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Using information in Human Resources
Date of Assessment
JULY 28 2019
Topic: What are the benefits of digital recruitment?
2.1 – Identifying the area/proposal
The recruitment and selection are considered as a vital function of HR in the organizations.
Having a strong recruitment functions will enable the company to attract the required talents
on a timely manner and with less cost. Therefore, the recruitment function will ensure
availability of skills and knowledge within the workforce at the required time and place, which
will enable the organizations to perform the operation effectively.
Question: will the digital solutions increase or decrease recruitment process efficiencies?
The digital era is impacting all field of work including the recruitment process which help the
organizations to conduct work more efficiently. Therefore, to improve the recruitment
process and to compete with the global organizations in attracting the best choice of
candidates the digital recruitment is proposed to take place in the organizations.
Stakeholder’s matrix:
Level of impact
Level of support
Reason of
support or
Aware of the
problem but not
clear about the
Action to address
Need to improve
the efficiency of
the process
Provide update on
progress of the
IT Manager
Possible impact
of company data
protections and
Provide a clear
strategies and
agreement on data
Provide a clear
finding and
2.2 Conduct a critical review of different information sources relevant to the chosen
area of HR / business practice
As stated by Dr Paul Barrett (2017), that Social media has already made a huge impact on
the recruitment and selections such as Linked in Facebook which enabled the companies to
cut cost and easily identified interested candidates. Moreover, Michal Kosinski, one of the
leaders in personality assessment, claims that the use of social network activities analysis
will build a profile of candidates by using “Digital footprint” to further analyze his personality.
Such technology will help to reduce the pre-screening time of thousands of applicants.
(people managment,2017)
Implementing a chatbot as additional communication medium will help to attract more
candidates with different backgrounds. This will also remove the barriers for candidate that
are not yet willing to apply or travel for face to face interviews. Having the chatbot as
additional channel of communication will reinforce positive messaging. (Jodie Grove 2019)
Enhancing the level of communication will engage more candidates to the organizations
recruitment system, brand company’s EVPs and increase acceptance percentages.
In addition, and based on the internal survey conducted on employees ages from 25-40, the
analysis showed that 90% of participants have an active personal email and at least one
social media account. Also, the result showed that 88% of participated employee consumed
an average of 2 to 3 hours on the internet on a daily basis. Moreover, 75% has selected the
online platform as the first choice to apply for jobs and 70% of them has an active linked
account. The amount of data being shared in the social medial and the internet will allow the
employers to identify the best fit candidates by utilizing the emerging digital solutions.
In general, using the digital foot print will enable the business organizations of assessing the
candidates to best fit them among the available jobs within the organizations. By
understanding the user behaviors in the social media using digital footprint technology,
organizations would efficiently select potential candidates for specific job which eventually
will eliminate the pre-screening process
Implementing the chatbot technology in the recruitment process will enhance the
communication between the employers and job seekers by providing fast and automated
answers to the candidates. It will reduce the candidate waiting time and increase the
efficiency of the recruitment process by reducing the cost of call center function within the
Critical Reviews:
Dr Paul Barrett chief research scientist at psychological assessment company Cognadev, has
indicated in the article that social networks has huge impact on the HR function. He indicated
to the new emerging tool of candidate assement which relies on the social networks. Paul
has referred to a recent research conducted team at Cambridge and Stanford Universities
(one of top 10 schools in business worldwide). However, Paul should include as well more
details on the sample sizing used on the research finding and result. On another hand, it is
obvious that the social networks can be a value added to organizations to identify the
suitable candidates by using the big data.
Jodie Grove client partner at recruitment technology provider Meet & Engage has indicated
that the use of chatbot will boost the social mobility. She referred to several references in the
article such as Social Mobility Commission, the Sutton Trust and Centre for Economic and
Business Research. The sample sizing used covers variety of ages, positions that would
result in a valid outcome. Moreover, the enhancement of communication in the recruitment
process is a value added to the process and will attract passive candidate.
Using the internal survey as a qualitative data conducted for employees from age 25 to 40
which cover the targeted talents ages for future recruits. The survey participant
approximately is 60 % out of around 1000 surveys sent out. The survey represents relevant
and current findings to the organizations that match the local market conditions.
