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Heat Transfer Course Syllabus - UCSD CENG 101B

Heat transfer, CENG 101B
Instructor: Ping Liu, piliu@ucsd.edu, CMRR 310, 858-534-3796
Office hours: Mon. 4-5PM, other times by appointment
Victoria Petrova, CMRR 2nd floor library, vpetrova@eng.ucsd.edu ; Office hours: 4-5PM Tues.
WLH 2114
Xing Xing, CMRR 108, x1xing@eng.ucsd.edu ; Office hours: 4-5 PM Thurs. CMRR 108
Website: http://ted.ucsd.edu
Course Objective:
This class convers underlying principles and quantitative description of heat transfer (conductive
and convective), development of energy conservation equations, analytical solutions to transport
problems, and basics of heat exchangers.
Textbook (required): AF Mills and CFM Coimbra, Heat transfer, 3rd Edition. Other editions ok.
Grading: Attendance is strongly recommended. Midterm1 20%, Midterm2 20%, Homework 20%,
Final 40%. Weekly homework due in 1 week from day of assignment (on Fridays unless otherwise
noted). Discussion among students on homework problems is permitted (and in fact encouraged).
However, any form of plagiarism is prohibited (see the Academic Integrity section for details).
Attendance: Attendance is strongly encouraged. Homework submission and distribution will take
place in the class room which also double as a record of attendance. You have to submit and pick
up your homework in person unless with prior written notice.
Academic Integrity:
The instructor takes the principles of academic honesty very seriously, and expects you to read and
understand the campus policy on Integrity of Scholarship, which is available electronically at
http://students.ucsd.edu/academics/academic-integrity/policy.html Any violation of the UCSD
Policy on Integrity of Scholarship is grounds for failure of the class and submission of the matter to
appropriate UCSD review procedures. The definition of academic misconduct can be found
electronically at: http://students.ucsd.edu/academics/academic-integrity/defining.html
Tentative schedule of classes
Introduction; Elementary heat transfer (Ch.1)
Elementary heat transfer (Ch. 1)
Steady 1-D conduction (Ch. 2)
Steady 1-D conduction (Ch.2); 2D steady conduction (3.3)
Midterm1, Feb. 1, 2019
Unsteady conduction (3.4)
Convection fundamentals; fluid mechanics review (4.2)
Laminar flow in a tube (5.3, 4.3.1)
Laminar boundary layers; external forced flow (5.4, 4.3.2)
Midterm2, Feb. 27, 2018
High speed flow (5.2); Heat exchangers (8.1-8.2)
Heat exchangers (8.4, 8.5), finals review
Final, March 20, 2018