MODELING SOLUTE TRANSPORT USING QUICK SCHEME 1 By Roger A. Falconer, Member, ASCE, and Suiqing Liu2 Details are given of the refinement and application of a two-dimensional depth integrated numerical model to predict the depth mean velocityfieldand the spatial concentration distribution in hydraulic basins, such as chlorine contact tanks. The model includes a refined and computationally manageable third-order spatial finite-difference representation of the terms describing the advective transport of a solute, with the corresponding difference scheme being particularly suited to modeling high solute gradients. The scheme is shown to yield high accuracy in comparison with the more conventional second-order central-difference representation, with the associated spurious wavetype distribution solute concentrations associated with high-solute gradients being considerably reduced. The model has been applied to a laboratory hydraulic model study of plug flow through a site-specific chlorine contact tank, with the numerical model results for various tank configurations being compared with corresponding laboratory model results. In most cases the numerical model predictions of the flow through curves for a conservative tracer were in close agreement with the corresponding laboratory model results, particularly in comparison with the predictions obtained using a central difference representation. Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION In recent years there have been a number of hydraulic model and field studies reported in the literature where the main objective has been to improve the flow through characteristics of hydraulic basins, such as chlorine contact tanks, or to design new tanks with uniform flow through conditions occurring from the onset, e.g., Sawyer and King (1969), Kothandaraman et al. (1973), McNaughton and Gregory (1977), Hart (1979), Hart and Vogiatzis (1982), and Falconer and Tebbutt (1986). In most of these studies this objective has been attempted by designing the tank so that plug flow conditions occur as closely as possible—with ideal plug flow occurring when all fluid elements within the tank have the same residence time. When fluid elements travel directly from the inlet to the outlet and pass through a contact tank in a much shorter time than the theoretical retention time, then this process is termed short-circuiting; fluid elements remaining in the tank for periods greatly exceeding the theoretical retention time give rise to dead-space zones. When a chlorine contact tank is found to possess short-circuiting, and/or dead-space zones, then it is often necessary to increase the chlorine dosage in order to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment. However, increasing the chlorine dosage is unsatisfactory for two main reasons: (1) The suspicion that potentially 'Prof, of Water Engrg., Dept. of Civ. and Struct. Engrg., Univ. of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1DP, England. 2 Lect., Dept. of Envir. Engrg., Tong-Ji Univ., Shanghai, People's Republic of China. Note. Discussion open until July 1, 1988. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must befiledwith the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on March 31, 1987. This paper is part of the Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 1, February, 1988. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372/88/0001-0003/$1.00 + $.15 per page. Paper No. 22160. 3 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. carcinogenic compounds may be formed (McNaughton and Gregory 1977); and (2) the increased costs incurred for the same through flow. With these considerations in mind, particularly the former, it is therefore not surprising to find that there has recently been an increasing interest in the hydraulic design and operation of such contact tanks. A traditional approach adopted by hydraulic and environmental engineers in investigating the hydraulic design characteristics of chlorine contact tanks has been to construct a scaled laboratory model and to insert instantaneously a plug of tracer (such as Rhodamine B) at the inlet, at a known initial time. The tracer has generally been assumed to be conservative, at least in terms of the contact time within the tank, and the time variation hydrograph of the tracer concentration has been recorded at the outlet. This time variation of the tracer concentration at the outlet is often known as the flow-through curve. Further details of this type of laboratory model approach are given by Falconer and Tebbutt (1986). However, such laboratory model studies are not ideal, since a Froude law scaling for dynamic similarity between the prototype and the physical model results in an overestimation of dispersion-diffusion processes and momentum transfer by bed-generated turbulence, and an underestimation of the effects of bed friction (Mardapitta-Hadjipandeli 1985). These disparities between the prototype and physical model are made significantly worse when a vertically distorted model is used. In view of the increasing interest in the hydraulic design characteristics of chlorine contact tanks, and the scaling disadvantages of using laboratory model studies to investigate the flow-through