THEORIES OF PERSONALITY: COMPARATIVE MATRIX “HUMANISTIC/EXISTENTIAL THEORIES” PROPONENT THEORY ASSUMPTIONS COMPONENTS OF THE THEORY Abraham H. Maslow HolisticDynamic Theory assumes that the whole person is constantly being motivated by one need or another and that people have the potential to grow toward psychological health – self actualization Hierarchy of Needs (Conative/ Basic Needs): A. Physiological Needs: survival needs (food, water, oxygen, heat, etc.) B. Safety Needs: protection needs ( physical security, stability, dependency, freedom from threatening forces) C. Love and Belongingness Needs: interpersonal needs (desire for friendship, wish for a mate and children, the need to belong to a family, etc.) D. Self- Esteem Needs: selfrespect, confidence, competence, knowledge (for higher esteem) E. Self-Actualization Needs: self-fulfillment, the realization of one’s potential, desire to become creative Other Categories of Needs (according to Maslow): APPLICATIONS OF THE THEORY Free association Transference Resistance Dream Analysis Manifest and latent content Freudian or Unconscious Slips (Parapraxes) Findings from many different neuroscientific programs of research have established that the pleasure-seeking drives have their neurological origins in two brain structures, namely the brain stem and the limbic system (Solms, 2004; Solms & Turnbull, 2002). Moreover, the neurotransmitter dopamine is most centrally involved in most pleasure- seeking behaviors. In Freud’s language, these are the drives and instincts of the id. PERSONAL CRITICISM Did Freud Understand Women? His theory of personality was strongly oriented toward men, Freud acknowledged that he lacked a complete understanding of the female psyche. Freud regarded women as the “tender sex,” suitable for caring for the household and nurturing children but not equal to men in scientific and scholarly affairs. Freud undoubtedly would have been surprised to learn that 130 years later these terms of endearment are seen by many as disparaging to women. CARL ROGERS PersonCentered A. Aesthetic Needs: need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences B. Cognitive Needs: desire for knowledge and wisdom C. Neurotic Needs: nonproductive needs that are usually reactive; that is, they serve as compensation for unsatisfied basic needs Person-centered theory Rogers rests on two basic saw people as having assumptions: (1) the experiences on three levels of formative awareness: (1) those that tendency that states that are symbolized below the all matter, both organic threshold of awareness and are and inorganic, tends to ignored, denied, or evolve not allowed into the selffrom simpler to more concept; (2) those that are complex forms and (2) distorted or reshaped to fit an actualizing tendency, it into an existing self-concept; which and (3) those that are consistent suggests that all living with the selfconcept and thus things, including are accurately symbolized and humans, tend to move freely admitted to the toward selfstructure completion, or Needs fulfillment of potentials. The two basic human needs are However, in order for maintenance and enhancement, people (or but people also plants and animals) to need positive regard and selfbecome actualized, regard. Maintenance needs certain identifiable include those for conditions must Jon Kasler and Ofra Nevo (2005) gathered earliest memories from 130 participants. These recollections were then coded by two judges on the kind of career the memory reflected. The recollections were classified using Holland’s (1973) vocational interest types, namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (see Table 3.3 for description of these interest types). For example, an early recollection that reflects a social career interest later in life was: “I went to nursery school for the first time in my life at the age of four or five. I don’t remember my feelings that day but I went with my mother and the moment I arrived I met my first friend, a boy by the name of P. I remember a clear picture of P playing on the railings and somehow I joined him. I had fun all day” (Kasler & Nevo, 2005, It produced many concepts that do not easily lend themselves to either verification or falsification. For example, although research has consistently shown a relationship between early childhood recollections and a person’s present style of life (Clark, 2002), these results do not verify Adler’s notion that present style of life shapes one’s early recollections. An alternate, causal explanation is also possible; that is, early experiences may cause present style of life. Thus, one of Adler’s most important concepts—the assumption that present style of life deter- mines early memories rather than vice versa—is difficult to be present. For a person, these conditions include a relationship with another person who is genuine, or congruent, and who demonstrates complete acceptance and empathy for that person. food, air, and safety, but they also include our tendency to resist change and to maintain our self-concept as it is. Enhancement needs include needs to grow and to realize one's full human potential. Conditions of Worth Most people are not unconditionally accepted. Instead, they receive conditions of worth; that is, they feel that they are loved and accepted only when and if they meet the conditions set by others. F. Psychological Stagnation When the organismic self and the self-concept are at variance with one another, a person may experience incongruence, anxiety, threat, defensiveness, and even disorganization. The Self and Self Actualization: A. Self-Concept: includes all those aspects of one’s being and one’s experiences that are perceived in awareness (though not always accurately) by the