1.1 Summarise the stages of the research process and compare different data
collection methods
There is two type of researchs which is well known as Primary (Field search) where the data
is considered as new data and were not gathered previously. this kind of data usually
gathered through surveys and face to face interviews. Also, there is tow main approaches,
the first is qualitative is set to collect opinions and views of others, looking into more depth of
review. quantitative is the numerical data or numbers that could be converted into statistics.
Secondary (Desk research) involve gathering available data that already exist. Gather data
will be converted into statistical analysis. Following is the stages of the research.
Define the problem: defining the problem is the first step of the research process,
where the focus should be on specific area drilled down by specific question that can
result in a measured conclusion and recommendation.
Review the available data: another step is to search for available data and by
referring to an existing studies or report and how the secondary data is relevant to
the topic. You may also need to have primary research (data collection) to conclude
your research.
There are two type of data (Primary, where your collect the information through
survey and interviews) or secondary data, where the data is already published which
called desk research. within the primary data, you may use quantitative data, which is
the analysis, figures and data. Another type is qualitative data which is collected by
interviewing others in include their views and feelings.
Analyse literature is the process of comparing findings among similar articles and
review the difference between arguments in relation to the organization. A hypothesis
is a specific type of research question based on your speculation after reading
various research articles
Write down the research questions that illustrate the exact point need to be
addresses in the research.
Evaluation is the process of reviewing and analysing what we read from the primary
researches, in terms of validity relevancy and accuracy. Benchmarking is another
way evaluation that could be conducted to compare organizations.
Drawing Conclusion is the process of analysing data, identify patterns to and
organize the data into a meaningful output.
Summarize the findings for audience is the process of presenting the findings to the
targeted audience. This should include knowing your audience in order to best
present the findings.
3.1 Draw meaningful conclusions and make recommendations
Leveraging the latest technology to recruit the best talents would improve the process of
hiring. The digital era has impacted HR function to improve the functionality of some
processes to be more efficient and effective.
Dr Paul Barrett has illustrated that utilizing the new technology in social media will add value
to the recruitment process by identifying the candidate on an efficient manner. The use of
Digital Footprint will help to identify the best fit candidates by understanding the candidate’s
behaviors in the social networks. This will reduce the time an effort exerted by the recruiter
to pre-screen and asses the applicants.
The second source indicated that the benefit of applying Artificial Intelligence in enhancing
the communication between the recruitment and the applicants. The chatbot technology is
another tool that can be utilized in the recruitment process to raise the communication and
provide a quick and up to date answers to customers inquires. The chatbot will also
encourage struggled applicant to apply as it will provide them an immediate reply to their
concerns during the application phase.
The third source of Information (Internal Survey) shows the time consumed among targeted
audience was a minimum of 2 to 3 hours a day, which indicate that active candidates are
available in the social networks on a daily basis, this will also reflect the effective of
announcement and post through the social network as well. Moreover, around 70% of
applicant has an active kinked account which they prefer to apply through online application
rather than physically visiting the organizations.
The researches revealed that the digital solutions will positively impact the recruitment
functions. relying more on the social networks will help the employer to identify the talents
faster than the traditional way. It is also enabling the employer to reduce the time and efforts
needed to attract candidate and match them with available posts. moreover, implementing
chatbot technology will enhance the communication and provide immediate response to the
users which will increase customer satisfaction rate.
4.1 Formulate a business report for identified stakeholders that include an
appropriate mix of diagrammatic and narrative formats
The following report examined the benefits of transforming to Digital recruitment instead of
the traditional process of recruitment. The report is presented to HR executive director,
recruitment manager and IT manager. Recruitment Department was asked to gather the
information and come up with final recommendations.
Recruitment Department gather the required data using different source of information such
as primary research that indicated huge potential of losing customer these days due to
global competition, utilizing the time advantage will to assure the fast respond to customers
inquiries. According to inside sales and Harvard business review, the time will paly a major
role in making a deal/ applicant. For reference below is a chart that illustrate the response
best time for customers.
Figure_1: chatbot benefits in terms of the customer response time and cost savings.