curves for such tanks, it appears to be prudent to consider using mathematical models for such studies, since scaling problems no longer arise. However, the use of shallow water-wave equation-type models, such as those previously documented and used by Falconer (1984, 1986), also have limitations in such applications. Firstly, the size of such contact tanks and the correspondingly small size of a typical finite-difference grid spacing, relative to the thickness of the boundary layer, mean that the inclusion and modeling of the turbulent Reynolds stresses becomes much more significant in the capability of the model to predict accurately the corresponding velocity field. This is presently part of a research program being undertaken by the writers and is not described herein. The second limitation of such mathematical models is the inability of the finite-difference technique—or other practical numerical methods—to represent precisely the high-solute gradients arising as the plug of solute is advected through the tank. The traditional central difference representation of the advective-diffusion equation, as used by Falconer (1984, 1986), can lead to a measurable degree of numerical diffusion of the high-solute gradient, which can often be greater than, or similar in magnitude to, the physical processes of turbulent diffusion and longitudinal dispersion. Furthermore, the Fourier decomposition of such high-solute gradients, particularly arising at the instant of including the plane source plug of solute in the model, has many very short waves that cannot be resolved into waves with a few points per wavelength using the central-difference method. The corresponding spurious waves, of model wavelength 2AX, propagate slowly across the computational domain, giving rise locally to negative solute values at alternate grid points and an underestimation of the influence of dispersion 4 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. (Leendertse 1970). However, these difficulties have been overcome in similar modeling studies of estuarine pollutant transport by using higher accuracy difference schemes of fourth-order and upwards (Holley and Preissman 1977; Komatsu et al. 1985). For the type of study outlined in this paper, where the plug source input is of a short time duration rather than a continuous input as for coastal outfall pollution studies, the open boundary conditions, in particular, are difficult to define. Furthermore, such higher order schemes have the disadvantage of being particularly complex in the computational sense. A compromise between these two schemes, i.e., the central difference and the fourth and higher order accuracy schemes, is the QUICK scheme (quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinematics), see Leonard (1979). Details are therefore given herein of a comparison of this scheme with other schemes for one-dimensional plug flow, with no diffusion or dispersion, and the subsequent application of the scheme to a hydraulic model study to determine and improve the hydraulic conditions and the flow through curves for the Elan chlorine contact tank, in Birmingham, England. The QUICK scheme has the desirable advantages of: (1) High accuracy, including third-order spatial accuracy; (2) inherent numerical advective stability, i.e., no grid scale oscillations; (3) computational simplicity. Encouraging predictions are shown for the flow through curves for the Elan contact tank, indicating that this computationally manageable difference scheme makes numerical model studies of such studies as plug flow through chlorine contact tanks more accurate and preferable to using more traditional difference schemes. CONSERVATION EQUATIONS The governing differential equations used in the mathematical model include the depth-integrated conservation equations of mass, momentum in the two mutually perpendicular horizontal coordinate directions, and solute transport. The resulting hydrodynamic model equations were derived from the three-dimensional continuity and Navier-Stokes equations (Schlicting 1960), giving respectively: <9n 8UH dVH dt dx dy dUH . JdU2H 8UVH\ _TT dr\ , x^ 1- R + + 9H —- + P P dt \ dx dy J a dx 1 fdHa„ + dHx^] = Q dy " dx dVH | JdUVH hB V dt \ _l(d_HTM p V dx _ SV^JH\ + dx + _^ nTJ dr\ (2) ^x^ + QH —- + P dy ) * dy d_Holl\0 (3) dy J where -n = water surface elevation above datum; t = time; H = total fluid depth; U, V = depth mean velocity components in x-, y-coordinate J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. directions; p = momentum correction factor for nonuniform vertical velocity profile (assumed to be 1.017 for seventh-power law profile); g = gravitational acceleration; tbx, tby = bed shear stress components in the x, y-coordinate directions; p = fluid density; and axx , ayy , 7xy , Tyx = direct and lateral shear stress components in the x, y-coordinate directions. The bed shear stress components have been represented in the model using a quadratic friction law and the Darcy friction factor (Henderson 1966), giving T . - ' * ™ V pfV\V\ xby=^-^ and M (46) where IVI = depth mean fluid speed; a n d / = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, approximated by the Colebrook-White equation in the form: 77—(m+^) ; <5> where ks = length parameter characteristic of bed roughness; and Re = Reynolds number (= AUHlv, where v = the kinematic viscosity of the fluid). For the direct and lateral shear stress components, a simple turbulence model was used, based on the Boussinesq approximation for the eddy viscosity and an assumed seventh-power law velocity profile in the vertical plane. Thus, for the x-direction momentum Eq. 2, the corresponding direct and lateral shear stresses were expressed in the following form (Falconer 1986): • <«> *f) \.