BIBEIOGRAPHY £ Names of those works that have "been used, directly or indirectly are referred to^ 255 WORKS BY TAGORE IN BENGALI t 1. Atmaparicaya, Visva-Bharatl, Calcutta, 1961, 2; Balaka, Yisva-Bharati, Calcutta, 1363.B.S. 3. Chinnapatravall, Visva-Bharatl, Calcutta, 1367 B.S. 4. Dhanma, Vi^va-Bharati, Calcutta, 1355 B.S. 5. Gltanjali, Visva-Bharatl, Calcutta, 1965. 6. Gitavitan, Parts I, II, III, Visva-Bharatl, Calcutta, 1363-65. 7. Jivansmrti, Visva-Bharati, Cal, 1968. 8. Manuser Dhanna, Yisva-Bharatl, Cal, 1972, 9i Rabindraracanavail (all Yols.), Visva-Bharati, Cal, 1363 B.S. 10. Rabindraracanavall, Aoallta Samgraha, Parts I & II, Vi:$va-Bharati, Cal, 1962. 11. Rabindraracanavall, Centenary Edn., Govt.of West Bengal, Cal, 1368 B.S. 12. Samaj, Yisva-Bharati, Cal, 1344 B.S. 13. Sancaya, Yisva-Bharati, Cal, 1356 B.S, 14. Santiniketan, Yols I & II, Yisva-Bharati, Cal, 1356 B.S. IN ENGLISH* 1. Child, Allen & Unwin, London, 1931. 2. Collected Poems and Plays, Macmillan, London, 1961. 3. Creative Unity, Macmillan, London, 1959. 4. Crisis of Civilization, Visva-Bharatl, 1957. 5. Fruit Gathering, Macmillan, London, 1961. 6. Gitan^all (Son?- Offerings), Macmillan, London, 1962. 256 7. Letters from Abroad* Ganesh & Co., Madras, 1924. 8* Lover *s Gift and Crossing, London, 1954. 9. Man, Kitabistan, Allahabad, 1st Idn. 4-0, Nationalism, Macmillan, London, 1918. 11. ' One hundred poems of Kabir, Macmillan, London, 1918. 12. Personality, Macmillan, London , 1954. 14. Religion of Artist, Visva-Bharati, 1953. 15. Sacrifice and other' plays, Macmillan, London, 1961. 16. Sadhaha, Macmillan, India;;, 1970. 17. The Gardener, Macmillan, London, 1961. 18. The Eeligion of Man, Unwin Books,. London,' 1970. 19. Towards Universal Man, Bombay, 1961. WORKS ON TAGORE IN BENGALI l li. Banerjee, C,, Eabi Raimi, Vols I & II, A.Mukherjee & Co., Calcutta, 1346 B.S. 2. Bandyopadhyay, H., Rabindradarsan, Sahltya Samsad, Calcutta, 1369 B.S. 3. Bandyopadhyay, H., Santiniketaner Bhasanmala, Pustak Bipani, Calcutta, 1976.' 4. Bandyopadhyay, H., Rabindra Silpatattva, Calcutta, 1377 B.S. 5.- Basu, S*, Rabindranatake tragedi, Calcutta, 137? B.S. 6.« Bisi, P.N., Madhusudan theke Rabindranath, Calcutta, 1381 B.S. 7. Bhattacharya, JY, Rabindra -Kabitasatak - Pratham Dasak, Calcutta, 1974. 257 r 8. Chaudhuri, Sri B., Kavye Rabindranath, Mitra 0 Ghosh* Calcutta, 3rd Edn. 9, Chaudhuri, P. 1., Babindranather Saundarya Darsan, A.Mukherjee & Co., Calcutta, 1363 B.S. 10. Das, K., Babindra Pratibhar Paricaya, Puthighar, Calcutta, Asvin, 1360 B.S. 11. Dasgupta, S., Upanisader Patabhumikaya Babindra Manas, Calcutta, 1368 B.S. 12. Gangopadhyay, S. & Others, Rabindrasan, Ylsva-Bharatl,1375. 13. Ghosh, T.K., Babindranather Dhannacinta, Calcutta, 1369 B.S. 14. Gupta, N.K., Rabindranath, Aurobindo - Patha Mandir, Calcutta, 1368 B.S. 15. Mukbopadhyay, P.K., Rabindra Jlvanl 0 Babindra Sahitya Pravesak, Vols I-IY, Yisva-Bharati Granthalay, Calcutta, 1340-56 B.S. 16. Mukbopadhyay, A.K., Rabindraeetanayay Upanlsat, Calcutta, £»ravan, 1382 B.S. 17. Boy, N.R., Babindra Sahitya Bhumika, Book Emporium, Calcutta, 1315 B.S. 18. Boy, Dr, P., Babindranather Dharmadarsan, Gopa Prakasani, Calcutta, 1383 B.S. 19. Sarkar, S., Babindra Kavye Trayi Parikalpana, Kanailal • Sarkar, Calcutta, 1348 B.S. 20. Sengupta, S.C.,‘Rabindranath, 3rd Edn., N.C.Sarkar and • Sons Ltd., Calcutta, 1359 B.S. 268 IN ENGLISH : 1. Aronson, A., Rabindranath through Western I<yes, Kitabistan, Allahabad, 1943, 2. Das, Dr. S.K., Tagore and the Perennial Problems of Philosophy, Rabindra-Bharati University, Cal., 1971. Rabindranath Tagore, 3. Banerjee, H. ,/PubDiv, New Delhi, 1971. 