Implementing the digital recruitment solutions would help in attracting the best talent as we
are anticipated a dramatic improve on the response time for customers inquiries.
A significant cost saving is expecting from applying Chatbot in the industry, depends on the
industry, the chatbot will save around 29 % to 49% annually. The cost of salaries will be
decreased due to implementing the chatbot technology as indicated in BI intelligence
research. (chatbotmagazine,2018)
Internal Survery conducted internally to gather the targted data about our exisiting employee
with the targted age range (25-40). The result showed that 88 of employees fall within the
same age range are spending at least 1 to 2 hours a day on social networks. Morovre, 10%
of patricipants used to spent more than 3 hours daily. This survey will show the effectiveness
to increase our inviesment on the scoical networks and relays more on advertising and
posting using the Digital soulution.
Time Spent on Social Networks
less than 1 hour
1 to 2 hours
3 to 7 hours
more than 7 hours
Figure_2: Internal survey on the time spent on the social networks.
On the same subject, the result of the survey demonstrated that 90 % of employees has an
active personnel email and at least one account in social networks. Also 7 % of the
participant are participating in social different social networks and having more than on
account. The result will lead to that 97% of participant showed an active presence in the
social networks and participate in one platform at least.
I Have only Email , No
Active Acoount in social
I have both email and at
least one account
I have more than one
Series 1
Figure_2: Internal Survey on employee presence in social networks.
The last question was to check user preference in applying to the job, as shown in the below
table that 75% selected the online platform to apply for new job and 12% has demonstrate to
send there resumes through email to the recruiters. 13% of the participant elected to
physically attend to the organization or career events to meet the recruiters.
Application Prefrences
hand your CV to recruitre
Send your resume through email
Apply through Online Platform
Series 1
Figure_3: internal survey on best channel to apply for new job.
The bar chart shows that the majority of the participant elected to share their CVs through
the online recruitment platform and company’s email. The remaining 13% preferred to hand
their cvs in person to the recruiter to have more clarification on the recruitment process and
the way forward.
The digital transformation age is impacting the business functions including the recruitment.
the use of the digital solution has dramatically increased since 2015 by 255%. The use
cases in recruitment are expanding in the next five years to include additional function
saving a cost on salaries expenditures yearly. It is also noted that the process efficiency and
effectiveness is impacted positively by the digital solutions for recruitment function. New
Digital solutions has also provided a data protection features to assure the data privacy of
the organizations.
Order to raise the recruitment overall effectiveness and efficiencies, and to perform the
function with the lowest solution provided. It is highly recommended that the organizations
should implement the following:
Implement the chatbot function within the recruitment process to enhance the
communication process as it will help to attract qualified talents. The implementation
of the chatbot wold expected to reduce the salaries expenses in the department from
8000$ 5,500$ per month. This is because the reduction on call centre manpower.
Also, a cost of 5000$ is expected to be reduced due to anticipated decrease on
applicants call which save employees time during working hours.
Utilizing the new technologies on using Artificial Intelligence in the screening process
to pre-identified candidates among posted jobs. This will reduce the time of recruiter
in the screening stage which expected to save a cost of 6000$, as the recruiters are
consuming tow hors daily on screening the suitable candidates.
Explore additional digital solutions that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness
of the recruitment process and increase customer satisfactions.
1. People Management (Social media analysis could usher in a new era of recruitment
automation [Online] Available:
https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/voices/comment/new-era-recruitmentautomation[Last accessed July 21, 2019]
2. Personnel Today, How recruitment tech can help boost social mobility [Online]
Available: https://www.personneltoday.com/hr/how-recruitment-technology-can-helpboost-social-mobility/[Last accessed July 21, 2019]
3. CIPD. (2016). Using information in Human Resources. [Online] Available:
https://campus.avadolearning.com/course/view.php?id=2820#section-1 [Last
accessed July 28, 2019]
4. Chatbot Magazine, Chatbot Report 2018: Global Trends and Analysis[Online]
Available: https://chatbotsmagazine.com/chatbot-report-2018-global-trends-andanalysis-4d8bbe4d924b[Last accessed July 22, 2019]