\61fH\V\ 8 °xX- \A61fH\V\ — —^ (7) dy dxj The depth integrated conservation equation of solute transport was derived from the three-dimensional form of the advective-diffusion equation giving ^xy ~~ dCH 8t + 8 /dCUH \ dx + d ( + dCVH\ dy ) ~ dC HD d ( dC dC — HDXX xx — + HDxy — dx \ dx dy „ dC\ = 0 +HD Vy{ -Vx (8) ^)_ where C = depth mean solute concentration; and Dxx , Dxy , Dyx , Dyy = depth mean dispersion-diffusion coefficients in x-, y-coordinate directions, given by Preston (1985) as n (hU2 + ktV*)H D **~ 2\v\jr-^ f , {9a) 6 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 (k^2 {9b) '----^OffirJ' "c) yy Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. + k U2)H t ^JV^tJhp!L/ f D V J 2\V\J2 (/q - kt)UVH V ; where kt = longitudinal depth mean dispersion coefficient; and k, = transverse turbulent diffusion coefficient. In the subsequent tests, the values for the coefficients k, and k, were either equated to zero or obtained by calibration from the experimental data. NUMERICAL MODEL DETAILS The finite-difference representation of the hydrodynamic Eqs. 1-3, including Eqs. 4-7, was similar to that used previously and described in some detail in Falconer (1984, 1986). Basically, the governing differential equations were expressed in an alternating direction implicit difference form, with the unknown variables in, U, and V being located at the center and around the sides of a regular grid. The scheme was fully centered in both time and space, with the advective accelerations and the direct and lateral stress terms being fully centered by iteration. The treatment of the cross-product advective accelerations were refined to allow for jet-type flows, without grid-scale oscillations occurring, with full details of the treatment of these terms being given in Falconer (1986). The main novel aspect of the numerical model in this particular study was the finite-difference representation of the advective-diffusion equation and, in particular, the adaptation of the QUICK scheme to represent the advective transport process. The QUICK scheme, originally developed by Leonard (1979), involves the use of quadratic interpolation to estimate the solute concentration value, on a space-staggered grid, at the same location as the velocity components. This is a refinement of the traditional central difference scheme, wherein linear interpolation is used to estimate the solute concentration at the velocity location on the grid. The formulation of the QUICK scheme is best illustrated using the constant space staggered grid representation shown in Fig. 1, where the mean flow velocity component is to the right as shown. For the x-direction advective term of the advective-diffusion equation, i.e., Eq. 8, quadratic interpolation for the corresponding derivative at the grid point j + 2 gives, for example 8CUH dx J+2 CUH\J+2.5-CUH\J+U5 Ax (1Qa) where Cj+2.5 = i(C}+3 + Cj+2) - i ( C , + 3 - 2C, + 2 + CJ+1) (10ft) CJ+1.5=i(Cj+2 (10c) + Cj+1)-UCj+2-2Cj+1 + Cj) Using this representation for the advective terms, with flow in either direction and in both coordinate directions, the alternating direction implicit finite-difference representation used in the numerical model, for 7 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. \*h j*1 j+lk j+2[4. j+3 j+2 Distance FIG. 1. Sketch of Finite Difference Grid Representation for Quadratic Interpolation the first half time step, can be expressed as follows: CH" + 0S 'j.k ^n, h — CH" ^Mj,k TTTJ" + O.S Urt j~0.5,k\^j,k + ^ -I— rrrH-n + 0.5 (r'n + 0.5 , rn + 0.5\ + 4 ^ x lutlj+o.s,k(cj+i,k + cj,k ) //^n + O.S + ,C /-.n + 0.5-1-1 j-l,kJJ — LVHik+0.5(Cik+1 + qtk) - VHik_0,5(C"j,k — 7 T - (^^jU+0.5 V C" k+0 At 2AX' + rnnitO.S At 8Ax 5 + cik-Jl — F H " J t _ 0 5 V C";fc_0.5) //-'n + 0.5 ™ + 0.5\ u n i + 0.5 C/^""1 /-n + 0.5\ HD;nk+0JCU+1-Clk)-HD"yy yyj, ' ( ~ C", fc-l) + """x)>j + o.5,lt( ^7+0.5,4 + 0.5 ~~ Cj+0.5,S-0.5) HD" 5 , ^ ( ^ - 0 . 5 , 1 + 0.5 ' (Cj+0.5,k + 0.5 — HDyXj k0 ^ - 0 . 5 , t - 0 . 5 ) + "DyxJ k+0. C j - 0 . 5 , ^ + 0.5) 5(Cj+0 s k_0 s — C-y_0 5 t _ 0 5)J (11) where j , fc = grid square locations in x-, ^-coordinate directions; n = time step number; At = time step; AX = grid size and V 2 Cj + 0 . 