4. Dasgupta, S.N., Rabindranath,: The Poet and'The Philosopher, 1948. 5. Ghosh, S.K. (Tr), Tagore Rabindranath-Biography, Mukhopadhyay, Probhat-Kumar, (Life of Tagore), 1975. 6. Mukherjee, A,K., Upanishad, In the eyes of Rabindranath Tagore, Dasgupta & Co., Calcutta, 1975; 7. Narvane, V. S., Rabindranath Tagore - A Philosophical Study, Central Book Depot, Allahabad, 1961. 8. " An Introduction to Rabindranath.Tagore, Macmillan, India, 1977. 9. Radhakrishnan, Dr. S,, The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, London. 10. Rhys,*, 1.,, Rabindranath Tagore : a biographical'Study, * Macmillan & Co., London, 1917. 11.: Roy, B.G., The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, Progressive Publisher, Calcutta, 1970. 12. Sen, S., The Political Thought of Tagore, 1947. 13. Sengupta, S.C., The Great Sentinel, a study of Rabindranath Tagore, A. Mukherjee & Co., Cal, 1948. 14. Thomson, E.J., Rabindranath Tagore, Poet and Dramatist, 1926, 259 15. Thomson, E.J., Rabindranath Tagore s His Life and Works, OTHER WORKS! IN BENGALI I 1. Calcutta, 1921. . * . Anirvan, Divyaj Ivan Prasariga, Sri Aurobindo Asram, Pondicherry, 1971. 2. . Bhattacharya, H. ,■ Hinduder Devdeyi, Udbhav 0 Kramavikas, Tola I & II, fena KIM, Calcutta, 1978. 3. Marx, K,, Engels, F., Racana Samkalan, Tols I & II, Pragatl Prakasan, Mosco, 1971, 72, 4. Roy, S., Bharater Taiplabik Samgramer Itihas,., ' DNBA Brothers, Calcutta, 1970. 5. Sen, K.M., Bharater Saxnskrtl, ■ Tisva-Bharati, Calcutta, 1352 B.S. Bharatiya Madhyayuge SadhanarDhara, Cal.University, 1930. IN ENGLISH * 1. Bahm, A.J., Axiology : The Science of Talues, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., 1980. 2. Banerjee, N.T., The Concept of Philosophy, University of Calcutta, 1968. 3. Bhadra, M.K», A Critical Study of Sartre’s Ontology of Consciousness, The University of Burdwan, 1978. 4. Blackham, Six Existentialist Thinkers, R & K Paul Ltd., London, 1961. 5. Bosanquet, B., The Principle of Individuality and Talue, Macmillan, London, 1927. 260 6. Bradley, F.H.,. Appearance and. Reality, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962, 7. Chatterjea, P.B., Studies In Comparative Religion, Calcutta, 1971. 8. Chatter^ee, P.B., Philosophy of Josiah Royce, Dasgupta & Go., Calcutta, 1968. 9. Chardin, T.D., The Phenomenon of Man, 1959. 10." Cherrington, Sir C., Man on his Nature, 1953. ,11. Complete Works of Svrami Vivekananda, Tola I to VIII, Advaita Asram, Calcutta, 1963. 12. Comte, A., General View of Positivism, Translated by Bridges, J.H., Trubner & Co., London, 1865. 13. Comford, F.M., The Republic of Plato, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961. 14. Cultural Heritage of India, The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta (Reprinted 1970). 15. Cunningham, G.N., Problems of Philosophy, Chuekerverty Chatterjee & Co. Ltd., Calcutta, 1956. 16. Das, A.C., A.Modem Incarnation of God, G.P.& P. Ltd., Calcutta, 1958. 17. Dasgupta, S.D., Obscure Religious Cults., Calcutta 1962, 18. Dasgupta, S., A History of Indian Philosophy, Camb. Uni Press, Vols., 1 to IV, 1951-55. 19. Ducasse, C. J.,, A Philosophical Scrutiny of Religion, Ronald Press, 1953.. m 261 20., Dutta, D.M., The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, The University of Calcutta, 1968. 21. Dutta, D.M,., The, .Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy, The University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1961* 22. Eddington, Science and the Unseen World, 1329. 