individual p. 226). This early recollection centers around social interaction and relationships. An example of an early recollection that reflects a realistic career interest was: “When I was a little boy, I used to like to take things apart, especially electrical appliances. One day I wanted to find out what was inside the television, so I decided to take a knife and break it open. Because I was so small I didn’t have the strength and anyway my father caught me and yelled at me” (Kasler & Nevo, 2005, p. 225). either verify or falsify. B. Ideal Self: one’s view of self as one wishes to be ROLLO MAY Existential Psychology that existence takes precedence over essence, meaning that process and growth are more important than product and stagnation. Second, existentialists oppose the artificial split between subject and object. Third, they stress people's search for meaning in their lives. Fourth, they insist that each of us is responsible for who we are and what we will become. Fifth, most existentialists take an antitheoretical position, believing that theories tend to objectify people. Levels of the Psyche: A. Conscious: these are images that are sensed by the ego, whereas unconscious elements have no relationship with the ego B. Personal Unconscious: embraces all repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences of one particular individual C. Collective Unconscious: in contrast with personal unconscious, these rooted from the ancestral past of the entire species D. Archetypes: are ancient and archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious 1. Shadow: the archetype of darkness and repression, represents those qualities one do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide to oneself or others 2. Anima: the feminine side of men and is responsible for many of their irrational moods and feelings 3. Animus: the masculine archetype of women and is Today, most research related to Jung focuses on his descriptions of personality types. The MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers, 1962) is the most frequently used measure of Jung’s personality types and is often used by school counselors to direct students toward rewarding avenues of study. For example, research has found that people high on the intuition and feeling dimensions are likely to find teaching re- warding (Willing, Guest, & Morford, 2001). More recently, researchers have extended work on the usefulness of Jungian personality types by exploring the role of types in how people manage their personal finances and the kinds of careers they pursue. Is Jung’s theory of personality internally consistent? Does it possess a set of operationally defined terms? The first question receives a qualified affirmative answer; the second, a definite negative one. Jung generally used the same terms consistently, but he often employed several terms to describe the same concept. The words regression and introverted are so closely related that they can be said to describe the same process. This is also true of progression and extraverted, and the list could be expanded to include several other terms such as individuation and self- realization, which also are not clearly differentiated. Jung’s language is often arcane, and many of his terms are not adequately defined. As for operational definitions, responsible for irrational thinking and illogical opinions in women 4. Great Mother: a derivative of anima/ animus that represents two opposing forces- fertility and nourishment on the one hand and power and destruction to the other 5. Wise Old Man: a derivative of anima/ animus which is the archetype of wisdom and meaning, symbolizes human’s existing knowledge of the mysteries of life 6. Hero: is the unconscious image of a person who conquers an evil foe but who has also a tragic flaw 7. Self: is the archetype of completeness, wholeness and perfection. Dynamics of Personality: A. Causality and Teleology: motivation in present events have their origin in previous experiences (causality) and by goals and aspirations (teleology) B. Progression and Regression: achieving the self –realization Jung, like other early personality theorists, did not define terms operationally. There- fore, we rate his theory as low on internal consistency. through adaptation to the outside environment by forward flow of psychic energy (progression) and the inner world through backward flow of psychic energy (regression) Psychological Types: A. Attitudes: predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction 1. Introversion: is the turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward the subjective 2. Extraversion: is the attitude distinguished by the turning outward of psychic energy B. Functions: are the four types that is combined with the attitudes 1. Thinking: logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas ET: Rely heavily on concrete thoughts IT: Colored more by the internal meaning 2. Feeling: the process of evaluating an idea or event EF: Objective data to make evaluations IT: Judgments are subjective 3. Sensing: receives the physical stimuli and transmits them to perceptual consciousness (sensation) ES: Perceives external stimuli objectively IT: Sensations are influenced subjectively 4. Intuiting: involves perceptions beyond the workings of consciousness EI: oriented toward facts in the external world II: are guided by unconscious perceptions of facts that are basically subjective and have little sense or no resemblance to external reality. MELANIE KLEIN OBJECT RELATIONS THEORY Klein believed that infants begin life with an inherited predisposition to reduce the anxiety that they have experienced as a consequences of the cash between of the life instinct and the death instinct. First, object