5 , Jc CJ+lfk-2CJik + Cj-ltk; ift/^O J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 •(12a) • (126) if t / > 0 if £ / < 0 (13a) (13b) Cj,k + i 2C^ k + CjJl_i; Cj,k ~ 2Cj k+1 + Cjik+2; if V>0 if V<0 (14a) (14b) Cj,k if V>0 ifF<0 (15a) (15b) Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. V2Cj-0.5,k V2Cj,k-0.s = cj,k 2Cj,k-l + Cj,k-2' •i ~~ 2CJtk + CJik + l; Likewise, a similar finite-difference representation can be obtained for the second half time step, with all terms in the x-coordinate direction and the terms given by the QUICK scheme being expressed explicitly. In modeling the boundary conditions for the difference equations for each half time step, i.e., Eq. 11 for time step n —> n + (1/2), the central-difference component of the advection terms and the dispersiondiffusion terms are treated in the manner described previously by Falconer (1984). Thus, at closed-wall boundaries, the normal velocity and dispersion coefficients are equated to zero, thereby allowing no solute flux through the wall. For the open boundaries, linear extrapolation is used at outflow boundaries, whereas the boundary conditions must be prescribed precisely at inflow boundaries. In modeling closed-boundary conditions for the QUICK computation, the solute gradient is first evaluated at the wall using quadratic interpolation, with the concentration of the exterior adjacent grid square then being obtained from the wall gradient. NUMERICAL MODEL APPLICATION One-Dimensional Test Reach The refined numerical model, including the QUICK scheme, was first tested and compared with other finite-difference schemes by applying it to a one-dimensional test reach. The test reach consisted of a steady unidirectional flow, with a pure plug source of conservative tracer being advected only along the reach, i.e., both physical diffusion and dispersion were equated to zero. The reach was assumed to be 20 km long, with the grid spacing and time step being 200 m and 100 sec, respectively. The constant velocity was assumed to be 0.5 m s _ 1 , giving a transport time along the reach of 400 time steps, and the plug lengths considered were SAX (1 km), 10AZ (2 km), and 30AZ (6 km). In total, five schemes were considered including: (1) The backward implicit scheme (scheme 1); (2) the central implicit or Crank-Nicolson scheme (scheme 2); (3) the upwind implicit scheme (scheme 3); (4) the QUICK scheme (scheme 4); and (5) the six-point scheme by Komata et al. (1985) (scheme 5). The corresponding numerical model predictions for the advected plug can be seen in Fig. 2 for the case when the 1-km plug has just passed the midpoint along the test reach. In interpreting these results, with particular reference to scheme 4, i.e., the QUICK scheme, the backward implicit scheme 1 can be seen to have a relatively high degree of numerical diffusion, with the predicted peak concentration being approximately 57% of the actual assumed concentration of 10 mgl - 1 . Although the numerical diffusion is less marked for the central difference scheme 2, there is a 9 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Scheme 5 (Six Point) ^ ::i 00 E Scheme A (Quick) a ^a. Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. S. io-o 0-0 100, U'Ur Scheme 3 (Upwind) o-oL 1 100, Scheme 2 (Central) 0-0 .nL Scheme 1 (Backward) 100, J 00 0 . 2-0 • 4-0 • 6-0 ,_^T~~-K, 8-0 10-0 12-0 14-0 16-0 18-0 20-0 Distance from the starting point (KM) FIG. 2. Predicted One-Dimensional Plug Source Concentration Distributions for Five Finite Difference Schemes distinct phase lag between the location of the physical and numerical peak concentrations and the characteristic spurious wave-type oscillation in the upstream concentration distribution can be clearly seen. Thus, as can be seen from Fig. 2, the QUICK scheme 4 shows a marked improvement in comparison with the central-difference scheme, particularly since the peak concentration for the QUICK scheme is also better, at 82% of the true peak. As expected, the upwind difference scheme 3, with its relatively high artificial diffusion, exhibits high damping with a peak concentration of only 24% of the correct value. Finally, the six-point scheme 5 exhibited marginally superior accuracy to the QUICK scheme, with a peak concentration of only 14% above the correct peak value, and with a reduced upstream negative concentration. However, these relatively refined improvements in the accuracy between schemes 4 and 5 must be compared with the advantages of relative simplicity, at least in terms of treatment of the boundary conditions, and computer manageability of scheme 4, relative to scheme 5. The results and comparisons shown in Fig. 2 were consistent with the results obtained at other sites along the test reach and for the wider plug sources. Elan Chlorine Contact Tank Following the development and application of the model to the onedimensional test reach, it was then applied to a scaled physical model study of the Elan chlorine contact tank, in Birmingham, England. The main objectives of the original physical model study (Falconer and Tebbutt 1986) were to investigate the flow patterns and flow-through curves for the tank and to consider various tank modifications, with a view to reducing the problems of short-circuiting and optimizing retention times. The Elan chlorine contact tank is used by the Severn Trent Water Authority to supply potable water to various parts of Birmingham, England. The contact tank has a total plan surface area of 2,090 m2 and consists of two independent component tanks, namely the north and south tanks, with each receiving average daily through-flows of 180,000,000 L. 10 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 PI Submerged weir South tank Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 457 Baffles *E North tank ,y ^Overflow weir Submerged weir Inlet chamber wall Outlet to distribution system ta :lnlet =Supj from filters Plan Submerged weir Overflow weir T 7 / 2-55m. approx. 