23. Edwards, D.M. , The Philosophy of Religion, Progressive Pub, . Ushers, Calcutta, August, 1960 (Indian Edition) 24., Foulquie, Existentialism, London, 1948.- 25., Formm, E., Man for Himself, Hew York, 1947, 26. Galloway, The Philosophy of Religion, T.& T. Clark, 1914. 27. Gandhi, M.K., Ethical Religion, S. Ganesan, Madras, 28. 29., M My Religion, Navaranjan-, Ahnedabad, 1958. Gangopadhyay, S., Tradition, Modernity and Development, ■ a study ‘m Contemporary Indian Society,Macmillan, India, 1977. 30. Greene, M,, Dreadful Freedom, Chicago, 1948, 31. Hartmann, H., Ethics, all vols., Allen and Unwin, 1950. 32. Hiriyana, M., Outlines of Indian Philosophy, Allen & Unwin, London, 1967. • 33. Huxley, A., The Perennial Philosophy, London, 1947. 34. Harper, R,, Existentialism i A Theory of Man, Cambridge, Mass, 1948. 35. Holt, E.B., Freudian Wish and its place in Ethics, Moffat, New York, 1916. 36. James, E.O., Comparative Religion, Methuen, 1938. 37. Jaspers, K., The Future of Mankind, Chicago, 1961. 262 36. Kant,: I. f • The Critique of Judgement,. 1952. 39. Leibni2o, Philosophical Writings,. Tr.. M. Morris, SC8.816, . BV'man S, 13/6 Dent. 40. Lewis, E.D. & R.L. Slater,, The Study of Religions, Pelican Boole, 1969. 41. Martineau,- J.,- A Study of Religion s its sources, and contents, aid ed„, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1926. 42. Marx, K., Capital, Vol.I, New York, 1967. 43. Marx, and Engels, F., Selected Works (in one vol.), Moscow, 1970. 44. Moore* G.E.* Principia Ethica, Cambridge U. Press, 1965. 45. n Some .Main Problems 46. Nagaraja Rao, of Philo sophy, London, 1962. Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1970. 47. Kandy, S.Kv, An Inquiry into the Nature and Function of Art., The University of Calcutta, 1962. 48. Paton, E.J., The Moral Law t Kantfs Ground Work of the Metaphysic of Morals, Hutchinson University Library, London, 1972. 49. Pattison, P.-, A. Seth, The Idea of God in the light of recent philosophy,. 2nd Bdn, .1967 (reprint). 50. Pitcher, G., The Philosophy of Wittgenstein, New Delhi, 1972 (Indian Reprint). 51. Radhakrisbnan, S., Religion and Culture, Orient Paperbacks, India,- 1968. 52. n The Creative life, Orient Paperbacks, India, 1976. 263 53. Radhakrishnan, S., Recovery of Faith, Orient Paperbacks, t India, 1S67. 54. M The Vhagavad Gita, G. Allen & Unwin, India, 1971. 55. .** Eastern Religions and Western Thought, Humphrey Milford* 1940. 56. Ra^u, P.T.,The Idealistic Thought of India, Allen and Unwin Ltd,, London, 1953. 57. Holland* R., Swami Yivekananda, translated by E.F. Malcolm Smith, Advaita Asram, Almora. 58. Boyee, J., The World and the Individual, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 1959. 59. Russell, B., History of Western Philosophy, Allen & Unwin, London* 1967. 60* Sarkar, A.K., Whiteheadfs Four Principles * From West-East Perspectives, Bharati Bhavan, Patna 4. 61. w Changing Phases of Buddhist Thought, Bharati. Bhavan, Patna-4. 62. " _ . Vo I Tr y Dynamic Facets of Indian Thought, Manohar N Publication, New Delhi - 2, 1980. 63. Seal, B.N., Comparative Studies in Vaisnavism and Chris­ tianity, 1899. 64. Sharma, C.D., A critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, Motilal Banarasi Das, Delhi,' 1964. 65. Sinha, J.N*, Moral Idealism & Theism, Jadunath Sinha Foundation, Calcutta, 1978* 66. Sinha, D., Phenomenology and'Existentialism, Progressive Publishers, Calcutta, 1974. 67. Sri Aurobindo, The Biddle of this World, 1st Edn. 68. " The Life Divine, Vols I & II, 2ad Edn,,Dee. 1944, 69. 0 The idea of Human Unity, 2nd Edn., 1960. 