can grow a sporophyte and branch off and become its own
Sporangium is 2n (diploid)
Haploid = mitosis