234m./ V, ^ £ 1-^m. ^ -VSection X-X Vertical scale Horizontal scale 6~~"1 2~^m. FIG. 3. Schematic Illustration of Elan Chlorine Contact Tank The approximate volumes of the north and south component tanks are 4,900 m3 and 5,100 m 3 , respectively, with the main dimensions of both tanks being shown in Fig. 3. The through-flow enters the component tanks at the inlet, flows over the submerged weir, and then discharges over the overflow weir at the downstream end. Prior to the physical model study, the water authority had established that the flows through both component tanks had shorter retention times than the theoretical times, with lithium chloride tracer tests indicating retention times of only 17 min and 29 min, for the north and south component tasks, respectively, as compared with a theoretical value of 38 min for a daily through-flow of 180,000,000 L. For reasons outlined in detail in Falconer and Tebbutt (1986), it was only possible to make modifications to the two submerged upstream weirs (see Fig. 3) by extending them across the tank and raising them to below the elevation at which critical depth would occur, and/or modifying the baffle arrangements. A 1:30 Froudian-scale physical model was constructed, with velocity field measurements, observations, and dye tracer studies being undertaken for a series of different tank configurations. The velocity field was measured using weighted drinking straws as drogues, and the flow-through curves were established by first inserting 6-8.5 ml of Rhodamine B in the form of a plug source just upstream of the inlet. At the start of dye injection, the time was recorded and sampling of the outflow—just beyond the outlet weir—was commenced by continuously pumping a small flow of 10 ml min - 1 through a Turner fluorometer. Having established the outflow concentration distribution for a specific tank configuration, the resulting 11 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. distribution was then represented in a dimensionless form by plotting CICo against J/TR, where Co = total concentration volume/tank volume; T = time after dye injection; and TR = theoretical retention time, i.e., Vol/Q, where Vol = tank volume and Q = through flow. Further tests were also undertaken for vertically distorted models, with distortion ratios of 2:1 and 3:1, with full details of the laboratory model results given in Thayanity (1984) and Falconer and Tebbutt (1986). The main recommendations of the physical model study included: (1) Extending the submerged weir in both component tanks so that it spanned the width of each component tank; and (2) raising the height of the submerged weirs from 1.56 m to 2.16 m, corresponding to model weir heights of 52 mm and 72 mm, respectively. These recommendations were implemented by the water authority, with subsequent field measurements for the actual tanks showing marked improvements, with the fieldmeasured retention times being 34.0 min and 35.5 min for the north and south component tanks, respectively. In the mathematical model of the scaled physical model of the Elan chlorine contact tank, a mesh of 53 x 16 and 55 x 16 regular grid squares was used for the north and south component tanks, respectively. The corresponding grid size (AX) was 0.055 m and the time step (At) was 1.0 sec, giving an average Courant number (AtvgH I AX) of 16.4. The hydrodynamic model was run for steady through-flow conditions, with the inflow to each model component tank being 0.535 I s - 1 . Discharges were specified at both open boundaries for each tank, with the inflow boundary being assumed to be a jet inflow through 1 and 2 grid squares for the north and south tanks, respectively, and with the downstream outflow being assumed to be uniformly distributed across the weir, i.e., V = 0 everywhere along the outflow boundary. For the open boundary conditions of the solute transport model, a constant plug source of 5.0 mg 1 _1 was included at the upper boundary for a period of 10 sec. This was in close agreement with the plug input conditions in the physical model, with the plug source being included over a period of 10 time steps. Finally, the representation of the baffle arrangement and the submerged weirs in the mathematical model are worthy of comment. In representing these structures accurately within the model, the local grid size was adjusted where necessary to give the correct cross-sectional area of flow in both the x and v-directions. Furthermore, the local finite-difference representation was refined to give enhanced (second-order) accuracy for these irregular grid squares, with the details of this grid scheme modification being described in some detail by Falconer et al. (1986) in modeling tidal eddies around Rattray Island, Australia. Before the model was run in a predictive capacity, in line with the objectives of the physical model study, the mathematical model was first calibrated using the physical model results of the original weir and baffle arrangement. In the calibration test runs, the main parameter's variations