70. Pearson,N., Sri Aurobindo and the Soul of latest of Man, G. Allen & Unwin, London', 1952. 71. Zbavitei, D., Bengali Bolk-Ballads from Mymen singh and the Problems of their Authenticity, University of Calcutta, 1963. 72. Srivastava, R.S., Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Munshiram Monoharlal, Delhi, 1965. 73. Smith,H.K., Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Macmillan, London, 1964. 74. Tagore, S., Rabindranath Tagore and Universal Humanism, Standard Vacuum Oil Company, Bombay. 75. Taylor, A.E., Elements of Metaphysics, University Paperbacks, Methuen, London. " 76. Thily, F.# A Histoiy of Philosophy, lew York, April, 1963. 77. Underhill, E., Mysticism, Methuen, London, 4th Edn. EDITED WORKS IN BENGALI * 1. Bhattacharya, D., Rabindranath, East Light Book House, Calcutta, 1368 B.S. 2. Ghosh, A.K., Rammohan Racanavall, Haraf Prakasani, Calcutta, 1973. IN ENGLISH S 1. Andrews, C.F., Thoughts PTora Tagore, 117 p., 1929. 2. Bottcmore, T.B., Early Writing, K.Marx, New York, 1967. 3. Chatterjee, R., Ihe Golden Book of Tagore, Golden Book Committee, Calcutta, 1931. 265 4. Conjrbeare, F.C.f Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion by Lotze, H., Calcutta, 1954. 5. Encyclopaedia of Britannica, Vols II, XI, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., William Benton, 1969. 6. Hastings, J., Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Yol.VI, T. & T.Clark, Edinburgh, 1955,' U. Mahadevan, T.M.P. & Cairns, G.E., Contemporary Indian PMilosophers of History, World Press, Calcutta. 8. Mohanty, J.N. & Banerjee, S.P., Self, Knowledge and Freedom, World Press, Calcutta, 1976., 9. Radhakrishnan, S., and Muirhead, J. H., Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Allen & Unwin, London, 1956. 10. Ryazanskaya, S., The German Ideology - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Moscow, 1964. 11. Solomon, R.C., Phenomenology and Existentialism, Harper & Row, 1972. 12. Sri Aurobindo and Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo Asram, Pondicherry, 1961. SOME IMPORTANT ARTICLES AND JOURNALS IN BENGALI : 1. Bharati, Agrahayan, 1291 B.S. 2. Desh, Calcutta, 14th Magh, 1384 B* S. 3. Patradh&ra, Pr&basi, 1339 B.S. 4. PrabasI, Vaisakh, 1341 B.S. 0 266 5. Prajna, Bangiya Darsan Samsad,Patrlka, Valsak-Asar, 1381 B.S. 6. Rabindracetanayay Manaydharaa by S.N. Chatterjee, Darsan, Dacca University, 1977 & Proceedings of 3rd General Conference, Bangladesh Darsan Samlti, Chittagong*, 1977. 7. Sahitya, 3rd Edn., 1361 B.S. 8. Visva-Bharatl Patrika, Sravan-Asvin, 1359 B.S. IH ENGLISH* 1. Anviksikl, Banaras Hindu University, 1966, 1968. 2. Inaugural Lecture of Dr. D.Slnha, Rabindranath Tagore Lectureship Foundation, Toranto, Jan, 1979. 3. International Review of Missions, 1914, 4. Memorandum of Association, Visva-Bharati. 5. Modem Review, August, 1913. 6. Philosophy & History * Essence & Existence *, Presidential Address by Dr. S.P. Banerjee, History of Philo­ sophy Section, Indian Philosophical Congress, . 7. ' 1977. Spiritualism not anti-Humanistic *, by Dr. K.D.Bhattacharya, Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Calcutta, " " , 1978.^ Yol. XXIX.Hos. 6-11 1 8. ,The Vedanta Concept of Man*, by Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan, Religion and Society, Vol.VII, Nos 3 & 4, / 1960. 267 9. - ‘The Concept of Alienation in the Philosophy of Karl Marx% by Dr* S. P. Banerjee, Journal of the Indian Academy of Philosophy, Julyf 1969. 10. The Nation* 16th Nov., 1912. \ i . 11. Visva-Bharatl Quarterly, Tagore Birthday Number, 1941. 12. Visva-Bharati Quarterly, Vpl. XVIII, Part TV, 1953. X