relations theory places less emphasis on biologically based drives and more importance on consistent patterns of interpersonal relationships. Second, object relations theory tends to be more maternal, stressing the intimacy and nurturing of the mother. Infants do not begin life with a blank slate but with an inherited predisposition to reduce the More recently, this line of theory and research has been applied to both men and women. Steven Huprich and colleagues (Huprich, Stepp, Graham, & Johnson, 2004), for instance, examined the connection between disturbed object relations and eating disorders in a nearly equal number of female and male college students. Because eating disorders are much more common in women than in men (Brannon & Feist,2007), the investigation by Huprich and colleagues was an important Perhaps the most useful feature of object relations theory is its ability to or ganize information about the behavior of infants. More than most other personality theorists, object relations theorists have speculated on how humans gradually come to acquire a sense of identity. She watched the interactions between infant and mother and drew inferences based on what they saw. However, anxiety they experience as a result of the conflict produced by the forces of the life instinct and the power of the death instinct. The infant’s innate readiness to act or react presupposes the existence of phylogenetic endowment, a concept that Freud also accepted addition to the research on eating disorders of both men and women. The researchers administered three measures of object relations and three measures of eating disorders to the participants to see whether the association between object relations and eating problems could be found in men as well as women. beyond the early childhood years, object relations theory lacks usefulness as an organizer of knowledge. A study by Michael Robinson and colleagues asked how one could be a “successful neurotic” (Robinson, Ode, Wilkowski, & Amodio, 2007). They found that for those predisposed toward neurosis, the ability to react adaptively to errors while assessing threat was related to less negative mood in daily life. Although Horney painted a vivid portrait of the neurotic personality, her theory rates very low in generating research, low on its ability to be falsified, to organize data, and to serve as a useful guide. Her theory is rated about average on internal In addition, object relations theory lacks Parsimony. She used needlessly complex phrases and concepts to express her theory. Klein (1946) saw human infants as constantly engaging in a basic conflict between the life instinct and the death instinct, that is, between good and bad, love and hate, creativity and destruction. As the ego moves toward integration and away from dis- integration, infants naturally prefer gratifying sensations over frustrating ones. . KAREN HORNEY PSYCHOANAL YTIC SOCIAL THEORY was built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions, especially childhood experiences, are largely responsible for shaping personality. Basic Hostility: results from childhood feelings of rejection or neglect by parents or from a defense against basic anxiety Basic Anxiety: repressed feeling that lead to profound feelings of insecurity and a vague sense of apprehension; results from parental threats or defense against hostility Compulsive Drives: various protective devices to guard against the rejection, hostility, and competitiveness of others Neurotic Needs: 10 categories that characterizes neurotics in their attempts to combat anxiety Neurotic Trends: general categories of neurotic needs that relates a person’s attitude toward self and others A. Moving toward people 1. Acceptance and Humiliation: live accordingly; please people 2. Dominant Partners: attach oneself to powerful partner B. Moving against people 3. Personal Achievement: strong drive to do best 4. Personal Admiration: to be recognized 5. Prestige: to be respected 6. Power 7. Exploitation: evaluate others on how they can be exploited; at the same time, there is fear of being exploited by others The conclusion was that many consistency and parsimony. neurotic people, while they cannot change their personalities and stop being neurotic, o en develop great skill at avoiding negative outcomes, and that their successful avoidance of these outcomes improves their mood, making them feel better on a daily basis. ERIK ERIKSON POSTFREUDIAN THEORY extension of psychoanalysis suggesting that an individual passes a specific psychosocial struggle that contributes to the formation of his personality C. Moving away from people 8. Self- restriction: to be contented 9. Self- sufficient: self apart 10. Perfection and Unassailability: be best and critical to mistakes Basic Conflict: incompatible tendency to move as of neurotic trends Epigenetic Principle: one component part arises out of another and has its own time of ascendancy, but it does not entirely replace earlier components Systonic and Dystonic Attitudes: Conflicting opposites that results to the Psychosocial Crisis Faced each stages of Human Development: systonic (harmonious) and dystonic (disruptive) elements Basic Strength: is produced by the conflicts of the opposing systonic and dystonic elements Core Pathology: results from too little basic strength Stages of Development with Corresponding Psychosocial Crisis Faced (1), Its Basic Strength (2) and Its Core Pathology (3) : Dan McAdams and his colleagues (McAdams, 1999; McAdams & de St. Aubin, 1992; Bauer & McAdams, 2004b) have been major figures in research on generativity and have developed the Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) to measure it. The LGS includes items such as “I have