included the bed roughness coefficient ks, and the longitudinal dispersion and turbulent diffusion coefficients, kt and kt, respectively. The final optimum values chosen for these parameters were ks = 0.7 mm, k, = 13.0 m2 S" 1 and k, = 6.0 m2 S" 1 . The value obtained for ks is in line with that which might be expected for a glass-fiber physical model and requires no further comment. However, both the dispersion and diffusion coefficients 12 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. are relatively high in comparison with laboratory and field data obtained by Elder (1959) and Fischer (1973), respectively, with their corresponding values being: kt = 5.93 m2 S~' and kt = 0.15 m2 S~l. The larger values obtained for the present study can be accounted for by the following conditions: (1) There is a strong recirculation flow within the contact tank, which is not accurately reproduced by the simple turbulence model; (2) laminar flow exists over much of the plan surface area of the physical model, giving rise to higher dispersion than that given in the mathematical model by a turbulent logarithmic vertical velocity variation; and (3) such physical model studies can be shown by dimensional analysis to overestimate dispersion and diffusion processes (Mardapitta-Hadjipandeli 1985). The corresponding values for ks, kt, and kt, as obtained by calibration, were then used in all of the subsequent mathematical model simulations for the various physical model configurations considered. The predictions obtained from the calibrated mathematical model, both for the hydrodynamic and the solute transport processes, have generally proved to be in good agreement with the corresponding laboratory model results. The velocity field predictions, as shown in Fig. 4 for the north component tank, were in close agreement with the physical model measurements, except near the inlet and in the immediate vicinity of the submerged weir. The numerically predicted velocities at the laboratory measuring sites have been extrapolated from the full predicted velocity field and are shown in comparison with the corresponding laboratory measurements in Fig. 5. The example comparison shown in Fig. 5 highlights the discrepancy between the results near the inlet and the submerged weir,' with this discrepancy being partly accounted for by the non-negligible vertical velocity components near both the inlet and the submerged weir. Although the results are shown here for the north component tank and one configuration only, the complete set of results for both tanks and for all the laboratory model configurations cited by Falconer and Tebbutt (1986) have shown a similar degree of agreement. For the flow-through curves, the results using the QUICK scheme showed a very close similarity with the measured results for the original tank configuration, i.e., with the submerged weir being 52 mm high and not completely spanning the width of each component tank. An example of the resulting predicted concentration distribution is shown in Fig. 6 for the north component tank only, with the predicted and measured flow-through curves being shown for the north and south component tanks in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The ideal plug flow curve shown in Figs. 7 and 8 illustrates the equivalent flow-through curve for one-dimensional flow through the model tank in the presence of pure Taylorian diffusion and dispersion, i.e., diffusion and dispersion arising from a logarithmic vertical velocity profile only (Falconer and Tebbutt 1985). As can be seen from Figs. 7 and 8, the measured and predicted flow-through curves have similar characteristics, with the time for the tracer to be first detected at the outlet and the time for the peak concentration to occur being similar for the measured and predicted results. When the upstream submerged weir was extended across the tank and raised to the recommended model elevation of 72 mm, the agreement between the measured and predicted flow-through curves was not so encouraging, as can be seen in Figs. 9 and 10 for the north and 13 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK — NORTH MODEL Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. TIME = WmTOTOWOTTOmTOTOWmrowwmmw? LENGTH SCALE — 5.83 MIN BrommTOwm^^K«wwmK^^sm^rawwmww VELOCITY - • 55 hfi 58 IVUS AVERAGE DEPTH = 8 . B 8 3 M ROUGHNESS KS = 8.78 THROUGHFLOW = 0 . 5 3 5 L.-S HEIGHT OF WALL = 8 . 8 5 2 H m FIG. 4. Predicted Velocity Distribution for Original Model North Tank Configuration 1 1 — «__ ^ — — — 1 1 ^ , ^ / - / 1 / " I 1 \ ~-*. ~ " ' ^ / s ** s —^ —*- -~ -~ " - wv.«w™v»«™™« L\V^VV^mH^\V\\\\WW\\V\WW - 1 1 I t 1 K w ^ W W .^,y (<•) V \ W W ^ W M \ * \ W V * V " » " " " " " " " » " " " " " ' " ' " " ' " \\WWWVmVW.'.WW.W,W t V.W.W.WW. 1 LENGTH SCALE — VELOCITY —• 55 IW 18 H1VS W FIG. 5. Comparison of Predicted and Measured Velocities at Measuring Sites for Model North Tank: (a) Predicted Velocity Field; (b) Measured Velocity Field south component tanks, respectively. However, this disparity between the predicted and measuredflow-throughcurves for the maximum upstream elevation considered was attributed to the strong vertical velocity components in the vicinity of the upstream weir and the diffusion and dispersion coefficients, rather than any features of the QUICK scheme. At this upstream weir elevation of 72 mm, theflowwas close to being critical over the submerged weir, and visual observations showed a pronounced local three-dimensional flow field. Furthermore, the diffusion and dispersion coefficients were assumed to be the same for all of the weir elevations 14 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK — Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. TIHS = NORTH MODEL 1.59 MIN ISO-CONCENTS LENGTH SCALE — 55 HM MEAN VELXITY » 17 M1VS HEAN CL CON -1.33 ttCL paM. VEL DEVIATION » 16 m-8 a CON DEV =1.36 K M . FIG. 6. Tracer Concentration Distribution for Original Model North Tank Configuration considered in the model, whereas the reduction in the circulation strength, arising as a result of raising the weir, was observed to effect these processes. In designing new chlorine contact tanks, the hydraulic engineer would aim to avoid pronounced three-dimensional flow features, and thus this disparity in the results should not detract from the benefits of using mathematical models in general to design hydraulically such chlorine contact tanks. When such three-dimensional flow effects become significant, then a two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical model cannot be justified, and a fully three-dimensional flow model must be used. Finally, to illustrate the benefits of using the QUICK scheme in such a mathematical model application compared with the more traditional central difference representation, a comparison is shown in Fig. 11 of the predicted flow-through curve for the north component tank using both the QUICK and central-difference schemes without dispersion and diffusion. ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK NORTH MODEL ideal plug Plow measured curve predicted curve 1.0 1.5 2.0 RELATIVE TlflE RATIO T/TR FIG. 7. Comparison of Predicted and Measured Flow through Curves for Original Model North Tank Configuration 15 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK — SOUTH MODEL ideal plug Plow Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. measured • 8.5 curve • predicted curve 1.0 1.5 2.6 RELATIVE TIME RATIO T'TR FIG. 8. Comparison of Predicted and Measured Flow through Curves for Original Model South Tank Configuration The dispersion and diffusion terms have been deliberately excluded in this simulation, since, as can be seen from Fig. 11, the central-difference scheme becomes unstable in modeling high-solute gradients in comparison with the stable solutions obtained for the QUICK scheme. As can be seen from Fig. 11, the QUICK scheme simulation exhibits a flow-through curve that is similar in form to the previous results, although naturally the numerical values are different as a result of the exclusion of dispersion and diffusion. This result, in particular, highlights the advantages of using the QUICK scheme, in comparison with the central-difference scheme, for modeling high-solute concentration gradients, with the increased accuracy of the scheme therefore appearing to outweigh significantly the increased computational effort and additional finite-difference complexity. ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK NORTH MODEL ideal plug Flow oeasured curve predicted curve A 1.8 1.5 2. RELATIVE TIME RATIO T/TR FIG. 9. Comparison of Predicted and Measured Flow through Curves for Modified Model North Tank Configuration 16 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 ELAN CONTACT CHLORINE TANK — SOUTH MODEL ideal plug Flow Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. • measured curve predicted curve 8.5 1-e 1.5 2.0 RELATIVE TIME RATIO T/TR FIG. 10. Comparison of Predicted and Measured Flow through Curves for Modified Model South Tank Configuration Quick Scheme Central Scheme A 0-4 17V r A-/I H)\ I 12 H \i L„. J I . Relative Time Ratio t/TR FIG. 11. Comparison of Flow through Curve for QUICK and Central Difference Scheme Excluding Dispersion and Diffusion CONCLUSIONS Details are given of the refinement of an existing two-dimensional depth averaged numerical model, with particular emphasis being placed on the modeling of plug flow of a conservative tracer through a chlorine contact tank. The main refinement of the numerical model is the use of the QUICK scheme to represent the advection terms of the advective-diffusion equation, with this third-order accurate scheme involving the use of quadratic interpolation for the spatial derivations, rather than the more traditional linear representation associated with the central-difference scheme. The QUICK scheme was first applied to the modeling of plug flow in a steady one-dimensional open-channel flow. The scheme was compared with four other schemes and, with the exception of the higher order six-point explicit scheme, the QUICK scheme was shown to have favor17 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. able properties, particularly with respect to modeling the relatively high solute concentration gradients. The two-dimensional mathematical model, including the QUICK scheme, was then applied to the modeling of plug flow through a sitespecific chlorine contact tank, namely the Elan chlorine contact