important skills that I try to teach others” and “I do not volunteer to work for a charity.” The scale measures several aspects of generativity, including concern for the next generation; creating and maintaining objects and things; and person narration: that is, the subjective story or theme that an adult creates about providing for the next generation. Erikson’s theory provides many general guidelines, but offers little specific advice. Compared to other theories discussed in this book, it ranks near the top in suggesting approaches to dealing with middle-aged and older adults. Erikson’s views on aging have been helpful to people in the field of gerontology, and his ideas on ego identity are nearly always cited in adolescent psychology textbooks. In addition, his concepts of intimacy versus isolation and generativity versus stagnation have much to offer to marriage counselors and others concerned with intimate relationships among young adults. A. Infancy: 1. Basic Trust vs. Mistrust, 2. Hope, 3. Withdrawal B. Early Childhood: 1. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, 2. Will, 3. Compulsion C. Play Age: 1. Initiative vs. Guilt, 2. Purpose, 3. Inhibition D. School Age: 1. Industry vs. inferiority, 2. Competence, 3. Inertia E. Adolescence: 1. Identity vs. Role Confusion, 2. Fidelity, 3. Role Repudiation F. Young Adulthood: 1. Intimacy vs. Isolation, 2. Love, 3. Exclusivity G. Adulthood: 1. Generativity vs. Stagnation, 2. Care, 3. Rejectivity H. Old Age: 1. Integrity vs. Despair, 2. Wisdom, 3. Disdain ERICH FROMM HUMANISTIC PSYCHOANAL YSIS assumes that humanity’s separation from the natural world has produced feelings and isolation, a condition called basic anxiety Basic Anxiety: a sense of being alone in the world Human Needs: A. Relatedness: the drive for union with another person or other persons. There are three basic ways to Mark Bernard and colleagues (2006) sought to test these central components of Fromm’s theory through the use of self-report measures in a sample of undergraduate students in Great Britain. Specifically, the researchers wanted to test whether Like other psychodynamic theorists, Fromm tended to take a global approach to theory construction, erecting a grand, highly abstract model that was more philosophical than scientific. His insights into human nature relate to the world: submission, power, love B. Transcendence: the urge to rise a passive and accidental existence into the “realm of purposefulness and freedom” (Fromm, 1981, p.4). People can transcend by creating life or destroying it C. Rootedness: the need to establish roots or to feel at home again in the world D. Sense of Identity: capacity to be aware of oneself as a separate entity E. Frame of Orientation: a final human need which enables people to organize the various stimuli that impinge on them. Guides a consistent way of looking at the world Mechanisms of Escape: A. Authoritarianism: the need to unite with a powerful partner in order to acquire the strength which the individual is lacking B. Destructiveness: restoration of lost feelings of power by destroying people of objects C. Positive Freedom: act according to basic natures or not discrepancies between a person’s own beliefs and the way the person perceived the beliefs of his or her society led to feelings of estrangement. The findings of the study were as predicted. The more a person reported that his or her values were discrepant from society in general, the more likely he or she was to have a strong feeling of estrangement (Bernard, Gebauer, &Maio, 2006). This is not surprising. Basically, if your values are different from those of your society or culture, you feel as though you are different and not normal. This is also pre- cisely what Fromm’s theory predicts. The more distant people feel from those around them in their community, the more people are likely to feel isolated. strike a responsive chord, as evidenced by the popularity of his books. Unfortunately, his essays and arguments are not as popularly known today as they were 50 years ago. Paul Roazen (1996) stated that, during the mid1950s, a person could not be considered educated without having read Fromm’s eloquently written Escape from Freedom. Today, however, Fromm’s books are seldom required reading on college campuses. and not according to conventional rules Character Orientations: A. Nonproductive Orientations: strategies that fail to move people closer to positive freedom and self realization 1. Receptive: feel that the source of all good lies outside themselves and that the only way they can relate to the world is to receive things (concrete or abstract) 2. Exploitative: same as receptive characters yet an inclusion of aggressiveness to take what is desired rather than being passive is evident 3. Hoarding: seeks to save that which have already obtained, hold everything inside and do not let go 4. Marketing: see themselves as commodities, with their personal value dependent on their exchange value, the ability to sell themselves B. Productive Orientations: working towards positive freedom and continuing reasoning 1. Loving: characterized by its four qualities: care, responsibility, respect and knowledge. In addition, biophila (positive love of life and all that is alive) is included 2. Working: work not as end in itself, but as a means of creative self- expression 3. Thinking: motivated by a concerned interest in another person or object Personality Disorders: A. Necrophilia: love of death; desire for sexual contact with a corpse B. Malignant Narcissism: everything belonging to a narcissistic person is highly valued and everything belonging to another person is devaluated C. Incestuous Symbiosis: an extreme dependence on the mother or mother surrogate