tank in Birmingham, England. The mathematical model results were compared with physical model results obtained from a previous study, with the agreement between the predicted and laboratory measured velocities and flow-through curves being particularly encouraging, except when a strong local three-dimensional velocity field was exhibited near the upstream submerged weir. The QUICK scheme again exhibited much improved predictions of the flow-through curves, in comparison with the traditional central difference scheme, and this improvement was particularly marked when the simulations of flow through the contact tank were undertaken in the absence of dispersion and diffusion. The QUICK scheme has therefore been shown to be favorably attractive for modeling relatively high solute gradients, with its marginally more complex finite-difference form, relative to the central-difference scheme, being outweighed in comparison with the increase in accuracy. The mathematical model, including the QUICK scheme, is particularly suited to the design of such hydraulic basins as chlorine contact tanks, where an analysis of a tracer plug source through the tank allows the retention time to be optimized. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research study was predominantly undertaken while the first writer was a lecturer in civil engineering at the University of Birmingham and while the second writer was on sabbatical from Tong-Ji University, China. The writers therefore wish to acknowledge the support and encouragement given by both universities and the helpful comments and guidance given by Dr. Hugh Tebbutt, of Birmingham, and Professor Gu, of Tong-Ji. The research study outlined herein was also funded by Binnie and Partners, Consulting Engineers, England, and the writers wish to express their appreciation of Binnie's financial support and, in particular, the technical support and encouragement of Mr. Graham Thompson, Divisional Director. The physical modeling study referred to herein was funded by the Severn Trent Water Authority (Tame Division) and the writers wish to express their thanks to the then Divisional Manager, Mr. R. Hattersley, for the authority's support. The study was also greatly aided by the helpful contribution of Mr. E. S. Kain, systems engineer of Tame Division. The writers are indebted to the referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. APPENDIX I. REFERENCES Elder, J. W. (1959). "The dispersion of marked fluid in turbulent shear flow." J. FluidMech., 5(4), 544-560. Falconer, R. A. (1984). "Temperature distributions in a tidal flow field." / . Envir. Engrg., ASCE, 110(6), 1099-1116. Falconer, R. A. 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"Numerical modelling of tide-induced circulation," thesis presented to the University of Birmingham, at Birmingham, England, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. McNaughton, J. G., and Gregory, R. (1977). "Disinfection by chlorination in contact tanks." Technical Report No. TR.60, Water Research Centre, Medmenham, U.K., D e c , 1-9. Preston, R. W. (1985). "The representation of dispersion in two-dimensional water flow." Report No. TPRDILI2783IN84, Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead, England, May, 1-13. Sawyer, C. M., and King, P. H. (1969). "The hydraulic performance of chlorine contact tanks." Proceedings of the 24th Industrial Waste Conference, External Series, Vol. 135, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind., May, 1151-1168. Schlicting, H. (1960). Boundary layer theory. 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y. Thayanithy, M. (1984). "Hydraulic design aspects of chlorine contact tanks," thesis presented to the University of Birmingham, at Birmingham, England, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. APPENDIX II. NOTATION The following symbols are used in this paper. C Co L*xx » *^xy > *-*yx > *^yy f 9 depth mean concentration in tank; average concentration for tank volume; combined depth mean dispersion and diffusion coefficients in the x, y-plane; Darcy friction factor; acceleration due to gravity; 19 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20 H j, k Downloaded from by Colorado State Univ Lbrs on 03/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. k, ks K n Q Re T TR t U, V • IV) Vol x,y P At Ax r\ v a xx > Vyy T fct > Jby Try > Ty.v = total depth of fluid column; = finite difference coordinates referring to x, ylocations, respectively; = longitudinal dispersion coefficient; = bed roughness length parameter; = turbulent diffusion coefficient; = time step location; = throughflow in tank; = Reynolds number; = time after dye injection; = theoretical retention time; = time; = depth mean velocity components in x, y-directions, respectively; = depth mean fluid speed; = volume of tank; = coordinate directions in horizontal plane; = momentum correction factor; = time step size; = grid spacing; = water surface elevation above datum; = kinematic viscosity of fluid; = direct stress components in x, y-directions, respectively; = De d shear stress components in x, y-directions, respectively; and = lateral shear stress components in x, y-directions, respectively. 20 J. Environ. Eng., 1988, 114(1): 3-20